14493/Hey, It's Kinda Nice of Here

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Hey, It's Kinda Nice of Here
Date of Scene: 30 July 2022
Location: Triskelion, Bridge Entrance
Synopsis: Hotdogs with mutard!
Cast of Characters: Quake, Starfire

Skye Johnson has posed:
Ah! Middle of summer!

Weirdly enough, Skye was /actually/ out of doors and it wasn't her home. Surprise!

Skye was in the back of the like, waiting her turn - which also was weird for her. When she got food, normally she took it home with carryout bags. Even so, she was terrible for eating Mr. Noodles. But this was for a hotdog. Which she had to agree it was better for the hotdogs stand than her fridge!

Even if she cooked it!

One more person! Then it will be her turn. Mmm Hotdogs.

Koriand'r has posed:
It started off with a few people who were already finishing their hotdogs pointing up at the sky. A distant costumed figure could be seen flying there. Not too uncommon, but in this case it was approaching swiftly.

Starfire swooped down towards the crowd of people, some in line and some milling around either chowing down or chatting. She rapidly put on the brakes in a graceful transition from horizontal to vertical flying, aiming for the back of the line herself.

Smiling and waving at everyone staring at her, and perhaps a few photos being snapped, she floats a few inches off the ground to hover behind Skye.

"Hello friends! I was informed of a hotdog party at this location! I am glad to see that there are indeed the glorious consumables to be had! I shall have lots and lots of mustard on mine!" This all said loudly and boisterously.

Star smiles at the young woman in front of her and holds out her hand to shake in a very unusual manner as if she were not used to the custom of handshaking. "Hello, I am Princess Koriand'r of Tamaran, also the superheroine Starfire of the Teen Titans... but Kory to my friends. Would you like to be friends?"

Skye Johnson has posed:
Costumed people weren't all that unfamiliar to Skye. Heck, she almost had a costume of herself. Well, the bracers. ..Ok. they aren't weren't a costume, but they were close!

Kory, though, had one. And she flew - which made her a mutant. Or some such. After all, Skye had met a few gods and goddesses.

She smiled. "You're new, aren't you? The first thing you need to know is not everyone is your friend. They'll lie to you." And worse. "Tell you what, can I buy you a hotdog? As a welcome to earth sorta meal."

Really? A hotdog wasn't a very good welcome to earth meal.

Koriand'r has posed:
The costume on Starfire barely qualifies for the name, looking almost like some sort of brightly colored bondage cloth, with a collar, crisscrossing purple straps only just covering her breasts enough to halfway count as being decent as part of her one piece swimsuit style outfit. Her arms, midriff, and thighs are all bare, with knee high purple and red boots completing her look.

Really, Kory just enjoys wearing as little as possible that she can get away with.

She nods at the other woman "I am well aware that not all are good hearted. I prefer to treat them as a friend until proven otherwise. And you have certainly not done so. I will be happy to accept a hotdog in the kind spirit offered. Thank you... I am sorry I didn't catch your name?"

Her hand is still extended awkwardly, not seeming to bug her as she waits for a handshake.

Skye Johnson has posed:
"Skye. Skye Johnson. I'm an Agent of SHIELD." She points to the giant building behind her. "Here? Most people behave being so close to the Trisk. That's where I work."

The person before her was finally done.

Moving up, she told the vendor, "Two hotdogs please! And two cokes." Which made it fifteen bucks. Telling him to keeping the change, she turned to Kory. "A teen titan you say?"

Koriand'r has posed:
Starfire smiles brightly and slowly finally lowers her hand... perhaps the custom is different here?

"It is wonderful to meet you Skye! I have been briefed on SHIELD, it is very impressive what you do. As for behaving, if you mean my flight in, I did clear it with your superiors first." She steps up after Skye, accepting the hotdog, but still moving to the vendor "Ten hotdogs please. Extra extra mustard. And can you put more mustard on this one please?" she hands the gift back to the vendor and pulls a hundred dollar bill out from her costume and hands it over. "Please keep the change as well."

Turning back while waiting for her hotdog, she munches on the one she already has, after getting it back doused in yummy yummy mustard! "Yes..mmmfff... I love being a Titan... but sometimes I need an escape... *chew chew*... this was a good excuse to get out of the Tower.... for mustard!"

Skye Johnson has posed:
"TEN?!" Skye peers as Kory. "For your friends at the Titan's Tower?"

No way could she have ordered ten. Maybe 2. At the most 3. But 10? Since she's turned 30, her biological clock slowed down. She still ate pizza and the lot - just less of it.

"You can pick up mustard at the corner store. You know that, don't you? Lots of different kinds too!"

Koriand'r has posed:
Starfire grins at Skye "if they want some they can come get their own. And yes, there is lots of mustard stocked up in the Titans refridgerator... and in the pantry... and in my closet... and perhaps under my bed. But you can never have too much mustard you know!"

As the sweating vendor delivers hotdog after hotdog to the hungry superheroine, Kory keeps eating and eating to everyone's atonishment, never slowing until all ten plus the extra from Skye are finished.

She sheepishly looks around at all the stares when done and blushes "I have more stomachs than humans do."