15816/Flyby with the man

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Flyby with the man
Date of Scene: 18 November 2023
Location: Upper West Side, Manhattan
Synopsis: Firestar encountered Superman while out for an evening flight.
Cast of Characters: Firestar, Superman

Firestar has posed:
High in the sky over New York Firestar soars. She has been a little stressed of late and flying always makes her feel better. Her trademark yellow costume sticks out like the proverbial sore thumb. That high in the air there aren't too many people that can reach her.
Superman has posed:
High in the sky is Superman. The eyes are closed and he's just listening. A lot of the major cities have their own songs. What they practically "sing" to people wth super hero. All of the commotion makes New York sound different than other cities and vice versa. He's trying to memorize the city. Memorize how it all sounds, and get used to it if the heroics force him into the city. And that's where Firestar can see Superman just floating, listening to it all.
Firestar has posed:
Slowing up, Firestar sees Superman floating and listening. She comes to a stop below him a ways and slowly floats up to where he is. Not wanting to interrupt him, but definately not wanting to startle him, she clears her throat softly. Probably she figured out he is listening.
Superman has posed:
"I can hear you, Firestar. Your power radiates a small rumble," the eyes stay closed for a few more moments. Those sky blue eyes reveal themselves slowly. "I was trying to just get used to New York. It's different than Metropolis," Clark says softly, honestly. "Rushing off somewhere?" A brow raises. He's trying to fgure out if there's an emergency, is ths a fun flight or if there's a personal urgency.
Firestar has posed:
"New York...there is no place like it." she agrees and shakes her head,"No emergency. Just need a break. Finals are coming up and while most of my classes are set...Philosophy is killing my brain. So I fly over the city. I might fly out over the ocean where I can open up for a time."
Superman has posed:
"You could always just write, 'I know nothing therefore I know something,'" he offers. It's a very simplfied version of Plato. He's believed to be smart because he admts to knowing nothing. And how those clam too know everything actually know nothing. "And you can avoid the creation of church. How those believe there was a switch of power during the crusades." Yes, Superman knows a little bit about philosophy.
Firestar has posed:
A hint of a smile and she sighs softly,"Is there anything you don't know something about sir?" she asks with a hint of humor in her tone. She considers and then she adds,"I am going to meet with some friends and see about making a different costume for Justice League functions. This outfit is connected to too many other teams."
Superman has posed:
"I know nothing," Superman replies wth a small smile. A look gos toward her, "What are you thinking of when it comes to a new suit?" He's just curious where the mindset is for the suiit. There's curiousity aobut the friend, but those questions he holds back for a moment.
Firestar has posed:
She snorts softly and shakes her head,"Some people." she teases lightly.

"As for the alternate costume I have been considering some darker colors, like dark blue maybe accented with red. Something I can take off easier than a single piece like I have right now. Getting in and out of it can be a struggle and Heaven help me when I need a bathroom."
Superman has posed:
"I was just being honest. I know nothing," he teases back again.

I hope you get one that holds up compared to the old one. Maybe even does more than the current uniform," he's hoping she knows someone like Stark. Just a tech head that can give her a big boost somehow, some way.
Firestar has posed:
She smiles at him and admits,"I am starting to feel the same way with that subject."

"Hoping to maybe have some pockets and pouches for holding things. It would be good to have something more, but really I don't know how to go about that."
Superman has posed:
"You will find your way, I have faith," Superman gives her a smile. "I won't keep you," he gives her a nod and starts t float off. "Go do something fun besides practice Philosophy with an alien," he gives a smile just leavng Firestar to continue what she was originally doing.
Firestar has posed:
"Appreciate the vote of confidence." she tells him and starts to float her way again. She waves to him,"I am thinking about doing that very same. Take care of yourself." With that, she flies off to see what else she can get into tonight.