11997/The Trisk feeds the homeless
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The Trisk feeds the homeless | |
Date of Scene: | 14 August 2020 |
Location: | Food Court, The Triskelion |
Synopsis: | Clint's sprung and grabs food, and is found! |
Cast of Characters: | Hawkeye (Barton), Quake, Mockingbird
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The deed is done. Clinton Francis Barton has been sprung from the Medbay with the instructions to //not// go back to work yet. Light duty only, and to wear the dang sling to support the broken right arm. At least it's not his left...
The agent looks a little sloppy, however. Jeans, purple t-shirt, and unlaced boots. He's sitting at a table, coffee on one side of his plate, and piled on the 9" platter? Everything that the Court offers at the moment. Meatloaf, fries, a hot dog..
- Quake has posed:
Skye picks up the largest coffee, and a chocolate bar, and pays. Unlike Clint, she's just winding down having returned to her usual hours. Mostly. She makes her way to Clint's table, and sits. "Hey. Who did you bribe this time?"
- Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi's been out in the field and come home for....what counts for her as lunch given SHIELD agents are...well bar Clint right now, workaholics. She does, though, give him a nod and a wave on her way to fill her plate up with food. It's a bit of this, a bit of that, a bit of everything she wants. Which in her case is comfort food because, eff it, Clint's around.
She strolls over and grins to Skye. "I heard and second that. You were planning something when we were hanging out in your med room" Bobbi says and waves to a chiar. "Mind if I join you two?" she asks and grins. "Glad you're up and about Clint. You keep bribing the agents, we'll get more rules on hazing rookies and medics, and Peggy will tell more stories" Bobbi adds in a stage whisper with a smirk. Looking over them both, Bobbi looks pleased mind. Her ex husband, and one of her closest friends...not the same person. Oh, alright.
Her ex husband, one of her closest friends. And Skye, one of her closest friends too...at that table.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint looks up at Skye's approach and offers something of a sheepish smile. He's got //all// the food (well not all, but!) and she's got her chocolate bar and coffee. Brows rise as she takes a seat and he turns the plate a little in offrance. "You gotta have more than that." Still, a self-deprecating chuckle exits the archer. "Actually, no one. They released me on my own recognizance." The chuckle ends with a slightly lopsided smile, "I promised." Uh huh..
Sitting back in his seat to look over his shoulder, here comes.. "Oh, hey.. Birdie. Sure... join us." Just kill him now? "I actually talked to her," and he glances back at Skye before it's back to Bobbi. "And I'm pretty sure some of those stories she wants to keep quiet."
- Quake has posed:
"Really, you're out? Who are you and what did you do with the real Clint Barton?" Skye grins. "I guess they have learned from the last fifty or sixty times." She looks at what he has to offer, and decides on a fry. "Thanks!"
As she is munching it, she nods to Bobbi. "Sure. It's not a private talk. How is?"
- Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi pauses with a forkful of potatoes halfway to her mouth. "You. Promised?" she asks with a water bottle on her tray and sits. No more complex balancing acts for food hile she stands...nope, not her.
She looks from Skye to Clint, "You can try, Clint, but...Skye's got her own take on things and her routine" Bobbi nods sagely with a quiet sigh, looking to the chocolate bar and coffee with an equal amount of worry, then she glances to Clint. "You promised you'd be good? So what, Clint, is the over/under on you sticking to that? Five days? A week? Until our Black Widow walks in on us talking?" she teases and grins.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint chuckles again and lifts his left shoulder in a shrug, "We'll see," and he dips his head, the smile remaining. He's willing to share fries, at the very least. "Maybe they think I'll finally listen?" He shakes his head and quick-grabs a fry before Skye can grab it. He's got that victory smug look briefly before he opens his mouth to taste that victory.
"See? Food. Clear enough on the plate, and I'm goin' for the burgers." That is also an invitation.
The mention of Widow, however, gains a quick glance from the ladies at the table towards the door and back again. It's not.. worried, per se, but worried? "Yeah," and he nods, not saying anything more on //that// topic.
"So, I get to be a desk jockey for the next month. I don't remember my email log on."
- Quake has posed:
Skye makes a pretend face, "You cheat." And picks another one. "He's very familiar with my eating habits. Actually I learned a few meals while I was with him. Remember Clint? Homemade ramen?" Mmmmm homemade ramen. She was good at that.
"You won't stay out of trouble for that long. One week, tops. Actually, you know, I can fly. If you wanted to, without breaking the rules, I could pilot you.." Ooooh, Skye is bad, but also has her ex's back covered.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Always," Clint's back to looking at Skye with that smug smile as he picks up the hot dog. It's a NY dog, with relish, mustard.. the works. There's something behind those blues, though, as he takes another glance back at the door as if fully expecting 'Tash to walk in. He's unsettled, and his leg is bouncing a little under the table. Restless.. and the ladies would see that as a sure tell that he wants to get moving, but is obviously not physically up to a major task.
Not yet, anyway.
If they stare? He smiles.
"A week?" A shrug lifts his shoulders again. "I could fly. You sure you want to aid and abet?" Whatever he may have planned may not be completely SHIELD sanctioned, just like his trip before. He wasn't known to be in the area in which he was found. Far afield, actually.. by thousands of miles.
Or it was a cover. Could be, too!
Clint has lots of layers.
"Give me, oh.. you want the inside scoop, Birds? A week. Gives me time for the arm. I need to be able to brace the bow. Ribs? I don't care about. So it hurts to breathe, so what."
- Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi shakes her head at Skye, "You get him to break the rules, I will beat you on the head with my staves, we good?" she asks with a playful tone. No she won't really go after Skye or Clint, true... "I'm just messing with you two, you know? But you give me a goood enough reason, I won't go and rat you guys out. You do that enough by just living, so...you got this covered" Bobbi smirks. See, she's saying, in a very wordy way, they don't have to do anything and she's right there with them getting into trouble. "You need my signature on the form for the quinjet? I mean, hell, you fly it and we go wherever we please" Bobbi nods.
That may not be the best idea Morse has ever had. But hey, why not...?
- Quake has posed:
"Either or. I've been on 'desk duty' for a long time. It's the easiest way to cover what I have really been working on." See, he's not the only one who has a secret.
- Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Finally, that leg action catches Clint's attention as well. He looks at the women at his table and sets his hotdog back down on the plate with a pointed look. "Eat. I.. I gotta go find someone." Rising from his seat, he is at least keeping his arm in the sling, for the moment. The chair is pushed back in with a foot, and he gives both a quick smile. "Eat.. and.. I'll see you later, I'm sure."