12500/The Devil and the Voodoo woman.

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The Devil and the Voodoo woman.
Date of Scene: 27 November 2020
Location: Apple Park - Salem Center
Synopsis: Folks chat then go their separate ways.
Cast of Characters: Voodoo, Gambit, Red, Dazzler

Voodoo has posed:
It's not every day you find Voodoo in a park just strolling, but given recent events, she's come all the way out here. Hey. It's not New York.

Which is why, short of playing dodge the cop back in Louisiana, she's settled on here, Salem Center, Apple Park. She's also muttering under her breath in Creole. Because over the week....well....it's not been her week. On the plus side, she's barefeet and strolling through the grass, and just not got anywhere to be currently. Phone's off, she's dropped off the grid much as she can, but in her jeans and half top and looks wise she's still recognizeable...though really, she managed to rustle up beignets from....somewhere. Apparently Halo Corporation got her food and coffee as a gesture of hey, you're still on sabattical and still technically ours, type thing...and she's glad of it. Wanna find Priss? Fol,Follow the sugar trail...and she's quiet, which isn't normally a good thing with her. Lost in her thoughts is another way to put it, though really, Priss eating eignets. Drinking coffee, and strolling through the park...doesn't mean she let her guard down one bit. And if they know French or Creole, she's just quietly wishing harm on people who made her house hunt. In the fall!

Gambit has posed:
The woman literally walks right by the man when he speaks in that same melodic Creole language, "Now I never really expected to hear that again. Least not this far North." The man is leaning agienst a tree, wearing sunglasses and a tan trench coat and casually shuffling a deck of cards with the practiced familiarity of something he does with extreme regularity. With a little slide of hand the deck seems to vanish, likely up his sleeve, and he offers his hand, reverting to English "De name Remy LeBeau. Always willin' ta 'elp a lady in distress... Or dat dress. Any dress really."

Voodoo has posed:
The voice gets her to wheel around, somehow not spilling coffee or impromptu throwing beignet at the coat, and she narrows her eyes a little, fighting back tears on how bad the week's gone, but she sighs and sighs, also switching to English. "This far north?" she asks, "We're nearly in Canada" she offers and takes a bite of deliciously fried and sugar loaded treat then nods. "So you go into the Great White North, you hear French, you head South, you hear it"

At the comment about her dress she does actually have a hint of a smile. "I'm in distress, and dat dress" she nods, pausing her pacing, instead she nods.

"Remy" she says and shakes the hand, watching for tricks. Priss is a tricky one really, but she's not dived into his brain yet to see what's there. "So you help ladies in a dress?" she says with a raised eyebrow. "Or any dress. I guess you're a fan of my career then" she nods with dry humor.

Sipping her coffee more with her other hand she shrugs, "Do you always hide cards or is it only when pretty Louisiana ladies walk past? she asks, with a glint in her eyes.

Red has posed:
What's Salem good for but the art store? Well, to Alice, the park is also the spot she tests cosplay. As in, tests if you can walk in them and if people recognize the costumes. Sometimes. Can't overdo it or it looses the appeal. So when she does enter the park, it's in costume. Or rather, a costume. What at first look might appear as an overly fancy trenchcoat, only at second look becomes apparent as a proper gaudy red black hussar uniform with golden tresses and bands and buttons... all of it some modern fabrics and ropes, but at least kept in the style. And combined with a hat made from faux fur with a big golden skull embroidies... yea, someone spotted a picture of Viktoria Luise of Prussia in a history book, and brought it to life. In polycotton and nylon.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a little bit, "Ah've been known ta 'elp a lady out of a dress once or twice too, but dat's anot'er story all toget'er." He says with a wicked grin and shrugs. He tilts his head a little bit amused and asked, "An' what career is dat 'zactlly?" he asks curiously as he looks up and sees Alice... Blinking slightly and saying in Creole "Well that's... Something."

Voodoo has posed:
Not that Priss has any idea who Alice is going for. College? Not a thing with her. Instead she looks from Remy to the other walking trenchcoat. "Do I need to get a trenchcoat now?" she asks plainly. Hey, just punch Grifter, steal his one, though she hadds a few...dozen choice words about the costume in Creole too. Mostly translating to 'oh my fucking God what the hell is that, who decided to roll a coat in a bucket of paint and stich random shit on it?'

"My career? Dancer" Priss nods. "Exotic dancer. Yes, that means what you think" Priss shrugs, not bothered by the oh, a stripper mindset. Because she is, and she's not ashamed of it. Though she's glancing from Remy to...that....thing, as she isn't sure what to make of the Hussar uniform.

"You ain't earned the right to help me out of any clothes yet" Priss says with a look to Remy with a serious nod. Hopefully he'll understand, and...not try anything. Oh she'd hate to have to claw somebody who speaks Creole too. Finally though she gives the Hussar uniform a once over. "What....and...who is in that?" she wonders aloud.

Red has posed:
Alice does her best to do the act of all royal princess of the early 1900s when she hears the slangy sounds from the side. Oh, that's Mr. Le Beau, right? Turning him she slowly closes in, just as Voodoo asks.

"The Persona or me? This is a replica of Victoria Luise of Prussia's uniform of the Life-Hussars Regiment Nr.2 "Empress Friedrich". Around 1909 or such. Me? I'm just alice."

Gambit has posed:
If she was expecting some sort of negative reaction to her explanation of her profession, then Priss is destined for disappointment. Then again growing up as a Nawlins street Rat before living most of his life as a professional thief likely skews ones perspective on "acceptable careers." As for her other comment he chuckles, "Fair 'nough chere. Ah mean ta be honest, Ah seriously doubt dat mah girlfriend, who teaches Martial arts min' yah, woul' approve of mah 'elping anot'er lady in such a manner irregardless. Ah mean we got a puppy toget'er an' everyt'ing." he says with a smirk. "Still always was a fan of de banter, non?" When Alice comes over and introduces herself Remy just chuckles. "What she said."

Voodoo has posed:
"Oh" Priss shrugs, like that's important information she'll need, regarding Alice. "Alice. Pretty name, oui?" she asks and actually snorts a little at Remi. "God, you are serious aren't you?" she asks, the beignet in her mouth, hand over her heart. "You" she says between bites. "Got a dog and everything. What next, a house and a 9 to 5 job with kids and a white picket fence and a lazy retirement?" she asks with a smirk. Somehow, just like her own life, Priss doubts Remy would ever go for that. "So" she offers, beignet back in hand.

"Yeah don't piss off your girlfriend if she teaches martial arts, yeah, may end badly for ya" Priss offers with a smirk, a smirk that's coated in sugar, though she glances to Alice.

"Is he always like this or is it something I said?" Priss asks with that smirk on her lips still. "Beginning to wonder if I should just not be interested in folks"

Yeah, like she's totally secretly not liking Constantine, nope.

Red has posed:
"Actually, Mr. Le Beau has an 8 to 3 Job as tutor at a private institution closeby, Miss..." Alice lets a dedicated pause as she diesn't know Voodoo's name.

"I am not sure what you refer to, Madame. I mean, he is always a fine man of culture, as far as I know."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau gives Alice a playfully wounded look, "Now what Ah evah do ta yah yah woul' say such 'orrible t'ings about me petie." he says amused, shrugging to Priss and adding, "Bough' 'im as a Christmas present foh 'er last year. Ah've 'ad ta buy 'er allot of shoes since den since he 'as turned every one of dem inta a chew toy." He smirks a little bit and asks "What's wit de get up petie?" he asks Alice.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss listens and laughs, "Cute. I'm Priss" she shrugs and looks pleasedd at the puppy's antics. "Ah, dogs like to chew on things" Priss giggles and shrugs, "Kind of a universeal thing. They eat, they crap, they chew things"

Red has posed:
"I worked on the costume for some weeks, and the weather is good enough to try out how it works. I got to feed a blog with some costume shoots, and this might qualify." Alice answers to Remy, nodding a little.

"You should get him some quality chew toys instead of shoe toys. Maybe he learns then?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau rolls his eyes, "Dat dog 'as every chew toy yah c'n imagine. He jus' /likes/ de shoes. An' de more expensive de bettah Ah swear." He says amused before adding to Priss, "so yah was cussing up a virtual blue streak 'fore. Whats de mattah chere?"

Voodoo has posed:
Priss gives Remy a wicked grin, "You got any soap?" she jokes. "Ah, not my week. My hotel has trouble come knocking and World War 3 shows up, I get put on paid leave, and I'm living next door to a guy who wears a trenchcoat, dabbles in magic, figured me out immediately and tried to set fire to the hotel room next door to mine" Priss grumbles. "And convinced me to share Chinese takeout, too" she adds....more as a joke than anything that last one. "I went to yell at him. Ended up having takeout with him. Why?" she shrugs and looks somewhere between amused and annoyed.

Though Alice's remark about the dog does get her smiling. "Ya, dogs have chew toys, but they chew stuff they're not meant to, don't they? Cats are worse, they claw everything and then stare at you till you give in and pet them, then they slash at you for it"

Kinda like Priss herself presently, really. If she gets annoyed enough, she'll slash them. But till then, she's alright, coffee and sugar in her system...

Dazzler has posed:
It's a nice day in the park, which means it's also a nice day for skating. The rhythmic <shooosh> <shooosh> <shooosh> of roller skates on pavement can be heard approaching while the group talks. Dazzler is wearing running tights and a loose sweatshirt that slides off of one shoulder or the other to expose a sports bra strap, everything in matching shades of blue. Blonde hair is in a ponytail and she's wearing futuristic-looking sunglasses as well.

She leans in at the sound of voices, and smiles a little at the sight of the familiar faces. Yes, all three of them. A little slalom to bleed off speed, then she glides effortlessly to a stop near the group. "Great day to be outside, isn't it?"%

Red has posed:
Alice wears a recreation of a costume a german princess of the interwar period wore. Or rather, Princess Victoria Luise's hussar uniform. "Nownow... kittens make the internet a better place." she remarks to Priss, giving her a little darng look before giving a little Salute to the inrolling Dazzler. "Miss Blaire! A good day for a stroll in the park, isn't it?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins that devilish smile of his, "Ah 'ave ta admit, Ah'm beginning ta like de pretty girl ta Remy ratio dat is starting ta develop 'ere. How yah doing chere?" he says to Dazzler with a smile and a nod, shrugging a little bit. "Ah've always been more of a cat person mahself, but dis dog was 'bout ta be put down an' Ah'm a sucker foh 'ard luck cases. He's de ugliest stupidest dog Ah've evah met, but 'e's lovable." he tilts his head adding to Priss, "some of de best dates Ah evah 'ad started wit' de lady screaming at me." He considers and adds, "Good number of dem ended dat way too."

Voodoo has posed:
Priss scoffs, "They turn into mean spirited cats" Priss declares with a grin, and looks to Dazzler. "Hey I remember you, from the diner, yeah?" she says, "We had breakfast. Still as pretty as I remember, oui" Priss nods and waves, "But why skates?" she adds, curiosity tempering her anger for the moment. "I'd fall over if I tried, I'd show off and dance in them" Priss explains with a toss of her head. Yeah. Priss is a show off. What of it. It served and serves her well, really...as she shrugs to Remy. "So you get why I'm not a happy little Miss Priss" she says and gives Dazzler a grin. No way she'd forget that nickname.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler stands there with her breathing a little fast from the exercise, using the right toe-bumper to keep the rolling under control. She grins, hearing Remy's Cajun accent and then Priss' as well. She points to the latter. "Right, I remember you now. The dancer." Ahem.

Alison jerks her thumb towards Remy, then. "But be careful of this one, Priss. I think he actually DOES like the screaming..." Her gaze shifts briefly to Remy, where she adds a wink.

"Hi Alice. I'm almost afraid to ask about the costume. Did we miss Octoberfest or are you headed to some sort of reinactment?"

Red has posed:
Alice chuckles as she shakes the head, the fake fur head with the big golden skull matching the black-and-gold hussar uniform bobbing a little. "Nope! Just taking out a stylewise replica to hope for a few photo moments. Now... What is the gloominess all about?"

Voodoo has posed:
"I've got my phone with me" Priss offers if Alice wants photos....to go back to Halo Corporation so she can be shared among their employees no doubt. Still, Priss shrugs and repeats her list of why the week's been awful, though she grins to Dazzler. "Not dancing currently, got paid to sit in my hotel suite and do nothing...because apparently, get this. I wouldn't teach the other dancers. So I got asked to sit at home. How's that for cruel?" she asides to Dazzler, though she grins. "We need that breakfast, too by the way"

Then her gaze turns to Remy, "I'm afraid to ask, yeah...you are a weird one, ain't ya? And you've a girl, oui, and a puppy that loves shoes. Did you think of getting the puppy shoes for his paws? At least...what...one will make it?" she offers hopefully with a wicked smile.

Glancing from Dazzler to Alice, Priss shakes her head to Alice. "Have you considered something out of left field?" she wonders. Like a Hussar isn't that already...at least to Priss.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a little bit and is about to say something when his own phone chimes. He pulls it out of his pocket and glances at the screen and makes a bit of a face, "Pardon me ladies, Ah've got ta take dis." He says then steps a few steps away, saying simply "LeBeau." and then listening for several moments.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler shifts her weight a little, folding her arms as she grins at Priss. "I'm a big fan of breakfast, especially if good company is involved." she replies. "I think you've got my number, right?" She gives Remy a little nod as he answers his phone, then. "Alice, you can always be depended on to wear something cutting edge." she offers. "Or to make whatever you're wearing, cutting edge."