14265/A Shipping Error

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A Shipping Error
Date of Scene: 04 April 2022
Location: Port Newark, Newark
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Shredder, Spider-Man, Batman

Shredder has posed:
    The Foot Clan is hardly an unknown quantity in New York. Where once they were in the shadows, most people in the city at least have heard of them after they executed several crime bosses in a grisly public display a few years ago. Of course, it means there are some mixed feelings on them. Some of course are outraged that there is such rampant organized crime that feels they can openly defy the system. Some are happy someone was willing to take decisive action to clean up the streets. But things have settled since then back into a more 'normal' feeling status.

    The operations in Gotham proved to be more difficult. It wasn't simply a matter of the heroes that made it harder for the Foot Clan to take control. The rogues themselves were divided at the time on whether to accept an outside authority to unite them or not. It was very bloody, and at the end of it, The Foot seemed to blend into the background, not making a lot of presence. But they are there, no doubt, and the Shredder is not known to remain idle.

    A special shipment is underway tonight. New York Harbor had a shipping vessel that was making a short stop in Newark. Not too uncommon, it's very routine. But usually they are only picking thing sup from Newark. There have been some reports lately that things are being dropped off there as well. It looks like there's a piggyback operation going on. The cold wind off the harbor briskly blows across the docks, and as the shipping vessel starts to pull into the dock, the water's choppy nature reminds everyone that a storm may be rolling in within the next hour or so.

Spider-Man has posed:
    While affairs in Gotham are usually left to Gotham, when that trouble spills into New York it finds its way to Spider-man's attention. And Newark, despite it's many great flaws, is close enough to New York City to earn a certain degree of interest from the wallcrawler. Not quite sure where the evening was going to lead, Peter Parker had rode the path train out to Newark, his Spider-man costume beneath his civvies, and a small backpack to contain those items for when he changes. He deliberated on bringing his camera, but decided at the last minute to bring it. One never knows what might happen in Newark, and while it might all be nothing, it could be something interesting. He had not had too many decent shots to peddle to JJJ recently, and he was running a bit low on spending cash. At the very least, he kept him active.
    After emerging from the station, he ducked in an alleyway nearby and webbed up his nondescript backpack absent any identifying information, and took to the air between buildings, web slinging his way down towards the port. And so he was perched, feet bent against the building as he leaned back, munching on an energy bar, as the ship slowly pulled in. Waiting for it to be close enough to be able to get on without being too visible against the sky.

Batman has posed:
It's typically quite wise of others to stay out of Gotham. Typically those of villainous intent, for the Dark Knight prowls in Gotham and where the Batman goes, nothing good can come of it. The Dark Knight had been cleaning up Gotham's crime bosses. Only problem is, some of them startedf to include new members in their ranks, no doubt that road was going to lead to exactly hwat happened in New York: grisly murders on display. To send a message, the defenders of Gotham City remained in Gotham on their home turf, striking from the shadows. Reconnaissance, scouting, ambush...guerilla tactics.

The best way to disrupt their operations is to disrupt their supply lines.

So Batman traced it to how it began. The Dark Knight had left Gotham in the defense of his proteges. There's a sound of a loud engine in the distance. It was getting louder. Coming closer. Batman was driving the car. The engine humming as he had come to a stop. He revved the engine, pushed the afterburners. The Bat wasn't here to play.

He was here to end.

Shredder has posed:
    The wind blusters across the harbor as the shipping vessel comes to a stop, bobbing in the water as the 200 ft ship is anchored off.

    There's shouting from within the ship down to the dock as normal preparations are made. The ship will likely have to wait until the storm passes before it continues on its journey, and several of the deck hands work hard to make sure that everything is properly secured so that there will be as little damage as possible come morning when they continue on their way.

    The men rush down the ramp, disembarking as they finish the processes, though a couple seem to notice the roar of the batmobile, looking up to see the matte black shadow's approach. A couple nudge each other, indicating with curiosity, not with fear, at the arrival of the famous caped crusader. As for Spidey, he's largely unnoticed as he watches from his perch.

Spider-Man has posed:
    Spider-man is used to going unnoticed. That is kind of his thing - that and being under-estimated. He turns his attention with significant interest to the approaching Batmobile. Suddenly, he is happy that he decided to bring his camera, after all. And the spare. The Batmobile always sells papers, he assumes. And then he looks about for a perch to cast his web to swing a bit closer to the action. Spotting a high lamplight over the dock, he shoots off a line of webbing and swings over, hoping that the Batman absorbs all of the attention.
    Clinging to the streetlamp, Spider-man waits to see just what the Batman has planned for the evening. He webs up one of his cameras, in case there are some action shots to be had outside the ship, and prepares to join in whatever the Batman has planned.

Batman has posed:
The Batmobile rages towards the shipment.

They are never afraid at first. Only when there's something to be afraid of do the criminal element realize what fear is. Dark, dreadful, terror. A canon emerges out of the Batmobile's top hatch, firing riot control ammunition, hard enough to nonlethally, but effectively, take out normal humanoid targets. The intent is to fire two shots, one for both thugs who notice his approach.

He initiates the afterburner, accelerating and accelerating quickly. The Dark Knight inside has a look of complete calm on his face. He's prepared for this. He's ready. They're not. The first gambit on the chess board is made in this contest. The pieces begin to move.

Shredder doesn't appear to be on site. Yet. If at all.

Shredder has posed:
    A few of the deckhands look between each other, and point at each other quizzically. They know if the Batman is here, somebody is in trouble. They...just seem uncertain as to who it is. They make way as the batmobile approaches, unarmed, and they don't look like they are ready to defend themselves as much as they are apprehensive to the tone that has just been created.

    There's one up on the ship though, he doesn't look as apprehensive. Or as curious. His wrist comes up to his mouth briefly, and then he puts it back down on the railing, assuming a similar pose of ignorance.

Spider-Man has posed:
    From his perch, Spider-man watches the Batmobile approach. He sees the guns. For the moment, he seems content to just watch. Maybe take a few pictures. He makes sure the flash isn't on, and then snaps a few action photos. No one questions how Peter Parker gets these great angles, and he is happy about that. His gaze drifts over towards the ship, assessing what is going on there. How are they reacting to the Batman's approach. He marks the stoic figure, and nods to himself. Anyone who isn't in a panic when the Batman is bearing down on him is clearly one to watch.

Batman has posed:
The Batman keeps driving forward, even as he looks like he'll run over the entire thing. Upon closer inspection, the Batmobile does not identify as a 'car'. That -thing- is not a car. It looks closer related to a mobile battle tank that someone strapped a rocket engine onto rather than any convenient mode of travel. As far as war declarations go...

The Batmobile keeps getting closer and closer, only for the large vehicle to drift until it stops. The wheels invert until they turn for omni-directional movement, thrusters underneath imply a good vertical capability. Multiple riot surpressing armaments come online.

The top hatch opens and the Batman emerges from it as he steps forward. No fear touches his eyes.

He'll start to make his way towards the stoic figure's position. "If you have no knowledge of the operations here. Leave." He states as he walks by.