15527/Demonic Bliss

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Demonic Bliss
Date of Scene: 25 August 2023
Location: Sol (Sector 2814)
Synopsis: Tyran'tar and Satana.
Cast of Characters: Tyran'tar, Satana

Tyran'tar has posed:
    Tyran'tar brought Satana aboard his ship, the Fearless. He was in Earth's Orbit so she could see the planet itself. He smiled to her. "So what do you think." He says as he takes her to the common room on the ship so she could enjoy the view of the planet while relaxing.
Satana has posed:
Satana is very carefully holding her cards close to her ample chest, so doesn't mention her travels in the astral realm.

"Ooh! I've never seen it like this before!" Technically true. She's never seen it from normal space like this. So she's not quite lying. Though even if she was, being a demon lies slide out of her naturally without the kinds of little reactions that a human would give: no elevated heart rate, increase in perspiration, etc. "And this is your own ship?"

She turns from the window, standing so her form is skylit by the planet behind her, acting as a frame and showing off her curves.

"How fast does it go?"
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "Lightspeed. The ring is faster." He says calmly as he watches the woman and he nods and holds up his hand. "I am a Green Lantern. I can travel through wormholes and black holes to anywhere within the sector." He says as he shows off the ring to the woman. "Want to go somewhere?" He asks with a smile to the half demon. "This was a ship I got while I was still in the Tamaranean military. I cant return home because I refused to hunt down the monarch's sister." He explains.
Satana has posed:
"Oh, that sounds very exciting. Was this monarch's sister rebellious? If so, I have something in common with her. I'm a grave disappointment to my father. He had such plans for me. I have ... no particular plans. I just like to enjoy myself."

Satana turns to the window again and looks down at the planet. "Light speed means a few hours to ... Jupiter, is it called? The big one?" She makes a bit of a face. "I'm not very up on the space sciences. Ask me about demonic lore from the Middle Ages and I can talk your ear off. But ask me about the solar system and I know that, like, there's Mars, then Venus, then us, right?"
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "I am not big on sciences either. I know planets because I travel between them." He explains as he nods. "The monarch is named Kormand'r and she betrayed her people to conquerers. The result was selling her popular sister to slavery and her being the current monarch. I refused to hunt her down and was branded a traitor." He explains. "The universe is patrolled by a group of people called the green lantern corps. We use the emotional spectrum emotion Willpower which is green, to maintain cosmic order. Each lantern is given a sector to patrol and maintain order in. My sector is 2828, this sector is 2814. The lanterns of this sector are on a mission and I Volunteered to be the lantern of this sector until they return. Hence why I am on earth." He explains. He then sighs. "I am sorry if I am boring. Basically we are space cops."
Satana has posed:
"Emotional ... spectrum. And Willpower is green?"

Satana slithers over from her position at the window to look at Ty curiously. "Is that why your eyes are green, then? Is that your willpower in some way?"

And of course her eyes are green now. And glowing.

"Here on Earth green represents jealousy. Well, in my part of Earth. On the other side it represents being a cuckold. It's strange how symbols change. So in your world green is willpower then."
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "My eyes are green because everyone's eyes are green on my homeworld. But will is Green. Yellow is fear. In the past the green lantern corps couldnt affect anything yellow but with a stronger will, we can affect it." He explains as he moves wrap his arms around her. "What form do you prefer?" He asks curiously. "I want to make you happy."
Satana has posed:
Satana lowers her eyes, almost as if shy. "I exist for the pleasure of others," Satana says. "Whatever form I have that pleases others is what pleases me."

She looks back up at Tyran'tar, raising her arms to rest on his shoulders, locking his fingers behind his neck. "I am a succubus, you see. A demon trained in the arts of pleasure." Her grin widens and her eyes get a hint of mischief. "Specifically sexual pleasure. When I'm in a masculine form, I'm called an incubus. When in this form, my default, I'm a succubus. But I am a tempter of humanity. I strive to lure people into sin so their souls go to Hell."

Her voice drips with sarcasm, adding, "I do the Whoreson's work. He doesn't have the balls to damn people himself, so he lets we demons do it."
Tyran'tar has posed:
    Tyran'tar nods as he listens to the woman. "I see." He says calmly as he watches the woman. "Do you ever want to do something else? Dont get me wrong, Sex is fun and all but sometimes one desires more purpose then what we are born to." He says as he studies the woman.
Satana has posed:
Satana settles against Ty. "Well, I'm a sybarite. I seek all kinds of pleasures. Food. Sex. Comfortable surroundings. Any sensual pleasure, really. Sex is just ... a need."

She pauses, looking at Ty meaningfully. "You saw why. My father cursed me with that because I didn't really want to harm humans. Now I have to."
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "Maybe we can figure out a way to fix this." He offers to the woman. "I am afraid I am not that great with occult knowledge." He says apologetically to the woman as he held her close to him.
Satana has posed:
"I am. Great with occult knowledge, I mean," Satana says. "And I'm under a blood curse. I share my father's blood and that is a powerful bond he is exploiting. When he did this I was less ... capable. And now it's too late."

She snorts, then. "It's not a terrible life, however. I have my own realm in Hell where I rule, tormenting the souls of those who've sinned. I have Jim Morrison, even. He sings for me."

A cultural reference.

"But I do love going to Earth and just experiencing life as a mortal. They're such exciting creatures to watch and partake of! And their degenerate attempts at magic--you'd call it 'technology'--are fascinating. I'm somewhat an obsessed specialist in technomancy, merging my arts with theirs."
Tyran'tar has posed:
    Tyran'tar chuckles. "The ring on my finger is a supercomputer and complex weapon. With it, I can create hard light constructs of anything. Infact the only limits to the ring is my will and imagination. It only works for me I am afraid." He explains as he shows her the ring. "In any event If you are willing to teach me, I would love to learn anything your willing to teach. I am an eager student." He says as he leans in to kiss her lips softly.
Satana has posed:
"I'm not sure if you have the blood for sorcery. I mean there's hedge magic, sure, but the real power of sorcery comes from within. It's rather like ... will. Let me show you a trick."

Satana steps back a couple of paces and closes her eyes, settling her racing blood (from the close contact) down. She makes a few hand gestures before spitting out a rapid staccato-delivery of words in a language whose very syllables would likely call to the human reptile brain with chills of fear. (Ty may or may not be impacted.) A baleful hole of flame red opens in the space between the pair, from which comes the stench of sulfur burning, and screams of torment and despair.

"Ah, the sounds of home!" Satana says with a fond smile. She reaches her hand into the odd hole (a hole that looks two-dimensional to all who look at it and looks aimed at the observer ... no matter what direction the observer is looking from) and rummages around before pulling back...

A dog.

Of sorts.

It looks like a dog, only it has three rows of needle-sharp teeth. Six eyes that glow with flame. And horn-like protrusions from every joint as well as down its entire back along its spine.

"This is my little pet. I usually use him to clean up bodies when I've fed."

She pets the horrific creature and laughs as it bites her hand eagerly, not even aggressively but as if this is how it played. She then puts the dog back into the hole and with a quick gestures shuts the hole.

"What does your supercomputer tell you of that?" she asks.
Tyran'tar has posed:
    Tyran'tar smiles as he understands the language and he nods. "Nothing. You are Fascinating, though your home is a bit scary, but I guess thats normal for the non demonic." He says softly as he nods. "I never had a pet growing up, so I am somewhat jealous." He says as he watches her. "I guess there are people who believe you are something to be slain. I would protect you, but considering your origin, you probably know more about combat then I do since you are from a realm of murderers and wickedness."
Tyran'tar has posed:
    Tyran'tar holds her close to him and he smiles. "I think I may like being in this sector." He says as he goes to let her go. "Want to go back to earth?" He asks curiously.
Satana has posed:
"I'm not a fighter, my dear," Satana says with a chuckle. "I'm a lover." She shrugs and tilts her head in a gesture of confession. "OK, and a mental dominator and a sorceress and ... well I have servitors. None quite so charming as your ring, but for that perhaps a bit more fearsome in their areas of application."

She purses her lips as she thinks seemingly of how much to reveal. "Essentially if I can't dominate it, my next best solution is to leave and summon assistance that can fight on my behalf. I don't like getting bruised and cut."
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "I was a soldier before becoming a lantern. My world was a beautiful world with a strong warrior culture. but we had to abandon it when Kormand'r betrayed our people to another force and became ruler of our world. If I return, they will try and kill me. I only survived because I hid my status as a green lantern." He explains. "The Guardians of the universe frown on us becoming god emperors of planets, even if the current regime is worse then we would be." He says softly.
Satana has posed:
Satana closes in on Ty again, settling against him, resting her cheek on his shoulder. "There's always the need for those who fight. I don't hold them in contempt; it's just not *my* way. Hell, too, has its armies, constantly struggling as its Lords jockey for position in the rivalries that beset us. If we ever stopped infighting, we could probably storm the gates of Heaven and win." Her voice takes on an amused tone. "But it's not in our nature."

She just rests a while before continuing, "You have the most intriguing home. Living up here, looking down on the Earth: does it never tempt you to rule?"
Tyran'tar has posed:
    Tyran'tar just shakes his head. "I can lead people through combat, but I would be a terrible ruler. I serve the people and I am content with it." He says calmly. He runs his fingers through her hair and he looks to her.
Satana has posed:
"I would also make a terrible ruler," Satana agrees. "But it doesn't stop me from enjoying thoughts of it. I mean I do rule a domain in Hell. But that's probably different from ruling humans on Earth and ..."

She pauses a moment to shiver as Tyrantar runs his fingers through her hair, savouring the sensation. Her claim of being a sybarite confirmed, she continues. "... I rather like the mortals. To my father's eternal disgust."
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "Being a mortal myself I like them too." He says sarcastically as he smiles as he leans in to kiss her cheek. "I am liking this sector. I may come back when the humans come back to visit you." He says with a smile.
Satana has posed:
"You're going away?" Satana peers curiously at Tyran'tar. "We've only just met and you're leaving?" A flash of annoyance crosses her face, suppressed quickly. "I guess," she says, mischief leaking from her voice, "I'll have to find some other people to entertain my vices while you're gone. It would be a pity for that to happen before you've even had a sampling of them yourself."

Her hand runs lightly across Ty's chest, fingernails lightly pressing to map out all the contours of the muscles beneath his uniform and the skin beneath it.

"When did you say you're going?"