15841/Brothers might have to talk

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Brothers might have to talk
Date of Scene: 27 November 2023
Location: Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls
Synopsis: Harry and Thomas talked about Harry's new love interest.
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Thomas Raith

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry is back in the apartment area. He has a bottle of Mac's brew and is studying book thoughtfully. The apartment is a little dissheveled and an extra shirt lays on his bed, that being unmade.

He's working though and that tends to distract him from simple house keeping duties at first.
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith has learned that his little brother tends to forget important things in life... like food. Which is why about twice a week at least he stops by to visit Harry with lunch. Not for nothing there is a certain Witch at the Magic shop Thomas also tends to bring leftovers to. Maybe it's something in the magical community? He approaches Harry's door, making sure to take the silver petagram that his mother once gave him out from under his shirt as he approaches. His "Key" to Harry's wards. "Harry? Can you restrain Mouse, I brought Burgers and fries and I don't want to be trampled to death." Not that Mouse would ever /steal/ food, but an enthusiastic greeting from a foo dog can be fairly...crippleing.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry looks up from his books and called out,"Mouse. Come." In bounds the big monster and he lays down next to the couch, watching for Thomas to arrive with food because, well food.

Harry gets up and goes to help Thomas bring things in if needed. The carpet over the trap door is moved, trap door open...so he closes and covers.

He takes some of the food and walks back to the living area with Thomas,"Would you believe I actually ate food yesterday?" he teases lightly.
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith gives a mock gasp, "Really? I don't believe it!" He turns to face the dog adding "Mouse, I believe we have an imposter in our midst!" he punctuates this by unwrapping a Whopper Jr. and tossing it lightly underhanded for the dog to catch. It's only then he glances around the room and makes a few mental notes adding, "And I see food isn't the only sustinance you've decided to stop neglecting yourself. Very good little brother.."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Before Harry can say anything, Mouse chuffs. The sound is a little indignant in sound. Considering there is no way to get away from such behaviors. He catches the burger tossed to him and scarfs it pretty quickly.

Harry shakes his head and replies,"Yes yes. Little brother had a woman here recently." he quips back.

Harry doesn't keep a lot of things outside the lab, so Thomas might notice someone left a bag of sage near the bed on a table too. So whoever it is, they have magic experience. A few college text books are stacked on the table next to the couch.
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith chuckles slightly looking amused, handing Harry a extra large Coke as well as a couple of burgers. "Anyone I know?" He asks curiously, seeming rather pleased that his brother is getting out in the world as it were. "Well come on, give me all the details... Start with the ones you wouldn't share with Bob..
Harry Dresden has posed:
Taking the drink offered he rolls his eyes. Taking a drink he sits back down on the couch and opens one burger, setting the other aside. He smirks a little and tells him,"The only one that would be worse to give details to than Bob would be you."

He takes a bite of the burger and chews thoughtfully. A good little brother would keep things close to the vest. A legitimaetly devious brother would merely says,"Willow." So now Thomas gets to decide if he knows said Willow or question furthur.
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith's eye dart to the sage. Then the books. Then to his brother. "Willow? Harry isn't she a little..." He stops himself. He was about to say "Isn't she a little young for you?" But then rather pointedly recalled that Buffy and Willow are the same age. He is two years older then Harry, and dated Buffy for three years. And Faith isn't /much/ older. He puts some burger in his mouth to block his foot.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Taking a drink, he waits and listens to Thomas have an existential crisis for a few seconds. He certainly enjoys when the big brother is trying to be all 'big brother' and really can't.

"Pretty? Polite? Deceptively powerful? More emotionally stable than most women her age?" he finally supplies, amusement in his eyes as he watches Thomas go through his own young woman sins in his mind.
Thomas Raith has posed:
"Too good for you?" Thomas finally supplies, amusement touching his lips, Harry having given him a slight way out and the White Courtier siezing it. "I mean seriously, what is a young woman like that going to get from you...except maybe shade on a sunny day." He says with a playful smirk.
Harry Dresden has posed:
A soft chuckle and Harry raises his glass towards Thomas,"I'll drink to that. She is beyond too good for me and I intend to reach for her for a good long time." Taking a bite of his sandwich he chews thoughtfully,"I don't think you want to know what she gets from the older man." he teases his brother in a way that he wouldn't really tease anyone else about it,"She seemed a little worried you might disapprove. I told her you might have objections, but we don't dictate one another's bed partners."
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith sets the cup down and does look at his brother squarely. "I disapprove, but only because I have appointed myself as a sort of surrogate big brother to her, and honestly if I ever have to tear off your limbs and beat you with the wet ends it'll make awkward conversation with Lara when she finds out." He says, letting a slight smirk crack at the corner of his mouth. "Seriously though Harry, be careful with her. She is a bit...fragile."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"That's fair." he replies in regards to the disapproval,"At least she had a decent older brother figure. I don't know what it says about her decision making abilities that she chooses the two of us."

A roll of his eyes and he tells him,"Just tell your sister she has plenty of men to keep her entertained." A soft chuckle follows.

When Tomas tells him to be careful, he nods and then offers,"She's seen my soul and I have seen hers. I know more than most. She is far stronger and tougher than anyone gives her credit for. That vampire bite looked like it might be one that could infect her with just the bite. She never blinked while Bob and I worked on making sure that wasn't the case. We all have potential for disaster though. Including either of us."
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods taking another bite of his burger and seeming to think it over. Then he just nods. "alright Harry, I've said my piece, and that will have to do. Understand that I am going to torment you both shamelessly as a result of this." He adds with just the barest hint of a smirk.
Harry Dresden has posed:
"It's been noted." Harry replies and takes another bite of his food. Rolling his eyes he admits,"Oh we would expect no less. We knew what family looked like before she stayed here last night." he teases right back,"She likes me anyway."
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shakes his head, "Just goes to show you that all the intellegence in the world can't teach good taste." He says with a wicked grin and wipes his mouth on a napkin. "I'll be honest though, my biggest concern is that you both need someone to tell you when to pull back... and I'm not sure she can be that for you. Or you that for her to be frank. If I was to have one objection, that would be it.
Harry Dresden has posed:
A snort and he shakes his head,"Coming from you that's a powerful statement." he comments about the intelligence and good taste comments.

"Magic is a different sort of crucible." he replies,"Yes we will probably both push each other more towards the edge because we understand better than most where the edge is, but honestly who would you have to pull me back or to pull her back? Constantine? Bad things can happen, we just have to take care of each other."
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly, "Well I've got to get back to the club before Smash tries to make the entire menu Vegan. Again." He says snagging one more burger and leaving an entire sack of them set on the table. "Just be careful little brother. Mom told me to look out for you.
Harry Dresden has posed:
A nod when Thomas mentions leaving,"You really need to get a better manager before Smash damages the clientele with that new wave vegan non sense." he tells him,"I will be as careful as you are big brother." he replies dryly, tossing another burger to Mouse and starting another,"Watch your back out there."
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith rolls his eyes. "Last time I hired a manager, she showed up for one shift and that was literally the last time I ever saw her." He says with a chuckle. when Harry says he will be as careful as he is, Thomas looks Heavenward and says "I'm being punished, aren't I?" then shakes his head headed for the door.
Harry Dresden has posed:
"Yes punished." he replies in a nasally voice,"Return and you will receieve more." he adds with a touch of humor. Makes him chuckle a little anyway. He gets a bite of the newest burger. Willow brought him good food, but hey...burger.