12357/Oh brother...

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Oh brother...
Date of Scene: 20 October 2020
Location: Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls
Synopsis: Thomas comes over and introduces Harry to Firefly
Cast of Characters: Thomas Raith, Harry Dresden

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas had called perhaps an hour before to see if his brother would be around and also that he would be free for most of the afternoon. When he arrived thirty minutes later it was carrying a five-foot long tube and something roughly the size of a show box. Thus rather then knock he simply called out, "Harry, I've got my hands full can you let me in?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
Glancing up through the window at the yell, Harry tosses the paperback he is reading onto his desk and slips out of his chair to head for the door. "Hell's bells Thomas, what the hell do you have there?" the wizard exclaims as he eyes the tube and box as he opens the door and steps aside. "Come on in.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins largely as he steps inside, walking to place his box down on Harry's desk and the tube agienst the far wall. "It has come to my attention that I have failed you, both as a brother and as a friend." He says with an air of magnominity. "I have come to correct that failing." He's still smiling as he opens the tube and pulls out a contraption of steel and plastic, which with very little assembly turns into an old fashioned school room projection screen.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Closing the door behind Thomas as we walks in, Harry arches a brow as his brother starts to unpack the old fashioned projection system. "What, are you going to show me old stag films or something? I am not getting married, at least not that I know of. Did Karrin say otherwise?"

The wizard smirks and makes his way to the modest little kitchenette and grabs a couple of bottles of Mac's ale, tossing one toward Thomas. "Seriously though, what is all this?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith rolls his eyes. "Geeze Harry, stereotype much? I don't think about sex all the time you know. In fact with Buffy around keeping my hunger basically fat and happy at all times I likely think about it less then most..." He considers, "But speaking of perverts, is the Bone head around? He might enjoy this too." Once the screen is set up he walks to the box. "This took some tinkering, but what it is is effdectively a combination movie projector and Faraday cage. I'm hoping that it will protect the phone inside from...well you... At least for a while. Pull the shades and kill the lights will you?" No, he /doesn't/ tell him what he is about to show him.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"TMI dude. I so don't want to think about you and Buffy bumping uglies, or whatever." Harry says as he makes a grossed out face. "Just...no. Don't need that mental image. Ever."

Harry arches his brow as Thomas asks about Bob, and nods. "Yeeeeeaaahh? He is in the lab. I can go get him, but if there isn't a boob shot I don't think he is going to be happy," Harry says with a smirk as he closes the blinds to the windows outside. "Normally I just head to a drive in. Sometimes the speaker goes and I have to make up my own dialog to what is going on, on the screen but sometimes that actually works out better than the original dialogue."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a little bit at HArry's reaction and simply cannot help himself. "Sometimes there are costumes." He says with a smirk as he opens the box and fiddles with the phone inside. "And don't worry, 3 of the top five most beautiful women I've ever seen are in this. And that's by my standards. I'm sure Bob will be fine." He says as he sets it up and moves furniture to make viewing easier. "You know, I'd think you were joking, but the first time I saw Avatar the focus camera was off angle and the subtitles were cut off. Somehow not knowing /exactly/ what they were saying made it more immersive."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"LALALALALALALA" goes Harry as he sticks his fingers in his ears. "I AM NOT LISTENBING TO YOU! LALALALALA", the wizard continues as he makes his way down the hallway to grab Bob.

Returning, the skull is set on the desk where the two little orange pinprcks of light move around as Bob looks around. "Thomas!" Bob says excitedly, "Are you here to finally give Harry some pointers on his love life? He never keeps me in the same room, but I hear things...or rather I don't hear things and that is the problem. No wild cries of passion every night. No heavy breathing. No calls out to some deity...nothing. I think he and Karrin just...sleep."

Harry twaps the skull on the back, and says through gritted teeth, "Shut up, Bob, or right back to the lab you go."
R"But Harry," the skull exclaims, "I'm just trying to help!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith laughs pleasantly at the banter between the two of them. "Some cases just might be hopeless Bob, you should know that. Maybe we should be giving tips to Karrin instead. A little lingerie, a few costumes..." He smirks slightly, just enjoying the moments of He takes a seat next to the pair as an olf fashioned video sweep countdown counts down from 4-3-2-1... Then that is replaced with a image of a piece of parchment and a single word burning through it as a man accompanied by a guitar sings "Take my love/take my land/take me where I cannot stand. I don't care/I'm still free/You can't take the sky from me.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Screw you both. Karrin and I are just fine." Harry grumbles as he opens up he beer and takes a swig, sitting down in his chair behind his desk. "Oh! I have heard of this show! I heard it is really good. I should have made some popcorn."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a little bit, "Well I'd say hurry before it gets good, but it pretty much gets good with the opening scene and stays that way for the entire show." He says as he leans back watching. "I have the complete series on this phone so maybe between episodes."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Fine, fine.." Harry says leaning back into his seat as he starts to watch the show. "I like the guy's coat. Reminds me of mine...except his is brown."