11923/Party at ground zero
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Party at ground zero | |
Date of Scene: | 05 August 2020 |
Location: | Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls |
Synopsis: | Jennifer wanders into Harry's office, and they meet |
Cast of Characters: | Jennifer Kale, Buffy Summers, Karrin Murphy, Harry Dresden
- Jennifer Kale has posed:
Jennifer Kale is new to the Avalon area, but she's managed to get registered for classes and now has time to do some exploring. The Florida girl is dressed casually, bell bottoms riding low on her hips and dragging the pavement as she walks. She's slurping the last of a milkshake, gaze roaming from window to window when she suddenly stops and stares at one.
"Harry Dresden: Wizard" she reads, chuckling softly to herself. "Seriously?" And even before she thinks it through, the blonde pushes open the door to see what's inside. Wondering whether SHE needs an office sometime.
- Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers just happens to be headed towards Harry's office herself, not having visited him since the whole Denarian incident outside the church a couple of weeks ago.
Hey, she's been busy so it's not like she was being inconsiderate. Besides, after her little heart to heart with Murphy, she figured they needed some bonding time as they both healed from their injuries.
ANYWAY, here she is, coming up to the building right behind Jennifer and just smirks at her comment. "Yeah, really. Is that so hard to believe?"
- Karrin Murphy has posed:
Haven't people heard of KNOCKING before? Murphy doesn't do a lot of work from Dresden's office, but it's a research day, technically off duty from BPD, and he had some books she's hoping to go through. There's an old tome in her lap, a book of magic basics. A strange thing for her to be reading and when he asked, she simply muttered something about hoping to understand better.
Still, someone coming in the front door jerks her out of her reading and her hand immediately drops the the holster at her side. She doesn't get as far as actually drawing the gun on a client, but her ingrained response is definitely not a pleasant one. The sound of Buffy's voice a moment later actually makes her exhale a breath, "...Seems you've got company."
- Harry Dresden has posed:
From the back room lab Harry's voice calls out a 'Be right there', and shortly the 6'9" tall wizard makes his way into the office proper, wearing an old faded and worn terrycloth bathrobe that has the imperial logo on the upper left breast. He carries with him a tome in one hand, and an elaborately carved human skull in the other.
"Who is..oh." he says, voice dropping to a more neutral tenor as he sees Buffy, "Hey Buffy. Whose your friend?"
$EHarry sets the tome and the skull onto the desk in front of where Karrin sits, and turns to face the young ladies more formally, well as formal as one can be in a Star Wars bathrobe.
- Jennifer Kale has posed:
Jennifer Kale turns her head to answer Buffy as the two of them walk into the office. "Not hard to believe, no. I'm just not used to seeing it on an office door, is all. Most people don't tend to..." Then the two are inside and the woman at the desk across the way reaches for a holster.
Jen drops the milkshake and makes a spreading gesture with both hands. Just as the juicy splat hits the floor, a wall of shimmering pink iridescence arcs between her and the would-be (or not) shooter. "Shit, don't DO that." The shield lowers and Jen frowns at the mess on the floor. "Sorry about that. I'm Jennifer Kale, from Florida."
- Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles a bit and nods. "You must have come here for a reason..Waht is it?" she glancing towards the door and oh, Harry's already there. She smiles and waves to them both. "Hey Harry, Karrin, how you two doing? Just wanted to check up on you after the...Coin thing.."
She gives them the once over to make sure they're not still bruised or bleeding or anything. You know, that line of work. "Nah, just met her, a potential client perhaps? Or a curious person.."
When she introduces herself, Buffy smiles and nods, "Nice to meet you, Jennifer, I'm Buffy."
- Karrin Murphy has posed:
Don't shoot the clients, Murphy. Karrin can hear his admonishment echoing in her head already, even if her gun never left its holster. She exhales a half breath, closing the book she's reading and setting it aside behind her. She knows it's important and old, she's not going to let it just be there in the open. Even if suddenly there is a skull just chillin' out in the open. She levels blue eyes at the skull for a moment, her glare almost that of someone telling a pet to 'Be GOOD, there is company here.' but she doesn't actually talk to it.
Karrin's expression then turns all apology, "Sorry, sorry. It's...it's okay. Jennifer Kale. From Flordia. Just... been a long few weeks. Hey, Buff. We're fine. All seems quiet which is... strange. But fine." She then smirks over to Dresden, giving his bathrobe clad form a once over before shaking her head slightly. "...you can guess who the wizard is. Traditional robes are part of the job. I'm Karrin, the... nosy friend."
- Jennifer Kale has posed:
Jennifer Kale draws a deep breath, then she crouches down to pick up the spilled styrofoam cup. Her gaze shifts from Karrin to Buffy and then over to Harry. Alllll the way up to his eyes, even. "Um, Hi Harry. Nice robe. Nice to meet you too, Buffy. And Karrin."
Jen tries to scoop up the mess using the cup, but the side is broken from the fall and it's pretty useless. She purses her lips before making another gesture. With a soft flash of pink, both the cup and its contents are just gone. She rises and brushes her hands together.
"So yeah, I do believe the 'Wizard' sign on the door. I come from a long line of Atlantean sorcerers, myself, and thought I'd stop in to introduce myself."
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry lets out a sigh as the milkshake falls and splats all over the floor, his hand reaching up and performing a classic Picard facepalm move, muttering out a "I just had the floor cleaned..." under his breath. If he did, it doesn't really look like it...and then the mess is gone. Harry blinks, looking from the floor to Jennifer and back. If the shield spell didn't give it away, the floor has.
"Wait...wait. Did you say Atlantian?" the wizard asks as he makes his way over to sit on top of the desk.
The bathrobe comment makes him look down and sigh, shaking his head as he starts to shrug out of it. Thankfully he is wearing regular clothes, a t-shirt and jeans, underneath. "I've never been to Atlantis. I can't recall if I ever met an Atlantean before, so probably not..at least not one that wasn't from Georgia."
He glances over at Buffy and shrugs a shoulder, "I'll live. Still a little sore, but I heal up quick enough."
- Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers stifles a giggle at the sight of Harry's bathrobe. "Ohhh, sorry Harry, did I catch you at a bad time?" she's still smiling, an amused twinkle in her eyes as she regards the unlikely pair.
"Glad to hear that, Harry. Nice bathrobe by the way." she grins and winks. As she glances around the room, Bob is noticed with a smirk and a very slight nod in his direction. Oh yes, she knows all about the lecherous skull..Thing..
Clearing her throat, she looks back to Jennifer and blinks, "Oh wow, you mean like..Like that underwater city full of fish people? So that's really real?!" yeah, imagine that, miss 'has met everything bizarre in the world has yet to meet a fish person'. And finds that incredible.
- Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin is quiet now. This is one of those situations when she realizes just how little she knows about the world and how in over her head she is. Not that she's going to stop, but she gets far more out of listening and learning than intruding. So, she stands, "I'll...put on some coffee..." And she moves to the little, ancient coffee maker at the side of the room to start brewing up a pot. It means she can listen more without being intrusive.
- Jennifer Kale has posed:
Jennifer Kale nods to Harry, the wry smile returning. "Florida, not Georgia." she corrects. "And I'm not Atlantean, as in living in Atlantis and swimming with the fishes. So to speak." She even pulls her long hair back. See? No gills.
"My parents were both members of the Cult of Zhered-Na..." Her voice trails off, as if that should mean something. "Cool skull, by the way. Did it belong to someone special, or is it just for decoration?"
- Harry Dresden has posed:
"Atlanta, Georgia...Atlanteans...I've only met people from Atlan...nevermind. My humor is lost on these kids, Murph. Just lost." Harry calls back to Karrin with a shake of his head. "I don't know why I try."
Harry glares at Buffy for a moment as he folds the robe up and places it on the desk, over the skull. A muffled sounds emits from under the robe as Harry continues to speak, "So, Jennifer from Florida, sometimes Atlantean, what can I do for you?"
- Karrin Murphy has posed:
"You are truly a man before his time. In a century, they will regale tales of the grant wit Harry Dresden. I feel for you." Karrin deadpans completely flatly, also not exactly falling over in laughter at his humor. But she gives him a fond smirk. The look on her face says she probably likes it rather more than she'll ever admit.
Coffee now on, Karrin steps back over to the group and perches her rear end on the edge of Dresden's desk, her arms crossing over her chest. She's watching Jennifer with a hint of wariness still, standing by as almost a body guard to the far taller Dresden.
- Jennifer Kale has posed:
Jennifer Kale's blue eyes widen as she finally DOES get it, and she laughs while shaking her head. The muffled sounds from under the robe distract her for a moment, then she smiles back to Harry. "Well I don't meet a lot of other, workers-in-the-art, y'know? Thought I'd pop in and see if you were for real, first. But now that you seem to be, it's only polite that I introduce myself."
Which she just did.
Jen looks around the room again, Harry to Karrin to Buffy, and something occurs to her as she plays back earlier words in the conversation. "There's... you're like, all working on something. Aren't you?" Looking around again, she adds. "And I'm interrupting. Shit. Sorry."
- Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs rather nervously at Jennifer's explanation. "Ah! No fishies! My bad, I mean, you never know...Right? Sooo, another magic user? That's cool, maybe you should like, start a club or something!"
More smirking as her phone rings. "Well darnit.." she sighs, pulling out her phone and hiding in a corner of the room to quietly chat with someone for a few moments..Glancing at the others, she waves and smiles apologetically, heading for the exit. "I gotta take care of something, see y'all later!"
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden shakes his head as he thumps his hand down on the robe, suspiciously where the skull might be. "Not really, I was just in the middle of brewing some potions, but they have to simmer a while yet before I have to pay any attention to them. I don't know much about Atlantean magic I am afraid. My upbringing was...restrictive. I know about my little brand of woo-woo and that's pretty much it. One of these days I should seek out someone like Dr. Strange or one of those other high faulting magic types and compare notes, but I doubt they would even give me the time of day to be honest."
He looks over at Karrin, "I'm not entirely sure what Karrin was working on," the wizard says as he cranes his neck to try and see what book it was she was on, "But don't mind her. She is coming off a bad week, so is a little more jumpy than usual."
- Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Harry. When *haven't* we been coming off a bad week? I think there was a time in 2011 that I didn't get a new bruise for seven days straight, but the experts are still debating." Karrin teases him gently, but her smile is genuinely apologetic towards the unfamiliar face. In just her tank top right now, the angry, red skin of just barely healed wounds across her upper left arm can be seen. They look like claw marks or something strange as that, definitely not knife wounds. Most bruises are gone. Most. There's still an echo of purple or blue a few spots.
Oh. There's also two little holes at the side of her neck. Freshly scabbed over, maybe a spider bite? Nothing horribly noticable, but if Jennifer's eyesight is keen, it's not too hard to guess the various reasons for Karrin's bad week.
The book she's reading is one of the very old, but very basic tombs in Dresden's library. She's probably having to do a fair bit of translating, but Google Translate gets the most of it. "And he's right, no...special project. Just the vain hope that some actually paying work might walk in the door so the next time we get the shit beat out of us, there's a paycheck on the end."
- Jennifer Kale has posed:
Jennifer Kale wrinkles her nose at the mention of Dr. Strange, not quite shaking her head. "Be careful around Strange." she replies. "He's... just be careful." Yes, Jen looks them both over more closely. There's something unusual under the robe, and Karrin didn't get those marks from a stray dog.
The blonde smirks, shifting her weight as she looks between the two. "I can understand that." she replies. "Lemme give you both my number, if you don't mind. I'm going to school nearby, but if you need me I know a really good teleport spell that'll take me as far south as the Virginia. Never hurts to have someone around to watch your back."
- Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden says, "Teleport?" Harry says with a sigh. "Best I can do is make a trail through the Never-Never. Cut's out a bunch of time to be sure, but it isn't instant. I wonder if I could end up learning something like that." He shrugs a shoulder, pushing off the desk and walking over to get the number from Jennifer. "It was a pleasure. Don't let Buffy hear you can teleport, she might try to recruit you.""
- Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Teleport? That... That's good to know." Karrin admits quietly, Not generally one to ask for help, but she's thinking it over now. She leans forward, small hand patterned with callouses from years of marksmanship training, wrapping around the business card. She gives it a good look and then a nod before pocketing the card into the back of her jeans. "I'll keep that in mind. Things get...messy in this area, sometimes. I don't like bringing civilians in on dangerous jobs but..." Karrin gives a side eye in Dresden's direction, "I guess a practicioner doesn't entirely count as a civilian." She talks like military or a cop. Probably the latter.
- Jennifer Kale has posed:
Jennifer Kale chuckles and rocks back onto her heels, gaze wandering unapologetically along Karrin's scars and trophy-marks. "Yeah, I can take care of myself well enough." she replies in a lower voice. "But it does look like you guys get into some pretty serious shit, alright. Think I'll stick close, even if school doesn't work out." And with that Jen turns towards the door, pausing only to point back at Harry. "Seriously, though, DON'T contact Strange. Last time I worked with him, the guy played us..." Then the smile returns. "Nice to meet y'all!"