12660/Two Cats meet.
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Two Cats meet. | |
Date of Scene: | 19 January 2021 |
Location: | Apple Park - Salem Center |
Synopsis: | Achak made a new friend |
Cast of Characters: | Achak Lifewalker, Jax Miller
- Achak Lifewalker has posed:
A orange striped tabby walks along the park, looking to be on the cusp of adulthood. He meows at a few people and continues walking about, being a wild and free stray it seems.
- Jax Miller has posed:
With style, with rhythm, the cat comes striding down the path in the park. Dark navy hoodie, tan denim shorts, designer footgear that no human foot would fit, Jax is walking to the beat of the music playing through his custom earphones. A slide, a turn, head bouncing seemingly independently from the rest of his body, tail swaying in counterpoint.
It's a nearly common sight these days to see the cat mutant around, even if his face has been all over the TV networks and quite a bit of social media. Still he walks without a care in the world, seemingly having nowhere to go and in no hurry to get there.
He even has time to double back and say hello to the stray that took the time to greet him, crouching down. "Hi there. New in town?"
- Achak Lifewalker has posed:
"Mrow?" The cat says in confusion as it stares up at the cat mutant with green eyes studying the larger being. He then leans in to sniff the mutant, before rubbing his scent gland against the cat mutant. The cat walks a short distance away and soon grows into a man, dressed in denim with green eyes studying the mutant. "Intriguing..."
- Jax Miller has posed:
There's a soft 'wrowl' in return, a sure sign that Jax isn't intending to challenge for territory or run the newcomer out of the park. He's still crouched down and looking out over the snow-covered fields when the cat turns into a human... or, at least, assumes a human shape.
"I know, right? Most intriguing cat you'll ever meet." Oh yeah, he's a cat alright. And that seems to include enough self confidence to float a battleship with an exquisite sense of his own place in the universe... at the very center. "Good thing you didn't run into Angry Bob. You were on his turf, y'know?"
- Achak Lifewalker has posed:
Achak chuckles. "Well I was hoping to stretch my legs. I am Achak Lifewalker, champion of the satokan tribe, and avatar of the red." He says calmly as he offers the mutant his hand. "I can become any living animal on the planet." he explains as he studies the teen and smiles. "So your mutation must make you popular at parties, as long as you dont shed on the furniture eh?" he says with a grin.
- Jax Miller has posed:
"All the parties." Jax agrees as he takes the earphones off and hangs them around his neck, taking the offered hand. It's like shaking hands with a large cat, unsurprisingly, a strange mixture of fur and warm pads.
"And if you don't know who I am, you're really not from around here, Mister Lifewalker. Which, you know, sounds like the name that should come with its own lightsaber."
- Achak Lifewalker has posed:
"I am actually from arizona. I came here to join SHIELD. My tribe is a bit of a black sheep with other native american cultures. Because we can make animals do what we want, we are believed to be skinwalkers, people who use black magics to pervert nature." Achak chuckles as he nods. "I would like to have a lightsaber, alas they are fiction." He says calmly as he nods. "My life has it's ups and downs, defending all of animal kind can be a burden sometimes but one I never would trade."
- Jax Miller has posed:
"Don't watch a lot of TV, got it." Sagenod. The mutant's ears tilt ever so slightly at the mention of SHIELD, or possibly at the fact that someone would mention that out loud. "If it helps, some people think I'm an aberration, or a monster or something. But I'm just a regular mutant." Which, to be honest, isn't much better to some people.
"So, you're more a protector in the Gurahl sense?" Leave it to Jax to come up with something out of a roleplaying handbook. "Y'know, protecting animal kind one busted head at a time?"
- Achak Lifewalker has posed:
"Pretty much. As I said, other native american tribes hate us because we can seemingly control their animals, and they dont like anything which doesnt fit." He says calmly before Achak nods as he watches the man. "I dont think your an aberration or a monster. Mutants are people as well, some never asked for their gifts, but I don't think it gives them a reason to lord over others because they got shiny flashy powers." he says calmly.
- Jax Miller has posed:
"Eh, don't think anyone has a right to lord anything over anyone unless it's earned." Jax shrugs, with what may be supreme irony. Only time can possibly tell. "I mean, you dunk in someone's face when they're trying to block you, sure, let them know you beat 'em and that you're better than them. As long as you can do it again next time, or at least accept their taunt in return if you fail. Fair is fair, y'know?"
"Just be you, that's my motto." And by now, the motto plastered all over the ad spaces, courtesy of all the major sports franchises. "Bit of a tip though... don't tell people you're looking to join SHIELD? I mean, don't bother me, but some people might not wanna talk to you."
- Achak Lifewalker has posed:
"Right." He says calmly as he looks to jax. "So no hatred for the lesser people who cant be part cat?" He asks sarcastically as he smiles at the teen. "I bet you can take angry bob's turf." He says with a grin.
- Jax Miller has posed:
"See, there's the key to the whole problem." Jax beams a smile. And when Jax smiles, it's obvious he's smiling. His whole body smiles, from ears to tail, a symphony to joy in which the face is only a small part of the orchestra. "There's no such thing as lesser people. Once you figure that out, it's pretty easy. Anyone talking about greater and lesser people? Probably up to no good." Wisdom. From a teenager. A teenaged mutant cat... I'll probably never catch on.
When talk turns to Angry Bob, his ears shift again. "Take his turf? Why? It's Bob's?"
- Achak Lifewalker has posed:
"Boy aint that the truth about lesser and greater people." Achak as he shrugs. "But you are a male, dont you want to challenge him?" He asks curiously as he studies the teen. "I am just curious about how much of your mind is human and cat. When I shift forms, there is a chance the animal mind can overwhelm me, because those instincts are so powerful."
- Jax Miller has posed:
For a few moments, Jax gives Achak a bit of a stare. One that's... well, to call it 'inquiring' wouldn't do it justice. "Ehm. None. Neither." At which point he smiles again, as if deciding that whatever was said was probably just an honest mistake.
"Not human, not cat. Because I'm not a human, and not a cat. I'm a mutant. Not a human, not a cat, one hundred percent mutant, all Jax. See?"
- Achak Lifewalker has posed:
Achak nods as he watches the teen. "I would ask to contact you again but considering our age I think it would sound creeperish." He says as he shrugs. "If you want to help me sometime, I could use the help. Too many people who think animals are nothing more then property." He says calmly as he offers to shake the teen's hand and he jumps into the area, turning into a bald eagle and flapping to gain altitude and fly off.
- Jax Miller has posed:
A hand is offered, a hand is shaken again, and Jax smiles once more. "Just a bit. But I've got a feeling if you need to find me, you'll find me. Not like I'm hard to find anyway." Except that nobody seems to know where he goes when he's not out in public. And he's been very careful about not carrying anything with him that could give away the school.
"Be safe, Mister Lifewalker, and good luck."
For a few minutes, Jax continues to look at the clear sky, watching the eagle soar away. Then, with a smile and a new spring in his step, he turns, waves a quick greeting to a large and muscular tuxedo cat lounging on a tree branch, and ambles off. So many things to do, so much time to do them in.