13757/An Evening Swim

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An Evening Swim
Date of Scene: 24 August 2021
Location: Mediterranean - Open Water
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kit Killovarras, Nightingale

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Well, somewhere between two of their stops, someone had requested a short stop, not a long one, not something that would be a terrible hindrance on the journey, or really a hindrance at all. Kit can be found far aft of the ship, fiddling with a bit of equipment and clad in, of all things, a wetsuit! Even in this his fur would pad out his figure, so he doesn't look as skinny as he really is, but it's fairly slimming on the aardwolf to say the least.

He'd arranged for a note to be stuck to poor Shannons door, inviting her out for a bit of a swim, but apparently he wasn't referring to the pool.

The equipment he's fiddling with consists of a pair of smaller diving tanks which would contain enough air for a short dive, a divers lamp and what looks like a pack of long-use glow sticks. Everything someone would need for a nighttime dive.

Nightingale has posed:
     A swim, in the middle of the Mediterranean? Who could say no to that? Shannon certainly wasn't one to pass up the chance, for sure! However, when she got to the aft of the ship, she was only in a one-piece black swimsuit, with no equipment to be found on her. A soft groan escaped her as she saw the diving gear, and she actually facepalmed. "Oh no... ummm, you do realize I've never trained with any of that gear, right? I'm not so sure a nighttime dive would be the smartest thing to start with for me...."

Kit Killovarras has posed:
There's a little laugh as Kit admits, "Never really trained with any of it myself, I'm more used to free-diving and with more of a current." with a glance to Shannon, his typically mismatched eyes once again glowing with that dull violet light. "The tanks are fairly simple to use, I made sure the systems were self regulating. It's designed for new divers specifically," He holds up a rig, which is literally just a harness with a clasp for a small tank and a full-faced mask. "But, if you're not comfortable with it, I do have a backup plan."

The aardwolf used to spend a lot of his time swimming back home, so he's at very least comfortable in the water, though at least he's mindful that not everyone might be the same way. Picking up the rig has revealed the other one, which has a little more tech on it, including a small camera and something that looks a bit like a PDA, though probably one designed for use in water.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon is quite comfortable in the water, diving off the end of the boat into the silver-tinged waves of the Mediterranean without so much as hesitating. She surfaces, and seems quite at home swimming amongst the waves. For a moment, one might even be put in mind of a winged sea-nymph, come up to the surface to play in the moonlight. Swimming back to the aft of the boat, she holds onto the edge, looking up at Kit and smiling apologetically. "I've wanted to try diving like that," she admits. "But I just don't want to risk a night dive without a little experience under my belt, you know?"

     Her brows furrow, as she looks at the gear Kit's picked up, lifting her chin in a bit of an up-nod. "What's that?" she asked, gesturing to the PDA-like device.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit starts to pull on the second harness, adjusting the camera and slipping the tank into it's clasp. His own rig doesn't have a full face mask, just a pair of swimmers goggles and a mouth piece. Then he heads to the edge and sits there a moment with his paws in the water as he clicks on the PDA. "This, connects to the camera on my shoulder." he explains with a smile, offering the screen to her to reveal the image of her in the water showing back at her.

Kit starts adjusting a pair of ear-pieces, one that's a simple rubber plug, the other with a small piece of metal in the side that goes into his ear. "Well, if you'd like to give it a shot during the day the equipment will still be here." he says with a nod. "Not everyone's as comfortable in the dark, it's understandable and I figured there was always a chance that you might not be comfortable with a night dive, so I figured out a way to share what I see with you." Then he clicks the camera and the image on PDA flashes white and gray as the camera kicks into low-light mode. "Plus, this way we can still talk and you can see whats below the same way I do."

Then he slips into the water and offers Shannon a warm smile, then twiddles his paw at her as he bites down on his mouthpiece and starts down.

Nightingale has posed:
     Climbing up to perch on the aft deck of the boat, Shannon keeps her feet dangling lazily in the water, and the PDA device in her hands. Her smile is just as warm, and she returns the wave, watching Kit's descent for as long as she can. "I could ask Sam and see if he's got any diving training, or if that's something we can figure out at some point on this trip. I really -would- like to try it sometime, and I really don't mind the dark. Bet it looks like magic down there."

Kit Killovarras has posed:
The screen is dark for a few moments, only a few small bits of debris or stray algae briefly visible. "Good idea and if Sam doesn't, we could probably always find a dive instructor at one of the stops too." comes Kit's voice from the screen. Shortly after, the camera starts picking up what looks like scattered coral formations.

"By the way, if you want to stay in the water, that screen is waterproof too." he adds as a shoal of fish slowly come into view.