14676/Batsie N Harls

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Batsie N Harls
Date of Scene: 26 January 2023
Location: Interior - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Batsie and harl talk of the future
Cast of Characters: Batman, Harley Quinn

Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne is sitting in his chair near the fireplace looking into the fire as it goes. He's got his black hair slicked back and is wearing that beautiful Navy Blue suit. His fingers drum in the chair a bit as he seems to be waiting for someone.
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Skips into the room and beams a big smile " Wait long batsie? " she asks as she moves clover and sits down crossing those long legs of hers.. " Ohh were bruice today how neat " she smirks as she looks up at the roof for a moment her eye's seeming to scan it .
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne smirks at Harley and chuckles. "You know when I'm home love, I'm not usually portraying the Batman." He laughs reaching to take her hand and looks her over. "So what's up Harls?" He asks giving her a playful smile.
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn cocks her head " you know that's not healthy dear " she says softly as she stands up to move to sit into his lap and wraps her arms around his neck " I may be crazy but I'm still a doctor " She smirks " And you are a dream to deal with " She chuckles " I know I know carpmentalizing helps you deal with things as batman.. and Bruce Wayne is a mask you wear for the public.. She taps your checks " But who are you " she says softly. "Your not just bats.. and not just bruce.. even the fake version comes from you so .. who are you really? "
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne smirks and shakes his head. "Now you're going to psycho analyze me my love?" He asks with a grin. "The answer to your question is I'm neither and I'm both. Bruce Wayne can no longer exist without Batman and Batman can't exist at all without Bruce Wayne. But who are you Dear are you Dr. Harleen Quinzel, or are you the Clown Queen Harley Quinn? As neither can exist without the other."
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Laughs " Oh dear, those are all titles I wear " She smirks " That's the point. I'm me.. I am still trying to find out who I am " She looks over to the window " I've mostly found her " she looks back at him " But I'm still looking. " she chuckles, "but Nobody would accuse me of being more than once person .. not like you " She says softly She kisses him " But I'm trying to help you dear because honestly I think your neither batman or bruce they are masks for who you are "
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne smiles and places a hand on your belly. "You can be to smart for your own good." He says with a laugh. "But I'm glad you're mine now."