13451/Monthly Check-in

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Monthly Check-in
Date of Scene: 06 June 2021
Location: Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls
Synopsis: Buffy has a chat with the brothers about monsters and leaders.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Harry Dresden, Thomas Raith

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's been a really long time since Buffy has checked in on Harry, and she was happy to hear he was back in town after a long absence. She had questions of course, but also after the elemental dungeon trap, she well have even more questions for the cynical wizard.

Of course, with her busy schedule, she didn't exactly call ahead of time, just kinda showed up on his door step, knocking rather enthusiastically on the door and hoping he'll just happen to be home.

Yeaah, should have called. ahead. He's hardly predictable afterall.

Harry Dresden has posed:

While Harry isn't in the main room of the apartment, there is a Mouse. A really big Mouse. He is resting on the floor with that not so bright look on his face, though he is beyond intelligent. In the kitchen there is a Mister, lounging like the royalty he sees himself as on the ice box.

The sound of a knocker gets a playful woof from Mouse and he jumps up to trot to the door. Big as he is he can look out the window and pant, tongue wagging outside his mouth. He sneezes once and cocks his head to one side. Nobody could sleep through or ignore the sound of the dog even when he's just barking normal, so after a few moments the sight of a bath robe over shirt and jeans Harry appears and looks into the main room.

"What is it?" he asks the Fu dog and then looks past him to see Buffy at the door,"It's a Slayer." he comments dryly. Crossing the room he opens the door and motions her inside,"Buffy. It's been a while." he comments at the obvious,"What brings you to my door?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Heey Harry, it's me, Buffy! Can I come in?" she peeks through the office window, even though she knows the place is protected by wards. She smiles and waves as she catches a glimpse of his big dog. Of course he'd have a giant dog and a giant cat. He's not exactly petite Afterall.

When he opens the door, she smirks, arching a brow. "Nice to see you too, Harry. How you been? It's been like, forever, thought I'd drop by and say 'hi'!"

Harry Dresden has posed:
He motions her inside and towards the living area if she is inclined,"It has been a long time yes." he agrees and closes the door. He walks towards the living room easing out of the robe and tossing it on the chair before he takes a seat.

Once he is settled he offers,"It's always good to see you, but is Thomas OK or is there something I need to worry about?" He's nothing if not direct. Sure he seems glad to see her, it just seems like there's always something in life,"You want a beer? I think there are two left in the ice box."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles as she steps in, offering mouse a friendly scratching behind the neck if he'll let her. But of course she is no stranger to the dog, but it's been a while since they saw each other. But Mouse is no normal dog either.

"Come on Harry, you take life too seriously. Cant an old friend just pop by without there being some terrible world ending thing to worry about?" she shrugs and smirks. "Thomas is fine, guess I'm the one whose been getting all this attention lately, cuz of this.." she twirls the white strands of hair between her fingers. Wait that wasn't there last time they met a month or two ago, was it?

"And no, I'm not like, losing my powers or anything, and no, Thomas is not making me weaker either in case that's what you're gonna say next. You're brother and I are doing well and we're happy.."

Oh, and is she sporting a new sparkly diamond ring on her engagement finger too?

Harry Dresden has posed:
Mouse of course loves attention, he's a magnet for it. He snuffles her and takes all the love he can get. Dresden for his part shrugs and replies,"I got visited by a borderline lunatic say Willow had been tainted by some magic creature. I see her a few days ago and now you're here." he shrugs,"What can I say, I am only a marginal optimist."

He studies the white hair and raises a brow,"Dare I ask how that came about?" Mouse wanders over and curls up on Harry's feet. He looks at the dog and shakes his head before looking back towards Buffy again,"As for the rest, if you were powering down it'd be obvious. If Thomas was making you weaker that would be your business. I'm not your judge. I am glad to hear you are doing well." He's a detective, of course he sees the ring. He looks at it for a moment and then smirks,"Let me know if I get to be an uncle soon?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers lifts a very surprised brow at mention of Willow. "...Wait, what? Willow was tainted by..Something? Who, what?Did you manage to help her?" she sighs, blaming herself for not being there. "Geez, Willow..Is she okay? I should have paid more attention..I've been so busy.."

As for her own issues, those aren't quite as important. "Oh..Umm.."Buffy waves a distracted hand, "He may have overfed me once, it was a one time thing. And..Well, not entirely sure if this is for real, or if he was just playing along..Since the Bed and Breakfast ticket Nick give us for Christmas was for married or soon to be married couples."

As for being an uncle..Buffy grimaces. "You DO know that his kind can't easily conceive right? And as much as I'd like to settle down a live a normal life with him..Well things would be..Complicated..In many ways.."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"She seems fine. I couldn't sense anything, she got past Mouse without any trouble, and aside from taking an eye full Bob didn't see anything wrong with her either. If there is something it is well hidden." he tells her in regards to Willow,"The man in the red pajamas, Deadpool, didn't exactly strike me as stable, but magic is fickle."

A smirk and a shrug and he settles against the chair more,"Oh the conceiving is difficult, but not impossible. Thomas and his siblings are the living proof of course. Couple that with the power that is within you and it moves to either impossible or really easy. Something to think about." Of course he teasing. Right?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly at mention of Deadpool. "Aaaaahhh. Now it makes sense. Wade giving you a headache too huh? Yeah he's a little.." she just whistles, making a spinning motion to her ear, "I wouldn't trust anything he says..Although on that note, I have noticed that Willow's magic is growing at a startling rate, and it seems someone named Tala was her new tutor."

She shrugs, "To tell the truth, Wade did have a point. Magic *can* change a person..That's right, isn't it? He was worried about her sudden increase in power level too I think. But maybe we're overthinking this thing? I'm just surprised she didn't seek out you or Constantine for help. You know, someone familiar and reliable."

As for her own issues, Buffy shrugs, playing with her ring. "Hmm..I wonder if Thomas will really marry me some day, if he's really the type to settle down? You know, we live a crazy dangerous life. But even then, I dunno if we'll ever be rid of evil in the world forever. And he told me something else. He said that if I *did* conceive with him, the baby would feed constantly on me at an accelerated, uncontrolled rate. It might even kill me.."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"She mentioned a new teacher, but never named said teacher." he replies with a nod,"As for Deadpool, he's clearly crazy." he agrees,"Told me he could start shooting up Mac's and nothing woul happen to him. I told him he probably didn't want to test that theory. As for the effects of magic and the changes on a person that's obvious. Nothing can change you primally like that and not change all of you."

"I don't know that Thomas is the marrying type really. I'm not sure any of us are." he adds to her comments on the marriage thing,"The world will never be rid of all evil, if that were to happen something else would rise up in the power vacuum. That's how things work. Who knows if the next thing wouldn't be worse? As for the contant feeding, you'd have to do things to stay strong sure enough and I'm not advocating trying it, but normal humna types manage to birth children with them so...." he shrugs.

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Tala. Does the name seem familiar to you?" she replies with a slight frown. "Never met this mysterious teacher myself, but again, maybe I'm being paranoid and protective of a friend. Still, I'm curious to meet her."

As for Deadpool 's threats, Buffy's frowns deepen. "Yeaaah, not sure exactly how or why we ended up adopting him except that Willow insisted we help him somehow. I personally think an asylum and medicine could help him better than we could..But at least he's using fighting vamps and demons as a constructive outlet.."

As for Thomas, so he seems a little sad by that. "Is it really so silly and unrealistic to think that people like us could even hope to live a normal life? What. about you and Karrin?Are you two still together?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
A shake of his head,"I can't say that I have ever heard of her, but it's not like I am terribly social in life." he admits. He rolls the name around in his head a moment,"Maybe it might be worthwhile to have a look at her, maybe not. Willow might not appreciate interference either."

"As for Deadpool, I don't know. I am not a professional therapist, but that one is not playing with a full deck. A vampire fighter is a good start. Sanity is better left at the door." He shakes his head and admits,"For you and Thomas I hope for the best and see how things go. Normal would be good, but normal doesn't tend to follow people like us." The mention of Karrin gets a pained look and he shrugs,"I haven't seen Karrin in weeks. I don't know where she is or what she is doing. I am guessing she's undercover or something. I could scry for her, but I don't think she would appreciate it. Maybe she just needed break."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hmms and nods, "You're right, Willow wouldn't appreciate it, neither would Karrin. I suppose we just have to trust them to do the right thing." she pouts a bit about the latter though. "Awee, really? She's been that busy?" Buffy sighs, leaning up a bit pat him on the shoulder, "I'm sorry. I'm sure it's just work. I'm sure it isn't personal.." not like it helps. Much.

Harry Dresden has posed:
He shrugs and doesn't comment any more on Karrin's absence. Life has to go on and he'll just see if she returns. It's obvious he cares about her, but life goes on. At his feet Mouse makes a muffled sound as he dreams. Looking at the dog a moment he smiles a little,"Sometimes I think they have it all figured out. If you lick it and it doesn't help, piss on it and walk away."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers makes a face at that. "Ummm okay..Crude but effective. " she decides not to mention Karrin anymore either, noting it to be a possibly sure subject. "Oh yeah, by the way, have you heard of a guy named Lucifer? Thomas and I checked his club out the other day, he got a weird reading on the guy. I was sure Lucifer mentioned something to Thomas that sounded like..'I can help you..'"

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Sometimes crude works the best." he admits with a shrug. When she mentions Lucifer he raises a brow,"You're not asking me with with a straight face? Have I ever heard of Lucifer? Really?" Sometimes even your friends can catch you a little off guard,"Thomas and I talked about someone calling himself Lucifer and he asked me to look into him. I have just haven't made my way to his club. Other jobs ahead of investigating a possible devil. I think you'd be smart to keep Thomas away from him just in case. Wish granting sorts aren't unheard of and the cost is rarely beneficial."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks and nods, "Yeah, I know right? I suppose it would shock and amuse me endlessly at one point, but now, I don't think anything can surprise me, honestly." she shrugs, "Anyhoo, you're probably right, dunno what he's up to but he could be bad news, the way Thomas was reacting to,him.."

she nods thoughtfully, "You're right, there is a lot going on right now, that whole unstable portal and elemental puzzle was just the tip of the iceberg. I believe there's a war on the horizon and we need to be preloaded. That shadow caster thingie that Giles found might be the key to all that. We should check in to the Magic Box soon.."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Anyone professing to the Lucifer is either stupid, arrogant, or legit." he muses,"The first two are almost more dangerous than the last one. The ability to appear as something you aren't has a history of leading people into really bad decisions."

"A war on the horizon. I'm not a soldier, but if you really think it is a threat you need to get all your assets gathered and look for the holes in your army." The dog drools on his foot and woofs again. Almost like an annoyed boyfriend, Mister sighs and drops off the ice box. He glares at Mouse and trots off to the bedroom away from the noise. He's royalty after all. All cats are right?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hmms, "That's the thing, it seems like half of us don't trust each other or are at each other's throats half the time. Myself included. I've been running myself ragged." she sighs, brushing the white hair out of her eyes.

"I had discussed it with Thomas, and I need to ask you too. I need a second, Harry, someone to question my decisions, to offer a second opinion, to help me run things when I can't.."

Buffy twirls and plays with her hair as she thinks, "I've acquired some powerful allies but to be honest, I'm not sure I can trust half of them. That's why I'm wondering if you might help out. You're level headed, smart, and I know I can trust you. You'd make a great second. I'd considered Thomas too but I might be too biased with him. "

Thomas Raith has posed:
It's about that time that Harry's old fashioned phone rings...then squeals... then goes to the old fashioned answering machine, all in the course of about 2 seconds. Still the voice on the other end doesn't seem to perturbed. "Hey Harry, it's Thomas. I'm in the area and thought I'd swing by if your not too busy. Call me back if you are... Or if your not home I guess calling me back will be pointless, but I stopped by Mac's so Mister and Mouse will have you to blame for not getting their sandwiches. See you in a few..." There is a few more seconds of music, then the phone hangs up.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Trust is a necessity." Harry mutters,"There is a reason I rarely work with others, particularly those on the White Council. There is no trust there." He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. His attention moves toward the retreating cat for a moment and then back to Buffy,"If you're going to put together an army you have to be able to rely on each other or you're just throwing bodies into a meat grinder."

The phone ringing and the noises on the answering machine get a sigh. The message does at least get a smirk and he gets up to walk over to the door and open it so Thomas can enter,"I must have done something right to have you both here at the same time. I don't know what it could be, but something." Her question about him being her second causes him to pause again and there is a look of skepicism on his face,"I don't tend to follow orders well and I'm not much of a leader either. I really do flock in groups of one, but I'll consider it."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers grimaces, "When you put it that way, it sounds pretty bad. To be honest, they're a good bunch, and I know there's good in all of them. We're united against a common enemy Afterall." she shrugs, "Come on, think about it at least? You're a detective, you're smart, level headed, powerful. If you don't take orders well, maybe you can give em out better? Think about it."

The phone rings and a small smile dances on her lips, "Well you know how it is, where one of us is, the other isn't far behind.." she sits at the sofa, arms folded loosely. A beer in one hand, taking sips every so often.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith arrives to the Lyrics of "Cowboy Cassanova being played well above noise ordinance levels. <<He's a good time Cowboy Cassanova leaning up agienst the record machine. He looks like a cool drink of water but he's candy coated misery. He's the devil in disguise, a snake with blue eyes, and he only comes out at night. Gives you feelings that you don't wanna fight, better run for your life.>> Thomas is convinced she wrote that song after meeting a White Court. Anyway he arrives with a large paper bag that has turned nearly transparent from the sandwiches and fries inside. He ducks in calling "Harry you home?" when he sees Buffy though he just grins, "Now most men would find it awkward dropping by their little brother's place and finding their girlfriend there." He says with a smirk.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"If you two are serious and need help I will help you. I am serious about you getting a common thread with them since none of us particularly want to die any time soon." he replies and looks at Thomas arrives. He shakes his head at the song and Thomas' appearance in general.

"I'm home." he mutters as Thomas calls out. Mouse looks up at the sound of the singing or maybe it is the smell of the food. He scrambles to his feet and runs to greet Thomas. A shake of Harry's head and he replies,"Maybe she's developing more discerning taste." he quips back and motions him into the place so he can shut the door.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hears the familiar music first, and sometimes wonders too if that was written for a White Court Vamp. Hopefully not inspired by Thomas in a past life. Or something. "Annd there he is." she smirks, climbing to her feet, brows wriggling mischievously. "Yeaah, we've been doing lots of baaaaad things."

To Harry she nods, "Of course I'm serious. We're becoming a large group, I really could use a second in command but no pressure, think about it."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a little bit and gives Buffy a long, hard kiss that stops just short of "get a room" territory. "Now we've talked about this, only if I get to play too." he says teasingly, getting into the bak and holding out one of the wrapped sandwiches to Harry. "Trade you this for one of those beers." He offers with a smile. When he hears her offer Harry the second in command position he nods slightly, "She really does bro. And i'm too close, not to mention one of the monsters."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Taking the sandwich Harry walks to the ice box and gets three more beers. No sense Buffy running out after all. He comes back and offers one to her and one to Thomas,"Sworn to secrecy. Nobody tells Mac they were cold or he'll kill us all." he mutters and walks back to the chair where he was. Mouse follows Thomas like a puppy because, well he doesn't have good food manners.

He considers what they both say and nods,"Too close is dangerous, both in leardership situations and the actual combat situations. That's something to keep in mind. It will influence decisions." Unwrapping the sandwich in nods his thanks to Thomas and takes a bite. From somewhere around the bedroom Mister appears once more and comes out to see who else has invaded his home and whether or not they can be forgiven for disturbing his peace.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, forgetting the food for a moment as she tilts her head up a bit to return a deep kiss against Thomas' lips, undoubtedly making Harry feel a bit embarrassed. "Now come on Thomas, we've had this argument too many times. I don't think you're a monster.."

Of course she never forgot the time he lost control when fighting those Christmas ogres..She frowns softly, hand sliding down to softly squeeze his hand in her's. "But Harry is right..You're too close. It'd be..Tricky."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith looks a bit amused, "I'm not a monster, and you are Super Slayer who can be simultaneous Lover, Best friend, Student, bouncer, Magic Store Clrec, and stalk the cemeteries without rest." He says playful amused as he hands her a sandwich as well and then heads over to the pet's bowl. He tears one in half, dropping half it in Mouse's bowl. The he dumps the meat, cheese, and other goodies into a bowl for Mister and drops the bread from that half in Mouse's bowl as well. "Then we all a gree. Frankly it's for the best. Can you imagine me trying to give Spike orders?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
Mouse attacks the food in his mouth, scarfing like it might be his last meal. Mister is more...refined. He does arrive and in his time starts eating. At least Mouse has the good sense to stay away from Mister's bowl. Harry watches the two for a moment, rolling his eyes and then taking another bite of his sandwich.

After a moment he adds,"You need to make sure your group will take orders when given. That's almost as difficult as making them all get along." For someone not a leader he sure is pretty smart about that sort of thing,"None of us are monsters, we're all just really misunderstood."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers bites her lip, taking the offered sandwich and nodding to Thomas. "Yeah, it's a lot of work. Dont think I could do it without you honestly, Thomas. " although, Hmm, "Well, Giles is of course another option." even so, she seems impressed at Harry's logical thinking as she takes a thoughtful bite. "Well you sure do talk like a potential leader..Heh, I'll bet even Spike would listen to you..Maybe."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a bit, taking a bite of his own sandwhich and offering Buffy some of his fries. "Oh, I'm a monster," He says casually to Harry. I'm under no delusions of that. If something were to happen to Buffy, what do you think I would do?" he shrugs, "But i'm a monster who is well fed and on a very comfortable leash. And that really does make a difference."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Spike." Harry mutters thougtfully,"The vampire with the computer thing in his head." He takes a drink of his beer and continues,"Funny thing about vampires, fire tends to bother them. Hellfire tends to get and hold their attention very well." He gets another bite of his sandwich and frowns. He looks to each of them in turn and adds,"All things considered, you'd better keep that one far from me for more reasons than just the Hellfire."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sits back down, quietly munching her sandwich on the sofa as she listens. She doesn't like hearing that Thomas is a 'monster' even if he might have some valid points. She's not too eager to discuss Spike either as she takes a long sip of her beer. "Mm, I know, he's had a couple glitches in the past. It's a bit..Unnerving really, but with your fire magic, that's an extra bonus to keep him in line, right?"

But as a text pops up on her phone, she frowns, glancing at it. "Oh darn, I have another shift at the Blue Lady..Thanks for the chat Harry..Thomas, I'll see you tonight.." she climbs to her feet, leaning up to kiss his lips softly before hurrying off.