12483/A recipe for disaster

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A recipe for disaster
Date of Scene: 22 November 2020
Location: Skye's Brownstone, Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Skye and Clint enjoy time cooking together... and with the cats
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Barton), Quake

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Alright, Skye. This is serious stuff. You must keep them at bay, at all cost. All depends on you here. And killing them isn't an option."

It is a Sunday afternoon, and agents Johnson and Barton are at home - well, Skye's apartment - without any AAR to write. So Clint has a plan, and Skye's assistance is necessary for it to succeed.

Cats Grant and Ward are roaming the kitchen floor, while Clint is busy placing items on the table and Skye is sitting at the table, her laptop nearby.

"Cat hair is /not/ on the recipe. "

Quake has posed:
Skye had had enough experience with the enemy.. the cats.. that she took what he said seriously. "You know, why did we got them again?"

Never you mind she loved them. Ward came home by himself on a mission. And Grant snuck in when his owner passed on and the son didn't want him.

"So.. what are we planning on making? So I can laugh at myself when we order out." Oh yes, she was joking, but only a wee bit.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"You know, I've always had a thing for underdogs," Clint replies, grinning. "I guess it includes undercats?"

At that, both cats stare at Clint, surely they don't understand what he just said, maybe they are just excited by the smell of fresh ground meat that Clint placed in a bowl on the table.

"I'm, er, /we/ are cooking chili!"

And with this announcement, the archer adds the remaining ingredients on the table, mostly cans of tomato sauce, spices, mixed beans, oignons, celery and peppers.

Quake has posed:
"Now you've done it! They are on to you, and pissed." She shakes her head, and laughs. "Chili? There aren't lots is visible veggies, are there?"

She had relaxed on vegetables. If they weren't terribly visible, she accepted them. Beside she had had chili before. It was pretty decent.. except she wasn't responsible for it. This might be different!

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"That's why you must keep an eye on them while I'm working here," Clint replies, laughing as he finds a very sharp knife by the sink. He's a master with blades - kitchen knife or katana - not that he's really using that personae lately. Onions, pepper and celery won't stand a chance.

"By the time all is cooked, you won't see much veggies in there," he promises.

Now cats Grant and Wade move closer to Skye, showing signs of wanting to jump on the table in search of the fresh meat.

Quake has posed:
Skye pets the cats, then shooes them away. "So.. why do I put celery in? Nobody likes celery, except in a Caesar. And not even then."

Of course the cats are back, though on the opposite side of the table.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint starts by chopping the celery, then the peppers. It's a matter of a few minutes.

"It's the whole that makes the taste, Skye," he explains, "Granted, alone it's not super good, but with the rest, you'll see, it's amazing."

On that, he turns around to look for a large pot to start cooking the meat.

That is exactly when the cats decide to try a go at the meat, while the /staff/ is busy looking for a pot in the lower cupboard.

Quake has posed:
Skye catches them at it. "Your turn or mine?" Mind you, there are two of them, intent upon 'killing' the ground beef. "Ooo this one?"

She found it under the back cupboard. It's been so long since it has been used that it has developed dust upon the lid.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
In a blur, Clint /rescues/ the ground beef. This was a close call, good thing Skye caught the robbers in time!

"Perfect," he says, taking the pot and rinsing it. Then a dash of oil and the meat can start cooking on the stove.

"There, I'll have pity on them," he hands Skye two bits of meat for the cats, "Now that it's cooking, they'll leave us alone."

Turning to the table, he then starts chopping the onions. No, he's /not/ crying. Not one bit. Huh.

Quake has posed:
As she feeds them the ground beef, Skye points out that this isn't really the way to teach them. Still she feeds them!

"So, you just put them into the pot and fry them?" There must be a catch.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint grins, this is fun. Now that all the veggies are properly chopped in a bowl, he hands it over at Skye.

"You can add the veggies," he says, "Don't be afraid, they won't bite you!"

He laughs at that, careful to stay out of reach of Skye, in case she wants to slap him for having fun at her disdain of veggies.

He then passes her the required amount of cans of tomato sauce to be added as well.

"The most important part will be to add the spices, in about thirty minutes. Then another thirty minutes then we can eat! What to do in the meantime, I am /not/ suggesting anything, not at all."
Yes, that is, if it's edible. Which it should, really, chili is the easiest thing to cook.

Quake has posed:
"Ugh!" Skye does not slap him. She has another idea instead! She tosses a handful of veggies at him. "Oh yeah? But I might!"

She laughs and puts the rest into the pot.

"That's it? You're kidding. That's all there is to cook it?" Clint gets a look from her. He has to be kidding. "Even the cats don't believe it. What's the catch?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint laughs good heartily at Skye's reaction, the hell for veggies on the floor. It has been a while since he really laughed like that. It feels good.

He then returns by the stove with the mix of spices to be added later.

"Serious, no catch. Chili is that simple. Lid on, wait and enjoy," he says, wrapping his strong arms around Skye's slim waist, placing little kisses along her neck.

"And it's going to be the best ever, because we cooked it together."

Quake has posed:
Skye laughs at his reaction, and leans back. "Half an hour, huh.. not enough time. Rats. Okay, dishes it is."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Plenty of time for me," Clint replies, laughing.

All joking aside, he decides to clean the veggies on the floor instead, and the table. There will be plenty of time later for something else.

"Then we eat, watch a movie and relax. It's good to be home," he says, serious. "Even with the cats around!"