1591/Honey I Shrunk the Spies
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Honey I Shrunk the Spies | |
Date of Scene: | 22 July 2017 |
Location: | Unknown |
Synopsis: | Summary needed |
Cast of Characters: | Spider-Woman (Drew), Quake, Ares
- Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
* * * BEFORE * * *
The S.H.I.E.L.D. strike team was small for this operation, Agent Drew, aka Spider-Woman the agent in charge of the task force, accompanied by several other unpowered agents suitable for a covert strike. A Quinjet ferried the strike team from the Triskellion, to a remote region of the Ozarks where the alleged A.I.M. facility was located, a miniaturized facility built in a cavity deep underground, making any sort of direct strike against it impractical. Instead, the infiltration team has been tasked with gaining entrance to the facility, shrinking down by way of experimental tech provided to the team, and sabotage the facility in such a way that it's shrink-field would fail and destroy the base.
The technology provided had limits, however, it was required to be worn, and had a time limit of one hour before the agents would revert to normal size, making this mission rather time sensitive for the agents.
* * * NOW * * *
Things were going swimmingly for the Agents of SHIELD, they infiltrated the area, seized the entrance, and activated their shrink-devices and took a high-speed lift down into the depths of the earth, the Pint-Sized Spies made their way through the facility towards the engineering facility and it was here where things went bad as they encountered a creation called the 'WARBOT', which has proven quite a pickle for the team of infiltrators to deal with.
The Team has barricaded themselves at the end of a hall in a security checkpoint, tables upturned, SHIELD agents hunkered behind it. The generator wing is secured, but Warbot, and a group of yellow suited AIM soldiers stand between them, and their exit. What's worse, the shield maintaining the shrink-effect on the facility, is blocking most forms of teleportation from functioning.
The Warbot is currently working its way through a tangle of machinery that Spider-Woman has thrown into the hallway, as well as collapsed rocks from the ceiling, something that has bought the agents a little bit of a reprieve from the intense battle. Jessica has taken a beating, however, her lip blooded, her arm that she used to block an early blow from the Warbot has been badly bruised, or perhaps broken, limiting her a bit, and likely a couple broken ribs, as well as the obligatory costume-tears that accompany such a beatdown.
"How long until that backup arrives??" Jessica calls into her SHIELD communicator, "We've got a couple minutes, at best, until Big and Buggy gets his way through the corridor to us, we could really use an assist, the Hulk? Thor? Superman?" She is hunkered down up against the wall as she does this, right off to the edge of the mouth of the hall that Warbot is bashing his way through.
- Quake has posed:
Skye realized that she was wayyyyyyyy out of her weight class for this one.
Like... so far out. Like... where was the Earth? Not here. But they needed a technical expert on site, and for whatever reason, people like Fitz and Simmons were deemed too, you know, not expendable. Even if the newly Agent Skye felt she was far too unexpendable for this sort of thing.
She had her service pistol out, and was kinda hunkering with her back to one of the tables. "Yeah, if they could send Superman, that would be great," she adds. Leaning around the corner - her hair already kinda mussy, what with the whole dealing with some explosions, Skye aims a couple shots at the warbot. The thing was big, so it was hard to miss, but one can imagine it didn't do much good.
"You know what Superman also would've been good for? Digging this facility out of the mountain and just squishing it, instead of us... having to shrink down and get inside it."
Skye was a little crabby today, apparently.
- Ares has posed:
The contact had been short, abrupt. SHIELD had called on him before, but this had the earmarks of an emergency. It took a few moments to arrange the parameters of the contract, but after that he had appeared in the location ready, standing tall in a suit of armor and an axe resting light in his hand. He had take a moment to hear the brief with half an ear. A team, miniaturized, under duress. Ares stopped them with a hand extended to the side, "I need known naught else save where they are."
The techs looked at each other, shrugged, and then it was wit a flash and a zap that the device miniaturized the Olympian.
And there he appeared at their entry point as the SHIELD techs informed the insertion team.
// Backup is on the way. //
They had only twenty five... thirty seconds to hold their position, the pressure increasing upon them from the WARBOT and its supporting units...
It was during a point when the monstrous mechanical creature was advancing, menacing... when from down the hall they'll see at first a large axe /slash/ through the air and imbed into the surface of that robot, only to be rapidly followed by an RPG that /explodes/ with impact. And behind the explosion there is the silhouette of Ares as he shouts, "Fear not, mortals. The Son of Zeus stands with you!"
- Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Command didn't want a large showy crater in the middle of a national park to try to explain away." Jessica retorts, leaning out to blast a high-powered charge of her bio-electricity at the hulking insectoid form in the hallway. "Anyway, Superman had a bus to save, or something!"
Warbot is no easy thing to deal with, as it turns out, not only is it made of incredibly tough stuff, it also has a forcefield, which has so far weathered the worst that the Agents have thrown at it, bullets flattening, the electricity from Spider-Woman coursing around it, but nothing like one of Ares' Axes, or an explosive Rocket have hit it yet. The Axe, stops mid-air, a few inches from the body of Warbot, before falling to the ground in a loud CLANG, and the explosion fills the hall with smoke, fire, and other debris, but the Warbot keeps on going, however it has turned from the SHIELD agents, and turned to focus on the newest attacker, unleashing freezing eye-beams at the Olympian!
- Quake has posed:
Skye pauses a few moments as Ares crashes in.
"So," says Skye, none too quietly. Reaching behind herself, she shifts her bag in front of herself, and reaches inside of it, checking briefly for something admist the stuff. It was her laptop bag, you know, in case they had to do some hackery or something.
"...is this... like... the guy from those 300 movies or what?" she asks, kinda absently during her search through the bag.
- Ares has posed:
The Olympian glares at the robot as he starts to run towards it, his hand coming up as those eye-beams slice over him, leaving a flash of ice upon his shin and his forearm as he brings that arm up to block it. The limb turns blue, covered with what could be several hundred pounds worth of ice as he scowls, knocked off stride by the impact of the beam weapon. He grimaces and /smashes/ the limb against the wall as he runs, the ice breaking apart into a clatter of crystals and larger pieces covering the floor behind him.
A scowl marks the man's features as he shakes that arm, reaching behind him and grabbing the grip of an entirely too large great sword with a bat's wing for a cross guard and a ruby for its pommel. "I will hold its attention! Complete your mission!"
He rushes to get within range and then /leaps/ into the air at the last moment to try and bring the heavy weapon down upon this great war bot creature.
- Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"I think he's like the Wal-Mart branded Thor, or something." Jessica Drew retorts to Skye as the Olympian does his thing, she pushes up and grimaces a bit, firing off another blast of her Spider-Venom into the back of the distracted Warbot that Ares has jumped in to engage, "Get that thing hooked in and start disabling the safety mechanisms on the bases Generator, that should start a chain reaction that will de-power the facility and give us enough time to get out!"
Warbot, in his engagement against Ares begins advancing, firing off another beam, this one a high energy ray, at the Olympian, as it moves to engage. The launching assault from Ares might catch the robot by surprise, if it weren't a robot, however the strength of the god proves that the force field isn't completely invulnerable, as he is able to push at it, and even score a gauge on the body of Warbot in the struggle of the two. In raw physical strength, at least, it appears Ares might have the upper hand!
- Quake has posed:
Skye pauses a moment, sticking her head out of cover, even as she pulls the laptop out of her satchel.
"I dunno. Thor is really, really dreamy. He's just kinda... fierce. I mean, it's a good kinda fierce. I like fierce when it's on our side." Flopping back behind cover, Skye lifts a fist in the air. "Yay fierce!" she says, kinda gritting her teeth together as she powers on the laptop. "You know, this laptop already has processors as small as we can physically make them. But we're all physically smaller now, it kinda blows the mind a little bit, right?" she says.
Tap tap tap on the computer as she logs in, and sets up the backdoor into the systems here.
"You'd think for people with killer robots, they'd have more amazing security systems..."
- Ares has posed:
The sword seems to stand there at the point it struck the Warbot, the hilt released as the god leaps to the side and lands upon the ground now interposing himself between the mechanical monstrosity and the SHIELD team. He brings his arm up in time with the unleashing of that energy beam that slices across the distance and into... the Mirror of Perseus that suddenly appeared in a shadowy conflagration upon his left arm, the circular shield lifts to /jolt/ sharply at the impact of those beams as part of its energy is diverted away from the Olympian and back towards the creature.
"I recommend you hurry," He yells over his shoulder, even as that ghostly greatsword that had been hovering there near the Warbot /EXPLODES/ with a rush of bat-winged creatures and the shrieks of the damned, perhaps enough to set the creature off kilter as he brings up his right arm, a heavy machine gun fading into view and churning round after round into the robot as Ares holds position and maintains fire.
- Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"They have great security." Jessica Drew retorts to Skye, glancing over her shoulders, "And imagine what these Yellow Suited Nerds could do if they could stabilize the shrinking process on say, a Nuclear Bomb, or something. They probably didn't anticipate anyone getting into these systems, after having fought their way past that thing, and shrunk themselves down, though, that just means M.O.D.O.K. isn't in attendence... lucky for us.." She says, voice oozing with Sarcasm, "Hold him off a bit longer!" She shouts down the hall towards Ares, "We need a couple minutes, you got that yeah, Spartacus?"
The Warbot doesn't seem super phased by the bats, though it likely distracts whatever targeting algorithms it possesses, but it turns and starts a slow ponderous gait down the hall towards Ares, the machinegun fire bouncing off of the force-field with little sparks and flickers of the energy mechanism at play. The other SHIELD agents join in, firing off their high-tech weapons at the machine as well, perhaps the volume will overwhelm the shield? Who can say!
- Ares has posed:
"Spartacus was a petulant bastard that deserved what he got!" Ares shouts back over his shoulder as the HMG continues to buck and kick, most of the rounds striking and either being pancaked or deflected further down the hall with the rough bounce off the shield. He grimaces and pulls a Superman by throwing the empty weapon barrel first straight at the side of the creature, which is perhaps more effective when the man doing the throwing has a bit of oomph he can put behind it.
He breaks forward, rushing towards the monster to try and get it to lock onto him, a morning-star whirling into life in his hand as he rushes the robot. The heavy spiked ball /smashes/ against the shielding on one of its legs, arcane energy flaring for a moment as he _ROARS_ his defiance of the mechanical monstrosity.
- Quake has posed:
"C'mon, Jess!" says Skye. "I had more problems with HYDRA systems then this, and the best HYDRA has going for it is that they are /seriously/ creepy and always end up turning up places you never expected. Like cockroaches..." she says, her fingers flying across the keys, her eyes flickering from keyboard to screen to back again.
"Okay... uh..." her brow furrows a bit.
"Okay, okay - I 'm in, and... the shields... are... that's it!" Skye brings up a little flash drive to pop into her computer, uploading the virus into the A.I.M. systems. "Even if these guys are super geeks, they're gonna have a hard time getting this outta their system before this whole thing goes 'poof'," Skye illustrates with her hands.
"It's the Skye special."
A beat. "I hear roaring. Is our guy roaring?"
- Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Read the dossier on A.I.M., you're not going to get anything major from their systems, that's all inside the big guy, and I'd eat my shoe if you could Hack into M.O.D.O.K.!" Jessica retorts.
It is about this time that the lights dim, and the emergency lights start flashing in the halls.
"Five Minutes until Pym Field Failure." A soothing, female voice echoes through the halls, "All Personnel evacuate to designated Escape Chutes Immediately."
THe Yellow Suited figures at the end of the hall that were firing down at the Heroes begin scattering, though the Warbot does not, engaged in Mortal Kombat with the son of Zeus. The full weight of his attacks, it would seem, able to distort the shield enough to allow small bits of damage, the leg, where the morning star hits, sparking and deforming a bit, which causes it to slow a bit in it's movements.. the Arcane Energy, however, seems to have little effect on the Warbot!
- Ares has posed:
"Get out of here, you fools!" Ares' morning star continues to /whang!/ and /whong!/ off the shielded robot, each little bit helping though the main point of order is keeping its attention on him and befouling the aim of the AIM operatives behind them.
The Warbot tries to smash the God of War with an almost back-handed motion that sends him reeling with the impact very heavy into that shield. It's enough to stagger the Olympian for a moment. He shakes his head and scowls, "I will be leaving here with a piece of you, monstrosity!" He avoids another mechanical limb by leaping into the air and gripping the heavy spiked club in both hands, bringing it down powerfully upon what passes for the robot's noggin.
- Quake has posed:
Read the dossier. Read the dossier.
Skye has to stop from rolling her eyes. She was a professional agent now. "I can hack into M.O.D.O.K.," she says, her voice perhaps a little bit haughty. "But maybe not. If he's as good as you say, then, uh..." Emergency lights flashing. "I don't know what a Pym field is, but I think it failing would be very bad for us right?"
"Spartacus! You're not fighting to the death..." Skye ducks back behind cover, tucking her laptop away. She looks to Jessica. "He's gonna make it out too, right?" she says, shouldering her bag of tech goodies.
- Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Oh yeah, for sure!" Jessica replies to Skye, whether it's about Ares making it out, or hacking MODOK, who can say, but there's a tinge of doubt, perhaps, to her voice. "Go!" She shouts, gesturing to the agents in the hall, "He's got him distracted, get to the lift!"
The fight is not going the greatest for the Warbot, as the Olympian overpowers it, but it does have quite a bit of strength of it's own as it attempts to grab at the god, though it is durable. The attacks cause little bits of damage here and there, slowing it a bit, but more importantly keeping it backed up against the wall under the ferocious onslaught.
- Ares has posed:
The claw reaches out towards the Olympian and he brings the shield crashing down upon it, to smash it down and out of the way with a shrieking /scraaape/ of metal upon metal. He has enough of a moment to look smug as he brings his weapon up and around in a swirling loop as he sets himself to continue the engagement...
Only to get blasted square in the chest by the Warbot's beam.
It's enough of an impact that it sends Ares flying through the air down the hall towards the other SHIELD operatives and the evac point, his large body rolling a few times as he rather pointedly winces, the hole in his armor still glowing with crimson embers and smoking as he pushes himself upright with one hand and a knee.
"I can't stand robots." He doesn't get up fully, instead reaches behind him with both hands, taking grip on an ethereal heavy rocket launcher that flickers into being and seems perectly settled in his arms. He brings the weapon up, tracks the robot... then aims a little up as he lets the rocket fire with a /CRACK-HISS-FWOOSH!/ that most likely will knock some people over if they're right behind him, and also is a terrible risk for tinnitus.
- Quake has posed:
Holstering her weapon, Skye starts to make her way towards the exit, taking the time to help another SHIELD agent to their feet, and...
Skye winces away as Ares goes rolling right by her. "Yeah, robots," she says. "Kinda a pain to deal with, just about..." Suddenly rocket launcher. Skye's eyes go wide, and with the CRACK THOOM!, she gets knocked on her butt, along with the other SHIELD agent.
Now, now there was ringing in her ears, but she manages to get herself to her feet, dragging the other guy along too.
- Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica is one of the last out of that stretch of corridor, waiting until Skye and the fellow she's helping have passed before rushing out after them, displaying a fair bit of acrobatics to bypass the flying Ares as he's hit by the beam, and doing a little slide at the end, wincing more then a little at her beat up arm and torso.
"Four Minutes until Pym-Field Failure." The voice echoes out, drowned by the fwoosh and following explosion, causing a large section of the ceiling to cave in atop the robot, and effectively block it off from pursuit, for now.
- Ares has posed:
Rising to his feet, Ares rounds on them, his features hidden behind that crested helm and his eyes glowing crimson as he looks between them each in turn. "It is best we cede the field of battle." His voice has a resonance a depth to it that carries even in the rather difficult situation. He gives a nod to them, "Your business is completed?" He waits for a sign from one of them, then gives a sharp nod. "Then away!"
That having been said he'll start to shepherd the SHIELD agents to the evac point and the elevator for departure. Yet as he walks his eyes narrow at Skye, "My name is Ares. Spartacus was a slave." He declares that with all the weight such a declaration would require, and a measure of disdain. He strides forwards, pulling the helm from his head, revealing his grim and haggard features. "Or John Aaron. If that serves you better."
- Quake has posed:
Skye manages to pass Jessica and Ares both, the ringing in her ears absolutely amazing. But regardless, she gives Jessica a thumbs up, and a brisk nod.
And Ares looked excited about something. Or was totally awaying. She could see it in the way he was holding himself. Skye looks at Ares.
He was talking to her.
"...mawp," she says, bringing up her pinky finger to swivel in her ear, kinda squinting up at Ares. "YEAH! JAN ERIN! NICE TO MEET YOU!" says Skye. "I'M SKYE! I'M AN AGENT. OF SHIELD. LIKE MOST OF THE GUYS HERE. I'M A HACKER. I HACK THINGS."
She puts on a smile, toothy, but it was the sort of awkward smile where you know you said something dumb, but you were /all in/ right now.
- Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"He hacks things too." Spider-woman retorts to the shouting Skye as she starts off in the direction they came in, the group making it to that elevator and taking it straight up to the surface, where a team holds the elevator for the Agents.
The sound of *FWOOMPS* ring out, and the sight of tube shaped vehicles, with a rounded tip begin appearing in the middle of the air. A Discerning viewer might notice the almost instantaneous expansion of these vehicles, having returned to normal size, and they start rocketing off every which-way as they flee the area.
The agents of shield will escape to a short distance, and when that five minute countdown finishes, there is a strange grinding, crunching, with a little upheavel of dirt in the area, causing a jagged broken bit of land.. no doubt the manufacturing facility returning to normal size, and being crushed by the earth around it.
- Ares has posed:
Once they're normal size, Ares steps away from them, just far enough to put his helmet down on its side and proceeds to sit on it, his legs drawn up a bit so he can rest his elbows on his knees, his fingers interlaced before him. He cocks his head to the side, waiting... watching as that timer ticks down, and then when the facility is destroyed with a little 'whoompf' he tilts his head to the side and frowns to himself.
"I was hoping... it would be more..." He looks to the side towards a nearby SHIELD agent as if seeking the word.
The SHIELD agent replies, "Cinematic?"
"Yes, cinematic."