14984/Shopping is Good for the Heart
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Shopping is Good for the Heart | |
Date of Scene: | 24 April 2023 |
Location: | Red Hook Shopping Mall, Red Hook |
Synopsis: | Harley takes Selina shopping and succeeds in raising her spirits. |
Cast of Characters: | Catwoman, Harley Quinn
- Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle has been all moody and emotional lately, but somehow Harley managed to talk he4 into a shopping run, which is a good distraction! especially with major sales on this weekend. She sighs, stretching as she peers around, dressed in a black leather hoodie and black leggings. So much black, no wonder she's so serious. "So.." she grumbles, "Where do we start? You know I don't really need fancy clothing.."
- Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Is screaming SCREAMing 1950's vibe and it works for her.. blond hair.. bright red lipstick and nails.. Her very very white skin it just works \<br\>\<br\>\<br\>
\<br\>\<br\> Sure there's a lot of cleavages, but it's Harley! She beams and laughs " hows about we start with color " She looks at the other girl " We gotta break you out of your own self-increasing funk " .
- Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle groans as she looks Harley up and down, "You know, I have absolutely no desire to stick out like a sore thumb, I'm much happier to blend in with the shadows.." still, Harley might have a point. If it will get her mind off of current things. "Okay, do your worst. You want to give me a full make over, go for it. Just do t dress me up like a clown or anything.."
- Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\> Harley for her part rolls her eye's and sniffs " That's my thing not yours " she growls but she smirks and takes Selina's hand " Did you wanna start with the outside or inside first? " She asks looking to her friend wanting to do the whole thing of course she already walks into a hair dressers " Apointment please... 2 hours perfect thanks " She drops 100 and the woman blinks and she drags selina along .
- Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle blinks tensing a bit. "Inside? What, are you gonna give me another counselling session, clear my head?" she laughs nervously, shaking her head, "Just the outside,n whatever you want dear..It's supposed to be..A distraction, fun right? I don't mind a pop of color so long as it's subtle.."
- Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle blinks as she's then dragged along, biting her lip nervously..
- Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Sighs " You know I wonder how you always wear such nice outfits when your like this " she sighs " I meant your underwear silly not your brain.. the point is to distract you " She kisses selina's cheek " Sheesh relax " She laughs as she drags you along " 2 hrs should be perfect for shoes "
- Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle smiles faintly, giving Harley a hug, "I'm sorry, I've just had a lot on my mind lately..I'm sure this will help, at least distract me a bit." she smirks, glancing g down at her drab attire, "Soo do I get any say in how they dress me? Are they doing my make up and nails too?"Moshe still seems tense, not wanting to look too light and fluffy.
- Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Looks over " You said anything for the outside your lucky i don't give you a tatoo "s he says " Just a wax.. your nails the whole nine " she smriks as she takes you into a shoe place to look for something sexy black and with style apparently she knows your color.. " though a nice white shoe would pop
- Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle hmms, "Well you know Ive always liked deep red and sapphire, wouldn't mind a show in those co,ours as long as the heel is not too high. I hate impractical attire." she rolls her eyes as she sees a cute pink pair, but they're spike heels, a bit too high..
- Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>5r Harley looks over and hmms " No we go with black the slash shouldn't be your feet " she says brightly as she brings out chunk heels " they have a bit of heel at the front so the acutally heal part isn't a s high and it's easier to walk in .
- Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle smiles, looking over the chunky heels, "Elegant yet simple, I love them." she tries them on taking a few steps and seems happy, "And practical. I'll take them."she chuckles, "This is easier than I thought, figured you would insist on some silly impractical spike heels or thigh high boots or something." hey at least her mood has improved.
- Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Grins " Do you think I fiddle with what's on my feet I always make sure I can kick a guy in a face with what I'm wearing " She jerks a thumb towards herself! \<br\>\<br\> She grabs your hand and leads you along bringing you to a nail place " Full wax and trim.. and do he nails .. kitty but classy mel " She grins at the alasian girl who smirks " You got it harley "
- Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle oohs, "I do like keeping my nails long..Having a bit of color in my nails is nice too, and I could do with a wax.." she smiles, kissing Hale on the cheek, "Hmm you sure know how to treat a bestie. Been a while since I was pampered.."
- Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn Nods her head and smiles so for the next 2 hrs.. selina is given a massage.. a skin treament.. wax and clean up.. the whole nine yards then Harley has her hair done while selina is having her nails top and bottom done!
- Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle nearly forgets where she is, losing track of time, falling asleep as she relaxes once the massage really hits her, easing her muscles in a way she hasn't known in a very long time. She sighs softly, stretching out, enjoying g the session so much that time flies by and suddenly it's over. She blinks as the lights come back on. "Huh? Is it over already?"
- Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Peeks in " heya " she beams " they did you hair too " She laughs " Come on ..I got you some lingerai and dress putt it on and show how sexy you are " she beams brightly
- Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle smiles,"Ooh love the nails, subtle but elegant.." she touches her loose carefully coiffed bun and smiles, "OhHarkey dear, you are a sweet heart, I owe you big time for all this..I feel like a million bucks.." she smiles, totally distracted niw.
- Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn beams " Now the Belt and the Ribbion on the hair is red.. the rest is your fav black.. cause your girl loves ya " She beams and giggles " And while my style is my style.. I got you booo " She beams and grins handing her the dress to put on " besides if I'm going classic shouldn't you ? " She beams \<br\>\<br\>\<br\>
- Catwoman has posed:\<br\>Selina Kyle smiles faintly, looking clearly relaxed and more cheerful with a few pops of color here and there. "Okaay, fine..Let's try these on.." \<br\>\<br\>She grabs the dress and disappears disappears into the fitting room, reappearing a moment later in the form fitting black dress with a subtle but cheerful pink sash. "So how do I look?"
- Harley Quinn has posed:\<br\>Harley Quinn giggles " Didn't expect the pink sash but I like it.. I went with the ruby red you said but I like the pink " She beams " We can switch out the pink on the hat and I think it's perfect " She smiles " You look sexy and classy " She claps