162/The Good, The Bad, and the movie Star

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The Good, The Bad, and the movie Star
Date of Scene: 26 April 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Aquagirl meets Rose Wilson at the shoot of a tv show. They meet Ford.
Cast of Characters: 187, Ravager, Aquagirl (Lorena Marquez)

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    "Okay, people, let's try this again! Action!"

    Ford vaulted over the railing on the top of the prop boat parked in the waters near the North Street Seaport. Dressing in a white shirt, with a purple leather jacket and jeans, a set of purple aviator goggles and a white scarf flowing off his neck, he looked a good bit like a hero. As he should - this was the site of a new episode of "Morale: Earth's Greatest Hero!" and from the cameras, lights and mics being dangled around, it looked like they were in the middle of filming an action scene! The boat itself was certainly real, but clearly modified a bit to suit filming needs. Being pursued by a group of "bad guys" from all sides, Ford ran to the bow of the ship and held the large chunk of crystal in his hand over the water, looking back as the others stopped.

    "Sorry, boys! Hate to ROCK the boat, but one more step and you can kiss this rock goodbye!" The session is interrupted by cheers and shouts from the waterfront edge, as a small crowd of fans gathered to watch Ford film with his crew. Ever the actor, Ford disregarded the shouts for attention while the camera was rolling. "You boys tell Payday is he wants this rock back, bring the USB to Argent Tower. We'll things there." With another leap, he jumped over the side... only to land in the safety net keeping him out of the water.

    "Cut!" After a few moments, Ford quickly clambered back up to the edge of the ship and started shaking hands and nodding to the "bad guys". "Good work, boys. Thought you were actually gonna draw guns there a moment." Meanwhile, the cheers and shouts of attention finally make him turn and wave to the crowd of fans. "Take 10, everyone! We gotta check the feedback!" Ford smiled as he pocketed the plastic rock and strolled to the stern of the ship where coffee and doughnuts awaited him... and to get closer to his fans, who had now been given permission to get closer (but stay on) the water's edge.

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson is at the water's edge on the SUPERHOT day, and somebody next to her scoots in front, blocking Rose's view for a moment before Rose decides against giving him a beating and simply steps to the side instead next to some blonde girls oogling Ford. "Dang, it's super hot out here," one of the helpful crowd says, "How can those guys work in this heat?" she wonders. Rose gives this girl an odd look, and starts to get annoyed as even more girls start waving at Ford frantically. "FORD! WE LOVE YOU! LIKE SERIOUSLY!" some of girls yell. Rose seems embarrassed to be standing near the girls. "FOOOOOORD! OH MAH GAWD!" they yell. Rose glances behind her for an escape route.

Aquagirl (Lorena Marquez) has posed:
Action on the water. Always fun. 5 years ago, Lorena Marquez would have been thrilled to be watching things like this being made. It would have been the highlight of her year. Now though? Its more of a hinderance then anything else. She's not watched tv since a chunk of San Diego became Sub Diego.

Lorena is actually out and about. It was suggested to her that if she was going to be a hero she should be out, mingling with people, getting adjusted to working with surface dwellers. This is largely an annoyance more then anything. She's spent the past few years living between Sub Diego and Atlantis. In that time she's come to develop a rather rough opinion of those who live above the water. Stilll here she is, trying to get reacquainted with the surface world.

Quietly the barefoot girl walks up behind Rose and gives a soft smile, "What's going on?"

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    As the shouts continue, Ford took a swig of his drink and looked over, smiling at the shouting fans and nodding with a wave of his hand. One didn't get to be a star without acknowledging the folks who made him one, after all. "Guess I'd better greet my adoring public." he mused, setting his drink down and heading down the gangplank to the waving fans at the Do Not Cross barriers. "Hey, all! What's a hero without citizens to protect, eh?" Ford asked, swiftly producing a pen and starting to sign autographs and take pictures for his admirers.
    In one particular instance, he signed a notebook and accidentally handed it off towards Rose and Lorena, before realizing his mistake and passing it back to the rightful owner. "Sorry about that. Didn't mean to get hopes up. What'll it be?"

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson glances at Lorena as she stands there annoyedly, "I was trying to watch the boats when this TV taping got in the way," she jokes and sighs as the gaggle of girls seem pleased as punch with the attention from Ford, "Oh mah gawd, he signed my BOOK!" one of them explains helpfully, "Hey, my BOOK!". Rose looks at the book with a smirk and passes it back to Ford as soon as he realizes his horrible mistake, "Hey, do you have a picture of the Typhoon3000?" she wonders, eyeing the boat again, and smiles mischeviously as she tries to stump and confuse Ford.

Aquagirl (Lorena Marquez) has posed:
Lorena Marquez looks curiously at the screaming girls. "Surface Dwellers." She rolls her eyes and mutters. Then a book is handed to her with an autograph only to be taken away by Ford and given to it's proper owner. "Excuse me? Who are you again?" She asks curiously. Where Rose is trying to stump the guy, Lorena honestly has no idea who the heck he is. Right now she's wishing that she were back where things were normal. Just a few steps and she can be there and she knows it. Her feet begin carrying her towards the water's edge.

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    Ford quirked a brow at Rose, before looking back at the water in the harbor. "Typhoon3000? Can't say that I do... at the moment. If you want one badly, though, I can probably find ya one by day's end. Have it mailed in the next couple, if you'd like. I'll even autograph it for you."
    Lorena's question about who he was, however, genuinely caught him offguard a little bit. As did the rest of the crowd, who looked at Lorena with incredulous expressions and started asking who she was, did she have a brain, was she a moron, etc. Ford simply raised his hands to calm the situation. "Everyone! Please, let's give her some slack. Not everyone knows me, after all. A shame, I know, they're missing out." He leaned over to offer Lorena a friendly handshake, even taking off the goggles of his costume to look her in the eye. "Ford Benett. Star of the 'Morale' superhero TV show? Actor? Gossip column favorite?" A few ladies (and even a guy) giggled at that last bit. Evidently, he wasn't shy of jumping into the spotlight. Especially the dubious light.

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson grabs Lorena's elbow and tugs at her to keep her from leaving so she can be in on the little joke. "She spends a lot of time on the beach, so not much time for TV," she snickers and smiles, "Oh? You know, if that Typhoon has the V8 Superhot Engine then I totally want a picture, don't you...?" she says and nudges her new friend Lorena.

Aquagirl (Lorena Marquez) has posed:
Lorena Marquez is stopped from heading into the water by Rose's grip. She would find that the girl is Solid. Like she works out. She looks at Ford and blinks a few times. She puts a hand out and shakes his with a very firm handshake. One that would be expected from someone who works out. "Lorena Marquez." Anyone up on their history would know that Lorena Marquez was one of the people who was missing when a chunk of San Diego sunk into the Pacific. "OH um. Yeah thats is a nice boat. A picture would be really cool." She plays along. Sure she doesn't know Rose but hey, She's mingling with Surface Dwellers.

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    Ford shook the hand and noted the grip. She was tough stuff, to be sure. Though these girls and their fascination with speed boats was a bit... odd. Then again, they were by the waterfront. It made some sense that boat fans would be there... even if there were no speed boats to be found. Unfortunately, Ford is more into pop culture than actual news, so the name bypasses him quite a bit. "I'll see if I can't find someone with a proper picture." he said, producing a piece of paper from seemingly nowhere and handing it to the girls. "Just the name and address, I'll see it signed and sent~" The prospect of getting personalized autographs from the famed actor sends the other crowd fans into a tizzy, to which Ford tried to calm folks down from the mess.

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson snickers, "Yeah, it's a nice boat," she repeats, apparently amused by her own in-joke or something, "That's great, yeah we're big boat fans," she tells him for no reason. She takes the piece of paper from Ford and begins to plot to annoy him properly, jotting down an address. She gives the piece of paper to Lorena so she can jot down her mailing address.

Aquagirl (Lorena Marquez) has posed:
Lorena Marquez quickly writes down, '16 S Coral Drive, Sub Diego, California.' Oddly enough, that IS her address when she's staying in Sub Diego. She takes the paper and hands it over to Ford, making sure Rose gets a glance at it. She smiles and crosses her arms as she looks around the area at the girls looking at her like an Alien. "I feel like going for a swim. Don't you?" She asks in a near playful tone.

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    Ford took the addresses back and looked them over, raising an eyebrow at the Sub Diego address. "No, actually, I don't." Ford replied, smirking and pocketing the addresses. "Whoever is delivering the pictures will be. I certainly /wish/ I had the time to make all my deliveries personally... but, ah, shows don't film themselves. I'll make sure they laminate it, though." Ford offered a wink, before turning back at the sound of someone shouting for him to come back to the set. He slipped his goggles back on and smiled that winning smile. "Sounds like I'm needed. You know what they say about hero work. Duty calls."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson looks at Lorena oddly, wondering why she's continuing the joke, "Will you--" she begins, about to berate her and then stops, remembering she's amongst people who don't know her. "Uhh Lorena," Rose whines mockingly, "He's busy with his filming," she reminds her and nudges her, "We can't...disturb his Hollywood-prepared water anyway. We'll have to go back to the plain-ole beach," she explains. She gives a wave to Ford.

Aquagirl (Lorena Marquez) has posed:
Lorena Marquez snickers, "The regular ol' beach. Yep I guess so." She shrugs not really understanding. She shrugs. A slight smirk is given. She simply stands there. Her gaze goes to the water as a pair of Dolphins come leaping over any artificial barriers and begin swimming around the actor. They are chattering a little and just having fun. Lorena just has this smartass smile on her lips.

Ford Benett (187) has posed:
    Ford blinked as the dolphins swam up to chatter at him on the gangplank. He squatted down with his elbows on his knees and made equally ridiculous noises back at the animals as fans aimed to catch the actor interacting with wildlife like it wasn't no big deal. "Good to see I got fans in the water too! You guys stay clear of the shot, alright?" he told the dolphins, as if they could understand him. Evidently, he was a very easy-going actor to just talk with animals like that. Sadly, it seemed work called him away, so he continued up the gangplank to the ship to chat with the director.

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson grabs at Lorena's arm again and tugs at her, wondering what's so funny, "Quit playin around," she mutters, "Dumb movie stars," she adds, "Do you think there's any dumb people on the beach?" she wonders.

Aquagirl (Lorena Marquez) has posed:
The Dolphins continue toying with the actor when Lorena gets distracted. She smiles a little. "Gotta love Dolphins. They can be clowns when they aren't being overly randy." She laughs. "Dumb people at the beach? Oh absolutely! Lots of Dumb People on the surface."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson hmms and reconsiders going to the beach, "Even now?" she wonders, "Dang, this city," she mutters in response, "I can't even go to the beach without dumb people," she adds, "Maybe we can steal this guy's boat. What do you think?"

Aquagirl (Lorena Marquez) has posed:
Lorena Marquez shrugs and makes a little face. "Well youi could but then I'd have to stop you. We'd ruin this whole new friendship thing we've got started. I'd hate to do that you know?" She snickers.

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson crosses her arms indignantly and smirks, "Yeah right, who are you, Batman?" she comments, "Besides, it's really only borrowing. Come on, haven't you ever wanted to ride in a boat that's been on TV?" she asks.

Aquagirl (Lorena Marquez) has posed:
Lorena Marquez laughs, "No but I've helped rescue him." She snickers. "Hi! Nice to meet you, My name is Aquagirl." She extends a hand to Rose and smiles a little. "Honestly, I see a lot of the water. Though I see it from a different view."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson looks down at Lorena's hand and says, "Uhh okay," she comments, "I'm Rose," she explains and shakes Lorean's hand lightly, "You see water? Okay great, well I'll be going now. Catch you on the beach."

Aquagirl (Lorena Marquez) has posed:
Lorena Marquez sighs and rugs her head. "Mira Por favor." She smiles and dives into the water and swims down. She lounges underwater with her hands behind her head. No bubbles. No anything she simply stays there, looking up from under water. Time ticks and it certainly doesn't look like she's struggling to breathe.

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson watches Lorena dive into the water and lounge underwater. She takes a penny and flicks it into the water to give Lorena a tip.