133/Perchance to Dream

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Perchance to Dream
Date of Scene: 26 April 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed.
Cast of Characters: Karrin Murphy, 148, Harry Dresden

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Nightmares. It started pretty mild, and they've all seen some things, but to have nightmares multiple nights in a row, the sort that wake you out of a cold sleep, covered in sweat, shaking? Only to repeat the night after, and the night after? That was weird. Karrin Murphy had thought it was just her, some job stress rearing it's head in a way she did not expect, but apparently she was wrong. During an idle conversation with Harry, it popped up that he was having the same. And even Michael had one night of misery, the one night he didn't sleep at his house this week, though the Carpenter house seems to protect from whatever these awful dreams have been. So, after Karrin cross referenced between all of them that the dreams are definitely a THING, she decided to call a meeting.

The Murphy house is a great contrast to the short woman herself. All softness, in pinks and lace, echoes of her long passed grandmother well left over in the house. But there was good tea, comfortable couches, and an air of safety that they could all use. So, Karrin is hosting, a whole pot of tea on the doily covered coffee table between them. Her eyes are sunken, hair rather limp, and she's beginning to well show the effects of the lacking sleep. Hopefully the tea will help. She waits quietly, staring at the door, trying to keep her eyes open until her guests arrive.

Michael Carpenter (148) has posed:
"If she were going to arrest you, Harry," Michael mentions in a pleasantly patient tone of voice as he leaves his truck and waits for Dresden to join him at the front door to Murphy's house.

"I hardly think inviting us over for a discussion would be the way she'd go about it." The bearded, blue-eyed man pauses for a bit, and brushes sawdust off the sleeves of his sheepskin jacket.

"If you like, I can ask her to leave the handcuffs in the cupboard," the man adds, but despite the levity in his words, he frowns. "These dreams have me worried." That is a little more serious.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Sliding out of the truck, Harry grumbles out as he reaches in the truck bed to grab his staff, "I'm not worried about the handcuffs, Michael. I've gotten used to wearing hers as bracelets. It's the right cross." The wizard combs his hand through his hair, having the opposite effect intended and making his already disheveled hair even more so. He looks beat, like he hasn't slept in days. It could be the dreams keeping him up at night, or it could just be coincidence, being that this is Harry.

"There are a few things that can play with dreams. None of them fun to deal with." Harry mutters, "Invading a mind takes power, less so when the victim is sleeping...but power never the less. First thing will be narrowing down what, or who, and why."

Using the tip of his staff, he raps on the front door to the residence, then promptly steps behind Micheal.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The woman was *just* nodding off, the abonxiously pink pillow at the corner of her grandmother's couch entirely too tempting, when that knock comes on the door. Murphy half jumps, cursing beneath her breath, "Get it together, Karrin..." She mutters to herself before swinging legs off the couch and standing up. She shakes the drowsiness free of her head, pushing one hand back through her own blonde hair in a way much like Harry just did, but her straightening is a bit more successful than his. Then she's moving quick for the door and opens it with a smile that's trying way too hard to be away.

"Michael. I'm glad you could come, I thought Harry was... Oh." There's Harry. Hiding behind him. Karrin's brow arches with a smirk, leaning over to peer at the wizard across their mutual friend's shoulder. "...If I wanted to punch you, Dresden, you'd already be on the sidewalk. No hiding. I might even be nice and offer you tea. Come on in." She huskily mutters to them both, turning back to walk inside the house, the scent of tea and gun oil on the air. Home sweet home. Karrin's clearly got the day off, just wearing jeans and an oversized GCPD sweat shirt.

Michael Carpenter (148) has posed:
"Detective Murphy," Carpenter says in greeting. "It was good of you to invite us over." As he steps inside, he gives Dresden a little look -- part 'it's okay' and part 'I'm trying not to appear amused at your expense' -- and adds: "Very wise, as well."

Once he is indoors, however, and his coat is on the rack, the man's features take on a more serious expression. "You look like you haven't slept in a while, Detective," he offers quietly. "If you like, you're welcome to come spend a night or two with us -- we have room."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Grumbling out a "Murphy, Thanks for inviting me in." in greeting to the detective, the wizard waits for Michael to step in and then passes through the threshold of Karrin's home himself.

Harry leans the staff by the door, and slips off his duster, hanging it next to Michael's coat. Harry is in his usual attire of jeans and a t-shirt, the silver pentacle amulet dangling around his neck. "Tea would be lovely...or a coke. Whichever has the most caffeine."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The commentary about her not having slept in a while gets a small grunt in response. It's not a denial, but also not an admission. Because admiting that would be weakness and Karrin really doesn't like showing her belly to anyone, even if it's horribly obvious by the matched set of luggage beneath her eyes. She leads the way back to the little sitting area, "...Coke'll rot your teeth." She mutters to Harry, as she beings pouring out the tea, now probbaly brewed extra strong. None of them were going to complain.

"I figured last week's case just knocked a few screws loose but... when Harry mentioned the dreams... Now I'm wondering if there isn't something more going on here. So... we should talk. What are you two dreaming?" Straight down to business as she hands over the black tea, first to Michael, then to Harry.

Michael Carpenter (148) has posed:
Michael goes silent for a while.

Briefly, occasionally, he glances sidelong at Harry. They hadn't gone into specifics on the way over; with nightmares such as these, specifics are the last thing of which people want to think. But now...

"Charity was... possessed," the carpenter murmurs. Resting his elbows on the table, he clasps his hands together as though in prayer, and continues: "She turned on me -- on the kids -- and she had in her hand... a denarius."

On //that// particular word, he goes silent again, praying in the quiet of his mind. It was only a dream, but still... it has clearly left the burly man feeling shaken, and he doesn't seem to mind being open about that. Such is Michael Carpenter; what you see is what you get.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Staring at the tea for a while, Harry finally reaches out to take the cup and hesitantly sip at it's contents. He makes a face, but that doesn't stop him from taking another sip as he listens quietly to Karrin, then Michael.

"I don't know what I have told you both about my past. I don't tend to get into it much." There is a brief pause as he sighs before continuing, "My mentor was a bad man. Black magic. Tried to sway me to the black and managed to sway Elaine. Elaine was my...friend."

Another pause, as Harry takes another sip from the teacup, "Long story short, they both ended up dead by my hand." He turns to glare at Karrin, as if to cut her off and dare her to say anything, "It was self defense."

After another moment, and another sip of tea he continues, "I see them, burning, coming after me...and there is nothing I can do to stop their vengeance. I wake up just as Elaine's hand close around my throat."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The blonde listens quietly, half curled into her little corner of the couch, her small hands protectively around the delicate pink and cream china tea cup she holds. It's small enough to actually make her hands look tough and normal sized, though the callouses from the gun range help with that as well. Her lips remain set in a cool, professional sort of line, doing her very best to keep herself emotionally separate from the discussion on the table. This was supposed to be business, even if they were, nominally, friends in front of her. Her eyes darken at the commentary about the Denarius and Charity, a slight shiver through her back and a small shake of her head coming, "...at least you know that's utter bullshit, Michael. You know it... it'd never happen. She'd never let it happen." That's her best attempt to be reassuring there.

Then there is Harry's dream, that making her frown just deepen. Bloodshot blue eyes flicker through curiosity, the need to ask more, but no accusations follow. Even as he admits to the killing. But the explanations seem to give her some answers, "...so...it's all personal. Not like we're...sharing dreams or anything. Just.. weird it's happening at the same time."

Michael Carpenter (148) has posed:
"It's not weird," the carpenter replies, his hands still clasped together. "It makes perfect sense." Then he looks at his two friends. "We are all agents of Light, if you'll pardon the expression -- it makes sense we'd be targeted. That dream has been waiting for me whenever I've slept away from home -- at first, I was just dozing in the car after work. Then I stayed away on purpose."

Turning to Dresden, the bearded man continues: "Harry made a good point on the way over here -- this... invasion required power." From Carpenter's manner, he does not appear surprised at Harry's admission regarding his own nightmare. Michael had insisted Harry 'soulgaze' him when they first met -- thus, he might not have known the specifics of Harry's Past, but he does know the man. "Power can be traced," Michael says. "I think we know what to do next, then... but first I'd like to hear what //you// dreamed as well, Detective -- if you wouldn't mind."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Draining the last of his tea, Harry sets the cup onto the table and neglects to put in on the saucer, or doily. "That's stupid, Michael. If something is coming after you in a dream, you don't willingly invite it in by staying away from a place that provides you protection."

The wizard turns his eyes to the Knight, "Your threshold is likely one of the strongest I have ever witnessed, which is likely why you are unaffected when you are there, and you can't beat a dream with Amoracchius. I know you don't like to hear it, but this is out of your depth until I can find out who or what is doing this, and the only thing I have to go on is that it is targeting us three. So either it is someone we have run into in the past, or someone taking revenge for something we have dispatched of."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin is far more temperate with her tea, sipping at it like an old friend, not guzzling it like it's going out of style. A slight smirk pulls at her mouth as she sees how fast Harry drinks his. How uncouth. But this isn't about honoring tea, it's about the fact that most of them look like they've been hit by the insomniac Mac truck. A slight grimace follows as Michael actually calls her out on the fact that she didn't reveal her own dream, though she asked the same of them. That was probably purposeful. She exhales a slow breath across her tea. "...different most nights. Generally about people being dead before I could stop it. My squad. My ex. Both of you. There's... a lot of blood." She half glosses over her dream, giving just enough to show that crack in her personality. Dreams reveal a lot about people. Karrin's worst nightmare? Being the survivor.

Harry's machismo about this being out of their depth, especially Michael's is just the distraction Karrin needs from that uncomfortable tension in her chest. She turns her look HARD at him, eyes narrowing a bit more and she sets down her tea cup. "Harry Dresden. BOTH of us are in this too. We're both getting the dreams. We're both in this fight. Don't you *dare* pretend your diving into this alone and if you try, so help me God, I will lock you up again and we can handle this ourselves."

Michael Carpenter (148) has posed:
"The... sentiment is appreciated, Karrin," Michael comments, just giving Harry another muted look as if to say, 'I fully anticipate your 'et tu, Michael?' response, and I still just said that.' Then he reaches for his own tea -- which he hadn't touched until now -- and enjoys a mouthful or two.

"One doesn't beat a dream with a sword, Harry," says he -- trying not to sound //too//... 'instructional'? in his choice of words and tone.

Molly would call it his 'seminary voice' even if he wasn't really quite going for that. "One beats a dream with prayer." At least, one does if one is a Knight of God. "And praying is what I'll do. You have to look at this with different eyes: what our Enemy has sought to do is break us down, but he, she -- it -- has done is unite three very strong-hearted people, each with a different, and necessary means to find a solution."

Michael looks at Murphy. "The Detective." Then at Dresden. "The Wizard." He gives a slight, open-shut gesture with his clasped hands. "And me. 'What Satan intend for evil, the Lord intended..."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Eyeing Karrin first, then Michael, "Bullshit. Frankly, it's probably my fault you both are in this mess to begin with." In typical Harry fashion, it all comes down to him. "You can't shoot a dream, or judo chop it into submission, Murph, no more than you can slice it with a sword."

Maybe it is the lack of sleep, but Harry seems frazzled even more than usual. The wizard runs his fingers once again through his hair, making him start to look more Einsteinian than doing anything to flatten it down. "I know you both mean well, but it really is out of your league, at least until I can track down what it is that is causing this. When something can be shot at, or stabbed, then I will let you know. Until then, let the wizard do his god damned wizarding."

There is a pop and a sizzle, and something in Karrin's pocket starts to smoke.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"...Dammit, Harry!" Murphy hisses, half leaping up off the couch as she feels the sizzling in her pocket of a phone that is quickly frying itself to death. Before it sets her jeans on fire, she shoves two fingertips into that pocket and pulls out the smoking device, dropping it into the closest thing that can completely submerge it (because actively smoking implies something is burning and she doesn't feel like setting anything on fire.) Of course, the only thing with that much water in the room is the tea pot. The phone finishes smoking, sizzling as it goes down, but it seems no one is getting seconds of tea. "...that's the third phone since I've known you." She half growls at him. They were both on edge. "Keep your... cranky-hoodoo under control!"

And then there is a deeper breath, Karrin at least mature enough to acknowledge that her own tempermentalness is probably the fact that she hasn't slept well in days. If they were smart, they'd both let Michael drag them back to his house for a good night's sleep. She doesn't sit back down, but folds her arms firmly across her chest, staring hard at the pair. "Thank you, Michael... you are, undoubtedly, right. Now, just convincing this stubborn ass of it is the challenge." Karrin grumbles, as if Harry wasn't in the room with them. But then her blood shot blues land straight back on him once more, "I don't think you fry it with magic either. This is in all our heads. You don't get to go lone ranger on it just because you said. And you have no way to prove this is your fault. We *all* have enemies."

Michael Carpenter (148) has posed:
Michael shakes his head.

Oddly enough, at Murphy.

"I don't need to convince Harry of anything," says he without so much as lifting his voice above a murmur. Then he lays his hands flat upon the table.

"I'm going along." The burly fellow gives it a moment, and then shifts his crystal gaze to his wizarding friend. "Nothing is outside the Lord's reach, Harry," Michael remarks with absolute faith. There. That telltale 'thrum' through the floor. It reverberates with the word 'nothing' as it leaves the knight's lips.

"As the good detective has said, we all have enemies, and we're in this together -- this isn't your fault, Harry. Please don't try to //make// it your fault."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Opening his mouth to say something, then closing it again before he digs himself in any further, Harry just crosses his arms over his chest in a mimic of Karrin's pose. He breaths, loudly, through his nose...huffing and puffing like a wolf in a story.

Finally, he turns his head to Murphy and says in a quiet tone, "It's not in our heads. Well, the DREAMS are, but what is causing them is something else. Be it another wizard, or a creature from the NeverNever...I don't know, but something is causing them to manifest and usually those somethings can be dealt with. It's finding them first that is the problem."

As Michael announces he is going along, Harry once again does the open/close of his mouth. He wants to argue, it can be seen in his eyes, but Harry has seen too much to have a lack of faith in Michael's calling. Harry rubs at his temples, "I need to figure out a way to track this thing, whatever it is." he finally says.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
They really were so alike sometimes, which is what made it harder to be friends. They were so damned stubborn, so tough, used to being quite alone. Karrin's arms remain folded across her chest in determination, completely missing the fact that Harry's now mirroring her gestures. Hell, there's a part of her that has her hackles up a bit more because HE is looking so damn stubborn and how dare he when he's the one who agreed to come here! She just huffs and little and scoops up her tea, knocking back the last cold dregs. Far too like how Harry drank his in the beginning.

"Yes...but whatever is *causing* it has clearly gotten in our heads, or this wouldn't be happening over and over, in the same week, on the same nights. Unless you think it's an... after effect of something? Maybe it's not being consciously done and will just wear off itself?" There is almost a hint of hope in her voice as she says that. They wouldn't have to fight something awful, this would just go and fade away. "How...do you track something in your dreams? We don't have anything physical tied to it... And we're *both* going along, not just Michael. Neither of you are leaving me behind or you will NEVER hear the end of it."

Michael Carpenter (148) has posed:
"I have an... ally who sometimes appears to me in my dreams," murmurs Michael. He is looking away from Harry and Karrin -- away and off to the side, his expression pensive. He does not usually talk about this particular ally... so tonight he is making the exception.

"I'll ask him." Turning back to his friends, the blue-eyed knight leans back in his chair and releases a breath. "We'll all have something to do; as for me, I'm going to start now. Karrin, would you mind if I had some privacy -- an empty room would be sufficient. If you're okay with it, I don't want to leave here without praying over your home." He stands to his feet, and nods to his friends.

"God keep the both of you; I know we'll solve this. Believe it."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Stubborn is as stubborn does. Harry sits there almost sulking as he gets 'the talk' by Karrin, something he has grown all to used to. When she is finished, he hashed his head, "No." he says simply, "I don't think it is an after effect. I think it is something deliberately targeted at us, the question is why. Which leads me back to something or someone that has a grudge against us. Sure, this could be someone trying to take us out of action before they do something, but why risk detection and getting our guard up before doing your big evil master plan. No, this is personal...revenge for a slight. I'm almost sure of it."

He looks to Michael, raising one of his brows in a bit of surprise as he makes his declaration of an ally. "If you are talking to an angel...I still want back pay. I've got bills."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The blonde stares hard at Harry for a moment, but doesn't disagree with his analysis of the matter. She just sighs and looks back to Michael, "Of course, Michael. There's a spare bedroom. If you can get through the dust bunnies, it should be quiet enough. I... really need to clean." Karrin mutters, just a bit embarrassed over the untouched room, but it would have to do. She gives Harry a little glare over Michael's shoulder, "Soon as you get that back pay, you're buying me a new phone." If he's demanding money out of a man of God, she sure as heck was going to get her cut. Or maybe that was her way of chiding him for being so selfish. She then disappears down the hallway a moment, leading Michael to that room.

It's only a few minutes when she comes back out, she and Harry now alone in her living room. She looks over the dishelved man in silent for a few heartbeats before coming up to him and daring to comb her fingertips through his mess of a hair. It's meant to be a friendly gesture, but there is probably more weight behind it than she cares to admit. "You're a mess. You need to sleep before you can go hunting down any bastard trying to mess with our dreams."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry closes his eyes as Karrin's fingers run through his hair, the mere gesture causing him to relax and his head to nod towards his chest for a brief second before he jerks it up again, "Can't sleep, clowns will eat me." says the wizard with the barest hint of a smile. "Or dead ex-girlfriends if we want to be specific."

He glances up to Karrin for a moment, looking just to the side of her eyes so he doesn't make contact. Who knows what a soul gaze would do to both of them in this state. "Sorry about your phone," he says with true sincerity, "I'll get it replaced when I can."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
As his eyes close like that and Karrin can practically feel him relaxing beneath the touch, she finds herself not quite willing to pull away. There is a lot in the touch of another human and all the vitriol, stubborn anger and testiness just seems to have gone out of both of them for that single bit of contact. She lets the back of her thumb idly trail against his neck, perhaps not even aware she's doing it, but her hand doesn't quite leave even as his head jerks back up.

"...Tell you what. Why don't you nap here and I promise I won't let any dead ex-girlfriends in the house? Just a few hours. Then... I'll do the same. We can switch off and get back to tackling this with slightly more fresh heads. Maybe it won't be so bad if you're not alone." Hopefully. She could see him half falling asleep already. "...and I can handle the phone. I started buying insurance after the first time. So... don't worry about it, really. I'm just... getting on your case. Not in the best mood. Just need to let the precinct know to call the house phone."

Harry Dresden has posed:
The mention of sleep, and the continued touch of Karrin's thumb brushing agains the back of his neck, causes Harry to try and stifle a yawn, but failing miserably. Still, he is determined to not give in to Morpheus' call

"I shouldn't." says the wizard, though the words sound strained. He reaches up and reluctantly takes Karrin's hand from his neck, though he holds onto it longer than perhaps is necessary for the task. If anything, I should have you sleep and.." He pauses, "Hell's bells! Why didn't I think of this sooner. You're an idiot Harry." He looks up at the detective and smiles, a genuine look of glee on his face, "Where is your bedroom?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
If it was anyone but Harry Dresden, Murphy would consider those words forward. Perhaps even a bit rude. But the blonde seems to realize he doesn't even know what is coming out of his mouth right now. She smirks quietly, "... I cannot remember the last time that someone was so excited to get into my bedroom. I... think that probably is a hint I should get more of a dating life." What dating life? No guy wants to date a woman tougher than he is. She half sighs and gives his hand one last squeeze before gently letting go.

Then, ignoring the tea-soaked cellphone, she'll deal with cleaning up later, she nods back towards the same hallway where she too Michael. This time, she leads the whole way down. The place definitely wasn't decorated by her. Too old fashioned, too feminine, too perfect down to every last detail. The bedroom is rather similar, but with a few other hints of Murphy there. The lace curtains have been replaced by heavy black out curtains so she can sleep when she's on night shift. There's a little home gym in the corner and several sets of free weights against the wall. One of her uniforms hangs up on the back of the closet. But the bed is still a huge, old fashioned four poster bed and the quilt is faded with time and love. "...This what you needed? Do I get to tuck you in now?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Just the opposite." says Harry with a manic glee in his voice. He takes a quick survey of the bedroom, and walks around the bed, rubbing at the stubble on his face. "I'm going to need you to help me move the bed away from the wall. I need to get a circle around it." He moves to one end of the bed, fully expecting Karrin to follow his lead in this without question. It's almost as if he doesn't know her at all.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Harry. This is a four poster, Victorian era, wooden bed. It weighs like... A literal ton. I don't think we're moving this on our own." They might be able to scoot it if they tried really hard, but chances are this bed hasn't moved in at least two decades. Karrin also doesn't even make a move to bend down and try, her arms refolding across her taunt chest, looking about as tall and stubborn as she can. "Besides, I'm not doing a damned thing until you tell me what is on your punch-drunk mind right now? You're half asleep. You aren't thinking straight. Spill."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Furrowing his brow, Harry steps back from the bed as he mumbles to himself, "I can move it, just let me go get my staff. A little wind..." His voice trails off as he continues to stare at the bed, Karrin's voice a distinct echo within his ears as his mind races along it's own track for the moment.

Finally, something seems to click and he looks over to Karrin, "Hrm? Oh... You have heard of a dream catcher, right? Native American, circle with strings woven across it? I'm going to make one, but I am going make it so any dream that comes from outside the circle gets tracked back to its source. I am going to tag the son of a bitch."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Harry Dresden!" Karrin huffs after him. One of these days, she was going to have to learn his middle name because damned if she wasn't yelling him in that tone. "You are NOT creating a TORNADO in my bedroom to move the bed. Dammit. We... we'll just huff and puff and somehow get it to move!" The woman calls down the hall after him, but she hasn't said no. That's probably a step in the right direction. Blue eyes look him over quietly, a slight grimace on her pale face. SHe doesn't look like she WANTS to agree, but she also cannot find the proper ability to disagree.

"...A...dream catcher. You can... do that? I mean, it'd actually work? I... hate to say it's a good idea." But it might just be a good idea. That's just making tired Karrin even more grumpy about it. Her arms return to being folded across her chest, "...fine. Explain this to me step by step and... explain exactly how I'm HELPING you with this, then maybe I'll help you move the bed. Maybe."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Coming back down the hall, staff in hand, Harry grins triumphantly as he walks through the door to the bedroom. "I'm a wizard." he utters, proudly, as if it is all the explanation that Murphy needs in response to her questions.

For a moment, it seems that is all the explanation he is going to give, but then he continues, "I'm going to draw a circle around your bed in chalk, then I am going to take some twine or thread or string and run it from the circle over the bed, using the bedposts and anchors. Once that is done, I am going to add a bell filled with glitter and a couple drops of blood to the string, so when our 'friend' sends along his dream it will ring when it hits the catch, so I know when to release the circles energy the glitter will travel along the line, and then I can track it via the blood. Then, I am going to have you go to sleep."

He moves to the side of the bed, and since it is always better to ask forgiveness than seek permission he turns to Murphy and grins, "And I never said anything about a tornado, Murph," and before, she can object any further he lifts his staff, and commands 'Veni Che!'

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Blood? You're going to hang *blood* above my bed? Harry... this is sounding more and more like some death and sex cult ritual, or something!" Karrin calls to him as he returns to the room with the staff and does give her more of an explanation. She's looking wary as all get out right now, especially considering she doesn't even know if she could sleep with such an elaborate get up around her. "Besides, I...I'm not certain I'm really going to be able to sleep on command, you know? Much less knowing there's some cult ritual built around my bed." While Karrin had slowly become adjusted to the fact that yes, MAGIC IS REAL, there were still days she was clearly skeptical about the entire mess. She's still not said no, though.

And then he's moving her bed and she gives a little yelp of surprise. It's not a tornado, it is a levitation, but it also reveals the mess of things that have dropped BEHIND her bed in god only knows how long and she's not been able to get back there. A few socks, definitely a tissue or two, probably something that was an orange peel. A ripped, old romance novel and... best or worst of all, a pair of hot pink lace panties that were ripped off in the night of SOME sort of passion, tossed back there, and utterly forgotten. Karrin blinks once... twice... And suddenly blushes about as deep as the panties. "...I...uh... wondered where those went."

Harry Dresden has posed:
It takes no time once the magic is called forth for the bed to move into a position more towards the center of the room. The bed is set down relatively gently. "Stop being such a baby, it's only a drop or two of blood." He pauses as she says something else, turning to look an see what Karrin is talking about. "Where what wen...oh. Oh." The large wizard clears his throat and turns away from the panties, trying to be somewhat gentlemanly if Karrin wanted to clean up a bit.

He fishes the chalk out of his pocket, moving to the bed once she is done cleaning up, if she does move to gather her things, and starts to draw a circle in chalk around the bed. "I'm going to need glitter, and a small bell. I'm pretty sure I saw a bell collection in the other room...knickknacks from your grandmother? You don't sew by any chance? Thread would be better, but any ribbon or twine or anything will work in a pinch."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Uh... Yes. Yes..." Karrin blinks, still really damned tired herself, so her mind is having issues catching up with her body. But then she's moving, scampering double time over to behind her bed and very quickly just scooping everything up from the dust pile to toss into a trash can. She certainly doesn't need any of it now. She'd never be able to wear those panties again, anyway, without thinking of this moment. The mess pile is quickly dropped into the bathroom trash and when she returns, she's got a long box of dental floss with her. "Will this do?" It seems she might ACTUALLY be willing to go forward with this. Even if she looks unhappy about it.

Then she disappears out of the room, down the hall, only to return in a few moments with a bell from SCENIC RHODE ISLAND printed on the side. She hands it over to him, "There. But...no glitter. We don't keep craft herpes in this house, thank you very much. Will... pepper do? Basil? Oregano?" Karrin offers with a half smirk. "...and you could nap with me, you know? Won't you have to follow this bastard in dreams anyway, if he's coming in that way? It's not like this is a literal tracking GPS..."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Why Ms. Murphy, are you asking to sleep with you?" Harry says in a teasing voice, "How forward."

He grins, taking the dental floss from her hand before pausing to think for a moment, tapping the dental floss on his chin, "Yeah, this will work for the thread, but I need something easily distributed, light enough to float but visible enough to follow. Don't happen to have an old New Years Eve popper, or something with confetti in it? I know! Makeup! Something in a blush or powdered foundation perhaps?"

While she ponders, he starts to use the dental floss to tie strips across the bed, anchoring them to points on the poster columns in a random, mismatched pattern.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
A little groan escapes her lips, "I'm asking you to also rest your body and maybe actually be able to do the thing that you are doing. So, yes, Herry Dresden. I have asked that you sleep in a space in proximity to myself. I promise I don't snore. Or cuddle." The last part is said with just a BIT of a threat behind it, implying that if he likes all his bits attached, he probably shouldn't cuddle either.

She then sighs at his words, considering what might work. The idea that comes to her mind is going to be an awful headache. "Flour.. flour should work... just fine. Be annoying as all hell to clean up but... it'll work." And then she's double time jogging out of the room again, to grab the flour from her kitchen. She's returned within two minutes, her exhausted expression still completely skeptcial and not one bit thrilled about this, but she's not yet said no. "...This looks ridiculous." She comments to the get up around the bed.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"You're no fun, Murph." says Harry with a grin as he takes the flour, and bell from her and gets to work. He taps a little of the flour into the bell, takes out a pen knife and adds a couple of drops of his own blood to the mix, then tapes the opening of the bell closed. Closing his hand around the bell, he closes his eyes and pushes a little will into the bell, a soft glow emanating from his closed hand as he chants low under his breath.

Once done, he strings the bell up where the lines over the bed intersect and steps back, admiring his handiwork and nods. "And I don't believe you, Karrin. I think you cuddle with the best of them. Now get on the bed. and get ready for sleepy time."

For his part, Harry moves inside the circle and once Karrin is insides as well, he snaps it closed with another effort of will as he touches the line of chalk. "If this doesn't work, the circle should keep the dreams at bay so at the very least, we should get a good nap in."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"...We. So... you are actually going to try to sleep also?" Karrin states gruffly, trying to be tough about it, but her blue eyes betray her. Knowing that he might be willing to try and rest himself is the last thing that would push her over the edge. She won't do it for herself, but for her friends? She'll do just about anything.

She then steps to the other side of the bed, the side where she normally sleeps. Despite having a big old bed to herself, he'll notice there is only one side of the sheets generally ruffled and a single pillow used. The habits one keeps, even after years of being divorced. It's strange, but still present. That's her side of the bed. There is still an emptiness for someone who is never coming home.

She undoes the button of her jeans and drops trow. It seems Karrin is a 'briefs' wearer, because little boy shorts might be noticed if Harry is bothering to take a peek. She then grabs quickly at a loose set of flannel pants and pulls them on overtop her shapely, toned legs. Once that's done she does actually climb up into the bed, watching him almost expectantly. "...I... I'm not tired now. I'm just nervous."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden nods once and turns to face her just as she is dropping trou, "Hells bell's, Murph!" He quickly looks away...but not that quickly and sighs, combing his fingers through his hair and clearing his throat, "Yeah, I'm going to join you. You're right about the possibility of me following the trail back via the dream may be a stronger path than trying to suss out a tracking spell after the fact, but that will be plan B."

Well, what is good for the goose, is good for the gander as the old sating goes. Harry follows suit and unsnaps his jeans, letting them fall to a pile on the floor by the bed. Besides, this isn't the first time Karrin has seen him in his boxers before...but usually it is because he is bleeding out from a leg wound and needs to be bandaged.

He slips under the covers, using his arms as a pillow and turns his back to Murph like a gentleman should. "Just close your eyes, i'm sure sleep will follow. The body gets to a point it won't take no for an answer, and I think we have just about reached that. If not, well, I can always cast a sleep spell on you. And yes, I can do that."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Oh, Harry. Grow up. It's nothing you haven't seen before!" Karrin chides him teasingly, as he semi freaks out at the fact her LEGS are showing. Hell, she sounds actually a bit amused. She might have just done that on purpose. But then he's doing the same and Karrin cannot quite keep herself from looking. Yes, she's seen the same things too, he's gotten himself shot enough, but it was sometimes nice to see. THe moment she realizes she IS looking, though, she awkwardly turns away and clears her throat. He was her friend, dammit. Those thoughts were wrong.

Feeling him climb into the bed next to her was... odd. Comforting, in it's own way. Somehow familiar. And, therefore, odd. She says nothing for several minutes, settling down on her side of the bed and tucking her arm beneath the pillow. Her back is to him because, yes, that's how you sleep with friends -- carefully not touching a single thing and pretending you have a football field between you when it's really about an inch and a half of warm air. "...Is... there anything I should be looking out for? In the dreams? Anything I should...Do?" Karrin asks quietly, after a few minutes. Her voice is already husky with oncoming exhaustion. Despite her protests, she was probably going to drop off soon. The questions are her mind's fearful attempts to stay awake. This was all the unknown. She didn't want to go back there. She was soon going to have to.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Mumbling something under his breath, the shifts slightly to turn and look at Karrin for a moment, "No. You don't have to do anything, the spell should either protect us from the dreams, or catch the dream and send it back return to sender, along with the way to follow it back.

He yawns, stretching his long legs out in the king sized bed, trying his damnedest not to touch because that would be awkward. "If all goes well, we will either wake up refreshed, or get a line on our target.

There is a soft pause, and a large yawn as Harry drifts off to sleep, muttering just under his breath, "I just hope the catch doesn't make us share dreams...zzzzzzzz"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"...Harry?" Karrin's voice echoes, ever so softly, as she hears his tone suddenly, abruptly drop off. But she's greeted with the sound of deep breathing, on the edge of a snore. That makes her half smile. Even as he stretches long legs, she settles in a bit deeper, still being careful not to touch. "...Sweet dreams, Harry." Karrin mutters softly, letting her head sink into the pillow.

And it's not long after that her own breath is evening out. As her body goes slack, the careful tension to keep them separated just releases and the smallest brush of contact comes between them. Butts, of course, because that's always what ends up cuddling when two people sleep with their backs to each other. Just the smallest of warm contacts, but enough for comfort and that special bit of power that lays with touch. If they weren't going to share dreams before, it's almost certain it will happen now, magic around them and contact between them.