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Date of Scene: 11 August 2020
Location: China Basin, Old Gotham
Synopsis: Catwoman is given a job to do.
Cast of Characters: Catwoman, Batman

Catwoman has posed:
It's early evening, and the sun is about to set over Chinatown. The streets here are their usual busy bustliness, with merchants trying to grab the last shoppers after work with their brightly colored store fronts and tables out in the main streets.

At least it's relatively cool today, a mild breeze rustling the trees as one particular vendor finds himself busy with an influx of customers, smiling and chatting amicably to them as he bags their groceries. Lurking at the very same table of fruits and veggies, a young Asian teenager lurks around, doing little to draw attention to herself as she carefully eyes the business exchange.

And right when he has his hands a bit too full to pay her any attention, she quickly, quietly slips a number of juicy red apples into her backpack before strolling off. It takes the shop keeper a moment or two to notice what's going on, and he yells and waves a profanity or two at the girl and starts chasing her down the street..

Batman has posed:
    The sun still hasn't set, it's a hint of illumination far off to the West, lending that orange hue to the world as it slowly slips beneath the horizon. Still somewhat bright enough to see yet the shadows are cast long, the darkness there so close to hand yet not as oppressive as the night's fall that's soon in the offing.
    The teen rushes away from the pursuing vendor, likely easily able to outdistance the old man as he rushes headlong through the remaining crowd and past other vendors. It's a madcap pursuit for a time, and just as she's likely turning down an alley she might have a moment of satisfaction. A sense of a job well done. Success. And Apples!
    Only as she walks down that alley she'll feel her progress arrested by a heavy hand upon her backpack that pulls her back and turns her...
    And suddenly she is face to face to the large man in the shadows. That grim silhouette. No one expects to see the Batman. It is rare even to this day in Gotham though everyone knows of him. A boogie man to some. Terrifying reality to others. But when those white eyelets meet her gaze, then narrow. She might well feel that sudden apprehension that comes along with his presence.
    Then his voice lifts as he says in that rumbling tone. "This is not a way you want to go."
    Her pack might feel lighter. Perhaps she might realize those apples aren't in it anymore. And she might be inclined to keep running. But it's likely the Bat won't stop her.

Catwoman has posed:
The girl keeps on running, running...Hey, she's pretty good at this stuff, and she clearly has done this more than once! But, she is no match for The Bat. And her eyes widen and she gasps, taking a few steps back. Oh she's heard of the legends surrounding him, striking fear into the hearts of men and all that. And he sure is an imposing figure, all draped in black..That deep voice..

And then? He let's her go? She smirks, and turns away, and continues to run. The man contines to run after her and he might even overcome her if it weren't for that smokebomb that suddenly encompases the street, like a cloud of thick fog spreading out over the area and momentarily clouding his vision.

A few moments later and the small bomb clears, sans thief girl. The storekeeper grumbles and yells and tosses out several more profanities at the girl. "Stupid thief! That's the third time this week! I shoulda called the cops on her!" he grumbles, tossing down his hat in anger and annoyance.

And not far from the little scramble, on a nearby rooftop, another shadowy, effeminate figure rests a hand on the girl's shoulder, whispering something in her ear and handing her another apple. A pat on her back and she sends her safely on her way, out of sight of the angry shop keeper. But of course, she is no fool, and she already noticed that a certain 'someone' nicked those apples from the girl's backpack.

Batman has posed:
    The purloined fruit are handed back to the shopkeeper even as the Batman steps past him, no words are given. No admonishment nor advice. Just recognition that these are his even as there's a slight click from his belt. Then he lifts an arm and here's a /BANG-hiss/ as the grapple line fires and snares the edge of a building above, then snaps taut and yanks the vigilante off the ground.
    His cape flares around him as he embraces that illusion of flight and then flashes out of view over the lip of the nearby rooftop. Perhaps the other who aided the girl will see him as he breaks into a run, leaving the situation behind for now.
    There are other matters that need tending to. And many other calls to be made this night before his efforts are done.

Catwoman has posed:
Indeed, how could she not see him? She's always been fascinated by him, even as he has constantly been a thorn in her plans. But what's this? Not even a mild admonishment to her? In fact, looks like he's ignoring her entirely, and clearly in a rush to get somewhere.

A brow is quirked curiously in his direction. "Well well, isn't this interesting?" she smirks, and pulls out her whip, using it in a similar fashion as his grapple line as she whips it out and catches it on a nearby roof pole, grabbing and swinging from one roof to the other. The Bat is fast, but she's just about able to keep up, moving swiftly in hot pursuit of him, not far behind.

Batman has posed:
    It is a merry way he apparently leads her, across the skyline of Gotham, over rooftops, swinging from a water tower and then slashing across the corner of one of those abandoned housing buildings. The sun is well and truly finally disappearing from view, leaving only he last few hints of a blue sky behind. But once the darkness is almost there, that is the moment when she sees him again.
    For it's at a moment when she is landing upon a building, perhaps even seeing the heavy boot treads in the gravel of that rooftop letting her know that he passed this way... that she'll hear his voice from the shadows. "You do remember what they said about curiousity?"
    Then slowly he emerges, the dark sliding over that black leather and kevlar armor revealing the severe silhouette of the vigilante, that form-fitting costume hiding all of him save for that stern jawline, the eyelets even hiding the color of his irises.
    "What are you doing, Catwoman?"

Catwoman has posed:
Curiouser and Curiouser. Is he just leading her on a wild goose chase, having his own little fun? Or is he truly in a hurry to...Somewhere? As the darkness shrouds the skies, she grins and pulls on her visor. Those little goggles work perfectly in the darkness and she has no trouble following him even then.

She continues to keep up with him more or less effortlessly, quite enjoying this little cat and mouse (ahem bat) chase, although she is equally curious about where exactly he IS leading them..

And finally he comes to a stop and Catwoman smirks slightly, running a finger over her lips, leaning casually against a lamp post. "Mmmmm, Well, it's a good thing I'm not a *real* cat, or I might be a bit more worried. Besides.." she winks, "This kitty's got nine lives. Didn't you know?"

Catwoman chuckles a bit as she takes a step towards him, smiling still, one part amusement, one part curiosity. "What am *I* doing? What are YOU doing? Running around like a headless chicken all over the place..Not even stopping for a hello? You trying to stop a bomb or something? Maybe I can help..." For a moment, she regards him thoughtfully, her cocky smirk softening just slightly.

"I..Saw what you did for my friend back there. That was pretty decent of you not to turn her in. Why didn't you?"

Batman has posed:
    The tall man does not waver, he stands there opposite her, no hint of acceptance nor camaraderie, nor even affection. His voice is that steady rumble and controlled though with that hint of intensity underneath it. "I was in a hurry."
    That explanation will have to serve. Not compassion. Purely a hasty measure to handle a small issue. But then he turns his head to the side slightly, gaze distancing before his attention returns to her with the heavy weight of his regard falling upon her.
    "Tell your friend I won't be as nice next time." Implying that there would be. But then his brow furrows beneath that mask, just enough to cause the cowl to crinkle as he realizes.
    "Though there is something you can actually do to help."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman pouts a little, tilting her head up to watch him with that mild glimmer of amusement in her eyes. "Awwe, Batsy, that sounds like your old self..." she sighs, "But you know I protect my own. She's a homeless, desperate kid. Jail would ruin her. But maybe next time she'll come to me for help first." Oh yes, ask a thief to reform another thief. Grreat idea.

She does quirk a brow though, her curiosity piqued at that. "In a hurry huh? What do you need help with? I might feel obliged, y'know, as payment for letting my friend go..Even if you DID steal back her apples." she smirks. "Although that was pretty clever of you." another wink and Catwoman falls silent, waiting to hear what this..Thing is that he might need help with.

Batman has posed:
    A small snort comes from him, all the answer she gets for the first few sentences she offers. But then he turns his head and looks to the North. Shaking his head he frowns, then he looks back to her. "There is a STARLabs research center in Bludhaven."
    He lifts one arm, the cape slithering off of it to reveal that armored hand and the data display on the back of it, he turns it to face himself and taps a fingertip several times to that imagery as he consolidates the data, then gestures with a nod toward her.
    "Go to this address I've sent to your phone, get the package they have and bring it back to the second address. Before your curiousity gets the better of you, it is a polymer blend of high absorption acoustic tiling. Experimental. It's important. A life may depend on it."
    He pauses and meets her gaze, "If you steal it, then nowhere in Gotham will be safe for you." Serious words, stern... yet perhaps not as stern as they might be for anyone else.

Catwoman has posed:
She smirks a bit, arching a curious brow at the mention of STARlabs. Well, that sounds fun.. "Ooh, is that so...? Sooo you want me to..Steal something from there, and bring it back to you? Thought you were against stealing.."

She frowns though at he speaks of a life hanging in the balance and swallows. "...You're serious. This is serious stuff..." gone is the cockiness, the teasing. She's all serious now, a soft frown marring her lips and nods with a sigh, looking quite concerned now. "I..I understand. That's not something worth stealing for myself if someone's life depends on it. You know I wouldn't sink that low..Right?"

Okaay, maybe she doesn't quite have his trust yet, hasn't really had the chance to earn it..But this might be one way to do that. At the very least, maybe he'll stay out of her hair for a bit. She glances down at her phone as he sends the information, nodding again.

"Alright.." she nods and sighs, pondering. "STARlabs isn't easy to break into but not impossible either. I can do this, no problem. How much time does your friend have..?"

Batman has posed:
    Holding a hand up, "No."
    And for a moment his lip curls slightly.
    "Don't steal it. It will be ready for you. They know I'll be sending someone." His head turns to the side and he frowns as he looks toward the Southwest, shaking his head. "But right now time is not our friend and there is too much going on."
    He takes a deep breath, holds it, then slowly exhales as a scowl mars his features. Those irisless eyes return to hers as he murmurs. "You'll be acting as my representative." She can see the expression shift slightly, and that hesitance to trust is there. But then he shakes his head. "Don't let it go to your head."
    Then he turns and starts to walk, the cape swishing then snapping as he moves. Footsteps carry him towards the lip of the building, then he says over his shoulder. "And Catwoman."
    He looks away, then lifts his arm and the grapple line fires with that crac and a hiss. The line anchors then he says simply. "Thank you."
    The line snaps taut and launches him back into the sky. Leaving her there alone for now.