13886/Backyard Weirdness

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Backyard Weirdness
Date of Scene: 15 October 2021
Location: Backyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: sports, parkour, pain and a bit of flirting. Just your average training routine, right?
Cast of Characters: Kit Killovarras, Jax Miller

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Well, this is typically the place that Kit would come to train himself when it comes to magic, but today? Today he's set something else up.. Pallets, crates, a couple two-by-tens and probably the culmination of several hours of set-up decorate a large grassy area a bit towards the back edge of the property, not close enough to the cliffs to be frightening, but not really close to the building either.

Here Kit can be found, training today in a bit of another way. Instead of honing his magic, he's working on his coordination through a routine of long jumps, balance beams and so on. Parkour Hyena anyone?

Jax Miller has posed:
    It's a nice, secluded space. A place where you could, so to say, practice a bit of jogging or running without having to look out for traffic, or the chance of looking ridiculous while doing it, if such things happen to be important to the person exercising. It's not entirely clear for what reason Jax has decided to come running past here, but there he is.

    Despite the weather turning, the cat mutant is still in his basketball shorts and sleeveless jersey, as if the temperature is some kind of background detail he can't be bothered with just now. Unsurprisingly, the construction gets his attention, diverting from his usual path to go check it out.

    "Ooh, hey! Building Halloween props?"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit sets a final beam into place, giving Jax a look as he comes jogging up and just sort of shakes his head with a laugh. "Not really, though I guess it could be used as that." he says with a shrug, then shakes himself out a bit before he explains, "More a training set-up." before taking a few steps and then leaping up onto one of the lower stacks. There is a path that runs from a set of lower crates to higher crates and so on, a few long gaps between some of the platforms but nothing that would be too dangerous if one were to fall off it.. Unless of course they land on their head. He takes a moment to study one of the paths, then starts his way up to a higher platform.

He's apparently not great at this, since he's taking the first lap through pretty slowly, making sure he can get the footing right and all.

Jax Miller has posed:
    "Oh! Oh, it's a training run!"

    There's a sudden bright smile on Jax's face, his ears beginning to perk up. "Awesome!"

    From the lashing of his tail, it's clear it's going to be hard keeping the cat mutant from climbing up sooner or later.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
One jump, two jump, three jump, WOOPS! It's on one of the long jumps that Kit catches his foot and winds up falling to his back with a soft 'THUD!' and a quiet groan. "Yup, training run.." he says with a cough and a bit of a chuckle. "Figured it'd help me get around a bit easier to take up free-running." he adds as he sits up, dusting himself off and getting up, giving a glance to the feline and motioning him to the course. "You're welcome to give it a go, but something tells me you'll put me to shame at it."

Jax Miller has posed:
    Hmmm... that is a problem to consider. On the one hand, Jax absolutely wants to have a go at this set up, but on the other hand there's nothing more demotivating than seeing someone run something effortlessly when you struggle.


    "Tell you what..." he begins, running up the first platform and jumping to the second as if he's on solid ground. "I'll only go one or two steps higher than you. Show you footing and distance, maybe?"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit gives a little nod and a smile, "Sure, I could use someone to help me practice." Then he gets a wicked little grin and adds, "Worst case scenario, I get a good view of your tail after a fall." Then he starts in on the first platform again, making his way up the first beam. He's not entirely steady, but he's been doing balancing runs since he was a kid, so they aren't really that difficult. The jumping on the other hand? It seems like he's about as good at is at someone playing a 2.5D platformer with a broken controller.

Jax Miller has posed:
    Is it as easy as a hop and a skip? Of course not. It's a hop, a skip, a sideways shimmy, a moon walk and then a loping leap. At least, that's how Jax does it, so he can continue the run while also keeping an eye on Kit. And he can't help but notice that jumping issue.

    "So ehm... how long have you been practicing? You got the balance beams down pat, I mean, you look like you could do those in your sleep."

Kit Killovarras has posed:
"Balance beams are simple enough, I had to learn them when I was younger as part of my basic training under grand-dad." Kit explains as he manages to make the first jump, though the landing nearly topples the stack of crates he's on! He is, however, able to steady himself and the stack before anything too bad happens. "Only been practicing this for a few days though. Got a crash course from a guy from the ship that brought me here."

Jax Miller has posed:
    With Kit ascending, Jax takes a few leaps higher, bypassing one of the beams entirely in favor of a long jump that ends in a long crouch, his torso turned through nearly 180 degrees so he can keep talking.

    "And you're good at it. I mean, having met your grand dad, I figure you'd be very good at something he was teaching you, but... mind if I make an observation?"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
One more jump made, but again, sloppy and Kit just takes a moment to steady himself as he gives a glance to Jax and tilts his head. "Go for it." he says with a smile. "And yeah, Grand-dad taught me all of the spells I know already and was actually the one who helped me convince the rest of my family that I should be allowed to seek out a new teacher when he'd taught me everything he could."

Jax Miller has posed:
    "I'm gonna go an' make an assumption here, but I don't think your grand dad ever played basketball? Or baseball?" Jax asks, waiting for Kit to close a bit before taking off for the next few platforms, coming to a stop crouched on a beam, tail swaying for balance.

    "You got the muscles for a good jump, and you'll learn the technique quickly enough, but... Man, I'm just gonna say it, you suck at judging distances."

Kit Killovarras has posed:
As Jax says that, Kit once again manages to fail at that exact thing! Catching himself again and falling a little short on the longest jump. He does manage to plant both feet on the side of the crate though before falling, rather than just smack into them. He gives a little sigh and looks up to Jax, giving a little smile as he muses, "Hence the number of jumps in the course." with a little chuckle. "Practice makes perfect and all, right? And yeah, no. Grand-dad was more a fan of things like boxing."

Jax Miller has posed:
    The moment Kit drops down, Jax stops and sits down on the nearest beam, looking down at the yeen. "Up close and personal, yeah, I get that." His tail lashes behind him, swaying in a long pendulum motion that seems designed to preserve balance with minimal effort. "And it's great for hand eye coordination, but it doesn't teach you how to eye a distance. Or, y'know, in this case, a gap. You're always jumping short or far, an' there's only so much balance can compensate for that. Could I suggest something?"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit leans against the stack he fell off of, looking up at Jax with a slight tilt of his head before giving a nod. "Yeah, thats sort of what I was thinking as well. I've never been great at judging distance unless it was for the sake of targeting a shot," he say with a little stretch, perking his ears up and forward at the feline. "Go on." he says with a smile.

Jax Miller has posed:
    "Basketball." Wait, is that Jax's answer to every problem? "You learn to figure out how far the hoop is pretty quickly, and when you're trying to block someone from scoring, you best know how high and how far to jump. We can start with that, and once you get your eye in, move on to Baseball or Football. Y'know, get you used to seeing distances and stepping them off, kind of to train your mind's eye. Jumping's a lot easier after that. Trust me."

Kit Killovarras has posed:
There's a little laugh and Kit just smiles up at the feline, asking, "Is that your answer to everything?" with a grin, even sticking the tip of his tongue out at him for a moment before he nods. "Basketball I can deal with, but football? Not my game and I genuinely can't stand baseball."

Jax Miller has posed:
    "Not my fault sports are awesome!" Jax grins and tilts backwards. For a moment, it looks like he has fatally overbalanced just as he was spreading his arms wide to emphasize that statement with a grand gesture. His body falls backwards, his knees catch the balance beam for a moment, and the cat mutant flips twice before landing on a lower beam, again in that easy crouch. "You can be awesome too! Give it a shot. Can't hurt, can it?"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit just quirks a brow and swishes his tail from one side to another as he muses, "That's a subjective view. I'll give basketball a try, but I doubt it'll be the same for the other two." stubborn yeen is stubborn at times.

Jax Miller has posed:
    Rome wasn't built in a day. The greatest landslides start with just a small pebble shifting. A storm that swallows fleets may start by the flapping of the wings of a butterfly. All it takes is one small crack to lever open, and everything becomes possible. And so, Jax grins, ears perked. "Deal!"