12187/Brother's talk
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Brother's talk | ||
Date of Scene: | 16 September 2020 | |
Location: | Private Office, the Blue Lady | |
Synopsis: | Harry and Thomas discuss the fact SPLATTERCON | ! is obviously a trap over burgers and beers. |
Cast of Characters: | Thomas Raith, Harry Dresden
- Thomas Raith has posed:
At two in the afternoon, the Blue LAdy is open, and even doing a reasonable amount of trade for those who want a nice meal and a "5'o clock somewhere' drink", but it's hardly the bustle it will be in a few hours. Crush, the large black man with the shaved head that guards the door to the VIP lounge sticks his head into the private office of his employer and says. "Mr. Dresden is here to see you boss."
Thomas smiles a genuine smile and nods. "Thank you Crush, please tell Smash to have a couple of burgers with everything and four bottles of Mac's dark sent up." He quickly hits save on the document he was working on and then flips the switch on his desk labeled "Wizards". Instantly the computer, security monitors, the stereo equipment, literally everything electronic in the room shuts off like it's plug had been pulled.
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Giving Crush the side-eye as he walks past him into Thomas' office, Harry turns his gaze to his older brother and shakes his head, "Crush? Smash? Hell's bells Thomas if I didn't know any better I would say you are going for the evil overload super spy villain motif. Do you have Pussy Galore somewhere in the back with a couple of shaken-not-stirred vodka martinis? You know what, on second thought don't answer that. I really don't want to know."
The wizard places his staff over in the corner of the room and makes his way to one of the chairs on the other side of the desk, "So? How's things, Silverfinger?"
- Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith laughs pleasantly amused. "It's part of the whole Speak-Easy Motif." He says with a Chuckle. "The one with the Tomahawks at the front door is Axe, They call Buffy Ice, and as for me.." He stands doing a a small circle to show off his exquisitely tailored suit of white silk. "I'm The Man in White." he chuckles a little bit. "And for the record my drink of choice is strong brewed sweat iced tea served in a crystal decanter to look like bourbon. Little trick I learned from Dean Martain." He gestures over to the conversation area and smiles. "So what's new little brother?"
- Harry Dresden has posed:
"I like Silverfinger better," comments Harry as he stands back up from the chair and makes his way over towards the conversation area. "Do I even want to know what they call me?"
Harry shrugs a shoulder, taking a moment to remove the duster and drape it over the back of a chair before sitting down. "Oh, you know, this, that, and the other thing. Muprh is back with GCPD, but you probably already knew that. Sounds like you two have been talking and planning things behind my back. What is this I hear about 'Splattercon!!!' and playing body guards? Or is this something she cooked up and is just using you as a scapegoat?"
- Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a bit, "Why they call you Mr. Dresden of course." he says taking a seat across from his brother and tilting his head at the slightly venomous undercurrent of Harry's words. "It wasn't behind your back at all Harry, Murphy is just easier to get ahold of then you are. Phones don't blow up around her." A few moments later a man with a heavily tattooed face, a split tounge, a severe scar on his milky white left eye, and wearing a chef's hat comes in carrying the tray with burgers and beers comes in, sets the tray down, and leaves quickly. "I told her all about it because I figured that was as good as telling you, so why don't you tell me what /you/ know and I'll fill in the gaps."
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry reaches up and rubs at the bridge of his nose with one hand, waving his other hand in one of those 'bush off' kind of motions. "No, no, if that came out accusatory it wasn't meant to be. I'm just tired."
The wizard stops talking long enough for the food to be delivered, giving Thomas the side-eye as if to say 'Really?!' towards the appearance of who he can only assume is Smash, the look on his face is one of trying to hold back the bellowing laughter bubbling up inside. The moment the door closes again Harry lets loose a guffaw, "Where do you find these guys?! Thugs-r-us?! Hell's bells, Thomas..."
It takes a minute for Harry to compose himself, reaching out for one of the beers to try and use the act of drinking to stifle the giggles. "I don't know anything really, other than what I just said. Something about you getting us badges and we are supposed to be doing some body guard work for someone."
- Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a bit "Saint Mary of Mercy's halfway house actually." Thomas says with a smile. "Michael introduced me to the woman who runs the place. Axe is 22, has an 8 year old daughter. He was a street thug who wanted to fly straight for her. He'd been clean and sober 3 years. Smash, who you just met died twice on the operating table. He says he saw his grandmother in the 2 week coma he was in. Took the prison's culinary arts program and is actually a great chef." He takes a sip of his own beer. "As for Crush, he did a dime for manslaughter. Two guys jumped him. He crushed their skulls into each other. Ironically he is one of the most peaceful men I know. He's a taoist and runs a kitten shelter in his off time." He chuckles a bit. "No one believes in second chances more then the guy hoping to get one I suppose."
Thomas sighs and leans back, "About two weeks ago I recieved a package in the mail from Darby Crane, the alias of my cousin Madrigal. It was 10 VIP passes for Splattercon!!!, a horror movie convention. The thing is while Madrigal is a Raith by birth, he aligns himself with the house Malvora. They feed on fear rather then lust.
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Looking a bit sheepish as Thomas goes into the background of each of the men, Harry's grin transforms into one of those uncomfortable half smiles, "Oh.." He tries to mask his unease by reaching out and grabbing one of those burgers, taking a huge bite and chewing as Thomas goes into the reasons behind the body guard gig, brow arching up higher and higher.
"So...let me get this straight," the wizard replies after he swallows, "You want me to go to this convention and do what exactly, because it certainly doesn't sound like it is going to be the thing that my first instinct is to do."
- Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shrugs slightly as he takes a bit of his own burger, considering. "Whatever Madrigal does, it won't be direct. The White Court pride themselves on subtlety and slight of hand. I haven't a clue what I might need you to do. Just that if things there were to get so bad I need a whole Convention hall reduced to gravel, I'd rather have you there."
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden smirks, "What, so you can have someone to blame for the rubble? You know my reputation with buildings, Thomas!"
Harry takes another bite from the burger and chews slowly, "But it sounds like we are not going for his benefit? Because that is how it first sounded when Karrin brought it up. Maybe I am getting my wires crossed?"
- Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith head shakes, "Your suggesting not going? Not an option. Not for me anyway, Politics." He says as if that explains everything. Which it sort of does, doesn't it? He drag's one of the steak fries that came with the burger through an ocean of mustard of all things and shakes his head. "We'd be here for hours if I tried to explain the intricacies of the court politics. Just suffice it to say if I refused to step into the trip, it'd be seen as...rude."
- Harry Dresden has posed:
"I'm honestly just not understanding what it is you want from me? I'm not normally in the habit of protecting the bad guy, and from what you just told me it sounds like your cousin is a 'bad guy'. I mean, maybe I am pre-judging here but I can't fathom how a guy that feeds on fear can be one of the good ones, you know?"
Harry sighs taking another sip of his beer as he leans back into the chair, "I suppose I could go under the guide of watching out for everyone else at the con against your cousin, and do my best to promise not to overtly set him on fire or something of that nature. As long as he doesn't try to go to the midnight buffet..."
- Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith blinks a little bit and then chuckles and laughs. "Empty Night Harry, I'm not asking you to protect Madrigal, I'm asking you to protect /me/ from Mad. At some point things are going to go wrong. I don't know what, I don't know how. I do know that if Mad get's his way when the dust settles I will either be dead, or it will look like I am to blame. And there will be fear. Allot of fear involved."
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden says, "\"Oh..OH!" Harry says, flushing a bit as he realizes he had everything all wrong. "Now it makes MUCH more sense. When you said he sent you the badges, I thought you were volunteering us for his security detail or something. See, this is why people have to explain things to me like I am five.""
- Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a little bit, "No, the badges are... the bait I suppose? Or the invitation to play as it were." He shakes his head, "The passes are his way of saying this is how much backup I'm allowed to bring." He shakes his head, "Of course he might b trying to set you up. For all I know he wants me to bring you there so that he can get at you. Maybe sell you on E-Bay.
- Harry Dresden has posed:
"Ebay?! I think I would at least rank on someplace like Etsy." the wizard exclaims. "Yeah, I might not do the internet...thing, but I have ears. I hear what the kids talk about. Esty is better than ebay, right?"
Harry shrugs, swigging off of his beer. "Well, ok, now that this has been put into a whole other perspective, count me in. If I can ruin his day, sounds like a good time to me."
- Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith considers "I think E-Bay is for the buying and sellibng of stolen goods while Etsy is for /counterfiet/ goods. You'd seel your Barry Weston on Etsy. He grins slightly and shrugs. "Then again, it could be for Buffy as well. Or Willow. Honestly it's rather concieted of me to assume I'm the primary target. I just don't give Mad that much credit for subtlty.
- Harry Dresden has posed:
"Whatever," mumbles Harry. "Ebay, Etsy, Amazon...just go with whatever offers the best price. I'd hate for you to loose money on an original Dresden. They are hard to come by."
Harry finishes off one of the beers. "So, I am going to take it there is no love lost between you and your cousin. Sounds like he is even lower than your immediate family. Why don't you just not give into his bait? You don't have to go, Karrin and I can likely take him. Hell, we can catch him before he even makes it to the convention."
- Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith snorts a bit. "Within House Raith, I'm seen as a bit of a Black sheep." He says considering his words carefully. I'm male for one thing. I used this place as a private hunting ground until I met Buffy, always taking just a little bit from several willing partners over the course of weeks rather then just sucking the marrow from the bone as it were. But I'm subtle. I'm discreet. I don't make allot of waves. Madrigal feeds on fear. He draws it out of them and pours it back in five fold. He breaks the minds of his prey until they are living in waking nightmares. Then he kills them. Believe me if he was removed from the board there wouldn't be many tears shed at the Thanksgiving table."
"Not going isn't an option. Not for me. Politics like I said. I'd be seen as a coward by the Court and it'd be open season on me. And I can't just kill him. Again it needs to be...subtle. Or at the very least it can't have my fingerprints on it."
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden grumbles. "You and your stupid family. Always causing problems."
Harry drains the last of the bottle and sets it down on the table, "So, you suspect he will try something. That is an inevitability? You sure he just won't play nice while he is here?"
- Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith rolls his eyes, "I suspect there is a better chance of Nicodemus Arcleone inviting us to a nice breakfast, we discuss how the Cubs are doing, we find out that we have lots of common ground and leave as friends." He shrugs slightly draining his own beer. "So your in then? Willing to risk life and limb and insurance premiums?"
- Harry Dresden has posed:
"Insurance? Like I can afford to have insurance..." smirks Harry. "But yeah, I'm in."