15136/Interrogation Over Drinks
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Interrogation Over Drinks | |
Date of Scene: | 24 May 2023 |
Location: | The Blue Lady, Fort Joseph |
Synopsis: | Interrogation Over Drinks |
Cast of Characters: | Satana, Petra Emreis
- Satana has posed:
After exiting The Magic Box, Satana looks around for Petra and asks, "Were you serious about the drink? If so, I'm sure we can find a suitable place."
She gestures invitingly to the door her driver has just opened in the stupendously large and insanely old limousine she's chosen to tool about in. "Unless you'd prefer to enter last?"
However Petra decides to do this, Satana pulls out a phone (FROM WHERE!?) and pokes at it, frowning a bit before saying, "Huh, this place is a bit of a drive, but it looks interesting. Old-style speakeasy recreation. Those dens of iniquity always intrigued me."
Playing up her heritage? Or just playing games?
- Petra Emreis has posed:
How had Petra even got here? Whatever her 'identity' might be, given neither had offered their name to the other, she didn't even seem to have a vehicle she'd arrived in. Maybe she'd walked from somewhere nearby?
Still she moves to settle herself into the back of the limosine. Given she -knew- what Satana almost certainly was, either she was rather confidence or supremely stupid. Only time would tell.
"So...demonic politics in Sunnydale. You're looking for the means to control someone's daughter. Experience tells me either you're looking for a hostage for a ceasefire, or the means to knife someone in the back unexpectedly..."
- Satana has posed:
"Oh piffle!" Satana says as the driver takes instruction through the little sliding window and starts heading off. "None of that. Self defence. If I find a book with my True Name in it, I destroy it, it's that simple."
She regards Petra with slightly malicious amusement as she extends a hand.
"Satana Hellstrom of the Boston Hellstroms. Daughter of Marduk Kurios (style Satan) and Hell Lord in her own right. Pleased to meet you...?"
- Petra Emreis has posed:
Well isn't that interesting? If not a little unexpected. If Petra knew who Marduk Kurious was? Well, she wasn't going to give up that particular card anytime soon. She did of course already give plenty of an impression that she knew a little 'something about something' at the moment. Instead she seems to take a moment to regard the hand before she takes it.
"Petra," she offers simply. No surname or titles shared as she might. Kingdoms of men had long past, and names of magic had far too much power to be volunteered. "And this is something you've encountered often then? The discovery of your true name?"
- Satana has posed:
"Oh, me? No. I'm actually quite disappointed. I thought by now some enterprising lackey of the Whoreson would have leaked my True Name just to put me under threat. But it's been nothing." Her face clouds with irritation. "It's almost as if that crowd doesn't take me seriously."
She looks Petra up and down, eyes narrowed a bit. "But, still, I've seen others get blind-sided by some idiot wannabe 'Satanist' stumbling over books of Names, so I keep my eyes peeled. If I find such a book, good for me. If I find such a book with my Name in it, it vanishes in perpetuity."
Satana lounges back in her seat across from Petra, openly inspecting her. "You're wearing a glamour. It's a good one. I would have to expend effort to force it down. That, and your little ingredients list, tells me there's more to you than meets the eye. You're not afraid of me, so probably think you're pretty strong. Only question is ... who do you work for...?"
Her begun silent pondering is interrupted by the car's halt.
"Oh, we're here! Let's go inside and check the place out. I always like a new hu... ah ... playground."
- Petra Emreis has posed:
A raise of her eyebrow at that comment, only to consider for a moment. "I have encountered as such. Some sorority sisters playing around with a copy of the 'Necronomicon', with so many modifications with retranslations and reprints...it stumbled onto an actual demon name. It was messy."
Musing of the less than pleasent memory, the comments on her and her glamour, that brings a little quirk of her lips, a little pause.
But the comment cut off? Petra actually makes to exit the limo and stand before she'll face Satana and speaks her answer.
"Neither the opposition or the ally," she offers lightly before tilting her head to the side. "I'm a child of older things, wilder things, a daughter of magic just making her way in the world....and you're not the first demon I've met."
- Satana has posed:
"I'd thought at much. I'm pretty new to this whole thing myself. Daddy fathered me to further his own plans. I'm a Hell Lord basically by nepotism." Satana shrugs and is unashamed, apparently, of her lack of experience. "I was taught by the best of the best. I'm far stronger than I look or behave. I'll have my centuries or more behind me soon enough." Like in centuries. Or more. Very profound.
"Ooh! Flappers! I'd heard about those from some of the wisps that survived into impdom and then specialization as succubi." Take an educated guess on what Satana's speciality is... "They were hotbeds of sin in their day. The Whoreson Upstairs really did not like their licentious ways; so many of them came down to feed and entertain us! I wonder if these are as bad or if I still have to hit strip clubs for the proper sin dose?"
Excitedly she pushes past the lineup to enter the club, Jedi mind-tricking the bouncer into opening the velvet rope to let the pair through, then staring confused at the angry people berating him for it. The pair were inside.
"OK, what's your poison?"
- Petra Emreis has posed:
"All age truely is, is the chance to learn and build. Any sorceress worth her salt, witch worth her hat or demon worth their horns knowns that time without learning is useless."
A little lecture, but it was perhaps an echo of a lecture she'd recieved from her tutors when she was but a child. Still her attention shifts as they reach the dor and the man at the door is won over by magic rather than simple beauty and lust...which truth be told either could likely inspire.
"I would imagine they were worse...from my understanding it's like when all humans boiled their food. Unless your preferred flavour is frustration and suppression."
The mention of the drink? The Sorceress shrugs her shoulders lightly and smirks before leaning over towards the bartender and placing her order.
"Can I get a glass of tap water please?"
Lame. Perhaps she was far more dull than first anticipated. Maybe the sorceress had mellowed out in her centuries?
Then again, as her drink arrived and she gently dipped one polished nail into the liquid to stir it, the color began to change, shifting to a deep redish color. In some places that trick would have got her burned at the stake for blasphemy...but perhaps Satana would appreciate the irony.
"It's a little too specific for most of the bars around here..."
- Satana has posed:
"Water into 'wine'," Satana says with a wide smirk. "Nice. That's more His style, though. If I get thirsty for that particular wine, I take it from its source."
She bats her eyelashes.
"But that's not usually where my thirst goes."
She turns her attention to the girl behind the bar. "I'll have a quick fuck," she says, teeth flashing in the UV. "And after that a screaming orgasm."
The bar girl snorts, smirks and starts mixing the two drinks. While this goes on, Satana regards Petra again.
"You know demons, you mentioned. The question is ... what do you do when you meet them. I've met a few hunters. Tasty little morsels they were. Their souls were stained with Pride, lightly seasoned with hypocrisy and Wrath. Tell me you're not a hunter. You seem so nice."
The first of Satana's drinks is delivered, from which the demoness takes a sip and smiles in satisfaction. "Girl, I'd love to give you a screaming orgasm too," she says to the bartender. "When you're off duty, mix yourself one and join me. I'll cover."
The force of her personality can be felt even where it's not directed with Petra's sensitivities to magicks. This isn't a spell. This is simple demonic power being exercised. The girl behind the counter stares into Satana's eyes, mesmerized, then her body quivers and she chokes off a low sound that can barely be heard over the sounds of the club. Hastily delivering Satana's next drink, she makes her excuses, signals the other bartender, gesturing to the staff only door, and hurries off.
"I did say I wanted to give her one," Satana remarks.
- Petra Emreis has posed:
"Water into a very specific wine from a very specific place that doesn't exist. But one person's miracle is another person's spellcraft." She muses lightly, "ironic thing? This was mixed by monks...who tended to be the most sinful individuals I've seen."
A little shift, the choice of the drink earning a little soft chuckle before the obvious question is asked. Still, she does make to lift her drink towards her lips as Satana undertakes her flirtation with the girl.
Then that little trick. Interesting.
"It depends on the demon. Much like the person," she muses before tilting her head to the side. She was still hidden by the glamour, but there was no hiding the amusement on her features. "And that's not the way I would have done it..."
- Satana has posed:
"The way I'd ordinarily do it wouldn't be conducive to conversation," Satana chuckles as she sips her second drink. She makes a bit of a face, wrinkling her nose a bit as she looks down at her glass. "This is too sweet. I think the person who named it has never had one."
Mixing domains for fun and profit.
"Now where was I? Oh, right. So, do you view yourself as a protector of these mortal beings?" The question is asked lightly, as if it were a mere conversational trifle, but her eyes are fixed on Petra, even as she moves her head and body.
- Petra Emreis has posed:
Blunt an answer, but Petra simply shrugs her shoulders and takes another sip...before she reaches out to take a little sip for herself. Forward, or perhaps a little sorceress trick. Certainly Satana would recognize a little magic setup when she saw it...even if it wasn't exactly 'good' magic.
"But not all of them. Monsters and humans aren't always mutually exclusive. That doesn't take much learning to see..."
- Satana has posed:
Satana seems to have expected that response, given her facial expression and body language. Both of which relax.
"Well, darling, I'm definitely a monster. Make no mistake: I eat souls." She locks eyes with Petra. "But I doubt they're the kind of souls that you'd be concerned about. They're already headed to my domain, or to the domains of others like me. I just send them along a bit earlier before they can harm any more."
She picks up her drink and sips at it a few times while watching Petra carefully, monitoring face and body language.
"I do the Whoreson's work for him. And do you think I get any credit or thanks? Hah!"
While she talks and while their gazes are locked, she pours a bit of her domination, the one she so ably demonstrated on the bar girl, into Petra. A test or perhaps a challenge? Seeing how resistant her opposite number is, but backing off before it becomes damaging or before actually grabbing any control.
"The self-righteous types upstairs despise my kind; they never acknowledge our contributions to their success."
- Petra Emreis has posed:
"I didn't throw something sharp at you in that store, I didn't try and stab you in the limo...I think you already figured that if I was here to ambush you, we'd have never made it to this club." She trails off, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them once more. Was she enthralled...? It certainly didn't seem so. In fact, it was like pouring it into an empty space...or a mirror.
That sip of the drink was more than just a 'power move' of sipping someone else's drink. It was indeed a spell, a chess move. She wasn't showing off power, she was showing off a little 'chess move'.
Of course, was the push -quite- like what Satana had inflicted on the other girl or merely an attempt to push in?
"Or their contributions to yours?" she questions lightly, playing it off.
"You wouldn't be the first 'Monster' who talked about trying to do their thing 'humanely'. Vampire, succubus, so many other things..."
- Satana has posed:
"Oh, piffle," Satana says, leaning back and nodding as her 'presence' drains away. Calculating eyes look Petra over once again "I said nothing about humane. I mean my targets experience the best sex of their lives. But then their lives end in pain, fear, and regret, their souls sustaining me another week while the wisp of what's left screams down to Hell where it remains for all eternity in torture." She presets a lopsided grin. "Not even I would have the sheer chutzpah to claim that was humane. I make no excuses for myself. I am what I am. I do what I have to do to live, and yes, mortals will suffer eternally for it. But that is part of the Whoreson's design, much as a shark eating fish. It's nothing personal."
Satana drains the drink and pushes the glass away, glancing out to the club, eyes scanning the table, pitch black except for the flames.
"But the truth is that those I consume deserve my consumption unless there are strange circumstances where I am starving and all that are near me are innocents." The eyes, back to amber, flick to Petra. "Not because of humaneness, I should point out, but rather because the depraved souls taste better. Also part of the Whoreson's grand design, I'm sure. I consume the vile and the wicked not because I want to protect the innocent but because, bluntly, they just taste better." A feral twist of her lips before she continues. "Doing good is an accident."