12685/Look what the cat dragged in

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Look what the cat dragged in
Date of Scene: 26 January 2021
Location: Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls
Synopsis: Buffy drops by Harry's to talk, and bring belated X-mas gifts
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Harry Dresden

Buffy Summers has posed:
How long has it been..Nearly a month perhaps, since Buffy's life was drastically changed? She and Thomas were overdue to meet Harry and Karrin for Christmas dinner, but of course that never happened.

Heck, she never even had a chance to give them their Christmas presents, and even though it's been more than a month since that fateful day, Buffy hasn't forgotten.

So here she is, just popping up on Harry's doorstep, back in her original body without even a warning, knocking on his door with two large gift boxes in her arms. "Hello, Harry? You home?"

Okaay, hopefully he's not gonna blast her and assume she's an imposter. She reaaaally should have called ahead of time. Oops.?

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry looks up from his desk, hearing the familiar voice but somewhat surprised by it, his hand sliding slowly to a spot hidden behind the desk and out of sight as he eyes the Slayer with a cautious but friendly smile.

"No. I'm not here, leave a message." the wizard says deadpan, "Beep.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers rolls her eyes as she sees him at the desk, and pushes the door open. "Heh, sure you aren't. I got tired being cooped up at the Blue Lady for a month, as much as I love the constant attention Thomas gives me. But..you know how it is."

She stretches her neck as she steps in, looking stiff and tired. Being tied to a bed for a month straight, with only short breaks will do that.

"Anyways, I know it's like, ridiculously late, but..Merry Christmas, happy New Year, and all that?" she sets the two gift bags down on the desk, glancing around. "Soo, is Karrin around? I haven't seen her in like, forever.."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Yeah, the last thing I want to hear about is the constant attention Thomas gives you! Christ woman....lalalalalalala" Harry even goes so far as to cover his ears with his hands and stamping his feet for good measure until he makes sure that nothing more sordid is passing through Buffy's lips.

Coast clear, Harry stands up and starts to move around the desk, blasting rod in hand as he peers at the gifts on the desk, "No. She's at work, busy as usual. I don't even see her these days. The only sign she even exists is a cereal bowl in the sink sometimes when I wake up..."

He eyes Buffy for a moment longer, then slips the blasting rod away as he takes a peek in one of the bags, "So, what's this?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers bites her lip as Harry has a little 'tantrum'. "Um..OKaay..I mean, it's not like I was gonna go into sordid details or anything, just meant being stuck hiding in a dusty wine cellar for like a month is not exactly...Fun.."

She makes a face. "That's too bad. You two..Don't you pretty much work for her anyway? I thought she got you jobs and stuff." Buffy frowns, "Well, that's okay, she can enjoy these when she gets ho--err back.." She's hesitant to say 'home', honestly, Harry and Karrin have never been quite as..Candid with their relationship, as Buffy and Thomas.

The blasting rod is noticed, but Buffy hardly looks ready to jump him. Heck, she didn't even bring any weapons with her this time. "Ooh, well, I guess you'll have to open it to find out!" she grins and winks, shoving the bigger of the two towards him. "Hopefully this one doesn't go 'kaboom' but I was careful about what I chose.."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"True...you are not my brother. He is the one I have to worry about more." agrees Harry as he peeks inside the bag, "But you weren't the one tied up? I saw you and catgirl. Well, technically it was you. Speaking of, ever hear back from whatshername? How did things go with that artifact?"

At Buffy's urging, Harry opens up one of the bags, trying to figure out what is sitting inside. He cocks his head to the side and looks to Buffy, "Is this what I think it is?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow at that one. "You don't have to worry about him as long as I'm watching out for him." she shrugs, "Oh, right! I'm back to normal..Willow brought the Draconian Katra over after you two worked on it all night apparently..And Nolan was there to make sure I was back for real."

She sighs, "Oh, and Thomas dusted Tiffany finally, so everything and everyone is back to how they should be..Crisis over. Well, mostly. It makes me a bit nervous that the Red Order is still running amok, and could come back at any moment to summon another demon, sooo...I guess we should do something about that, but for now.."

Buffy shrugs and smiles. Oh yeah, she's wearing a cross too. A demon wouldn't wear a cross right? As for the gift, Buffy chuckles and shrugs, "Dunno, you'll just have to open it first, go on..Don't you like surprises? I know thomas said you like..old fashionned things, sooo...Figured you could use it, y'know for your office, you and Karrin both. Make you feel...Nostalgic?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
"No...I mean I don't have to worry about what you will say as opposed to what he will. I don't think the man knows the meaning of the word filter," chuckles Harry. "I kind of gathered, since you are..you know here and not in a plastic barbiedoll body."

Harry lets out a sigh and moves to open up the gift, admiring the old fashioned record player with a small gleam in his eye, "Where did you get this?! I mean, thank you. It's not that I prefer old fashioned things, it is they just have a tendency to not break as much around me. I can listen to my old vinyl records now!"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles a bit at that and nods. "Fair enough. I mean..I just wanted to make sure you know that I'm not like, Tiffany pretending to be Buffy pretending to be...Ugh, that's too confusing, my head hurts."

She smiles as she watches him unwrap the present, perhaps a bit impatiently, not sure if he will like it. "Also, thank you, for working so hard to fix that crazy katra thingy. I really appreciate it. I mean, I couldn't stand being stuck in that overblown barbie doll body for another minute.."

And when he finally opens the gift, Buffy just chuckles. "Oh, I know, you and electronics dont mix. I figured this might be old enough that it wouldn't be on the receiving end of your magic. I just know someone who runs an antique shop in Vancouver, Thomas told me about the place, figured I'd go check it out. Do you like?" Although the way he talks about his old vinyls excitedly makes her chuckle.

"Heh, you probably dont even know what MP3 is, do you."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"A what," Harry asks as he looks over the record player, picking it out of the packaging and setting it down on the desk to get a better look at it. "Is that one of those internet things? The Facetubes? Youbooks? Whatever?"

He looks back over to Buffy and shrugs, "You're welcome. I mean if I hadn't I would have had to listen to Thomas bitch and moan and wine, and nobody wants to hear that. It's pathetic." He winks, "So, no worries. I won't even charge you."

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Hah! You really are funny!" really. Buffy can't stop laughing, shaking her head. "Yeah, I guess it's...One of those internet things.." she shrugs, "I mean, I shouldn't really make fun, I'm sorry. I guess it's gotta be hard staying up to date with stuff when you cant even keep a computer without it going kablooey. Although if we could get you one of those old 80's Macs..Maybe it'd help with business?"

As for Thomas, she just smirks, "Oh, I'm sure he...Enjoyed..That barbiedoll. Maybe..Maybe a little too much.." her smile fades quickly as she starts to worry. But Buff would rather not burden him with her own problems.

"Really, you should. Charge me, I mean. I may be a friend, but I'm a client, and you're always saying business is slow, right?" Buffy is actually pulling out her wallet at this time, slapping some bills on the desk. "It's not much, but it's something. and I wont take no for an answer. Too many freebies makes me feel selfish."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry shakes his head, pushing the cash back towards Buffy with a look on his face that is on the verge of anger, but mostly embarrassment. "No, no...I am not having my brothers girlfriend pay me for swapping her mind back into her body. What kind of guy do you think I am? Really? Business is....fine. Between the consultant work and other things I manage to keep the lights on, and that is all that matters. Take that back...and if you don't I will just make sure it gets back to you some other way."

The talk of Thomas liking the barbie body doesn't get a comment, Harry's eyes just shift away for a moment, "Maybe? I don't know if a Mac or one of those old compaqs or amega type would work...but hell can you even find one that work these days?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns a bit, not wanting to hurt his ego, but. She shrugs. "You're too proud for your own good sometimes. But you really *did* do me a service. It's not like it was trivial either. I could have ended up a vegetable, or dead if you'd messed up."

Buffy doesn't accept the cash but doesn't push it back towards him either. Really, it's only like, 100 dollars. She doesn't push the barbie doll thing any further either, even though it clearly bothers her.

"Hm, probably could find one at a second hand shop, although they're probably too slow to run any decent internet. But heck, I could do some research for a low tech computer that can still work with the internet. I mean, having a website would really help boost your business." Oh greaat, now she sounds like one of those 'Go Daddy' speakers.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry sighs, leaving the money where it is on the edge of the desk, but doesn't comment on it any further. After a moment of silence though, "For what it is worth...Thomas was pretty upset that you and he...ahem...enjoyed each others company when your brain was where it was. He was panicked that he betrayed you. Do with that information what you will."


"I don't think computers that won't blow up around me can even get on the internet. Maybe I will just have to pay someone to handle all that for me."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers bites her lip, reddening a bit as he mentions Thomas' concerns and smiles rather shyly, looking away for a moment and down at her hands. "I guess..I underestimated him. But...I hope he doesn't miss...That. Either."

She shrugs. "Hm, that might not be a bad idea. A PR rep? I mean..Heck, you could talk to Willow even, she's pretty smart, really good with computers. I can ask her?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Look...I don't want to get involved or really know anything about your sex lives. I already know to much as it is. Just if you and he have issues about what happened...fucking talk to each other about it, okay? Otherwise it is just going to fester and that is going to end poorly. 'Nough said." Harry says with a bit of a shudder as he picks up the record player and starts to wander around his office to look for a place to put it.

Yeah, sure, call her. See if she would be interested. I can't pay her much but I am sure we can come to some sort of agreement."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods slowly. "I know, I know, you're right.." she shrugs. "Sure, I'll do that. Oh, and one that thing.." Buffy smiles, "I know we didn't get together for Christmas dinner, but if you're still up for it, Thomas would love to have you and Karrin over at his apartment over the weekend. You know how he loves to cook.."