1515/Body of an angel..

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Body of an angel..
Date of Scene: 17 July 2017
Location: Harry's Office
Synopsis: Harry meets an Angel, but he doesn't know that.
Cast of Characters: Ahadiel, Harry Dresden

Ahadiel has posed:
    Living in Hell's Kitchen isn't good for much. But it does make one appreciate New York City when comparing it to Gotham. Angela carefully walks along the sidewalk, knowing precisely where she is going as she glances back and forth. Once she arrives at the office building, she opens the door, pausing a moment at the open doorway before stepping inside, her eyes darting around with curiosity.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Be with you in a minute!" comes a voice from the back hallway. There is a clutter of noise, then a muttering of voices and a few moments later one Harry Dresden makes his way from the back hall glancing in the direction of his guest. "Hi there. I wasn't expecting anyone at the office today and was working on something in the back room. Please, take a seat."

HArry motions to the chair that is opposite the desk, and moves around to the other side to flop back into his own chair, "I'm Harry Dresden, how may I help you?"

Ahadiel has posed:
    Angela arches a brow, "Well, I wouldn't want to interrupt your potion brewing..." She smiles a little, then takes a seat, steepling her fingers, "Sorry, you don't see many people being perfectly open with 'Wizard for Hire' in the Yellow Pages. Even in Gotham City."

    She hmms, "But, well, I guess my question for you is one of general information, if that's something you'd feel comfortable answering. I had a bit of a strange encounter last evening." Her head tilts a bit, and she smiles a little. It's pretty infectious, as she ohs, "Oh, Angela Davis. I should have started with that, I suppose."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry lets out a little chuckle, "They need to simmer anyway. I've got some time for a chat before I have to get back to them." He shrugs his shoulder, the remnants of the chuckle staying on his face as a small smile, "As far as I know I am the only one that actually advertises. I mean, I heard that John Constantine has one of those web page things, but I have never had anyone check."

He leans back in his chair, his smile faltering ever so slightly as thoughts of fifty dollars a day plus expenses fly from his thoughts, folding his arms over his chest He looks towards Angela and nods with a small sigh, "Nice to meet you Ms. Davis. I'll answer what I can, sure."

Ahadiel has posed:
    Angela catches the look, and smiles wryly, "Oh, believe me Mister Dresden, I'm not intending to waste your time without compensation. As one independent operator to another, though I focus more on blacksmithing." She gives him a wry expression, "I saw someone give a... curse, I suppose you could call it, to another individual. Not to say that the man in question didn't deserve it, but I just want to rest assured that there's nothing more insidious going on with the person in question." She sounds remarkably serious, not kidding around with that at all.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden arches his brow, leaning forward in his chair as he places his elbows on the desk, steepling his fingers in front of him as he looks over Angela. "A curse you say? How do you know it was a curse? What kind of curse? Curses themselves can range in potency and severity, but if someone is tossing them out at all that is serious enough to merit some investigation."

Ahadiel has posed:
    Angela hmms, "Well, she wadded up a little piece of paper and threw it at the boy in question. The next thing you know, he drops a replica sword I crafted for him that he paid for, and it bounces into the street and is run over by a passing van." She smirks, "As I said, considering what he did to get the money, I'm not saying he didn't have it coming. Frankly she did a kindness compared to what I was thinking, but I digress."

    Angela leans forward a bit, "Magic doesn't bother me, Mister Dresden, but magic is like a sword. It stands for justice if justly used, if that makes sense." Her lips quirk a bit, "I just want to make sure that is the case here, more than anything else."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden listens as Angela speaks, a quizzical look on his face as she explains the details of the situation. "So someone, a she, wadded up paper and tossed it causing a boy to drop a sword? Do I have that right?"

He reaches up and rubs at his chin, "I can't say that I am familiar with what type of curses that could be, but in the grand scheme of things that seems more like a prank than something dastardly. But, if this person has that type of power, it could certainly be used for something more sinister."

He reaches over and grabs a pad of paper and a pen, "Do you have any other details? Something I might be able to go on to find this girl or boy? And what was it the boy did to justify this in your eyes?"

Ahadiel has posed:
    Angela rolls her eyes a bit, "To pay me, the boy basically cheated his girlfriend out of money that they promised to vacation together." She frowns, "She did claim to be a police officer, Gotham City, though I didn't get a name from her. Just the badge. But there was..." She trails off, then looks wryly at Harry, before just saying it, "When the paper hit him, his aura seemed to be infected with something, some kind of misfortune. And right after that, he dropped the sword and it bounced into traffic." She decides not to be coy since, well, Harry IS a wizard.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry studies the woman before him for a moment, narrowing his eyes. "His aura. You have some semblance of the gift yourself then, I take it?" he asks as he crosses his arms over his chest again. "If this person can manipulate someone's fortune then she could really cause some serious harm if she intends to use it with more malice than just dropping something. If she puts intent into it, it could end up an entropy curse, and having been on the end of one of those before it is not something I wish on anyone."

Ahadiel has posed:
    Angela gets a wry look on her face, "I'm no wizard or anything like it. But I have some talents I've picked up over the years." She smiles a bit towards Harry, "Let's just say that my boss thinks very highly of you. If this was regarding official business, I'd just go through channels. But this is just something very minor that I wish confirmed, as far as her intent is concerned."

Harry Dresden has posed:
It always seems that for every answer Harry manages to get in life, it just comes with more questions. "Your boss? Proper channels? Who is your boss? What, is this some type of recruitment test or something?" Harry sighs, lifting a hand to rub at the bridge of his nose while he takes a deep breath. "In any case, I am going to need to know more information before I can look into this. You don't happen to have a name? Or baring that some blood? Fingernail? Hair? Something I can use to track this person down at all?"

Ahadiel has posed:
    Angela rubs her head, "Not /yet/, no... she does claim to be on the Gotham City police department, and she speaks fluent Cantonese." Her eyes flicker over towards Harry, and she shakes her head, "I'm not trying to recruit you. Hire you for this, perhaps, but that's another story." She starts sounding a bit testy, "This isn't something my superiors want done, and she's not an infernalist or anything like that. I just want..." She sighs and slumps back in her chair, "I just don't want her to be something bad. Something I can't see."

    Angela then looks at Dresden, "If you want to know who I am, you have to keep it a secret. If you can swear to that, I'll tell you." And so it goes, the woman gazing intently towards Harry.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden hrms, leaning back into his chair as he rubs at his chin. "Ok, then, I guess I will have to try and track her down the old fashioned way." He writes a few notes on the pad of paper down in front of him, "GCPD, Speaks Cantonese...Murph might be able to help narrow this down." he mutters to himself before speaking a bit louder "I charge $50 a day, plus expenses. What do you want me to do when I find her, Ms. Davis?"

His eyes shift back up to Angela and narrow again, "Ok, now that is a bit ominous...Should I know who you are? To me, you are just Ms. Davis that has some slight ability to read someone's aura. Whose boss apparently finds me in favor. I'm not sure I want to know anymore. Those things tend to come with a price tag."

Ahadiel has posed:
    Angela actually laughs at that, "They do, don't they?" She shakes her head, "You don't need to know who I am, but... well, I guess I just want to make sure that she's on the, how you say, 'up and up'?" She hmms, "Basically, just that she has a clean bill of health in the supernatural sense."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden taps his pen on the pad of paper as he thinks, watching the angel as he tries to take a measure of her. "Only way to know that would be to talk to her, Ms. Davis. It's not like I can wave my hand and take a full measure of a man, or woman. I can do many things, but I can't see what what evil lurks in the hearts of men. I leave that to The Shadow."

Ahadiel has posed:
    Angela looks wry at that, "You know, you'd think after so long..." She sighs, "You're right, of course. But I suspect I needed to, what's the word... vent?" She smiles back at Harry, "Vent, yes, I needed to vent. But I do appreciate the feedback, Harry Dresden. This woman had a very quick wit and a karmic sense of justice. Those are things I can appreciate."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden drops the pen onto the pad of paper and sighs, "I'll see what I can dig up on her. Maybe I have a friend that has some insight, and with the brief description I might at least be able to get an ID. If I can get that, then I can track her down and have a chat with her. I can't promise anything, but if I get any feeling she isn't on the 'up and up' as you say, I will let you know. I am going to need your contact information."

Harry reaches onto a little holder on his desk and slides over his own business card, "Here is my card if you can think of anything else that might help with the investigation."

Ahadiel has posed:
    Angela nods slightly, "Of course, here..." She rifles in her purse, retrieving her wallet and sliding Harry her business card. And five twenties, as she adds, "And I do appreciate it, Harry Dresden. I'll put in a good word." With whom, she doesn't exactly say, but she smiles and walks out. It's actually a pretty nice walk, all things considered. Either she's crazy, or knows a lot more than she says. Or possibly both.