
From United Heroes MUSH
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Date of Scene: 28 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Superwoman

Batman has posed:
It is night in Gotham, and normal while a town would quiet down this city has just got louder. Music, people, cars, all the activity seems to pick up at night in Gotham as most the main streets are busy with everything from beggers to buisnessmen moving about it. The city looks old, like gargoyles on some of the buildings old, though the fan-fair, and excitement are like any large new city one has seen. If you want to find something it is here in Gotham, legal or illeagle, public or private it is here in Gotham.

Sitting at the top of one of the middle sized building looking down with a high-powered binoculars is a single man all in black, though he has a yellow bat on his chest, looking down on the city. He is covered totally in shadows, even ducked below a higher statue so not to be spotted in the sky. He doesn't speak, or make a sound as he is focused on watching for crime, waiting for anyone to be foolish enough to break the law.

He would still be there, though in the distance the darkness of the night lights up, as a yellow symbol with a black light shines into the sky. The man stands and looks at it before he steps off the ledge extending his arm. A "Boomf" comes out of his hand, and a cable streaches out as he sails through the sky heading towards where he knows that symbol came from.. He is heading to talk to the commissioner.

Superwoman has posed:
    In black and silver and white, Superwoman has been working hard- seen constantly in her mission to defend anyone and everyone. She has, for the most part, kept Gotham off her list of places to defend. Tonight, however, is different. Faora is curious about a particular individual- Batman. And so, she watches for now. She listens. She hovers above the city as she quietly takes weight of this man- this man Clark had told her could help her in creating a life on this planet.

Batman has posed:
Batman fels eyes on him, though he isn't sure from where.. He has that feeling as experience, and the senses just tell him something is off. He swings a different way behind buildings not spotting her in the clouds so she could easly see him just ducking around, like to lose someone who was following him, before he continues his path to the commisoner. They talk, well the commisoner talks while Batman listens, he hasn't made a sound other then his tools since you have seen him, though the comisoner explains. "There are some people robbin the bank with some body arm, and high powered guns. We are stuck outside of it, and we need your help Batman."

After he speaks the commisoner turns to get some papers to give to him, but you see as he isn't looking Batman steps away 'disapearing' from his view as he is already moving towards the Bank in question. Since you can hear far away you might hear him speak, though it is in a low tone even for someone close to him, and he is swinging through the wind. "Computer.. Locate bank, give me all the data on the building." Though he doesn't stop his progress towards where he is going thankfully picking the right way off th building. He still had that wierd feeling he was being watched, but he had work to do so for now he ignored it.

As the bank is seen it is obvious which one it is with the police ouside. There is one man on the roof, and many more inside. This doesn't slow Batman down, as when he is swoping in he lets go of his rope, extending his cloak behind him as he floats in. Just above the man on the cieling he just drops ontop of him. The man looks electricuted, as a gloved hand covers his mouth to keep him quiet dropping him to the ground quietly after he is done.

Superwoman has posed:
    Superwoman continues to watch, quiet. Curious how this particular man does his work- she's seen him before. She hasn't really had a chance to truly study him, though. She doesn't interfere with Batman's work- she's got it on good authority he tends to get cranky when that sort of thing happens.

    And so, Superwoman continues to watch as he works on the men in the bank- coming to hover out of the sky to land on a roof across from the bank. Here she can watch more easily- the night and darkness have hidden her from most attention

Batman has posed:
Batman assults the bank like a machine, dropping in from the skylight out of the view of the men inside. He moves with direction taking out the first one, and then the second, even without the others noticing. He walks confidently as he moves through the halls, moving into a doorway just as a third passes him to be taken out, and dropped to the floor with the rest. He does disable their weapons as he goes, but it doesn't seem to slow him down at all. Finally when he gets down to the last two it seems they notice him because he wanted them to. You can see them recoil in fear as Batman to them seems to just materialize out of the shadows. Though in doing so they shoot at him, not at the other people inside out of desperaion. To a untrained eye it looks like he is just moving back and forth as he approaches them, but from someone who knows he is using his cloak to make his shadow seem larger then it is so when they aim to shoot at him he needs to move less distance to more effectivly use his movement.

It doesn't take long for him to put down the last two people, as he moves back into the shadows when the cops come charging in. You can hear the cops talking to each other about how they think he did it, though they are all extreme ideas about melting through the floor, or some other power. From someone experience they could tell training, efficency to a obsessive amount, and skill got him through that, and not even his cloak took a single bullet. As the men are lead out Batman watches from the roof out of view of the cops he says in a small whisper.. "You can come out now.. I know you are out there."

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora stands quietly, she's not exactly hiding. She steps forward, arms folding across her chest. "Greetings." she offers simply, "Has Kal spoken to you already regarding my... request?" she wonders, moving right onto business- she doesn't have time for shadows and mystery, it seems.

    "I need a life beyond being Superwoman. I'm told you have the means and knowledge to help make that a reality."

Batman has posed:
The man doesn't turn to face her he is quiet for a bit before he speaks up. "I have, though you do not move like a kryptonian, the others are more like hammers though you seem different." he turns and looks at her though he seems to me analyzing her build, stance, general appearance other then anything more then that. As he is speaking the light goes off again, the batsignal is back up once again. This time however he speaks in that low tone again, "Robin.. Go see what is needed I will catch up shortly." though he doesn't get a response which seems normal to him.

He turns again, and looks off the building, "I will set you up once, with a full cover because Kal-el has asked me to.. If you mess it up that is on you I will not do it again." he pauses though just for a moment before he continues. "Tell Kal-el that we are even now, I will not do this again unless it is under my terms. Do you understand?" his tone seems maybe a bit angry, but more serious. He pulls out the tool from his belt that lets his glide from a cable, before he continues. "I will need an adress to send the people.. is there anything else you need?"

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora gives an address- somewhere in Metropolis, as one might expect. "I move like a Kryptonian." Faora states, "I just don't move like a scientist. They don't know how to fight, and I'm not apt to teach them."

    "I appreciate the effort. Thank you. I'll let Kal-El know that." She pauses a long moment, "As for anything else I need.. No." She's terse, almost snappy. She stands like one would expect a soldier to stand- disciplined. She's keeping her eye on Batman very carefully, reading his every motion like some might read a book. She's clearly been in fights before- Batman has noticed it himself. She is the scalpel to Superman's hammer. Precise and deadly.

    "If you need anything from me, let me know. I'm not particularly easy to miss."

Batman has posed:
Batman nods, as he listens. "Ka-el is much more then a scientist anymore I have seen him take down some things I did not think he could." it was a compliment from Batman.. It did not happen often, but he had to give credit where it was due in this case. "Though I understand..." he adds at the end as he had once tried to show Clark that he didn't have to bust through walls, but it never kept.

Though he nods, and has noticed as she knows he has noticed though his pose seems unworried. From his posture right now it looks like he isn't worried because he knows something she does not, though maybe he doesn't.. Either way he is not worried about being this close to a Kryptoian at all. After a moment he does speak again. "I will be clear.. I am fine with what you are, what you represent in your power and devistation you could bring worries me, and now there are multiple of you the escilation will only grow." he speaks not like it is personal just analyzing the situation. "That is why if you step out of line I will make sure you are put away somewhere where you will never see the sun again.. Keep that in mind. That, and in Gotham... I work alone."

With that he extends his arm, and a cable shoots out of it. He is pulled away as he starts swinging towards the place he was just told over his earpiece. No goodbye, or good luck.. Just the promise of help for a friend, and malice if she betrays the standard Batman charm.