14176/So the Alpha Flight Director walks into a room...

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So the Alpha Flight Director walks into a room...
Date of Scene: 09 March 2022
Location: Wayne Tower One - Old Gotham
Synopsis: Director Danvers meets with Bruce Wayne and learns of his interest in contributing to the budget of Alpha Flight.
Cast of Characters: Batman, Captain Marvel (Danvers)

Batman has posed:
The wheel keeps turning.

The world sprouts the vile and the evil like weeds, you rip out one and another will rise to take it's place. Despite the efforts of heroic teams such as the Justice League, the Avengers, and others - the war on crime still continues. Batman continues his operations in Gotham City, giving hope to a fearing people. Superman continues to be Metropolis's shining beacon of hope. Captain Marvel and the other Avengers continue to be New York's premier protectors.

But it's not enough.

There are other places than just those cities, and though the rosters of such teams are rather large, they can't be everywhere at once - as a result, the expansion of heroic operations is vital.

So Batman decided to get into contact with Alpha Flight in the guise of Bruce Wayne, billionaire philanthropist. He looked out the Balcony on Wayne Towers CEO office penthouse. He stared at the city of Gotham below, the daylight giving Gotham reprieve from the horrific crimes that can occur in the night.

He awaited the arrival of Captain Marvel - assuming his message got through to Alpha Flight.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol Danvers had gotten the invitation. When the CEO of a billion dollar tech firm reaches out, it would be foolish not to see what the interest was. Carol wasn't one to burn bridges before trying to cross them - or after if she could help it.

In the moment Bruce is looking outside, there is a pin point bright flash in the sky at the outskirts of the city that could easily catch his eye. The arrival of Captain Marvel. The bright glow remained small in comparison to what one would typically expect, with a short glowing tail of photons trailing behind as she arced her way across the Gotham skyline, dropping finally to land in the lavish courtyard area outside of the Wayne Enterprises building. A quick flash and her iconic uniform gave way to a sharp business pant suit as the blonde woman walked up the stone stairs to the building and entered the reception area.

Batman has posed:
Bruce sees it in the distance, the glowing light of Carol Danvers arriving in Gotham City. She would have likely flown in from Canada, considering Alpha Flight's headquarters, but it's possible she could have come from elsewhere. He did some background checks on Carol, making sure she was one of the good ones. Of course, she's stumbled, but so have they all. He checks his watch.

A little bit faster than expected.

He puts his hands in his pockets and he proceeds to enter his office. Of course, in the reception area, it's REALLY hard to not notice that Captain Marvel just shifted the atoms of her attire so it became a fine suit. As she enters, she sees a young man working the desk, finishing up a hpone call by the looks of things.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol Danvers makes nothing of it and pretends not to notice the stares. She was used to it, but it did still amuse her.

Entering through whatever security proceedures, she offered her ID and made her way to the reception desk. When the call ends she spoke easily, "Good morning. Carol Danvers. I have a meeting with Mr. Wayne." There is no question or uncertainty in her voice. She wasn't star struck by the oppulance of the building or megawatt reputation of Bruce Wayne, it was simply a business meeting as she understood it.

Batman has posed:

That's how any normal person would identify the security measures taken at Wayne Tower. Multiple police officers guard the premises, intermingling with security guards who take more permanent positions around the place. All of them are armed with basic handguns and a taser, maybe even a baton. They won't stop someone like Carol, but if trouble was caused, they could distract for about two seconds.

The receptionist looks at Carol and nods to her with a friendly smile. "Hello Ms. Danvers. Yes, Mr. Wayne is expecting you. Please take that elevator up to the top floor please, he'll be the office down the hallway." and the receptionist continues their work. The people of Gotham were a much more hardened people. They weren't too elevated with starpower unless it came from their own soil.

Bruce was sitting at his desk, seemingly typing something on a computer. Who knows, it could be linked to the Batcomputer, but from a bird's eye view, he's just checking a quarterly report from a Wayne location down in Star City.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
After thanking the receptionist she made her way to the indicated elevator and rode up.

On emerging at the top floor, she glanced around curiously as she walked toward the man and his desk. She still had enough Air Force in her to approach and then stand easily, waiting for him to finish what he was doing rather than trying to interrupt him. He knew she was there.

Batman has posed:
Bruce knows everything.

Or at least, -mostly- everything. He's a brilliant man, and while he purposefully doesn't display any superb amount of brilliance outside of economics mastery as Bruce Wayne, he was reading Carol like a book. Her stance, her mood based on her body language - indicative of if she was in favor of this meeting at all or if she wanted him to 'get it over with'.

His attention shifts to Carol, giving her a charming smile. "Ms. Danvers, thank you for coming." He stands up, extending a hand across the desk if she so chose to take it and give it a shake. "I was wondering if Alpha Flight had gotten my message. I've been meaning to speak with you about possible connections, should you all be willing. Please, have a seat."

He'll sit, the chair luxurious and probably a little too fancy. But so was the room itself. No luxury was spared, by the looks of things.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol Danvers was, if anything, curious.

She stepped forward and shook the offered hand, "Mr. Wayne. Thank you." She stepped back and took the offered seat. She was indeed curious at that opening. He knew his message had arrived. She now had questions about the angle he was after here.

"Oh? Well you know how it is in the Great White North. Sometimes polar bears amble through and steal the mail. It's chaos" she jokes. "But you have my attention. What do you mean by connections?"

Batman has posed:
Bruce looks at Carol after the shaken hand and he draws himself back to his comfy-looking leather chair. Taking that slow deep breath, Bruce takes a moment to gather his thoughts after he takes a sip of some coffee he had nearby. "I can imagine their a problem, as are the rampaging moose population." Also a joke in reply to Carol's own.


"I would like to offer a business partnership of a sort. More of a..sponsorship than anything. I'd like to help fund Alpha Flight and encourage your efforts as heroes."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol Danvers settles into the chair she had chosen, noding seriously, though she smiles at the joking.

She tilts her head at the offered proposal. "Oh? Well funding is always a matter of uncertainty for any organinzation so I won't lie and say it isn't an interesting offer. But I'm afraid that our financial sources are a matter decided above even myself within the Canadian government. The government may well be happy to find another source of underwriting Alpha Flight, depending on the particulars of the offer."

Batman has posed:
"I already contacted them some time ago."

His Batman was showing. "The Canadian government is very much so in favor of this idea. I'm willing to give 500 million dollars to their initiative. But, out of respect for the team itself, I organized this meeting. So truly, the ball is in your court Ms. Danvers."

He waits for her reply to this news before he continues to speak. "I don't plan to underwrite you. I plan on letting you keep doing what you've been doing - and be compensated fairly for it."