12444/Let's do lunch.

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Let's do lunch.
Date of Scene: 12 November 2020
Location: Apartment, the Blue Lady
Synopsis: Harry and Thomas talk about life and Karrin's job.
Cast of Characters: Thomas Raith, Harry Dresden, Buffy Summers

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith had called Harry over for a lunch and maybe to play some cards. Being separate "Small business owners" hasn't given the brothers allot of time to just hang out. so promising Harry lunch that "Didn't come out of a carton," Thomas fixes up some Grilled Chicken Salads.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry makes his way over to his brother's apartment, walking and using the time to reflect on the various things (or lack thereof) going on with him at the moment. Also, the Beetle is in the shop which is the primary reason.

Using the back entrance, Harry raps on the door with the tip of his staff. "Some idiot here offered me free food." he calls out to the door in his way, "I've come to collect on the poor sods offer before he figures out what he has done!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith due to the fact he has a digital security pad on the back enterence to his apartment above the club, had simply propped the door open. He laughs and opens the actual apartment door. ""What fools these mortals be, ehh? Good to see you Harry." He lets his brother in and heads back into the kitchen. "How's KArrin, seems like I haven't seen her in weeks."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"That makes two of us," Harry laments as he walks into the apartment, shedding his coat and leaning his staff against the wall. "She is busy with a big case at the GCPD and has been staying at a hotel close to the office to loose the commute time. I don't blame her, but I miss seeing her stupid face. I just have to cuddle Mouse, and he just gives me these looks where I swear he is just rolling his eyes at me."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers groans as she comes out of the bedroom, looking frazzled, red eyed and sniffly. "Ugggh, I really hate colds..Hope this doesn't turn into the flu.." she mutters.

Then notices they're not alone and oh hey she's still in her pyjamas! But at least she's wearing nice pjs! "Oh, hey Harry! Didn't know you were here.." she quickly brushed down her hair and straightens her pjs, trying to look a bit more presentable. "How's the business lately?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith laughs a litttle bit. "Mose is a wise man. You are an emotional Goob." He says fixing the salads, making sure to leave enough grilled chicken and salad to fix Buffy one should she come in. Then taking her battle axe off the dining room table as well as her sharpening kit. Something about Margret LeFay's boys draw a certain kind of woman.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"I am not, assshole. I'm not a goob. Maybe a git, but never a goob!" smirks Harry as he moves over to take a seat on one of the comfier chairs. He flits a wave at Buffy as she emerges, "Blame that on your boyfriend, I am here at his invitation. If he didn't tell you he was inviting me over that is all on him." Bus, meet Thomas. He is the guy that just got thrown under you. "Business is about the same as it always is. I really should think about just going to SHIELD or one of those other big name places and get on retainer or something. I am sure Fury and his ilk will just love me setting foot on their very expensive and very modern tech base."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, leaning over to give Thomas a quick peck on the lips, "Morning handsome, hope I'm not interrupting a little brother bonding time?"

She grins and winks at him. "Though it's always good to see you two getting along. Ooh that reminds me, i need to talk to you about business related stuff when you have a moment Harry..But I don't wanna interrupt your game so it can wait.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shakes his heads. "Haven't even taken the cards out yet Buffy, go ahead. I'll fix your salad and we can all pretend that we are a bunch of normal people having lunch." He says amused, adding to Harry "Doesn't SHIELD have like a whole magic division? How do they keep that place running?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Hell if I know. Maybe their practitioners are not as harmful to modern tech as I am. Maybe my form of magic is just unique to that. Whatever it is, sucks to be me," smirks Harry. "But, cest la vie, or whatver that saying is."

He glances over to Buffy, "So...what's up?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hymns, "Well Fred worked for SHIELd and I believe there is a division called WAND. Might be something to look into, I could probably talk to her and get a contact."

To Harry she shrugs, "Well there were rumours of giant fish monsters eating alligators and attacking humans in New York sewers. We investigated but didn't find the monsters so they may be hiding. I did bring back fish scales for you to analyze, maybe get a reading.."

She sniffles, "Let me clean up, get dressed and I'll grab those scales for you to look at."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a little bit, "I had teased her, I take her to Vennice and romantic moonlight picnincs... she takes me to kill vampires in the Cenetary and hunt aligator eating fish in the sewers in New York. There is just something unbalanced don't you think?" he says with amusement as he shakes his head. "It would greatly annoy me if I installed a $10,000 magic supression system in my Club and it only works on you."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Hey, I can only go by what I know. I don't go hanging around with Strange or Zatanna or Fate or any of those high profile types. For all I know they can dance a jig in a space station while in a shower of cold water and still cast to their hearts content. You may have well wasted your money, but I'm touched you would think of me." Harry bats his eyes at his brother before looking after Buffy, "Take your time!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith rolls his eyes, amused. "Well to be fair, when I installed the thing I figured that if my Club /was/ to be destroyed by magic, you would somehow be responsible. Like that abandoned school from when Mouse was a puppy." He says amused, getting out the deck of cards and shuffling them rapidly.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Yeah yeah. Let's not bring up the flaming monkey-poo again. I just got that smell out of my olfactory memory and I really don't want to recall it again." Harry says as he starts to pick at his salad. "What game are we playing?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shrugs a little bit, "Gin?" he asks casually as he pushes the deck towards his brother to cut and or deal. "Life around you is allot of things Harry, but never boring." he says amused as he shakes his head"Apparently Buffy came across a Snot demon the other night. You fought one of those didn't you?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
"A snot demon?" Harry ponders as he devours some more of his chicken salad, "Not that I recall? But hell, it's possible. Sounds....gross."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith looks amused and shakes his head slightly. "It sounded like it to me. Where as I spent tht evening watching the Sonic the Hedgehog movie." He glances back at the bedroom where Buffy is still getting dressed. "I get scared every time she goes out./

Harry Dresden has posed:
"What is a 'Sonic the Hedgehog' and why the hell would they make a movie out of it?" questions Harry with a bit of a quizzical look on his face as he eats. He glances back towards where Buffy went and nods, "Same way about Karrin. Buffy at least has an edge. Karrin just has...a gun and a vest. I'm sure they will both be ok though."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith chuckles. "Video game character. Smart assed blue alien being hunted by Jim Carry." He says amused. "You'd love it." he sighs a little, "At least Karrin isn't on the Kill if at all convenient," list of as many super powered baddies though." He chuckles. "Though if my father were to find out I was seeing the Slayer he'd probably use it for more leverage in the Court somehow."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry makes a 'can't tell if you are serious' face. "Sounds...interesting."

"No, Karrin isn't on anyone's hitlist in the supernatural world that I know of, but I am sure she has plenty of other who are looking for some payback. She is a cop. In Gotham."