14337/Happy Birthday! It's dangerous to go alone, take this!

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Happy Birthday! It's dangerous to go alone, take this!
Date of Scene: 24 April 2022
Location: Garage - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Belated birthday presents are given. Beware New York drivers, a Shadowy Phantom approaches...
Cast of Characters: Jax Miller, Kit Killovarras

Jax Miller has posed:
    Is there anything like a fine spring afternoon to be at peace with the world? The sun is shining, it's warm, birds are singing, wildlife frolics in the trees or traipses through the undergrowth. All is peace, all is tranquil, all is well.

    That is, until the sound of the engine roars through the relative silence, and a bike comes haring up the driveway, makes a loop around the fountain, and then runs in a straight line to the garage. Where a certain cat mutant stops the bike, kicks the stand down and kills the engine. Jax is dressed for riding, in leathers, boots and helmet that is as flamboyant as his usual style.

    After dismounting, the cat mutant stoops down to dust off the gleaming black fuel tank of the Honda Shadow Phantom. Quite unnecessarily, because it looks like it just left the showroom, chrome gleaming, not even a coating of road dust to mar the pristine finish. Oddly though, a stylised Ankh has been worked into the top of the fuel tank, in gleaming chrome with a golden accent trim.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
There are times when it's nice and peaceful and you can work on a broken, rusted old machine at your own leisure, then there are those moments where a feline roars up on a motorcycle. Kit almost immediately turns his attention to Jax as he rides up, giving a little wolf whistle at his attire and the machine he's on.

He's sitting in front of a fairly well beat up old bike frame, a few pieces of an old panhead engine already taken apart and left on a tarp nearby, each piece in a random state of cleaning or repair at the moment. The frame it's sitting in is beat to hell as well, old ratty seat, a few bends where bends shouldn't be and such.

Jax Miller has posed:
    With a swish of his tail that is utterly unnecessary, Jax turns towards Kit and gives the yeen a deep bow with a grin. Always acknowledge a compliment! Especially one that is well earned. Taking off the helmet, he tucks the can under his right arm and heads on over, grinning. Seriously though, how many vehicles does he need? His Jeep is gleaming in the stall that is his assigned parking spot, and another Honda Shadow Phantom is parked right next to it. "Hiya pup! Whatcha got there, new puzzle?"

    Yes, he even takes the time to lean over the disassembled pieces, cocking an eyebrow and tilting his left ear. "I think I see a corner piece? Not sure."

Kit Killovarras has posed:
When Jax leans over his project, the yeen leans and gives him a little nudge as he muses, "Yeah, sort of. Though normally, puzzles don't involve a carb full of sludge." and just for emphasis, he tilts the part he's working on and out dribbles some kind of grayish brown slime with just the faintest hint of blue.

"Figured I'd learn how these things work and Mr. Guthrie let me start working on this." the yeen says, motioning to the engine. "Just gotta get it taken apart and cleaned first, see which parts are salvageable."

Jax Miller has posed:
    "Man, that looks complicated." There's a note of some awe in Jax's voice, and he takes half a step back when the goop is poured out of the carburetor. Dust, grime and even mude while riding? Sure. Oily goop that's been crusting in an old engine for three decades? Nah, thanks. "Never had a head for it, it all looks like... stuff... to me. Don't know how they work, just ride them."

    This is Jax, who notoriously puts on pristine white coveralls when attempting to change the oil in his Jeep. The very same cat mutant who can calculate the exact vector of a long jump, throw an object with almost laser guided precision, and drives like an absolute demon... and yet still frequently forgets how the fuel cap comes off. A gearhead, he is not.

    But he knows what he likes. And his enthusiasm for his new bike is nearly infectuous. "C'mon, come check the new ride. Got it from the dealer today."

Kit Killovarras has posed:
"It can be, but once you get started, it's not really that hard." A couple days ago, the Yeen might have had a similar reaction to a piece of an engine suddenly dribbling a funky smelling slime, but today? He just sort of shrugs it off. There's already noticeably some of the slime in the fur of his paws and even along one wrist.

So he'll wind up picking up a shop towel first before standing up and heading over, studying the new bike for a moment while he wipes what he can off of his. The poor yeen is going to smell like oil, rust and gasoline for a while after this at least.

Jax Miller has posed:
    "What do you think?" And again, Jax takes a moment to buff the bike up with a sleeve, squinting along the gleaming finish to check for even the most minor imperfection. "Just over 45 horses, 750cc liquid cooled engine. Electronic stop and start, all the bells and whistles." Straight out of a catalogue, that description. Does he even know what that means? Or did he buy it because it was pretty?

    "Check this out!" and 'this' appears to be the shape of the seat, which is oddly... elongated. It has the distinctive rise to provide a firm seat while accelerating, but the slope is more curved, less pronounced, and it extends over the rear fender where it would usually just abruptly end. It's clearly a custom feature, but why? And then he stands next to the bike and his tail almost casually flops onto the seat, falling naturally along that curve and being guided away from the rear fender. It's a tail guard! "Awesome, huh?"

    Still admiring the bike, he comes to stand next to Kit and puts an arm around the yeen's shoulders. "What do you think?"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
"Forty five horses on a liquid cooled V-twin is actually sort of low," Kit says after studying it for a moment, but then he gives a glance to Jax and smiles. "Makes sense though with how the suspension is set up on these too.. Looks like it's designed to be a smoother ride than normal due to the sacrifice on power."

Ok, so MAYBE the yeen knows at least a LITTLE bit about motorcycles, though he's no mechanic.

"Hell of a bike though regardless. If the gearbox is set up properly, it should put out a decent amount of torque for how underpowered it can seem." Ok, so maybe he knows a LOT more about these things than he might have let on. Though knowing specs and knowing exactly how something works are still two entirely different things.

Jax Miller has posed:
    "Smooth as silk." Jax confirms and, at the same time, squeezes his arm around Kit's shoulder, and puts his other hand on the yeen's belly. There's something in that hand.

    It's a key fob with a Honda logo.

    He wouldn't?!

    "All yours." Yup, he would. The dark paint scheme, the golden accented Ankh, the bike that's perfect for someone who's big enough to deal with some weight but perhaps not that comfortable driving yet? This was never supposed to be his own bike. "Happy Birthday, pup."

Kit Killovarras has posed:
There's a moment of just.. ~FLUFF!~ when the yeen notices the key fob, the fur along his spine visibly raising for a moment when the feline says that. He takes a minute to glance down at Jax, chuckling quietly before he wraps an arm around the feline and pulls him into a sudden and rather deep kiss.

"Thank you, Kitten." he murmurs after a few moments, "But I hope you know, you just set yourself up for a weird night." he says with an almost wicked grin. "Let's take her for a spin, shall we?" This from an individual who has, to anyones knowledge, never driven before and doesn't have a license. This might not end well.

Jax Miller has posed:

    It's one thing to be flamoyant and exude enough confidence to supply a medium sized nation, but it's quite another to be on the receiving end of such... especially when not expecting it. And so Jax fights for a few moments after that kiss to bring his fur in check and regain control over his tail and ears. For a moment there, he really did look like a flustered kitten, but the bouncy Jax soon emerges.

    Ignore the way his ears are blushing.

    "Alright! Gimme a minute to get my own bike ready, and let's go grab a movie. Somewhere in the city." Because what's the point of having a bike if you're not going to drive it unnecessarily far at every opportunity?

    Ride 'em!

Kit Killovarras has posed:
There's a little chuckle and Kit just sort of shakes his head and muses, "Not quite what I meant." with a playful flick of his tongue. Then he walks over and settles himself onto the bike, beckoning Jax over with the waggle of a finger and an almost evil grin. "Though you know? Catching a movie does sound like a good plan. Hop on."

With the way he's sitting, there's only really room for a second body in front of him, rather than behind. It seems like the yeen has a plan and part of that plan? Might be to make the feline blush more. Or scare him out of his mind maybe? All depends on how he drives.

Jax Miller has posed:
    Oho, so that's the game! For an instant, Jax's left ear twitches, and then there's a huge grin on his face. Seemingly without any concern, and with great disregard for life and limb, the cat mutant lifts his leg, swings it over Kit's head in a display of utter disregard for the conventional laws of elasticity and mobility, then sits himself down directly in front of the yeen.

    And just for good measure, his tail wraps around his friend's waist.

    "Dinner..." he says, twisting halfway on the seat to place the helmet on Kit's head and then leaning over to give his boyfriend a happy kiss "...and a show. Onwards, Jeeves!"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit will nuzzle at Jax' shoulder gently as he settles his paws on the handle and throttle, getting a feel for the machine before he taps the ignition and revs the engine a few times. When they start moving it becomes fairly obvious he hasn't driven before - No wheelies or gunning the engine like a lunatic at least - but he is at least confident and knowledgeable enough that the first little bit before getting off campus isn't jerky. "So," he asks as they pull past the campus gates. "Where would you like to go for dinner?"

Jax Miller has posed:
    "Dunno. Somewhere in the city. Let me check." And with an utter disregard for the potential danger he may be in, Jax reaches into his jacket to pull out his phone, and starts to look up restaurants. It's a sign of confidence in his friend, who now literally has his life in his hands. But at least they got out of the gate without incident.

    "There's an Ethiopian place in the Village. Menu looks good." By that he means the menu seems to include some items not normally found in restaurants in the US, but there's always smaller places that thrive in such unconventional fare. After all, how many places on Manhattan serve bug meat?

Kit Killovarras has posed:
"Sounds pretty good," Kit says with a little chuckle, still not going overly fast, but at least he's getting used to the vehicle. "Alright, got the directions?" Yeah, anywhere that has bugs on the menu will likely get the yeens attention.

There's something to be said for a nice ride at night and at very least the yeen is actually being responsible with what he's doing, rather than being reckless but then again, maybe the fact that he's got more than just his life on the line is keeping him in check.