16469/Pick up for a Shelter, or Hellfire Delivery System
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Pick up for a Shelter, or Hellfire Delivery System | |
Date of Scene: | 09 August 2024 |
Location: | Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn |
Synopsis: | Donations are made and Hellfire Directed |
Cast of Characters: | Cannonball, Spawn
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has contacted local shelters about some extra good they have at the club. It is still in date, but Sam is pretty sure that it will not be used before then, So he has called about donating some to help out folks who need it, plus Berto's accountants said it would be good for taxes.
- Spawn has posed:
Spawn isn't himself tonight. Instead of a giant monster with glowing green Hellfire where his eyes should be, flying around town on batlike wings, he's an average-height black man in good physical shape who sports a tight fade and a carefully-trimmed goatee. He pulls up the alley behind the club in a van bearing New Jersey State, Bludhaven County plates. The van sports rusty rockers and wheel wells but the name of a prominent charity group, and an italicized blurb from the Bible about charity and chastity, are pretty freshly stenciled on the side.
As he hops out of the driver's seat, Spawn wears dingy blue jeans and a T-shirt emblazoned front-and-back with that universal image of Jesus gently knocking at an unknown door. A paper nametag stuck to his right breast reads: "HI! MY NAME IS:" in bold type and then the name, "Al" scribbled in a careless hand.
He opens the back doors of the van first, to get out a rickety mover's dolly, then heads to the club's back door.
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is at the door as Al gets there. It seems they have pretty good security here so he knew the guy was pulling up. Sam is wearing jeans and a Lila Cheney concert Tee. He opens the door and says "Hey there, your from the shelter over in Bludhaven?" He asks to confirm even though the van has the info, best to get it from the guy, plus a way of greeting.
- Spawn has posed:
"Sisters of Mercy," Al answers in a smooth, deep basso as he pushes his squeaking dolly toward Samuel Guthrie. He makes an attempt at a crooked, friendly grin but it just doesn't look right. In fact there's something about the guy that *feels* wrong. It's creepy, but it isn't identifiable, like a nagging sixth sense of danger, or the moment you realize you stepped in dog poo because the rotten smell hits you all at once. Al doesn't really stink, though, it's just that awful sinking feeling. He pulls up in front of Samuel Guthrie bearing that un-right smile and leans on his dolly. "I hope you have enough to really load this thing down. Last two pickups I made today I didn't even need it."
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie offers the man a hand. Sam may sense the oddness, but then again he does have a friend who may have a bit of a similar aura about her. "Yea, it maybe a bit of an odd bit to make meals with, but I figured every bit helps." He will lead the man inside, into the kitchen area. It is early there is only one or two other people about. "I'm Sam by the way." He offers in introduction.
- Spawn has posed:
The well-groomed black guy's grin at the handshake and introduction look genuine enough, but not enough to dispel that sense of something wrong. He thrusts his own hand out and readily gives a firm grip and pump, but seems eager to disengage from the physical contact too. He almost snatches his hand back after the pleasantry. When Sam starts to lead the way he tilts his dolly and starts it squeakily forward after him. "Call me Al," is answered to the intro. Then he says, "Every bit really *does* help. I'm sorry if I sounded greedy. We spend about four hours prepping every meal service, when we have enough supplies for everybody. Lately it's just one or two. Heartwarming to watch everybody share, not so much to know they're still hungry."
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over his shoulder, and says "Trust me, I know what it is like to not have a lot, came from a large family. So there were times when we had to get help, but when we had it helps back, sorta how it is done back home." His southern accent tells of him being from somewhere else. "So we got a few cases of wings and other appitizer stuff to start with."
- Spawn has posed:
Al intones, "Gangbusters!" with pleasure in his enthusiastic voice. "That'll be a nice treat for the folks. Mostly it's canned yams, creamed corn, the odd corn dog. Any chance you'd part with some dipping sauce? Wouldn't take much for everybody to get a taste of the good life..." he manages a good approximation of a used-car-dealer's wheedling tone, while offering that protective dashboard coating for another grand.
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and says "Yea, Ah am sure we have a couple gallon jars of Ranch, maybe stuff for marinara and some hot sauces." He looks over to the other guy and says "Care to check Jerry?" The other guy nods, and heads into the other room, when he turns around it is seen he has a face on the back of his head as well as the front. "Ah think we got some burgers to go to. We do fresh burgers, so the meat will need to be used within a day or two."
- Spawn has posed:
Al says, "Oh, wow, that's wonderful Sam!" loud enough to be heard over the persistent squeak of his dolly's wheels. "We have a good table for frying burgers on, but we don't get to use it much. You know it's tax deductible, right? They give us a book full of handbills, so you say what the product is worth and I'll write you a receipt for the donation. We do *not* mind taking your wholesale overstock at retail, or even menu price." He drops his voice a little lower as he imparts the last bit of incentive.
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the man and says "Yea, the accountants said to make sure to get receipts, but Ah will make sure to put it down as what we pay for it. " Yea Sam seems to be an honest fellow. "Will make sure to throw some buns in to." He knows pretty much anything he gives them will be used and he won't get any grief for as long as he leaves enough for the club's use.
- Spawn has posed:
"No good reason to make that kind of sacrifice," Al answers casually. "Nobody else does, and the fact is that you don't know you won't have a busy night tonight. The Sisters are a non-profit, church-managed, charitable organization. They exist to take from those who want to give. The tax break isn't from them, it's from the government. Render unto Caesar, right?" He's still following Sam if Sam is still leading the way through the kitchen, or else he's stopped and leaning on the dolly's handles if they paused while Jerry checks the inventory.
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is stopped for now as Jerry comes back with some stuff. He looks to the other and says "Yea, but Ah aint giving just for the tax break, Ah want to help folks and don't want stuff to go to waste. It is good for us and them." He offers with a smile. Sam nods to Jerry when he tells them how much they have and sam sends him for two containers of each for the donation
- Spawn has posed:
Al chuckles softly and shakes his head. "Your call, Sam," he answers cheerfully. "I'm just letting you know there can be extra benefits to donating to the Sisters of Mercy. You compete with other nightclubs for business just the same way we compete with other charities for donations. Dog eats dog or dog got ate." He stretches his arms and arches his back languidly. "We about ready for the heavy lifting?"
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and will show the other which boxes to load up, and Sam does not shy away from helping with the loading. Unlikc most manager types Sam seems totally a hands on type guy not afraid of work
- Spawn has posed:
Al digs in alongside Sam, hefting boxes to test for weight and double-stacking the ones he can take more of at once. He's not much of a lifter, or else he's cautious not to stack items higher than he thinks he can control.
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Sp, Al, if Ah may ask, how did you get into helping the sisters?" He ask making small talk prehaps, but seeming honestly interested.
- Spawn has posed:
It takes a long moment for the question to be processed by the charity worker. He covers it by carefully stacking his current load of food boxes onto the ones already lined up with the dolly's lifting platform and supportive back, then shifting them tightly together. When he straightens up from that and turns to get another load, Al answers, "I guess it just seemed like the right thing to do. I live close to the shelter, and I see what they do, but I don't have money or extra food to donate. Last Christmas they were short-handed, so..." he gives a shrug. "What made you pick them out of all the others running shelters and soup kitchens?"
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, to be honest, Ah try to rotate through a few charities, there are a couple shelters in this area, that Ah go with most of the time, but they are doing ok on supplies, so Ah figured check to see who needed it"
- Spawn has posed:
Al answers, "That's responsible. Hard to believe anybody's overstocked, or even fully stocked, in the area." He delivers another pair of boxes to the stack already on the dolly, gives the topmost items a little shove with one hand to test their stability, and then unhooks the travel straps from the brace-bars to lash the boxes to the dolly. "This won't take a second, Sam. I just need to put down the ramp, run the dolly up in the van, and grab a new one."
Without waiting for a reply, Al quickly gets the squeaky dolly turned around and pushes it off toward the back door. A minute passes, maybe two, before he can be heard returning with another dolly that has more of a rattle to it than a squeak. He sets the thing upright and goes back to loading boxes. "I guess I shouldn't be jealous that you give to other charities. Everybody deserves a good meal. I gotta say, though, the folks who stop by our meal services don't eat so well as they will for the next day or two."
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Well, there are a lot of folks here in Mutant town who need help, but we are lucky to there are a few folks who look after the area, to help things be taken care of.
- Spawn has posed:
Al nods his head to that while he settles boxes onto the dolly. He has to test this one once it gets half full, going behind it and giving it a slight tilt to make sure the load won't break the rattling brace. Then he's back to moving boxes onto it. "Are we in Mutant Town?" he asks with a note of genuine surprise. "I've heard the phrase tossed around, but I thought it just meant anyplace mutants gather."
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit and says "Yea, it is sorta a mutant gettho, but we are trying to be more like a burough of our own. Sorta like Harlem at one point people looked down at it cause it was all african americans, or mostly at least, but folks there made it a place they could be proud of, and we mutants are trying the same thing.
- Spawn has posed:
"Bushwick," Al murmurs quietly, more to himself than to Sam. Then with a sidewise glance at the other man, as if to check if he noticed, Al says, "They always talk about lots of crime, in Mutant Town. Gangs, human trafficking. Just the nasty stuff. That a fact?"
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well there is a decent amount yea, but more problem is folks coming out to play kick the mutie." He frowns a bit and says "We try to keep a neighborhood watch but haters gonna try to find a way here and find someone alone. It is a bit harder for those who are obvious mutants of course."
- Spawn has posed:
Al's mouth draws into a grim line. "Kick the mutie, like dwarf-tossing? That happen more in the day or the night?"
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well na, not as much like dwarf tossing, folks can be ok with that making money and wearing padding and such. Have known a few who resent that ya can't really do it, as they made money in bars being thrown at bowling pins and such. This is more often at night but when ever someone can be found alone and end up with hospital visits."
- Spawn has posed:
Al stops moving boxes and crosses his arms on his chest to cover the face of Jesus with his stocky forearms. "Straight question, man-to-man," he says while aiming for direct eye contact with Sam. "Is it worse than muggings? Hospital sounds more serious than a nasty scare and losing a week's wages."
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "It can be yea, there has been some that have even killed a person or two. Part of why we do patrols and such, it is not as bad as it was when we first got here, Groups like Friends of Humanity trying to make it part of the intro and such."
- Spawn has posed:
"Huh." Al nods his head slowly as he digests the information, then grabs one last box to prop up on top of the dolly stack. Then he moves extra slow while unfurling the security straps and wrapping them around the load. "Is this it? Just need to know if I should bring back another dolly or my receipt book."
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmmms and looks over to the stuff, and says "Let me grab a couple more things." He heads into the cooler, and comes back with two totes. "Here are some mixed veggies to add to it."
- Spawn has posed:
Al's smile brightens as he reaches to accept the totes. "That's extra sweet, Sam!" he says graciously. "Better nutrition than beans and rice, which is what we get the most." He carefully props those up on top of the boxes on his dolly, but then before he moves behind the conveyance again he turns back to the club worker. "I know a guy," he says conversationally. "Not a nice guy. The kind of guy who keeps dictators up at night, or used to when he was in-service. Hates bullies, but doesn't really like anybody. Lot of free time on his hands, if you catch my drift. You're not going to like the way he gets things done, but he gets things done. You got a name for your neighborhood watch leader, or a local preacher, just anybody who can speak for the decent folks in your neighborhood?"
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Well, I know a few guys sounds sorta like, but if you think he wants to help, have him talk to Father Machey." He might be able to direct him to where he can help out some.
- Spawn has posed:
Now the smile sours a bit. It's sly and it's vaguely malevolent. "He's not going to need any help," Al answers with that expression on his face. "He just needs somebody to barter with. Favors in trade, so to speak. I'll mention Bushwick and your pastor to my guy. Just, uh, maybe warn the good Father he's going to get a visit from a friend some night soon. My guy can really be a bit to take in, if you're not expecting it."
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit and says "Well, Ah can't promise what he will offer in trade, but he might be able to work with him, if not sure no hard feelings from the father's side of things
- Spawn has posed:
Al looks down and lifts one hand to scratch idly behind his ear. "You said you know the type, yeah? This guy's going to want free reign in your territory, with a guarantee that anybody who comes at him is fair game, and down the road he's going to expect something like safe haven. Witness cooperation. Alibis. It's a little complicated, but I already told you his methods will turn your stomach." A beat. "I mean if your answer to domestic terrorists is a neighborhood watch..."
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, it might be best to have him talk to someone who might know a bit more like his part of thing. There is a guy Ah know, let me see if Ah can get ahold of, you got a card, Ah can call ya with a different meet?"
- Spawn has posed:
Al says, "Best if you leave a message with the Sisters of Mercy, in Bludhaven. Just tell them you're looking for Al, the pickup guy. Safe to use the answering machine as long as you don't get too specific, know what I mean? A time and a place will do the trick."
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "Sounds like a plan." He offers the man his hand in greeting again. "Well hope this stuff helps."
- Spawn has posed:
Al's grin returns to sincere as he gives Sam's hand another firm grip and pump. "You bet it will," he says as he moves around the back of the dolly to get it tipped onto its wheels for transit. "Couple dozen families will be glad for the food, kids extra happy about the wings, parents extra happy about the veggies, and everybody about the burgers. God bless you, Sam, and your people too." He gets the dolly started rattling toward the back door.