14269/AEC, Part 5. 'The Bat takes interest'

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AEC, Part 5. 'The Bat takes interest'
Date of Scene: 05 April 2022
Location: South Hinkley, Old Gotham
Synopsis: Batman entrusts Steve with a weighty burden.
Cast of Characters: Batman, Captain America
Tinyplot: Avengers Exploration Corps

Batman has posed:
New York.

It was a better place than most. Crime ran rampant. Politics corrupt. Banks and corporations dominating much of the playing field. But there are saving graces to such cities: Namely that there were heroes, both low and high to save the day. Premier of which were the Avengers. Labelled as the Earth's Mightiest Heroes, they have repeatedly proven that they are symbols that represent the best of us.

Yet only one of them is one that would be considered incorruptible.

That's why a page finds its way to Steve. Simple technology for simple times. The same message was sent via email and by standard letter. It had only a single line of text: An address. It was signed only by what appears to be a Bat in the lower left hand corner.

A choice.

The Dark Knight stands atop a rooftop at a very simple building. Long since abandoned. A place to talk in private without people listening in on their conversations. A place of true neutrality, for the shadows take no sides.

A choice.

Captain America has posed:
    Clandestine meetings have started to become a habit.
    The man some call Captain America has only met Batman a handful of times. In passing, during some of the battles years ago that tested the world's heroes. Most recently it was in Gotham when Agent Romanoff was responding to an alert about a superpowered perpetrator holding hostages. Cap had shown up late that time.
    This time he did not.
    Likely the Bat made him before he arrived. Nearby traffic cams not hard to compromise at all, and Steve Rogers on his old motorcycle was a profile that might stand out. Though he took some extra minutes parking a good distance away, approached the building. Then eventually made his way up the stairwell.
    Until he emerged on the rooftop. Not in uniform, save perhaps for that brown leather jacket he had a preference for wearing. That and blue jeans and a pair of sneakers were what he wore at the moment. So at a glance it won't be entirely obvious who the Batman is meeting with. But the Dark Knight? He stands out and is easily recognized.
    "Batman." Just a neutral greeting as he walked, shoes crunching the gravel of the rooftop under his step.

Batman has posed:
Batman had him made before he ever arrived. Call it paranoia or preparedness, both definitions would apply to the Dark Knight and his intention for Captain America. None of his wills were ill, but that doesn't mean he wasn't going to prepare himself for anything the Captain may prepare to do. But it looks like the Captain may be lacking the shield. It's entirely possible that Steve intended to have this conversation be as casual as possible.


Batman's voice was low. No assisting voice modifiers, no tricks, no theatrics. An honest meeting. Unlike with many, where Batman wouldn't give them the time of day or let it show in his body language, he actually turns to face his guest. He approaches and stops a comfortable distance away.

"You're planning a mission."

He states it as if it's a fact. "I have the intention of joining you."

Captain America has posed:
    There's no prevarication despite the situation perhaps calling for it. No dissembling or misdirection. Steve Rogers just stands there with his arms at his sides and watches the man in black with that steady reserve he holds for most meetings when it's official and when it calls for him to be the Captain and less Steve.
    What's more he doesn't counter with inquiries, questions, trying to track down how the man might know this. What breaches there might be. He might track it down later, but right now it's safe to say they exist.
    Instead the two men stand there looking at each other and likely imagining the same conversational sorties that would be asked, their answers, the trails that those paths would lead down and where it would come out in the end.
    Which leaves, instead, with Captain Rogers getting to the bottom line as he answers simply.
    "That's a big ask." Then he folds his arms over his broad chest and waits to hear more.

Batman has posed:
Alfred would have -quite- a few words about this meeting. As would just about any SHIELD executive. But this wasn't about SHIELD. This wasn't about the Justice League and it wasn't about the Avengers. This was about the future of humankind. When Captain Rogers considers Batman's statement to be a big ask, Batman wastes very little time in replying.

"Space is vast. So vast that we have become aware of pockets in space and dimensional entities -- some of which have found their way to Earth. We know frighteningly little about the galaxy in which we reside, about the universe."

He says that like it's his reason for joining and why he should be considered.

Yet his tone doesn't give anything away. "Earth is outgunned, Captain. We need to know what's out there waiting for us beyond Earth." If only they knew the true horrors that lie beyond what they currently know. The monsters, the horrors, the wonders, the benevolent and the malignant.

Batman hasn't heard a no yet.

Typically is a good sign.

Captain America has posed:
    "If there was a mission."
    The first step he takes toward admission, but not pushing beyond that, instead he speaks to the hypothetical for the moment. "Those putting it together would default to known quantities. Elements they could take a read of and know which way they'd jump given certain circumstances."
    The Captain frowns andlooks to the side, then back sidelong with one eyebrow raised. He takes a deep breath and looks the man over. "It would be something that would preclude the need for secrets."
    It's likely the man is weighing many factors here. Taking their measure, considering as he frowns and makes the calculations needed. Nothing he could put into words, but definitely imagining what would happen from one point to the next if an individual like Batman was brought into the fold.
    "The pushback I'd get for taking someone with who is an enigma. Whose values are unknown. It'd likely damage the likelihood there would even be a mission."

Batman has posed:
"If there was a mission-" Batman begins. "Your superiors in this matter would fall in line. Even SHIELD can't ignore the opportunity. They've almost never made the wisest decisions, but to deny this one? It owuld be foolish at best." Batman never looked off to the side. He never broke his eyes from the Captain. Even now, Batman is planning nineteen moves ahead, similiar to the Captain is right now.

The Dark Knight stares at the Captain, blue eyes finding his and...well, death glare is something that could be commended. "And if I wasn't an enigma?" Batman speaks pointedly. "Not to SHIELD. Not to your handler. To you."

Captain America has posed:
    A small cough is given, or more clearing his throat as he lowers his eyes. Steve's brow is furrowed as he considers the words given to him by the Dark Knight, recognizing the portent and implication. He looks up again, considering the caped vigilante askance as if trying to make sure he was seeing him for true.
    Then another controlled inhale. Held. Then released slowly as he formed those words into the structure he needed and finally murmured, "It'd give me stronger grounds to vouch for you. If I told them I knew, and that I felt you could be trusted. I can't promise that it would be a go. But it would be a long ways toward it."
    hen he straightens, "But I need to tell you this, Batman. I know why you keep your identity so close. It's important. Don't risk this unless you're certain." He affixes the other man with his own blue eyes, brow knit as he tries to convince the man of the magnitude of the moment.

Batman has posed:
Batman narrows his eyes at Steve. He's taking his measure. His genuine capability. Batman doesn't play games. He doesn't cheapen or dance around it. He watches Steve, though if Steve knew who Batman was instead of a wildcard, Batman loses an advantage against SHIELD. His only leeway would be to trust in Steve not to give up his identity. No doubt Bruce would try to find a way to force a certain level of amnesia onto the good Captain if it ever became such a risk.

Calculated Risk.

Trust Steve Rogers or trust himself? A trusted, select few know Batman's secret identity. The need is there. It calls for it. He looks at Steve, locking eyes with the man as he approached him. His cowl unlocks, as if held fastened to his face by some kind of mechanism.

He wordlessly lifts his hands to his cowl and he slowly removes it off of his head. Though there was dark shadows around the eyes, the actual face was clear as day if Steve ever read a newspaper in his life.

Bruce Wayne.

Captain America has posed:
    It's a moment that comes, and when it arrives it brings with it the weight of conviction as well. Batman can see the recognition inthe man's eyes. Nothing obvious, more just a slight lift of his eyebrows though it's quickly supplanted by the man giving voice to a low rumble deep in his chest. As if knowing what ill could come about because of this.
    He shakes his head, eyes lowering, then chews on the inside of his lip thoughtfully. Until he raises his eyebrows as he looks back up and meets the other man's eyes. "Okay then."
    A beat.
    Steve raises one hand and holds it up as if telling Batman he's done enough, that he can put the cowl back on though he doesn't murmur the words. The gesture is enough. Then he says, "I'll need to have a meet. Then I'll send a time and a place to the League's mail system. I'll let you know if there are any wrinkles."

Batman has posed:
Just as wordlessly, Batman places his cowl back on his head. The metallic interlocking plates reattatch as if by some mechanism and seals itself around Bruce's head, making him the Batman once more. He stares Steve Rogers down. Or at least it looks like he does. This is probably Batman's most relaxed state. Similar observation was done at the bank fiasco done by Clayface.

Rather than give Steve a clear response, Batman simply nods at him. Despite his identity being revealed to the Captain, Batman doesn't appear to have lost any of his composure. Yet in his eyes is a single concept: trust.

A trust that is not easily earned.

Batman turns to walk towards the edge of the building, as if this was all he wished to discuss. "I'll contact you." and drops off of the building. If the Captain went to look to check, the Batman would be gone as if he had vanished from thin air.

Trust. But verify.