1470/Fated meeting from the past.

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Fated meeting from the past.
Date of Scene: 14 July 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Talia al Ghul

Batman has posed:
It is night in Gotham, and Talia had just got back in Gotham earlier today from her trip from NYC. Put into a nice hotel on one of the top floors she had the whole room to herself though the two elite League member right outside the door. It had been a long day, and it was coming to the end for most people but with Talia who knows. The nightlife in Gotham is busy, and just out the window she could see if she wanted the lights, and the cars of the activity down there though from up this high it would be quiet of the noise.

That quiet is interupted, as from outside the door it goes from nothing to a loud grunt followed by a short amount of fighting. Even that goes quiet after a moment, and then there is silence again for a long moment. Shortly after the door opens, and standing in the doorway is Batman.. He peers inside, as is stepping over the two guards in the door. He frowned to the inside of the room, he doesn't speak, or make a sound if it were not for the guards he might of entered quietly all together, thogh that may of been his.. 'knocking'

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia is there in the hotel suite, having just emerged from the shower, hair down, and wearing a gauzy white silk robe, belted loosely about the middle, her gaze is focused upon the door, with her brow raised ever so slightly.

"You make too much noise." Talia says to the Batman, crossing the room over towards the bureau, presumably for the ivory handled brush sitting atop it, "Didn't father teach you better then that?" she asks, her hand reaching for that very brush.

Batman has posed:
Batman just looks at her... He doesn't fall for the bait especial when it came to an Al'Ghul, also it was better for her to underestimate him long term there would be more important moments then this to sneak up on her. After a moment of her brushing her hair he finally speaks up again. "Damian.. The Truth" he finally says and keeps it short as he holds his poker face. He had met him once, and he knew he was her kid, he was not stupid and he knew who he looked like, but came to her for confermation.

He sighs a bit, and crosses the room... "Is this one of his games? You know that time has twisted his mind, though you still follow him. I considered him a threat, and now you are fighting war games with another assassin group." he shakes his head, a bit.. "And now your back in Gotham..." he turns and glares at her again.. "If you move here now you will not last a month... I came to ask you not to politely before we meet out there." nodding to the glass

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"I seem to remember you being a willing participant when he was conceived." Talia says to the Dark Knight, still brushing at her hair lightly, removing the tangles. "He's your son, if that is what you ar asking, but I assume you already knew that anyway."

Her hand removes the brush from her hair, moving to set it down atop the bureau where she took it from, "And I have every right to be in Gotham as I do anywhere else. Are you telling me I'm not welcome here?" she asks, her brow raising slightly.

Batman has posed:
Batman stops, and looks at her just quietly looks at her. Talia might see what people rarely see in his eyes, pity.. He knew her father well, and heck he knew the 'life', but still worse things happened to her which she just pushed away to blind faith in her father. He feared the kind of blind loyalty they have tought him in all this time. Though he is quiet for a long moment turning to looking out the window.. "Talia.. why.. You know you could of told me before he shows up at my doorstep." he sighs.. "Before now." he turns and looks at Talia again. "Is this war you want so important... Can you not see anything beyond it even here." then shrugs, and falls silent again. Would he bring Damian up in the 'bat-life' well he didn't have much of a choice now, but before the League.. Before the training... Maybe

He moves closer and looks at her.. "I am asking you to clean up your act here because when you get cought with all the extra people here you will go away for a long time. There is no reason for that, and you will not find any safe haven here." he stops and turns looking at the door thinking about going... "I am asking you because I know you, and your father.. He will sacrifice you in an instant if he needs."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"Just like you could have stayed with us." Talia replies as she makes her way across the room to settle down onto one of the plush chairs that provide seating for the suite. "You were fairly clear how little you wanted to do with My Father and I, afterall."

"I don't particularly know why you think I might be doing anything that would get me sent away, however. And if you mean the extra men that you attacked outside? Those are just my bodyguards, between the lawless vigilantes, and the lawless gangs, Gotham is a dangerous place. A woman has a right to defend herself, afterall."

Batman has posed:
Batman goes back to poker face, and just nods to her once. He turns to walk to the door quietly without saying another word though you would notice he is still as quiet as when he entered the same level of loud. He stops at the door and turns to her. "Two things.. One, Damian now is under my care if your 'bodyguards' come around that is on you.." he pauses then nods, "The second... You what I am saying though this is another chance to run your fathers games.. Consider it well because at some point it will be too late."

After he speaks the lights die out just for a moment the whole floor seems just to flicker out, as the darkness falls it is just a moment. That is all it takes though as Batman who was there is now gone. He was well practiced, and still as good as you remember. The reason why your father wanted him on your side so badly is shown again as the speed and quietness of his walk away is quite good.