14959/Late night flight

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Late night flight
Date of Scene: 19 April 2023
Location: Somewhere over the Atlantic
Synopsis: A random meeting, flying over the oceans. Angelica met Angel.
Cast of Characters: Firestar, Archangel

'Firestar has posed:
While she tends to keep her powers on a short leash, once in a while Angelica just needs to fly. Flying out over the ocean keeps anyone from potentially catch radiation off of her. Her suit protects people, but she is still a bit paranoid.

While she has never really tracked how fast she can fly, she can move. She currently skims over the ocean to stay off any military or civilian radar as much as possible. Her passing that close to the water causes it to part on the surface in the wake of the speed she is putting on.
'Archangel has posed:
The desire to blend in with the mundane world is a heavy one. Each and every person, from the meekest soul, to the most flamboyant personality, on some level, wants to fit in. And Warren Kenneth Worthington III was no different. He hid his powers in his daily life, whether it was at the offices of Worthington Industries, the golf courses, or anywhere in between.

But sometimes, he just needed to let loose. And so, today, tonight really, he had changed, and taken flight. When he flew, it was with magnificence angel wings, hence his moniker. But they seemed to sprout from his back, in this case, through clothes specially designed to allow them to emerge, and so, he seemed to be well, he looked like a yuppie... who just happened to have angel wings.

But, even during a gentle night time flight, there were interruptions, like another being skimming the surface of the waters. Swooping down, he came to a near complete stop near her, and immediately transitioned to hovering, which necessitated flapping of his wings, "hello, nice night for a flight?"
'Firestar has posed:
In her own world, Angelica gets caught off guard by the voice. There is a startled noise and she pulls up quick, stopping on the proverbial dime. She takes in her surroundings and focuses in on the only other person within miles of her. She eases a little and nods to him.

"It is. Glad to see I'm not the only one who thought so." she replies and keeps a comfortable distance for now, but close enough to talk without any trouble. She studies him a moment and says,"Angel...Archangel. Right?" Not too many other people it could be, but you know the one about assuming things.
'Archangel has posed:
Firestar was more manoeuvrable than Angel, but not by as much as one might think. Despite the size of his wings, they could contract, so much so that he could hide among humans in plain sight, and like a bird, he was designed for rapid changes. He had no problem with the distance. The real issue was the wind, it made communication somewhat harder. But as they were near the water, the wind was less of a problem down here.

"Angel, please." He hated the Archangel moniker, thinking it something from a troubled and extremely disturbing past. He did not like that part of him, though, after he had regained his own mind, there were some memories he cherished... Just, on the whole, he was Angel. "And you are Firestar, if I recall correctly." Yes, instead of IIRC, he spoke it out loud.
'Firestar has posed:
Settling into an easy hover she eases a little and nods,"Firestar yes." she replies. She can't help taking in the wings for a long moment. Realizing she is staring she mutters,"Oh, us sorry. I have seen you on Canadian television and the Alpha Flight has a loose who's who of X-Men, but your wings are...amazing."

She might have blushed after that, good thing for her it is dark outside,"Sorry..." she stammers a little. Desperately she looks for something else to talk about and manages,"So am I intruding on your flight area? I can fly somewhere else if you need." She is talented at many things, talking to people isn't always one of them.
'Archangel has posed:
"Thank you," he said, not really sure what to say about that. It was kind of like having a stranger say that your hair is amazing, or your biceps. It was flattering to be sure, but also a little awkward, and especially as it was coming from someone so much younger than he was.

Though the search for a new topic had him laughing aloud, "Oh, no, it's a common sky, everyone's entitled to its use. I simply saw you flying, thought I'd investigate, as one never knows whether someone will be in need of help, up to something, or the like. Really, I'm intruding on your flight, Ms. Star, and for that, I most sincerely apologize."
'Firestar has posed:
She sighs and admits,"Sorry. I am really bad at meeting new people." She shrugs inspite of herself. She looks around the sky and admits,"It's a nice night. I just didn't want to get in someone's way."

She actually mutters,"Huh." and seems to have not thought of something,"I am so used to being over land, I hate to admit it I never gave too much thought to watching for would be trouble. Not that I am all that great of a swimmer. It's too cold up north. I can save me, but anyone else...sketchy."
'Archangel has posed:
He was enjoying her company, even if the poor girl seemed incredibly nervous. It was charming in its own way. "Oh, that just means you're out of practice. The more you interact with new people, the easier it will become. I'll let you know of a little mental trick, two actually. Why don't you, once per day, try and strike up a conversation with a stranger, the barista, someone on the bus, the street, in class, it doesn't matter, just that you try. The other thing, try and say one more sentence than you think you should in an interaction."

He listened to her stories of the Great White North, "I haven't spent much time in Canada, though I do know that it's quite warm in Vancouver. I'm still not sure why we let you folks keep it." He said in a tone that suggested he was teasing, "it's so lovely, water skiing and downhill skiing, just an hour apart."
'Firestar has posed:
"I definately don't practice a lot. It's funny. Around those closest to me I do OK. Not great but OK." she replies. Listening to him she takes a moment to consider what he suggests. The first idea seems OK, but the second causes a quizzical look on her face,"Um...OK." She sounds a little confused.

"Well I am a New York girl by origin, but Canada became my home when I went to school with Alpha Flight. Similar to Xavier's, but not exactly." she explains. Once there are facts to chase she loosens up a little bit,"Vancouver is an amazing place though, you are right about that. I haven't spent a lot of time there. Usually in school or getting dragged off to something conflict or another."
'Archangel has posed:
"Practice makes perfect, or as they now say, perfect practice makes perfect. With anything, you get out of it what you put in. I've never had any problem going up to a complete stranger, and talking about whatever is on my mind, but I've also been called... many bad words." He had paused, smiling, before adding the last part.

He listens and nods his head, making strong eye contact, all the kinds of things one might expect of a man with confidence. "Oh, you should. But here is nice as well. Beauty is where you look for it. Though I wouldn't start looking in industrial Detroit."
'Firestar has posed:
"Practice. I'll work on that." she replies. Listening to him she shakes her head a little,"I wish I could, but it just was never my thing. If I get on the right subject it helps, but only so much." A soft chuckle at the mention of being called many bad words,"I might have been called a few of them too." she admits.

She pauses a moment and admits,"I would like to. Just takes time." At the mention of Detroit she makes a little bit of a face,"I hear it is less than pleasant yes. Detroit I mean." She checks her wrist and says,"I need to get going. Early morning." She makes to leave and adds,"Angelica by the way. Angel to some too, just like you."
'Archangel has posed:
Warren had done a poor job of hiding his identity from his enemies, and an even worse job of his allies. Those who saw him rarely saw him close enough to get a good look at his face, and while a celebrity of sorts, he wasn't exactly a household name. Only certain industries would recognize his face. Sometimes he wore a mask to help with it too, if he ever thought he was in a situation where he might be spotted, and recorded.

This was a random flight in the middle of nowhere. He had not expected anyone, certainly not someone he knew. So when Firestar made her way to go, floating away, and giving her name, at least a first name, he sent back, "Warren... unlike you." As Warren and Firestar had nothing in common, grammatically speaking.
'Firestar has posed:
There is a smile when he gives his first name, the comparison making her laugh a little,"Maybe I will see you around the mansion some time. I will be there some now. It was good to meet you Warren." Pretty much all the words she can muster, so she turns and flies towards the coast.