15798/Harley Sings to hell!

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Harley Sings to hell!
Date of Scene: 13 November 2023
Location: The Fifty/Fifty Club
Synopsis: Target kills .. Dinner stolen.. Fast food given as sowwies
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Satana

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Is at the club go figure as a Singer.. yes she's even in a dress the kind that shows off lots of that white leg! Even as she sings a rather Harley song.. but it's actually not that bad! Even as she sings and even does flips and dances!
Satana has posed:
Satana is at the club as a customer. As, in fact, arm candy for a fairly high-ranking capo in the Maroni family. She's dressed conservatively ... for her. (Which means like a streetwalker for anybody else.) In her case a violet Chinese brocade gown that follows her form more closely than seems possible for the fabric, with long slits from ankle to well above her hip to show off her endless, shapely legs, and with arms bare from neck on down. The brocade pattern is done in tone-on-tone, so it would take a sharp eye to notice that the patterning all over the gown is illustrations from the Kama Sutra (a private little joke of hers). The mandarin collar has gold thread embroidery of a death's head on each side of the small gap at her neck.

Harley's song catches her attention moreso than the antics on the stage which capture the attention of the men in the audience.

"I think something interesting is about to happen," she murmurs to nobody in particular, before glancing over at her date. If, as she expects, chaos is about to break out, Satana may get her meal early...
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Is laying on the table.. is she flashing most likely but she dosn't care.. she keeps sining , She will notice the new girl the crime types are nothing new. She spots them all the damn time it's the girls she likes to watch

     she grins and finger waves to the new candy that seems to WAY out class the chubb he's with but she's got a job to do for now and her song is almost over
Satana has posed:
Satana smiles and fingerwaves back, before leaning in to her date, saying, "I think she's checking you out. You should go to her after her number. She'd probably like you hitting on her."

Let nobody ever say that Satana doesn't love to sow trouble and then watch others reap it.

Her date, Vito, grins back at Satana with is crooked teeth. "Ya figure we can get a three-way going?" he asks, leering at Satana's chest, throwing an arm over her shoulders to hang down the far side and grope.

"Oh, Vito! You know me so well..."

Anybody with two spare brain cells to rub together would hear the vitriol and amusement dripping from Satana's metaphorical fangs as she speaks. Sadly Vito doesn't even have one spare brain cell so it flies over his head.

But ... if she has this pegged right, the white one will unleash the kind of chaos that will leave an opening for Satana to do what she does best.

Satana hooks her leg over Vito's, leaning into him as he gropes and leers now at Harley, formulating the plan of how he's going to get Harley to his table and have both women go with him to a little place he keeps for just this kind of activity.
Harley Quinn has posed:
It's not gonna go down the way she plans nope! While Satana has the right idea .. and she's not wrong harley is CHOAS in the flesh.. but that's the issue with Choas.. it dosn't go the way ya want!

     When vitto managed to walk away and not squeeze every bit of the sexy Satana!m he struts! Well that's what he thinks he's doing, strutting towards Harley.. but really, he looks goofy as hell. Even Harley has to laugh and cover her mouth!

     But for whatever reason, she pulls him close and whispers something into his ear.. he nods quickly and runs back as Halrey jumps off and seems to skip towards the back part of the joint!

     Vito comes back. " She wants to meet us in the bathroom. She's gonna go in and strip and wait .. come on " .
Satana has posed:
Satana does laugh as Vito "struts". Of course he's too focused on peacocking Harley to notice, though his bodyguards are staring at her a bit uncomfortably. There was something off about the way Vito had just taken a sudden shine to this (admittedly gorgeous) woman and taken her inside his circle without even vetting anything. But loyal triggermen are loyal, and when Vito comes back to Satana to tell him about the threesome in the works, they swallow their misgivings and just follow the pair as they head to the given location, Satana scheming how to take Vito without the white woman's suspicions getting up and the triggermen taking positions up by the door to prevent anybody else from coming in.

"Sweet little songbird!" Vito calls out in a vague approximation of charm. "Look who's come to town!"

Ugh. There goes the neighbourhood.
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Jumps from the top of the stall and Lands right on vito's shoulders and looks down at him with a look of Pure madness and glee on her face " HI vito.. " she twists her hips and body so fast.. thiers a loud CRACK.. and vito even jerks.. and seems to blink at Satana.. it's clear his head is not in the direction it should be.. inf act it happened so fast and violently he stands for almost 2 minutes before his body tells him he's dead.. Even as Harley shouts, " Oh VITO SLAM ME! " towards the door! so the trigger men won't react to the sound of his body slamming the ground..

     As she cartwheels off his shoulders," Hi cutie.. I know this is a lot.. but don't worry he was gonna do slimy things to ay.. your welcome." She kisses your mouth. " Wait.. did he pay you already? ? "
Satana has posed:
To say Satana is taken aback is an understatement. Indeed once the surprise stops, she stares at Harley in disbelief.

"You killed him!" she hisses. Keeping her voice low. Apparently she doesn't want the gunsels to know. Then she adds, "Nice kisser, though. I like sloppy."

She shakes her head and gets back in focus.

"You killed him!" she repeats unnecessarily, looking down at Vito. When she looks up again, Harley may have the first inkling that things are not going well. Satana's amber eyes no longer have black pupils. Her pupils are glowing with the fires of Hell. And her face is angry. Very angry.

"You didn't even let me feed!"
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Blinks " eh feed? " She cocks her head " ahh fuck.. your a vampire " She sighs and shakes her head "Just mah luck ".. She shakes her head.. " I knew you were too sexy for them" .

     She points " he pissed off his boss sorry " she shrugs as she grins and thinks " the boys outside are stil fresh " she adds " We could grab them? " She asks
Satana has posed:
"I'm not a VAMPIRE!" There's sneering disdain in that final word. "Vampires answer to me, not the other way around."

Drawing herself to her (impressive) full height. "I am Satana Hellstrom. I am the daughter of Satan. I am a Lord of Hell. I am no mere vampire!"

The glowing eyes turn on Harley, assessing her from toe to face and back.

"Your soul would do under ordinary circumstances; but I like your style. You live another night at least."

The baleful gaze turns to the door.

"The gunsels will have to do. They're not as rich in sin as this one was, but I hunger now and lack patience to find another."
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Blinks and thumbs up clearly impressed " Daaaaymn.. so you the whole i wanna be queen of the world cost of my soul kinda girl.. or more the dip me in vanilla icecream and whipped cream kinda girl? " She asks off the cuff in harley style

     she loosk " I didn't know he was lunch.. I just thought you were sent here to kill him like me.. or ya know one super expensive hooker.. cause you were WAAAAAY out of his class like my girl friend out of his class " She says simply " well ex.. but anways " .