14954/A meeting in the library.

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A meeting in the library.
Date of Scene: 18 April 2023
Location: Library - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Harles updates Bruce on current emotions.
Cast of Characters: Batman, Harley Quinn

'Batman has posed:
Bruce sits at his desk sipping on some scotch fingers drumming on the desk as he thinks. He's currently in dark and broody mode as he looks over some paperwork. "God, where are they?" He asks himself quietly. "Where are Harles and Selina, haven't seen much of either one since...the auction fiasco..." He talks to himself though he sits there bare chested he leans back and sips some more.
'Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Peeks her head in " You ran brucey ? " She asks wearing her supergirl pj's for sleeping time.. she loves it of course you havn't seen her around but you do know alfred said she bought alot of clothing maerials .. thankfully it's not anything explosive but she also ordered alot of knives so maybe that's not good
'Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne looks up at Harley and raises a brow. "So what's with the clothing materials and knives?" Be asks with a raised brow. "You know no killing. And have you seen Selina lately, I haven't seen her much and I'm worried about her."
'Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn sighs " I caught her trying to run away " She looks at him " She's doing that whole I need space ... and I like my freedom bullshit that's really just her running away.. I got her to stay but we need to talk to her " . She stretches a bit avoiding the question but she does answer a little "Cosplay " is all she answers
'Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne raises a brow. "Caught her running away, running away from what?" He asks his tone clearly upset. "UH huh Cosplay, I believe that as much as I believe Ivy can stop trying to take our chemical company CEO's or two face can go back to Harvey Dent." He says clearly he doesn't believe this. "So tell me the truth Harls, or do I have to start investigating and cancel the orders?"
'Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn rolls her eyes " What do you want the answer too first " she back flips back over the chair showing off he incredible flexiblity as she moves to stand and lean on the chair " I can't answer both at the same time.. do you wanna know about kitty cat .. or my cosplay? "
'Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne shakes his head. "No games Harley, just answer the questions, I'm not in a playful mood." He says his voice almost taking on the gravelly tone he uses as the Bat. "I know it's not just cosplay, so tell me the truth. And if you know about Selina out with it, whichever order So long as both get answered."
'Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Shrugs since he dosn't wanna play but she won't either " You " she says " And me she was running away from us.. and me and her.. and you and her she was doing what she's always done.. you don't think all of gotham underworld dosn't know how you two are on and off again.. how most of the time she runs away " she shrugs " She's looking to do that again.. and lord she's stubborn even when i explained it she too stubborn to listen it's like talking to you when you go bat mode "
'Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne nods his head. "I see, and this has to do with that fiasco at the auction I assume. Anyway now that I know I'll talk to her." He says simply. "Now, the clothing and the knives spill it, ad
'Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne says, "and I want the truth Harls." He says firmly. "Not this cosplay stuff."
'Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn sighs " It is the truth I'm making several costumes.... One of them is of Wonder woman.. the other is super girl cause " She hefts her chest ' I can't pull off power girl.. and I was thinking of doing black canary maybe " She thinks " thiers a comic con .. i wanna go and have fun "
'Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne shakes his head back and forth he sighs. "That doesn't answer about the knives Harls, but fine I'll figure it out." He says standing. "Shall we head to bed?"