13349/A Trial Run
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A Trial Run | |
Date of Scene: | 22 May 2021 |
Location: | Danger Room, Titans Tower |
Synopsis: | Supergirl and Boomer have a little training session with a surprise enemy! |
Cast of Characters: | Supergirl, Captain Boomerang, Flash
- Supergirl has posed:
It's been a couple of weeks since Kara and Owen met and grew ever closer. Of course Kara was always happy to go out on regular dates and to enjoy spending more time with Boomer, however there was something that was bugging her that had happened in the past, a mysterious enemy that had given her trouble. She knew that if she ever encountered the mysterious armoured being again, she might not be so lucky.
So she suited up and headed to the Danger Room, inviting Boomer to come join her for a trial run. "Soo, you ever been here before, Boomer?" she stretches a bit as she waits fir him to join her, wearing her blue skirt and matching cut off top with the trademark S shield on the front, red cape flowing softly behind her.
- Captain Boomerang has posed:
Captain Boomerang had come to Titans Tower, on Barker Island, just off the coast of North Hempstead, at Supergirl's invitation. On one side, it looked out across Metropolis, and the other, Nassau County. The building was shaped like a giant 'T'. "Nah, this is my first time. Our base is an old abandoned subway station over in Gotham," revealing Outsider secrets, but she was trusted, highly trusted.
He was in costume, which was easier for him than hers, as his was practically casual wear. Noting the cutoff top, "deciding to go for a new look?" He asked. He would do his own stretches, but he wasn't doing a good job of it. He was highly distracted by his teammate, opponent, or whatever they were going to do in the Titan's danger room.
- Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers chuckles and shrugs, "My other costume needed washing, and my washer broke so I had to take it to the tower and wait for a big enough load to wash it. in the meantime, figured I'd pull out one of my alternative costumes." she grins and strikes a pose. "You like?"
As he reveals some secrets of the Outsiders' ha, Kara arches a curious brow and smiles, "Ooh? Is that so? Hmm, well I promise not to tell anyone." she winks before stepping towards the controller, punching in some buttons to open a saved program that she had been recently working on.
"I've been thinking, there aren't a lot of people out there with access to Kryptonite, or who have highly advanced technology to build super suits." she shrugs, "But there are a few. Most recently, it was the Suicude Squad that I fought to free Superman..I wonder if they sent that super suit to attack me with Kryptonite a while ago?"
As she speaks, the glowing green grid on a black background shimmers and changes to take on the busy sprawling city of metropolis. They are currently standing on a rooftop. "Whoever it was, next time I need to be ready..Hopefully I didn't make this program too dangerous but I wanted to replicate the Kryptonite used against me.."
- Captain Boomerang has posed:
"Broke, well, after you wipe the floor with me, maybe I'll have a look and see if it can be fixed." He was no expert on washing machines, but he was a man with a fair bit of experience at tinkering with equipment, plus, once he found the problem, the internet was very helpful in finding out how to fix them. He liked being a handyman.
Taking a good look at her, "Isn't that a bit redundant? You could rock a burlap sack and look terrific. But you do look really, really good... though, I think the other one might be a teensie, weensie, bit better." He was new to danger rooms, mostly training in obstacle courses and the like, not holographic simulations.
He would look around as the room changed from Titan's Tower to what looked like Metropolis, "wow," and listening to her, "so, in this, we fight as teammates? All the bad guys are automated?"
- Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers nods and hmmms, "That's the idea! We need to keep an eye out for the armoured cyborg, and then try to stop it from hurting innocents along the way. I think it'd be a good opportunity to see how well we can work as a team, but also to train ourselves..There are safety measures in place but to bump it up to a challenging enough level it required a team mate as backup..
As she speaks, there's a loud rumble heard and then screams as some explosion hits somewhere nearby..From the sounds of it, could be on the ground level, as smoke is coiling up,from brow. They are currently on the top of a small four story apartment building with fire escape ladders on one side.
- Captain Boomerang has posed:
If it was going to use Kryptonite, since he guessed that it couldn't simulate Kryptonite, it was a good thing she had a teammate who was immune to its negative effects. He was worried about her, as this seemed to be a dangerous training room. If she could be troubled by it, what chance did he have? She could move at superspeed, but so could he, so when he heard the screams, he was already running towards them, moving quickly down the fire escape ladder, since he had yet to figure out how to run up or down a building, while she could just fly towards the source of the disturbance.
- Supergirl has posed:
When Boomer reaches ground level, he will notice that someone has set a number of wooden playground apparatus on fire. There are also numerous kids running around frantically, out of reach of their parents and screaming for help. Two are trapped at the top of monkey bars, two more are trapped in what look like simulated castle towers that reach up some two stories high in the air. There's also a fire on the ground surrounding three more crying kids as their parents look on in horror.
Supergirl is already rushing towards the ground fire, the largest of the three fires, inhaling her breath and releasing a freezing cold beam in the fire. Hopefully Boomer can reach the other two.
- Captain Boomerang has posed:
Putting out a fire would be simple for the Flash, Impulse, or even Quicksilver. They know how to do things like create hurricane winds with their arms. Captain Boomerang doesn't know that trick yet. His first thought to try and put out the fire was to run to some lake, river, or pool, grabbing a bucket of water. But that would take too long, even as fast he was, so instead, he started focusing on the kids.
The running and screaming ones were in trouble, but not immediate trouble. He went for the two that were strapped at the top of the money bars, then the ones in the castle tower, running through flames if need be. He may have singled his jacket or pants, but he was going so quick the damage would be minimal. "Can you put out the fires while I get the kids," he said to her halfway in the process of gathering up the kids and getting them to safety. They may not be with their parents yet, but they were at least out of the immediate danger.
- Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl finishes putting out the biggest fire, freeing the three kids who run to their parents, crying. She smiles, glad she could help. But as Boo er rushes into the flames, her eyes widen in concern. "Boomer!"
She's not yet sure of the extent of his abilities but he looks pretty athletic at least. With a nod she works on putting out the flames reaching up to the monkey bars first as they seem bigger, nearly engulfing Boomer and the kids before they sizzle out.
Phew, that was close, but now, buts of the two castle structures are starting to fall apart as flames lick up the wooden legs of the creaking structures. "Boomer, hurry!" she's not sure how fast he can run, but she's already inhaling and and readying another ice breath.
- Captain Boomerang has posed:
He cries of concern warmed his heart, but he was doing quite well with his makeshift fireman efforts. He wasn't wearing a fire retardant outfit, he didn't have a mask, but the whole point of training was you would act like this in a real world version, so he was risking his life for holographic children. But they were so convincing that he didn't think about it that way. It was just kids in trouble to him.
Boomer was able to go at superspeed for short distances. He could search an entire building in seconds, maybe a minute tops. He was fast, just not as fast as the big speedsters out there. Watching him run, since she could see at super speed too, was almost like watching Legolas in that Hobbit series of films, as he jumped and skipped over the decaying castle to get to, and save the children trapped therein.
- Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl watches him with a slight smile, clearly impressed by his skill and speed. But enough gawking, she has a job to do and he may be fast and able to leap over flames, but those flames are getting bigger by the second..Honestly, who builds a playground made out of entirely wood?
Anyhoo, she lets loose another ice breath upon the first castle, the one which is almost entirely engulfed in flames, but it's legs are so weakened by the fire that they look like they may collapse at any moment.
The kid inside screams as the structure sways uncertainly. Seems fire is just the beginning of their worries.
- Captain Boomerang has posed:
He was making a great impression, as he fought tooth and nail to save those holographic kids. The castle was on the verge of collapsing, and in a last ditch effort, he leapt out of the castle, knowing it might be a tough landing, especially with kids in tow, and he had sharp boomerangs and other stuff on his person. So he had to be very careful how he carried them, how he landed, but, when things got serious, he just leapt out of the castle, doing a bit of a somersault, rolling as he hit the ground, kids safe and sound. And before he had even come to a stop, he was on the move, getting those kids to their parents, or the parents of their friends. He kept giving the kids to adults nearby, hoping that they would figure out which kid goes with which parent.
- Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl smiles and nods appraising my at Boomer, "Nice goin!" she grins, and winks at him before focusing on the remaining fires, doing her best to put them out.Thankfully these are not chemical fires or else she'd be in trouble.
Meanwhile, the parents are reunited with their kids, hugging and crying as they are now safe. "Thank you, Supergirl, Captain Boomerang. You truly are heroes! Some crazy guy in an armoured suit attacked the playground! What's this world coming to, attacking helpless kids!?"
Indeed, but where is he now..?
- Captain Boomerang has posed:
Captain Boomerang watched as she put out the last of the fires. There wasn't a lot he could do to help in that, but they did make a good team thus far. "You did all the hard work. Few people have that kind of lung capacity." He winked at her, impressed at how she had blown it out with nought but the power of her lungs. "Armored suit?" He asked the parents, "What color was it, any identifying marks, the more you can tell us, the better prepared we'll be. Where did he go?"
- Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl smiles, "Awe, thanks! But Yknow you dud just as much work, pulling those kids out of raging flames, that's way more dangerous. I just stood back and blew." she chuckles, sometimes finding it hard to take these scenarios too seriously.But anyways, back to business.
One of the parents is holding onto his kid who is still whimpering quietly in his arms. "Hmm well it was mostly green with metal purple gloves and boots. The face visor was shaded kinda, it was hard to see the face underneath. Oh, he took off that way into the traffic. I hope those people are safe, it's the middle of rush hour in downtown!"
Uh oh?
- Captain Boomerang has posed:
"Green, purple gloves and boots, got it, thanks, you've been a big help," Captain Boomerang said, and then, perhaps feeling a bit daring, he would try to sweep Supergirl off her feet, fully intending to run, carrying her in his arms, towards the downtown area.
- Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl hmms and frowns, "Sounds like our gu--Heey!" she chuckles a bit as she is swept off her feet, but is perhaps quite impressed by Boomer's speed and strength. She's not a brick but her denser kryptonian make up makes her a bit heavier for her size.
Anyhoo, as they rush off towards a busy downtown street, it seems something is causing a traffic jam, as cars pile up, bumper crashes are had and Dooley are yelling and pointing at each other. Oh dear, what's going on?
- Captain Boomerang has posed:
Captain Boomerang, having swept Supergirl off her feet, superspeeds to a holographic recreation of downtown Metropolis in the Titan's Tower Danger Room, where there seemed to be something of a traffic jam going on. He knew she could fly, or run herself, but sweeping her off her feet somehow seemed better. "I couldn't resist," he said as he slowed, even in the heat of battle, he fancied himself a charmer. "Come on, let's see what's the source of it is," and he would carry her to the pile up, letting her down as they get there.
- Flash has posed:
Standing in the street surounded by cars in the Flash, well kinda.. He has on some 'suit' that looks like someone made it for a comic con. It is all bulky, and square with a helmet that makes it a bit harder for him to see out of. He stands over one of the turned over cars. "Ha.. Ha ha! You will never stop me.. Speed Demoooon!" he hams it up a bit never getting to play the villians. While he sounded rediculas he felt it even more speaking like a monologle.. He looks down at them, then breaks character with a smile and a wave.
"Sorry I am late..." he says in a stage whisper tone to Kara.. He was the last challenge to detain the Spped Demon, and though yes he was prob faster then them it was not easy to wear this getup, and he even was pushing the helmet up so it wouldn't fall down over his head so he had a few major distractions as well. So with a roar, a fake roar, he lifts his hands, though they swirl quickly as two cars he was using to block the traffic raise up, and start launching their way towards them. They weren't moving any faster then a normally thrown cars, as it took enough effort just to get them up in the air. It was a reason he didn't do this in battle but he wasn't really trying to start with something hard.
- Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl can always fly herself but she does like his gentlemanly ways, they are rather cute! She chuckles a bit as she climbs out of his arms and peers around. "Sooo a traffic pile up? Ya think it's our guy?"
She steps closer to the crowd of people who have gathered to watch...Someone, and blinks a bit. "Oh dear, who's that? That's not the armoured guy?" Okaay, this is rather embarrassing, did she not complete the program? Did someone else intercept or something?
Still unexpected surprises are par for the course. So she goes along with it, trying to look serious as she studies his rather goofy costume. "Hold it right there, Speed Demon! Are you the one who caused this ruckus? I'm afraid I'm gonna have to hand you over to the proper authorities!"mage points a finger at him, as if expecting he'll actually listen to her.
Shes never been a shoot first, ask questions later kind of gal.
- Captain Boomerang has posed:
Looking over at the Flash, Captain Boomerang raised a brow. He hadn't even heard the door to the Danger Room open, but then he thought, how does one get into the simulation once it starts? How would he and Supergirl get out? Maybe this was part of the program? This was all new to him, so he was going with the flow, as usual. "Yeah, that doesn't fit with the description," he agreed, "sounded more like the Beetle or Hardshell to me."
And Captain Boomerang enjoyed this part, "mate, you may want to think up a new codename. There's already a Speed Demon. Nice guy, when he's not stealing." Yeah, Captain Boomerang had a history of friendships with some minor villains. For his part, Captain Boomerang had two boomerangs at the ready, both standard issue for now.
- Flash has posed:
Flash holds his hands up "Yes. Indeed it is me... Speeeeed Demon!" he adds a little accent to it giving Boomer a 'look' as he sighs a bit, he covers his face. "Look I didn't choose it, we were having make your own superhero day at the Foundation.. All I could find in short notice." he explains. He looks at SuperGirl, and Boomer again with an.. "Ahem." and without warning his hand moves super fast, a bit of superspeed and out of no-where, well if they could follow actually inside the box over his chest he pulls it out, a tennis ball that seems to be powdered in a bring pink color.
As the 'fake' cars crash around them he tosses one at Kara, to see if she is paying attention as well as talking, he also throws one to the side the walls only being so big to start it bouncing wildly. If Boomerang is good a trajectory he would know that too while a bit delayed by bounching is heading towards him. Though Flashes hands disapear in his chest box again as he continues. "Fear my.." he pauses.. No... "Tennis spheres of dooooom!" he says chewing the scenery with doom.
Though he breaks character again, "Don't worry its non-stain material.. Don't get hit though as they good poof." and laughs though continues looking at Kara.. "This worked way better when you were younger." and was pulling out more balls to throw at them as he stood still infront of them. "No breaking the Flash though.. remember that Supergirl." and grins a bit as she could on accident mess him up.
- Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl blinks at the cheesy lines and takes to the skies, doing her best to dodge and dart away from the balls. But he's not called the fastest man alive for nothing. She blinks as he hits her though fortunately she's wearing her short cut off top and it only hits bare skin.
At that speed the balls could do a lot of damage, but for Kara, her impervious skin barely feels them. "Heey that tickles! But we've got to put you down!" narrowing her eyes, she unleashes a laser beam towards his feet, trying to trip him.
- Captain Boomerang has posed:
"What foundation?" Captain Boomerang asked, though it wasn't obvious if he meant that rhetorically. The tennis balls of doom were hard to take seriously, and this was coming from a former member of the Rogues, so that said something. He was good at doging, and even better at geometry. He would toss one of his boomerangs to intercept a ball, and had timed the throw just right so that it would come towards the hand that had thrown the ball afterwards, though if the 'Speed Demon' moved signiciantly before it reached the hand, it would continue until it went back to Boomer. He had other options, but didn't want to hurt the Flash, so he stuck to his regular boomerangs. At best, he'd give him a nasty aching hand, or wherever he hit. Mostly because it was funny, he threw one that seemed to go wildly out of control... only for it to come back towards the back of the 'Speed Demon's head. He was banking on Flash moving, or at least having the healing ability that superheroes always seemed to have. He also wasn't throwing them at full super speed, not yet anyway.
- Flash has posed:
With a smile Flash looks up, "Good, get a postion higher.. Though just because you can take a hit, doesn't mean you should." he notes, though he got it was hard to dodge them all so he didn't sound disapointed only noting things that he knows he would hear. As the beams hit it does knock him off balance... with a 'whoa' making him turn around the first time to show the little pig like tail on the back of the costume that had a spade at the end. While it looked stappled on it held as he spun more in a crouch throwing out a wide array of them in different directions out so they would be an obsticale to anyone in the area.
He stood up, and grined, "Good.. No-one charged in. Often people think too highly of the self sacrifice part, and." he tilts his head to the side as a boomerange bearly misses him, though it takes a small chunk out of the box mask he as wearing. "Charge in without thinking of their partner."
He is moving slightly now to dodge the balls that are bouncing, but he hasn't left his spot more then what he fake stumbled a bit ago. He looks down at his feet and up, "I know you two might be new working with each other, but a more unified attack strategy is usually the best. Though I will say you can't beat experience." he adds looking at Boomer the only reason he knew that was coming back as he had fell for that trick too many times.
While he speaks he makes small quick movements to just dodge the balls not moving forwards or back. "Come, and mind your spacial awareness. Which of you can tag me first..." he adds. Some could look at it as a competition now, and that was the trick. It never was, but if he made it seem like it he could see where they were at in their heads. "But overall your both doing great.. Tactically at least." he finishes as he didn't want them to think they were doing wrong because of what he said he was for positive where it fit, and leave the negative stuff to the Bats.
- Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl blinks as she spies the tail, "Awwe Sooo cute! You supposed to be a little piggy or what?" she grins and flies a bit closer, this time using her arms to block some of the flying balls, but to also swat them back at him, using a bit of super speed to swat several back at once.
"Competition, huh? So what does the winner get?" this wasn't exactly what she was expecting but it's kinda fun too. She also notes Boomer's technique. Flash is right, they've never worked together before and are just learning to work as a team.
- Captain Boomerang has posed:
It was strange to be critiqued in the middle of a battle where Captain Boomerang was pulling his proverbial punches. He had a number of trick boomerangs that he had inherited from his late father, but just as many that were of his own design, and the Flash likely would be unaware of. Deciding to have a bit of fun, as he caught the boomerangs that returned, he put them away, only to throw different ones. He would throw two with one hand at the same time, an impressive feat on its own, but he could actually do that with both hands, simultaneously, so four at once if he wanted.
One of the boomerangs seemed to follow the exact same trajectory as the one that had knocked the Flash's helmet... except, it did not come back. The other one had a most bizarre effect. It seemed to somehow emit a gravitational field, pulling the Flash into it, just as the balls that Supergirl had swatted back at him were coming. The other boomerang had been a pre-programmed boomerang, with a 60 second delay on smacking him in the back of the head.
- Flash has posed:
Boomer might catch it, but Supergirl with the bit of super-speed she has could see what Flash does as his eyes dart, different places looking at different things thinking about the multiple ways out of this current spot at the speed of thought. He had gave a bit too many pointers, and now had Kara flying at him. Not to mention all the balls he put into the room, and the multiple boomerangs prob with tricks now as he saw them also approaching. 'Humm.." he though checking trajectories, and timing. Then a slow smile crosses his face, He is quiet as they are coming you actually making him try now other then a quick dodge or two, but with that smile he says just to the air. "And always use your head first." reaching out he grabs one of the bouncing balls that are flying by redirecting it to one of the ones appraching that Supergirl had turned around to come back at him. Because of the duston each, and the impact the resulting cloud would fill the sky. In this cover Flash actually has to bend and make a run for it, though without the mask as Kara gets just the tip of it knocking it out thankfully because of her taking the brunt of the pull the gravity so he is able to pull away and away from the point where he was standing.
Standing over by the wall holding his arms up infront of him is a grinning Flash, though with his normal mask on not the boxed one over it as it is currently been gotten. He chuckles, "Okay.. This is going to be a little tougher then I thought." he says with a chuckles, he shakes his head at that looking. "Supergirl good hustle.. You made me think on that one." he looks over at Boomer. "I like the intensity, but I feel your holding back as well." he smiles a bit. "But when your ready maybe there is a good reason for that." giving him a nod not going any further.
He stops looking up, "I do appologize for your final boss. I had them show me how to remove him for only this occurance, it was supposed to be a surprise... umm.. Surprise." he shrugs a bit, "I just don't want two more Batmen.. Or Women." and chuckles though continues. "So I tried something new."
- Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl is charging towards Speed Demon, giving a triumphant yell as she continues to swat balls at him..But maybe she is getting too close now as he redirects one or two balls back in her face. "Woah!" she blinks, staggering back as she's suddenly surrounded in a blinding pink cloud. And whiles she's trying to fight that off, she finds herself pulled into the gravitational well of the boomerang, pulling her off balance and causing he4 to crash to the ground. Ow.