15846/Cassie's Dream

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Cassie's Dream
Date of Scene: 29 November 2023
Location: Cassie's room
Synopsis: Another dastardly dream for Cassie.
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Wonder Girl

Harry Dresden has posed:
While sleeping, Cassie fades her way into a dream unlike the norm. She can look all around her and see a wide expanse of mountains and trees as far as even the Kryptonian can see. The air around her is chilled enough she can see her breath and animals make their way around her.

Unfortunately, she can smell decay and death nearby. If she looks to her right, she will see a dead body. The isn't enough to make up the smell that permeates the air. Something is adding to it.
Wonder Girl has posed:
While asleep in her room in the Titan's tower Cassie might have been physically comfy in some old pajamas. Amazing the merch is not her sisters and just an Adidas sweatshirt in pink with the logo in blue. Of course when she dreams, the outfit changes to something more normally seen, in the form of blue jeans and a red tank. Bracelets on her wrists gleaming while a red metal hair band keeps her long mane out of her eyes and behaved.

At first the view is pretty spectacular but when the smell of rot and death hits her nose she scrunches her feature sup in a frown. The body spotted as she comes in to land and look around. The rot way more than what a body could do on it's own making her wary.
Harry Dresden has posed:
The smell gets worse even before she reaches the body and after it continues. The situation is complicated more when she realizes that out in the woods around her, something is moving. Something that sounds at least person sized and sounds to be walking bipedal through the woods, drawing nearer to her, though more or less in a slow, inner spiral from the sounds of it.
Wonder Girl has posed:
The dream continues. It definitely feels real. And with it comes nerves. Her ears pick up the sound of something approaching. She doesn't have any of the weapons she might carry to battle. There is the lasso at her hip. But that might not be as handy as she'd like.

"Okay, lets see what we're looking at now?" she's ready for a fight. A far cry from the nerdy little tomboy she was when she was a kid before meeting what turned out to be her sister.

Of course what she faces could just as easily be a creation of too much left over Burrito's America cooked. Or it could be something like the thing in Mexico. It's hard to process that until the woman wakes up.
Harry Dresden has posed:
From deep in the woods something watches her and she can feel that in the air.

A deer skull looks at her from the brush, hunched over. Then the head rises onto two legs as she heard. It's tall...real tall. The creature looks like it hasn't eaten in weeks. It is skinny enough to see its ribs. Blood emits from it mouth, staining the neck and chest indicating it has recently eaten.
Wonder Girl has posed:
Something that looks like Bambi's mom cross bread with a Cubone from those old Pokemon games. They still can't get the 3d games working right.

Standing up it's taller than even Cassie might expect. Enough that she subconsciously levitates a coupe feet off the ground.

Finally she grabs her lasso and uncoils it enough to get ready to try and bring the thing down. "So much for a food coma lasting a few millenium?" she asks and tenses ready to fight. Or at least dodge if she can.
Harry Dresden has posed:
The creature cocks its head to the left, like a dog hearing a high pitched noise. Curious. The eyes have a glow that could rival a devil's own for the dread they should inspire. A soft, low groaning sound and then a high pitched whistling sound. It takes a steps towards her and the smell get stronger and it makes a sound. It almost sounds like a word,"..huuunngerr.."
Wonder Girl has posed:
"And yeah, there's a body back there. You know if you're hungry you might as well finish that. Fresh meat is not on the menu. Especially not mine!" Cassie says softly. Whether it understands her she can't tell or care.

She has no plans to let it put hooves, hands, antlers whatever it can on her.

That's where the lasso comes in handy. She hangs back in the air a little longer, waiting to have herself plenty of room to move in flight "You want easy meat. It isn't me!"
Harry Dresden has posed:
The creature is tall, and so very skinny like it never has eaten despite the fact it ate the person recently. It looks towards where the body lays and contemplates for a moment. Then when it moves it turns its attention towards her again. A low, rumbling growl escapes the throat. The scent is worse now as it breathes at her. Again with the head cocking to the side and then without warning it leaps at her. It can leap ridiculously high or else the nightmare aspect of a dream causes it. The teeth look human with elongated canines, pieces of rotted flesh and fabric between them. The creatures deformed, almost human looking face fills her perception and everything goes dark as the dream ends.

Does she wake, sleep on and move to another dream, or do her dreams just remain dark for the rest of the night?
Wonder Girl has posed:
Right as the thing leaps Cassie hovers into a position to fly up with and around it. Getting close enough. It almost seems too fast. Up close those monstrous features seem to make the smell worse. It's awful and way too human.

Though as her dream self is about to fight she actually wakes up. Hovering herself into the air above her bed and a guard stance up.

That's when she realizes she was having another dream. How much of it was a nightmare or just a prelude to her kicking ass.

"Gods dammit. Am I gonna have to start keeping a dream journal." she says and looks around her room just in case there's anything that crept into reality. Sometimes a dream is just a dream but in her line of work you never know. At least she knows people to get some exposition from.