15922/Sabrina meets the worst sorts.

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Sabrina meets the worst sorts.
Date of Scene: 26 December 2023
Location: A random side street late one evening.
Synopsis: The next step in the plan, Dracula makes his move against Sabrina.
Cast of Characters: Dracula, Sabrina Spellman

Dracula has posed:
Patience. When you have loved for centuries you learn to have patience. That said, after living so long you can have a short fuse and patience can go right out the window. Right now he is calm and patient.

Dracula has come to the city for specific plans and so he stalks the next prey. This one is markedly dangerous and interesting for her own reasons and it could be argued he has a suicidal streak in him for what he's doing. You don't live for centuries being dumb, everything is part of a plan.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman She is enjoying some time in a cafe; she's people-watching right now while she sips her special hot cocoa drink that has marshmallows and the whole thing with syrups and everything.

     She watches people these days.. mostly cause she found out she isn't human.. never was.. she grew up thinking she was half human but it turns out she's half witch and half demon princess. She petted Salem softly as pressing him helped to calm her emotions as her familiar. That's his job, after all!
Dracula has posed:
Walking past her, mindful of Salem as well, Dracula doesn't meet this one head on,"So. The demon's daughter, niece of Lucifer. How beautiful you are." It isn't that he's overtly sexual towards her at present, most just making an observation.

Since it's useful to be polite at present he asks her,"Might I have a moment of your time Miss Spellman? You and your companion?"
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman She blinks as the strange man walks in, but she's not sure if he can tell. WOW, she's got shields around her. What's more, Salem blinks. " Who are you ? " yep, the cat talks and answers what she wants to know..

     Her eye seems almost gold now as she looks over at the man and cocks her head, looking at him . She doesn't seem to make any movement, but he could tell she's far more defensive now.
Dracula has posed:
He doesn't force himself into their bubble. He might not be a mage by reputation, but he does have talent enough to know which ones to play with and which ones to be more wary.

He bows a little and tells her,"Of course. I am Vlad Tepes. Vlad Dracul to some." he tells her and sees if she can make the leap to who he might be or he can fill in the blank after that.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Lifts an eyebrow " The cursed one," She says she clearly recognizes the man.. funny enough, her shields change a bit, becoming far more dangerous for the man .. even as she seems curious " That still doesn't explain how you know about me ? " she cocks her head

     "You're not one for playing with demons .. they tend to try and take your power.. " She adds, showing off that she's rather smart. "But what do you want with me ? "
Dracula has posed:
"Cursed one?" he asks with a look of amusement,"By choice hardly makes it a curse." He crosses his arms and watches the defenses come up. A smile that looks like satisfaction crosses his lips.

"I have had past dealings with your uncle and demons talk." he replies,"I am not one to play with anyone my dear. As for what I want. I have heard about strange creatures appearing to the locals in dreams. At first it was a curiosity, but now I find it very telling about those who have received the dreams. Some of these creatures have longer legends than me."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Blinks. " Wait, you wanna know about the Wendigo? " She frowns and thinks and lifts an eyebrow. " And what do you want for the information? " Her brain takes several leaps.. if he knows about them, then he has information.. the question is, what about them appeals to a monster like Vlad.. and how can he benefit.. but getting some information from her might clue her into what he's trying to do .
Dracula has posed:
Shaking his head, Dracula replies,"I know full well about Wendigo and far worse things." he tells her,"Wait until the dreams point you towards the American southwest and to monsters that make Wendigo look tame by comparison."

How does he know all this stuff? He offers a polite smile and nods,"I need no information my dear. I am not the one hunting such things merely because a few people have the same dream. I just wondered if you realized that you are dealing with things as dangerous as any of my kind and worse. Some are demonic in nature and no one knows that."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Snorts: "I've learned a lot about demons .. I'm not worried about that group " . She cocks her head and frowns " Then what is your game.. your like my uncle. You don't do anything unless it's to your benefit.. so what's the prize this time? and if you say it's me, I'll be bored" .
Dracula has posed:
He laughs and it isn't the most friendly sound in the world. People look at him, then you, and then him again before they look anywhere else,"Be mindful of hubris Lady Spellman. It leads to disaster."

"As for my game? It's very simple. I am curious...about the dreams, the soucrce, the things that cause them, and more importantly why they are happening. Something like this happened to my daughter. Yes I had a legitimate daughter. Things went poorly and now I am more interested in finding the one responsible and settling an old score. So it is up to you to think it through. What connects those that dream. I don't expect you to tell me, I will find out myself. What I expect is for you to be figuring that out for yourself."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman She frowns a bit at his words, but she says nothing; she cocks her head at him as if watching him for a bit. She rubs Salem's head as she watches him for a bit.

     " I get revenge and somebody messing with your family.. but why talk to me? " She asks, " Those motivations make sense.. but talking to me doesn't" .
Dracula has posed:
"As I stated, I have had dealings with your uncle in the past. Motivations are more interesting to me if I am able to find the thing that went after my daughter. You might have a connection to the creature that harmed my daughter."

He shakes his head and sighs,"Like your uncle, I have motivations that are mine and mine alone. If you can find the monster then I can find that person and kill them."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Lifts an eyebrow and nods her head " Alright " She says , she's gonna tell harry about this for sure and ask him what he thinks but for right now she's gonna be carful. Dracula is no joke and very very dangerous.. Sabrina knows full well she can't beat him she could hurt him sure but way better to run away for now.. She dosn't have nearly enough stuff to take somebody as powerful as him on right now
Dracula has posed:
He meets her gaze, remaining relaxed, and not being overly terrifying for the moment. The presence of the cat is annyoing, but that can't be helped right now. He lets his will gently reach out and rub against hers, drawing her to him without just grabbing and pulling her in.

"So, you have been training for some time. Does your father or uncle aid you in your training?" Again, just being the charming monster as opposed to the monster.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman That's the thing she didn't protect herself from that kinda attack.. she was shielded against his more direct methods.. like mind control and all that charm she fergot about that one.. and right now salem dosn't sense antyhing becuase it's low level so he dosn't react.. But she smirks and cocks her head " A little from time to time.. I have another teacher who's helping me with things "
Dracula has posed:
He remains at the steady prodding of her mind and emotions, mindful of the familiar. Once he has a hold on her, he can draw her away at his leisure. The night is young after all.

"Wisdom in learning multiple ways, just never let it all cloud your mind so you don't freeze up when things get deadly." he explains,"Like any form of combat art, it is good to have options, but you need to be straight forward with knowing what your primary act is and then the secondary action if the first fails."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Thinks an nods " working on control for nwo is all " she seems to relax a bit and let more of herself otu at least while he's making her more attracted to him for now.. but she pay attention to what he says a bit but not much still herself after all just attracted.. but her demon half starts to work shifting her body into something more of dracs liking
Dracula has posed:
"Control is key." he replies,"Without control those like us would be exposed to the human zealots. Either religious or scientific. Both types would seek to control us or remove us from the world."

He notices the demon side starting to respond to him and he smiles just a little. Patience,"So you are wiser than your years would indicate. That implies you are more intelligent and mature than people give you credit. Yes?"
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman lifts an eyebrow wondering what he's getting on about she's an adult she knows this yes people still treat her as young but she is well kinda.. she's far more than they say but that's te demon part of her.. she frowns and cocks her head wondering what hes going on about.. but she nods in agreement
Dracula has posed:
"To be more accurate, you are treated as though you are not an adult. Moreso, people underestimate you at every turn." he clarifies,"You have to prove yourself. Over and over. Due to the fact of your heritage."

He shrugs and admits,"You would rather people judge you by you and not by their expectations. Whether it is your witch side or your demon heritage. You are always on someone's 'to be watched' list."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Lifts an eyebrow soemthing tells her to get away.. she can feel his inluence creeping in so she stands up and smiles " Not bad but I gotta run.. I got class another time " She says and snaps her fingers and she's gone just like that her and the cat.. but drac can feel he got a little into her head for sure
Dracula has posed:
A smirk touches his features and Dracula turns and leaves. He got what he wanted, even if she doesn't know it yet. If has plans of course, but apparently he also has a bad habit of doing things that will come back to haunt him again later. Into the night he walks and then he shifts into the bat form and flies away.