14523/Send in the Clown(girl)

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Send in the Clown(girl)
Date of Scene: 25 August 2022
Location: Sommerset, Bristol Township
Synopsis: Batman and Harley Quinn beat up some baddies
Cast of Characters: Batman, Harley Quinn

Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne stands atop one of the warehouses near the airfield in this part of the city, a pair of binoculars lifted up to his face as he takes in the comings and goings on the runway. He's expecting a shipment to arrive containing illicit weapons intended for the worst parts of Gotham and he has every intention of sending them right back where they belong. However, heavy fog and weather conditions have made the flight extraordinarily late, leaving Batman playing a waiting game. His cape billows a bit in the stirring winds, the first kiss of fall amidst the finally relenting summer heat. He's glad to see it. Gotham's rough enough as it is, but it's worse in the summer, with the ghettos boiling over and cheap slumlords holding their tenants hostage for air conditioning repair. He was doing his best as Bruce Wayne to make inroads into those sorts of issues, but the greedy fingers of the landlords were hard to pry free.

His back straightens slightly and he puts down the binoculars, not even turning as he detects the presence of another pair of footsteps on the roof. "Hello, Harley," he says aloud.
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn She doesn't seem surprised or even slows her cartwheels and flips.. if anything, she only stops when she Swings her legs over the same ledge next to batman " Hiya Batsie ! " she peeks over " That shipment I leaked to ya not here yet? " She gives one of her crazed giggles.

     It's clear it's still rather hot because even Harley is wearing less, and that's saying something as the clown princess of crime sits and swings her legs. Without missing a beat, she pulls out some gum and pops it into her mouth.. " Gum? " She asks, of course. Batman would detect it's a trap.

Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne only turns to face Harley for a moment, his eyes taking in her relatively scantily clad state, before returning his eyes back to the airfield. "If that suit is bulletproof, it isn't going to do you much good," he says dryly. "I'll pass, thank you. Any particular reason for this visit or did you just happen to be in the neighborhood?"
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Laughs " While I love latex as much as the next gal.. only you love that kevlar rash batsie " she giggles, swinging her legs " I was moon bathing.. gotta keep my pale looks .. besides It's hotter than Satans ball sack, right now ". She leans over and kisses batman's cheek " Can't a Gal say hello to her favorite, most hated Friendimy " . She gives that bit innocent smile, blinking those big blue eyes.

     She looks back " besides, these guys broke my rule.. No children ".
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne accepts the kiss with his usual staid expression, very carefully not letting any reaction show, even with a hint of lipstick left behind on his cheek. "Not sure about your science there, doctor, but I won't argue the point. I imagine it's a very effective distraction," he says.

He nods to her last statement, "I don't think they believe in rules. You're welcome to help me teach them otherwise. Unfortunately, they seem to be running behind."
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Nods " Dats True " she sighs and looks over before she points, " I think that's them, see " she points to the Very, very far away lights.. the side effect of the drugs and various things have left Harley more than a little super human after all. She reaches around, and even batman doesn't know where she pulls out her massive hammer " Should we go pulverize em? "
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne almost laughs at the sudden appearance of the hammer, but gives a firm nod, "Can cut off the shipment later," he says. Without another word, he moves forward and simply steps off the roof, a line firing out moments later and swinging him across from the warehouse to another nearby rooftop, moving to close the distance and putting himself along a line to cut off the approaching vermin.
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Back flips and then Runs top Speed " GERONIMO!!!!! " She leans off the building, of course. Thanks to her enhanced strength and reflexes, she is able to bounce off things slowing her fall as she Lands.. of course, she Yanks out another Hug looking bomb before she Launches it towards the enemy " Hey, foggy bottom boys! " of course the bomb is a special brand Smoke bomb! that will fill the whole area with almost impossible to see smoke!
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne pulls off one of his favorite movies, a signature of his, even. He plunges from the sky on top of one of the cars, landing on the hood, his feet slamming in and shattering the engine as his cape cover the windshield. The vehicle swerves, turning to the side and hitting a pole, but Batman's already moving again, rolling over the rooftop and landing on his feet behind the car. He leaves teh other vehicle to Harley, showing surprising trust in the young madwoman. Or maybe he simply knows he can clean up any mess she makes. Regardless, when one of the thugs pushes open a door and starts to step out, he's met with a swift roundhouse kick, breaking his nose and slumping him to the ground as Batman prepares to incapacitate his friends.
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn for her part, does the whole Shocked.. Scared and oh no! look on her face.. before she grins and leaps upwards and over the Car.. of course, her body and the smoke was hiding that she was in front of a Speed post.. so the Car comes with a rather violent Stop!

She's far more savage than batman.. she waits just long enough for them to stick their arms and legs out before slamming that massive hammer into the door.. so it crushes limbs! Cackling " BONK "
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne flings a Batarang, disarming his next opponent and shattering another one of the windows. His friend brings up another gun, firing a spray of autofire that makes Batman duck momentarily for cover. "If they die, I'm taking you in, too," he reminds Harley firmly before he rolls a smoke grenade under the car, blinding the man on the other side before leaping over and spearing him to the ground, knocking him unconscious with a headbutt before rolling off him to dodge a kick from the last man.
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Does a high Kick behind herself that makes most people question how she is that damn flexible as she cocks her head " Hey, you said breaking limbs was okay... just No killin.. " She lifts up the twitching guy whose mouth is foaming from the pain " he's still alive, see! " she slaps his face a little and then blinks and throws him under a car and runs off to find another victim.
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne palmthrusts his final opponent, easily outmatching the man in close quarters. He grasps the man by the hair in a gauntleted fist and slams his face hard into the crumpled hood of the car, a couple of times until his nose breaks in a spray of blood and Batman flings the man casually to the ground. "You don't always know your own strength," he suggests, as the remaining person finds himself pinned between Bat and Clown and unsure which is worse.
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Puts her malet behind herself of course, not fooling anybody as she smiles " Come on, I won't hut you .. come here I'll give ya a big hug " she says brightly of course, the guy shakes his head and runs towards batman, of course, that will cause him to be beaten half to death.. but that was Harley's plan.. what's more, thanks to the smoke, the plane that is now much closer is still gonna land.. since they can't see that everybody was taken out .
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne takes out the last felon easily, flicking aside his feeble fists and wrapping his arms around the man's neck, casually choking him out. At least the guy got to stare at Harley as he passed out. Maybe he'd have nice dreams. "Not bad," Batman says simply. He presses a button on his beltline to auto-notify the police as he takes a moment to quickly ziptie up the hoodlums who might need it. The really broken ones he left alone, not out of sympathy, but just to save the equipment. Waste not, want not. "Time to clear out before the ambulances."
Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn Points to the plane " What about them.. Shouldn't we make it so they can't get away .. or we leaving all the fun to the cops " She walks over wrapping her arms around batmans neck.. clearly expecting him to zip off and she wants to hitch a ride..
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne is taken off-guard for a moment, but it's barely a flicker in his well-trained pokerface. He hooks an arm around Harley's waist and casually fires off a batline, letting it pull them up into the air and away from the scattered criminals and the wreckage of the cars...