1689/So they finally made Batman go out, and do it.

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So they finally made Batman go out, and do it.
Date of Scene: 27 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Superwoman, Green Lantern (Jordan), Batman

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora Hu-Ul tends to watch Metropolis at night. Superwoman works all almost all of the time- not having much of a civilian life has a tendency to do that. Tonight is no different- although her methods are very different from other Kryptonians. She gets in there. Gets dirty- like tonight, she's dressed in clothing that leave little to the imagination- more than enough misdirection to keep eyes off her heavily made-up face.

    There's a trafficking ring operating in the area, and at night is when they come out to try and 'recruit' local women into their fold. So, there is Faora- Superwoman, wearing next to nothing as she leans against a lamp post at the very edge of the park.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    The green bubble floating above the Centennial Park has two occupants inside. One is the Emerald Warrior, Hal Jordan, Green Lantern. The other is Batman. It was not too stealthy, but as inconspicuous as Hal Jordan could make it. It was always tough with a passenger.

    Landing on the ground nearby, Hal has a large smile, and a satisfied look on his face. As the bubble dissipates, Hal steps forward, and looks over at Batman. "Was this the place you were talking about?" Hal's eyes scan the area carefully but confidently.

Batman has posed:
Inside the bubble not looking happy about it sits looking around as they came into the situation, as they got closer it was already too late by the time he was able to see the situation so he remained quiet as they came down, but he did sigh to himself as the apporached the inconspicuous woman. He finally says.. "There they are.. stop them from escaping!" a bit louder then he needed to as they land. he points at the people recruiting. Though he planned to keep an eye out for those spoters if there are any that might try to run away to alert others about this.

As things start he doesn't even seem to notice her, though Faora would realize he knows she is who he met before though he just completly ignores her. He assumes Hal has those men, and has Bataranges out for the other he plans to sell these men are why they were here not the woman standing behind him, and he internally prays the Hal was smart enough to follow his lead on this he was just a Pilot after all.

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora has a certain quiet annoyance to her at the flashy, Green Lantern style entry. Her eyes narrow- one of the men was about to make contact with her. She mumbles under her breath, "Rao's great golden cock.." colorful words. This has completely ruined her initial plan. That means it was time to come up with a new plan...

    So, she rushes Batman. If anyone could see what she was doing, she hoped it was him. She moves slow- at least, slow for her. Its remarkably human. She throws a kick- again, slow for someone of her fighting ability (and for Batman) and without any real strength behind it. Only enough for it to look convincing. "Run!" she shouts over to the men, "Get out of here!"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    With lightning fast will and reflexes, Hal looks where Bats is motioning towards, and with a snap of willpower, encapsulates them in a green will generated bubble of force. "Got them!" Hal says with a flourish, as though he was working a crowd of onlookers or admirers. As the cage snaps shut on the recruiters, he smiles, and looks over at Batman, "See, easy as pie." Hal regards the bad guys thoughtfully for a moment, as he floats about 2 meters above the ground.

    As Faora does her charge, Hal looks at her, and appears confused. She looks like the person Batman briefed him about...and yet...? Should he change targets? "Batman...you got this?" Is what Hal decides to say though, letting it happen. After all, the Dark Knight can handle himself.

Batman has posed:
Batman was glad she was going slow as he just deflects the kick with the fins in his gauntlets so if it were stronger then she ment it wouldn't actualy hurt him only bend back the spikes while at the same time it wouldn't hurt her. As he turns his hand flicks as the batarangs disapear from his hand back into a storage department at his wrist, as he catches the kick his hand moving quickly he does something even she might not expect, and he attempts to toss her. His skill at combat is unmatched, and he isn't moving slowly for he is Batman.. Though strangly the throw would take her out of view of the others behind a dumpster where if the throw does go through he would quickly follow.

Batman speaks up as is already leaping at the person he just threw, "I have this... take care of them." and starts punching the area so loud there can be a loud smashing noise. Behind the Dumpster Batman frowns at her... He is following up with some punches making it seem he is just beating some criminal, though he shook his head at her as he also knew he wouldn't cause any real damage.

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora goes with the flow- even this mock combat is the epitome of grace. She's tossed with apparent ease- after all, she's just some streetwalker. Albeit one who's got balls of solid steel, apparently. She squeals as she's thrown- landing with a heavy thud. Punched- she just sits there and takes it, kicking her legs as she's disappears behind the dumpster. "Run!" she manages to croak out before she 'plays dead' behind the dumpster, away from where the man she was casing and following were being so handily caught up.

    "You know I've been working this case for a month, don't you? This is going to set me back. Way back. I hope you have a very good reason for getting in my way." Faora hisses softly, so very much in a way Batman might recognize all too well.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Just nodding as Batman goes hand to hand, Hal continues to mop up the remnants of the targets they were here for. With a final splash of willpower, Hal points his ring hand and the most powerful weapon in the Universe towards the men trying to flee, and with that, they were all caught, floating above the ground in emerald cages.

    Keeping them all encapsulated in their cages, Hal takes a moment, to float up and back, turning to face Batman and Faora. Hal regards the "dance" with a smile, and a quip. "So...you okay there, or do I need to rescue you Batman? It wouldn't take much to save you." His smug expression and confidence was normal. When the battle appears over, Hal maneuvers the bad guys towards to oncoming sirens. "I'll take care of these guys. You wrap this up Batman!"

Batman has posed:
After Hal takes the men away he sighs, "I will assist in questioning them if you wish.. I can get infromation others can't." he leans back and offers her a hand. He sighs as he watches the giant green cage float away. "That wasn't my idea to meet you, but I have come because others have been talking." he would lift her up if she takes his hand while she doesn't need it he did throw her here. "I will keep it short... They want you in the League. I wanted to come, and ask what you wanted.. I know your out here a lot, but what do you want really before I decide if I think it is a good idea or not?"

He takes a couple of steps and looks down the alley he falls back into the shadows a bit, and while you can still see him fine other normal humans might have an issue as that is the point. "I will help you in any means to get you on track on this mission, either way.." then falls quiet watching her with that pokeface glare he just normally gives.

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora is quiet a long moment. "Why?" she asks simply, a quiet question. "Why do they want me in the league?" she continues on, with a certain curiosity. "I do not see what I bring to your team that you do not already have."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Sounds good then. I'll hold off on turning them over, if you want to talk to them Batman. You can be scary. Good talk." Hal grins, and moves away, so that Batman can chat with Faora privately and disappears around the corner. Hal knew what they would be talking about, but still decides to eavesdrop with a tiny green ear moving back towards the two, while Hal moves away.

Batman has posed:
Batman looks at Faora, and tilts his head.. "Why.. You are a Kryptonian are you not? One with experience in stealth, undercover, and military actions.. Why do you think they want you? That isn't the question.. the question is what are you looking for?" he watches her, "Is this all you inspire to? I do not disagree with it, but even I has found wisdom in organization." he shakes his head. "Or are you at a spot where you can not understand the question.. which is also acceptable."

Batman doesn't look like he is trying to insult her just explain things slowly and clearly so there can be no misunderstaning.

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora is quiet, a long quiet. She's thinking. There is certain tactical aspect to how she thinks now. She's working everything out. Every element. Every possible move. The move after that and then the next thirty moves. She's more than just some Kryptonian soldier.. Faora is more or less Kryptonian Special Forces. She may be one of the only people on this planet who could take down Superman without a little green helper. A master of dozens of alien martial arts. A woman who can't help but think tactically every minute of her life- its genetically engrained into her.

    "I'm surprised they sent you. I would have think they'd send Kal." Faora says next, "And I understand the question perfectly. I can see fully well what the league has to gain from my joining them. But that is not the whole of Why, Batman." she notes, "And you know that. There is more to it than my ability. I'd be easier to watch among you. I'd be easier to control- the League has bilaws, I'm sure, rules and expectations." None of that is a no- but she's watching Batman now very closely, pokerface or not.

Batman has posed:
Batman listens carefully to what she says, and a few wierd things would be noticed. He is a lot more still then most humans, many jitter or move he just stands there still like a hunter quiet other then maybe what could be heard though super-healing. He pauses a long moment thinking about his answer before he speaks there were things he didn't know, and he didn't like not knowing stuff.. though he puts his response carefully back to her.

"You think they sent me... interesting." he nods to that, but continues. "I saw the signs, and for you to actually join it will be their decision though I prefer to check things first... To keep them from mistakes. Though I wouldnt be suprised if it was Wonder Woman." he falls back to silence to listen to her answer to this. He then thinks about it for another moment then speaks up once again slowly.. "It would also be good to have you somewhere near us if someone were to try to take over control of you.. There are many like you to there, and it would be easier to stop you before you hurt people.. If someone of the League were to try to tell me what to do when I didn't... just say no?"

Superwoman has posed:
    "You understand, though, that I am worlds more dangerous than Kal is, don't you?" Faora asks quietly, "He's never known- really known- his own mortality. I have. You have. Who is more dangerous, Batman- the Man of Steel who knows no fear for lack of knowledge, or the soldier of mere flesh who's met their own mortality. Who's seen and stared death in the eyes and pulled back for fear of dying?" A random question perhaps, as Faora slides behind the dumpster. Its where she kept her uniform. She, without any sign of shame, undresses there in the alley and changes into the Superwoman uniform- that silver, black, and white thing with its skin-tight, catsuit-esque appeal and lovely three-quarter's white cape.

    "I believe the wisest, tactical choice would be to join the League. However, I would only do so if my partner, Gravitas, was also invited to join. She is young, and the structure and training available to League Members would help her develop more than I could on my own."

Batman has posed:
Batman sighs, and nods to her. "I know, and stronger people are waking up every day right here that push you further, and further to the brink. But, you have not come down here killing people.. you use tactics to take people in, hurting them sure, but if you want to stay out here doing this.." he waves his hand at the place, "If you start killing people we would stop you either way because we are are not monsters, and I wanted to check that despite that... despite what you know.. If your still able to follow that rule."

He sighs, and nods. "I agree, but I can't speak for this.. Gravitas. I don't know them, but there are other groups that have access to the facility much like members." he gives her a nod though, "To be fair they have not invited you yet... I am just here to make sure that when they do I have had a chance to meet you first."

Superwoman has posed:
    "Its a simple arrangement, Batman. No Gravitas, no Superwoman. I am fully capable of creating, training, and leading my own team of superheroes. I've trained hundreds of soldiers on Krypton and lead them into battle. If I am anything it is a very, very good soldier." Faora states, "So, you know then, when they ask they should look towards both of us. Anyways, a young woman who can control gravitic fields is certainly the type of person you want on your team."

    Faora is then quiet, looking up and over. "I should be going, Batman." she states then, bowing her head, "I have more work to do. The night is young, and Superwoman keeps the streets of Metropolis safe when the boyscout is asleep."

Batman has posed:
Batman watches her, and is quiet as he listens to her ultimatium, and doesn't seem to be effected by it, or the description of her powers. "And again, I can't speak for her... That is something you will have to take up with them. I am sure she would be a good type to have on a team, because she is not a member does not mean she will not be. A member from my team is at the League, though she is not a member. I would think about the ultimatium as I do not think it is needed."

He gives her a simple nod, "Very well... when they suggest you do not worry, though... Gravitas was it? I will look into her for now, but until then.. Sorry not they would need to out-vote me which is possible."

Superwoman has posed:
    "Its politics, Batman." Superwoman states, "Your voice carries weight." she states simply, "I don't want to be there without her." Superwoman bows her head then to Batman. "If you'll excuse me, I am needed elsewhere." There is no real goodbye, no long wave. She just goes- and goes fast, into the air, and away like a flash.