15860/The Scene of The Crime

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The Scene of The Crime
Date of Scene: 02 December 2023
Location: Abandoned Warehouse, Lower East Side
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lois Lane, Superman

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane has a nose for trouble, and often she runs off alone on a lead, determined to prove herself. Her partner might be Superman and a fellow reporter to boot, but it doesn't mean she can't solve mysteries on her own!

Too bad she's a trouble magnet too. Her most recent lead of a number of similar small and large scale thefts all led back to this one warehouse, and while this may be nothing more than petty thievery, she's got a hunch that something bigger is going on..

So here she is in the middle of a chilly November night, standing outside a seemingly abandonned warehouse, or rather, hunched in some bushes, scoping it out. Let's hope she's not in over her head here..
Superman has posed:
Clark is there, but not with Lois. He's doing his own poking around. Sources told him somethng shady is happenng arooundd these parts. He can't exactly linger about as Superman. A skulking reporter looking for facts, that would make sense.

Dull blue eyes look about as he tries to take in details. If anyone goes in or out, if other people are about. Everything like that. Clark's following the reporter's instincts.
Lois Lane has posed:
The warehouse seems pretty abandoned at first glance, but if one is extra attentive they might notice a light in a particular corner of the second floor where there is activity going on.

Lois does not yet notice Clark as she creeps closer. "Hmm, could be really abandoned but my sources say otherwise!" she steps around the back, away from the lit room and climbs in through a window.

A moment later, a muffled scream is heard...Wait, was that Lois?
Superman has posed:
Clark hears the scream and suddenly there's a blur where he was. Superman is insidd the building looking aroundd wth x-Ray visiion. What he will do to get inside is simple. He'll find something ont eh first floor, like a door. Then he'll suply make his way isnide, just find something with a standard lock. Something that would open with ease.
Lois Lane has posed:
The place sure looks abandoned with a thick layer of dust covering broken bits of furniture and a few empty crates.

But Superman's super hearing will soon pick up the sounds of what sounds like machinery coming from that big room upstairs. Are those the sounds of voices as well..? How odd..

No sign of Lois so far though, except for the sound of an elevator going up..
Superman has posed:
Superman tries to scan what he can. Seeing through the various spots. Curius where she is and if she is n danger. He looks to see where Lois has gone and if she's in trouble. Lois and trouble go together quite well, but it's a question of "How?" Sometimes it's to cover a story. Other times she -becomes- the story.
Lois Lane has posed:
He might just 'see' her form in the elevator, slumped over and being carried out of the elevator to the second floor where she is unceremoniously dumped in what appears to be an unoccupied room.

There is more movement going on on the second floor, though most of it is focused in the large room in the corner where loud mechanical noises can be heard as if from a small factory or metal workshop of some sort..
Superman has posed:
Spotting where he thinks Lois is, Superman shoots off like a bullet. He shoots through the ground away from her, but somthng that give him clear entry. Any metal between him and the room groans. All other material will crack and crumble against him. Sky blue eyes look abut in a sweep. First to check on Lois and then to assess threats afterward. Hee is not happy that somethng is wrong with Lois.
Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane is sitting on a chairs - or more specifically, tied to a chair. The door was locked but that can hardly stop Superman if he wants to get in. she is currently unconscious and gagged but there are no guards. She doesn't have any obvious injuries so she was probably chloroformed.
Superman has posed:
Superman moves about. A second later he is in front of her. He'll look for any restraints besides the gag. A second later, Superman undoes the gag. Then he tries to take her out of the room. Get her out of this place. That's his hope and goal for the moment.
Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane has her hands and legs strapped to the chair, as well as that gag. It might take a moment or two to shake her awake although she blinks sleepily, opening her eyes in confusion. "Superman..? What's going on..?" but when she sees he's headed out of the warehouse, she stiffens a bit, looking more awake.

"Wait, we can't leave yet! Something big and bad is going on here and we can't stop til we get to the bottom of it..Give me a moment, I'll be okay.." she smirks, "And in case you were wondering, I had everything under control.."
Superman has posed:
There's a pause from Superman. His face falls into ssomethng neutral for a moment. "You had it under control?" He clearly doesn't believe that one. Sky blue eyes looking at her for a moment. He's ocncerned there. "What happened? What are they doing?" Superman's trying to figure out what they could do.
Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane smiles, climbing out of his arms if he will allow it. "No worries, I took something just before they chloroformed me, so it wouldn't affect me as strongly..Why do you think I recovered so quickly? I just had to get in and I knew they wouldn't just let me waltz in the front door.." she glances around, as if trying to figure just how much time they have left.

"Well, there were a number of seemingly isolated thefts on tech companies, as well as numerous scrap yards! which seemed unrelated, and yet I tracked em all back to this place..Just some random hang, or a highly organized criminal group, building something deadly with the type of technology they have gathered? I have my suspicions of what they might be building..But if my calculations are correct, tonight is the big night! We have to stop em before they finish..Whatever they're building!"
Superman has posed:
Superman doesn't believe her. Sky blue eyes watchng her. Puttng aside his personal feelngs, he'll begin, "What do you thnk they're building?" A few rumors did make thir way to Clark Kent, it's why Superman is here afterall. Clark and Lois often have different contacts that will elad to the same story. This looks like t's on of those timse.
Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane arches a brow as she studies his face, smile slipping just a bit. "Honestly Clark, Afterall this time and you still don't have more faith in me?" she shrugs and sighs, "Dunno, what would you build with a lot of technological secrets, AI chips and tons of scrap metal? I have some theories, not the least is some kind of intelligent weapon..But only one way to find out! And leaving me behind somewhere 'safe' is not an option.."

She just knows that's the first thing he will insist on. "This is my story, and I'm gonna get the scoop on this, one way or another!"