14291/The Bat and the Cat

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The Bat and the Cat
Date of Scene: 08 April 2022
Location: Batcave - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Catwoman

Batman has posed:
Deep beneath Wayne Manor lies a secret known to a select few.

Bruce had left the bed. He had not alerted anyone to his activities because they should be clear to know by now. Bruce was investigating something on the Bat Computer. The multi-screen technological wonder was FAR beyond its time and Bruce was still making upgrades. It looks like he's doing forensics, updating the antidote to the most recent (and potent) fear gas concoction as used by Dr. Jonathan Crane, AKA Scarecrow.

It looks like he's comparing it to an aphrodisiac from the Himalayas and cross-referencing gene samples from.....well, himself.

His fingers move like they could fly as fast as Superman. He's quiet. He's watching. He's analyzing. He's looking at ball and stick chemical imaging, seeing how it affects the brain's neural interface.

Catwoman has posed:
     Selina had woken to find the bed beside her cold, the lack of a big ole bat laying next to her. Not surprising really, stretching out like a cat before slipping from the bed. She'd taken her time to shower and dress into some black short and tanktop, slipping her feet into some ridiculous cat slippers that she just loved to death.
     Wandering the Wayne manor had become easier over the last few months. Entering the giant kitchen, noticing that coffee had been made but none had been taken from the pot. Taking to mugs she fixed herself and her Bat a cup. Knowing just where to find him, she wondered down into the cave.
     Slipping behind him, her movements almost undetected as she leans over his right shoulder and sets down the cup and peers at the screens, "Really, Batty, you dont need to research aphrodisiacs on my account, you do just fine in that department." smirking as she lifts the mug to her lips and blows on the hot liquid.

Batman has posed:
Bruce's instincts are sharp. It's nearly impossible to sneak up on him. The long arm over his shoulder extends and he doesn't even jump. He's memorized the Cat's footsteps. "Scarecrow's newest rendition of his fear toxin. I'm updating the cure by cross-referencing a similar mind drug and contain the cure. Consider it an update."

He moves a hand to the coffee, bringing it to his lips. "Thank you." He reminds her with a small smile. "How did you sleep?" He asks. He plays it off like he wasn't a mind-boggling Aphrodisiac. But She was quite the talent too, Bruce just has mastered the micro sleep.

He sips his coffee again. "Was Alfred awake?"

Catwoman has posed:
Just like a cat, Selina can sleep forever. Yawning into her mug of coffee, though she'd just woken up. Setting her cup of coffee down on his desk, she slips into his lap. "I slept amazing, though the bed is much more comfortable when you are still in it."
     Looking towards the monitors again, she takes a closer look at the information. The talents she had didnt include mind controlling drug toxins, though she'd been learning from his research and actually listening to what he's been doing. "If you figured that out, couldn't you also find a resistance to it? Build up immunity to the toxin?"
     "More than likely, someone had to have made the coffee, I didnt. From the looks of things you've been down here for hours."

Batman has posed:
"Memory cells in my immune system have built up over my times of exposure. I'm resistant. I'm making a vaccine with a sample of tissue recovered from the incident. I could induce a T-Cell differentiation mechanism to drive memory cell proliferation..." Bruce keeps his eyes on the monitor and he makes a few adjustments to the calculations.

Multiple chemical interactions read as green in positive bonding processes...almost no red. "Good work." Bruce tells Selina.

The cat slips into his lap and his blue eyes finally find hers. "I agree. Our relationship has been enlightening in more than one way. You remind me I'm still human...and I sleep better with you." Bruce actually...smiles at Selina. She was the only one who could make him do that. In fact, he leans forward, his lips hoping to capture hers, unless she moves away.

Catwoman has posed:
     It seems that she'd helped in some way and that was something in itself. Beaming up at his compliment and sitting up just a little more to look back at the screen and the adjustments he'd made.
     Selina's attention shifts back at his sweet words and she leans into the kiss that he offers her. It's soft and wanting, nuzzling her nose over his when she breaks her lips from his, sliding her hand into his hair and stroking softly. "You are more human than you care to accept." she says as she pulls back from his mouth. "Don't forget I have a fundraiser later tonight. I'll be back late." A glimmer in her eyes shows a hint of mischief as she says those words.

Batman has posed:
"Mmm...." Bruce makes a soft sound against her lips. Though she slowly pulls away from him, he nuzzled her nose. Gentle, soft touches. Though the cowl often pulled him away from her, he always tried to make time for her. "I'm more of a symbol than a normal human these days." Bruce smirks. He feels the warmth of her breath as his hand caresses her back.

"Selina..." His voice almost scolding. If there's a queen whose diamonds Selina is going to steal....

He sighs.

"Have fun, Selina. I'll want to hear all about it."

Catwoman has posed:
     Selina bats her eyelashes at Bruce and tilts her head at him, "Hmmm?" she purrs out at his almost scolding tone, using her closeness against him, leaning in her runs her lips against his lips again in a brush of a kiss. "They are rich, Bruce, they don't need more things anyway." she remarks softly, "Besides, it's all for a good cause anyway." Though she doesnt outright say that is going to steal anything, its nearly implied or that there is an intent to.
     "You could always come with me and keep an eye on me." though, she knows he wont. They are rarely seen together out in public. Besides the fact that fundraisers were not his favorite things.