1183/A Mystical, Magical, Evening
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A Mystical, Magical, Evening | |
Date of Scene: | 27 June 2017 |
Location: | Unknown |
Synopsis: | Summary needed |
Cast of Characters: | 1088, Nico Minoru, Zatanna Zatara
- Sienna Quinlan (1088) has posed:
Its night in Metropolis. Things are relativcely nice. Peaceful. Not much is going on really. A few people are out walking and enjoying the night. It is actually kinda nice. A cold front is moving in, setting a nice breeze through the city.
As a young red head goes walking down an alleyway, a mysterious figure, cloaked in shadow, appears. A mischievous smile forms on rather feminine lips. "Its time." She whispers as a violet magical mist fills the area. Then, the strange figure is just gone as if she was never there. That violet mist though just gathers in that alleyway, becoming thick and heavy.
- Nico Minoru has posed:
Whatever time it happens to be escapes a certain gothic-ly bedecked young woman. With black hair that is either expertly styled or the best bed-head ever seen, the figure walks with a package under her arm. Closer inspection would betray that the package is really bolts of cloth...a dark purple and black in nature...one shimmering in the available light and the other so dark that it seems to suck the light in. The pace is somewhat leisurely, as the woman walks on up, approaching the very same alleyway, at least the entrance to it.
But...for the moment, the violet mist is not detected. It would seem that the girl's thoughts are elsewhere and not exactly on what might be going on in the dark alley that seems to be getting darker and darker by the second.
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara isn't often one to visit a city she has no shows or particular business in. Honestly her schedule is just too full for it, even if she can just teleport herself there and back again like it were right next door. However, tonight is a unique night. She has nothing planned, expected or required of her. A night to herself. It is so positively novel that she can hardly imagine what to do with this ... free time. So she decided to go book shopping. Sometimes a gem can be found in the old book stores laying overlooked by even those who should otherwise recognize its value. So teleport Zatanna did! She went to the Old City area, invading the antique stores and book shoppes, quickly pouring over their shelves for any forgotten treasures that she might not yet have in the near cavernous library begun by her father within Shadowcrest so many decades ago. And not one accidental duplicate. Magic is so handy.
Emerging from the last store the dark haired sorceress, dressed casually at the moment in a silk blouse and jeans, happens to be walking toward the Gothling and that very same alley but from the opposite direction.
- Sienna Quinlan (1088) has posed:
The red headed girl just stops. Something is off. She looks around trying to understand what the hell is going on. "Ummm Hello?" She calls out trying to figure things out. Suddenly from that violet mist, a strange horned creature emerges. Its eyes burn red as it lets out a blend of a roar and the sound of a goat.
The creature turns to face the red head. A dark voice resounds. "Its time for you to understand." With that it takes off running at the girl. She screams in fear as the strange goat man comes at her.
- Nico Minoru has posed:
Normally, when someone screams in fear, the first instinct for most people is to run the other way. The whole fight or flight instinct defaults to flight and off they go. However, the gothling with her precious bolts of fabric is another breed altogether. For one thing, she was close enough to not only hear the scream, but also that definitely not-human-esque voice just preceding it. And really, why do all the bad guys say it is time to understand? Don't they know that every time is time to understand? Internal monologue aside, the goth stops at the entrance of the alleyway, craning her head to look inside.
Freaky violet mist? Check. Some strange corrupted satyr seemingly tormenting some poor innocent? Check and double check. Any hero about to do something? That's a big negative. So...seems it is up to Nico to do something about it.
Stepping into the alleyway, Nico tosses her bolts to the side (though not without a slight cringe). Then, in a voice that she hopes is not quivering, she calls out. "Hey, short, squat and gruesome. Wanna tell me what's to understand? That you stink?" Cocky words aside, the hoped for effect is to distract the thing, to give the mystery girl ample time to high-tail it out of there.
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara wasn't really planning on a kerfluffle tonight. Her back 'o books she found is heavy. They were really old, really thick books. Briefly, on hearing the scream and that voice, she ponders enchanting her bag and using it as a weapon. But that would just be mean to the books. And she didn't want to get evil creature guts all over the pages. Not at least till she'd read them. C'mon. She's not completely uncivilized.
Then she sees Nico run toward the alley, ready to do battle with her bolts of fabric of evil slaying +5. Only to toss them aside. Maybe they were -5? And then show an act of bravado by insulting the evil creature's hygene and lineage. That was one way to do it.
Setting her bag down, she cast a serious glance at it, as if threatening it should it not stay where it was put. Moving over near, but not behind Nico, Zatanna glanced sidelong, "You know.. most Goth types are just posers. Nice to see one who steps up." She offers a reassuring smile but her gaze is on that goat-guy. "Satyrs? really? Last time I had to delouse my hair for a week.. you really don't want to know what's under all that hair..." she shudders.
- Sienna Quinlan (1088) has posed:
The red head is freaking out. As the creature closes in on her, She is panicking. Fear is rolling off the girl. Suddenly the ground starts to shake, the redhead's violet eyes flicker a little. Its magic, Earth Magic. The creature loses its footing and hits the ground.
Then its being taunted. The creature stands again on its hooved feet. It turns and looks, those burning red eyes slicing through the darkness. "You have no business here." That other worldly voice snarls at Nico. It begins moving towards her. It may not be the tallest of creatures but it is imposing. Meanwhile, the redhead is freaking out over the whole earthquake.
- Nico Minoru has posed:
One minute, Nico is purposely insulting a mystical being, with nothing in her hands at all. It must look positively crazy to those actually watching. The next, she finds herself next to another person cracking quips about what is underneath the hair of a satyr. And yet, this isn't the strangest thing Nico has ever been involved in. The magician, for the newcomer obviously looks like a magician, even in the dark alley, gets a look...followed by a half smile. "Hmm, thanks? I guess?" She pauses, looking over to Ugly over there, then calls out to both the redhead and the seemingly tall brunette next to Nico. "Right. Whatever you do, don't freak out, okay?"
Don't freak out? What sort of warning is that? The answer becomes clearer as Nico takes off her gloves, revealing a plain right arm...and a left arm that looks like it is a living gauntlet, completed with purple jewel on the back of her hand, glowing with a light of its own. The left hand lifts, and a finger extends, with what seems to be a sharp nail on the end. That nail reaches down, and draws along the right forearm...deep enough to draw a bead of blood from the skin. There is a wince of pain, as words spill out from the goth's mouth. "When blood is shed, let the Staff of One emerge..."
Oh...here's the freaky part. As the words are spoken, Nico lurches forward suddenly...as a staff somehow starts to emerge from her chest. It seems to be purple, though it is hard to tell in the dark alley, with a rather large circle upon the top. The staff does seem short enough for her to wield comfortably with one hand...at least, once it is done making its appearance. With a sigh, Nico shifts her attention to the goatman, branishing her staff. "I think that this situation concerns me greatly. You should be scared now."
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Oh boy. Yeah.. this is going to be one of those nights.
"...you just wanted a quiet night. A few book stores. Find a hidden gem or two. But nooo... Zee, you can't even manage to have a night off on your nights off..." She looks at Nico and her eyes somehow grow larger with surprise and narrower with caution at once. Her jaw is set and she watches Nico for the moment. She knows better than to interfere with a spell caster about to put a magical beat down on an evil beastie. But she remains ready in case it becomes clear Nico isn't actually trying to help. Then she is totally interupting.
- Sienna Quinlan (1088) has posed:
The creature glares at Nico and that crazy staff. It approaches her and tries to attack her. Its not talking much more, much of its words are growls and strange vocalizations. This wasn't in his mission. Or maybe it was? Either way, rightn ow it wants to take out Nico.
Meanwhile, The young redhead is running out past the two mages. As she goes, Rain begins falling around her. She has no idea that she is causing this problem.
- Nico Minoru has posed:
Whoa....whatever Nico did to grab the creature's attention sure as hell worked, for it turns immediately and lunges at the goth. It is enough for Nico to take a step back, and all of that stink and hair just gets much too close for comfort. The Staff of One is shifted to a defensive position as Nico scrambles to one side....almost slipping as rain suddenly falls....from what was a clear cloudless sky. A glance is givem towards the redhead as she runs past...but only for a moment, as Nico still has to contend with the demon.
Nico glances over to Zatanna, again briefly, but the question is clear. Did she cause the rain? However the water came about, it gives Nico an idea. With a smirk, she branishes the Staff above her head and points an armor-covered finger at the goat creature. "Take a bath." The rain, which has to be magical in nature, picks up into a torrental downpoar, until it is nearly a solid blast of water...but only at the goat creature. Everyone else is just slightly wet, if at all. The column of water drops on the creature, threatening to beat him down with just the sheer weight of it.
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara felt the ground rumble that seemed to come from.. well. either Sienna or a nicely timed seismic event. It would have to be addressed later. Right now the goat-satyr guy is now coming toward Nico and herself. And Sienna is being chased by her own personal rain cloud. She looks to Nico with a shrug of 'Hey. It isn't me!' regarding the rain. As Sienna runs past them, she speaks up, "Hey -- slow down there, Eeyore. Don't get too far from us but stay behind us, ok? We've got this." After all, Nico has a really handy staff. And Zee? She can backwards talk any Demon's eyes into dizzy curly spirals. Darn skippy.
As Nico harnesses the rain into a nigh-flood to pin the demon, Zatanna begins a complimentary spell.
"!emoh s'nomed ot latroP"
As the deluge of water pins the demon to the ground, a shimmering portal opens under it, just large enough for the powerful surge of water to push it right through. As soon as it is completely through, the portal will shrink and completely disappear.
- Sienna Quinlan (1088) has posed:
The creature is quickly dealt with. As the water buffeted the creature, pushing it into the portal, it lets out a loud and ominous growl. "You can't escape who you are, Sierra Quinlan!" With that he is pushed through the portal only to be obliterated once inside. It was created on the spot.
Meanwhile, the young girl who had been running is horrified. She doesn't know if she should keep running or listening. Even now she is somewhere between the two states. Everything inside is saying RUN RUN RUN RUN! Yet outside, she is listening. Her eyes shimmer and suddenly a burst of air comes down from the sky. a nasty little down burst which blows her clear out of the alleyway and cross the street.
- Nico Minoru has posed:
Holding the satyr down with a column of water is one thing. Figuring out what to do from there is quite another. Fortunately, it seems that Nico doesn't have to worry about that little detail. As Zatanna calls out to the redhead to stay close, Nico steals another glance over to her impromptu partner, just in time to witness a little backwards incantation that opens a hole right under the creature. Not that Nico realizes it was backwards. Nah...to her, it just sounded cool. And, just like that, the satyr was pushed through, but not before uttering the obligatory ominious last words.
As soon as the creature is dealt with, the torrential rains stop, leaving behind only the initial shower that the gothic witch harnessed in the first place. She turns, shaking her head..."Really. How cliche." Nico shifts into a lower voice, mocking the creature's last words. "You can't escape who you are..." The Staff held firmly in her hand, Nico glances to Zatanna. "Why must they always go for the cliches? Just once I would like to hear a baddie quote the Wizard of Oz. At least it will be a change of pace." Nico tilts her head over towards the puddle of water where the hairy beast once stood. "Thanks for helping with that thing. I'm Nico, by the way."
Then, almost as an afterthought, Nico turns to see exactly where the redhead ran off to, if she ran off far at all. "Hmm....Ms. Quinlan? Sierra? You okay?" It is an instinctive reaction for Nico, to check to see if everyone is okay. And, today, 'everyone' is Sierra.
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara relaxes slowly as the demon is banished. Somewhere else there may even be rejoicing souls and demons being flooded with water only to curse their fortune as the water turns to scalding steam. Irony runs strong.
The dark haired magician grabs her back, looks toward Nico then over toward the last place she saw Sienna. "Demons of that level rarely possess creative genious. They're usually just mindless drones sent to perform one function and return before they start getting any crazy ideas about independent thought..." she comments toward Nico. "Zatanna" she offers as she looks back toward the young woman who was the target of this creature. And the cause, it kind of seems, of three unique natural events. "We're not going to harm you" she calls out. "The ugly goat man is gone."
- Sienna Quinlan (1088) has posed:
Sienna Quinlan looks between Zatanna and Nico. She scrambles to her feet and looks around. "Umm... I'm Sierra Quinlan. My umm My friends call me Quin. Thank you." She states trying to be as calm as possible. she is still really shaken up and its definitely easy to hear in her voice.
"What was that thing? Why is this stuff happening to me? I didn't do anything. I was just walking home!" She is a wreck and it shows on her face.
- Nico Minoru has posed:
"Hmm...Ms. Quinlan. I...really couldn't tell you what that was, besides fugly. Nor could I answer why this 'stuff', as you say, happens to you." Nico shrugs as she speaks. After all, it's like a normal day for her. "But, it's gone now, so...that's good?" Hey, Nico never said she was good at the whole comforting bit.
"Look, I have no idea why that creature had the hots for you...but, unless I am mistaken, it might be because you have some sort of magic within you." Nico gestures to the rain. "I sure as heck didn't cause it to rain. And it was perfectly sunny moments ago..."
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara crosses the street and draws close to the other two again. "Hello Ms. Quinlan. Quin. I'm Zatanna Zatara." She offers a smile. "Not knowing much about you at this point? I'm going to guess there is a strong likelihood that you do have some level - a fairly strong level it seems - of magic within you. It is possible that as it has begun to manifest there was a demon lingering between the realms that sensed it and wanted to claim you for itself. But. It's gone. as you can see. I don't think you'll be dealing with it again any time soon. If ever. As for those... bursts of power? The moments you were the most frightened seem to me to have been the points where they triggered. Sometimes traumatic experiences bring abilities to the surface far more quickly than if left to develop on their own. It isn't a lot of comfort I'm sure. But as Nico said, we didn't cause the tremor, the rain or that burst of wind. The demon is gone so that kind of just leaves.. you."
- Sienna Quinlan (1088) has posed:
Sienna Quinlan frowns and looks down shaking her head. "no. It can't be me! Its just a freak thing! It has to be! That monster. It wanted to kill me! What did it mean I needed to understand?!" She sighs and rshakes her head, looking down. "Magic? How?! My parents aren't magic! If I were magic They would have told me! This weird stuff has been happening as long as I can remember. Nothing makes sense." Tears fill her violet eyes as she tries to figure everything out. Its a lot to carry when someone tells you you're magical.
- Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico just...stands still. For a moment, while Sienna rambles about parents telling their kids everything. Because that *always* happens. "Look, your parents may not know. Or, they had magic and didn't bother to tell you. It doesn't matter right now." Nico shifts in her stance, and her words, while still spoken with a gentle tone, have an edge to them. It's time to speak the truth and Nico doesn't pull any punches in that regard.
"Look, you are just going to have to deal with the fact that you have some sort of magical power within you. If this sort of encounter is something that you experience on a regular basis, then it's about time to actually figure out what is going on and do something about it. At least you have an idea what is going on now. I didn't learn of my magical heritage until my mother tried to kill me by stabbing me with this." And, with that, Nico hoists up the Staff in her hands. "So, be glad that you had some help today...and go find someone to help figure out what's up with you. I would, but I am still learning myself...and I don't think you can handle the type of magic I know."
Nico Minoru, mistress of the tough love paradigm. With her little monologue, Nico lowers her staff, and goes about to gather up her fabric bolts. "Though...I suggest you figure out fast what you wanna do."
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara wishes she had a nickle for every time someone had a response like this. Charity would love her. It isn't like she needs the money. She looks to Nico as she speaks, offering a soft nod. "Nico is right, Quin. If this is happening regularly, you need to find someone strong enough to help you determine the extent of your abilities and how to properly and safely control them before someone gets hurt. You or anyone else. Having these abilities is... well, it's amazing. But it's like owning gun. You wouldn't go out with it anywhere if you weren't properly trained in how to use it safely. Or understand your responsibilities." She holds out a business card. "This is a lot ot think about. We understand. But you need to think. Someplace you feel safe. And really reflect. If you decide that you want help? Reach me at this number. I'm not a teacher - I'm a stage magician."
Referring to herself as simply a stage magician is like calling an Olympic medal winner simply an athelete, really. But...
"I know a few individuals that have more of a... mentoring.. mindset. The kind who will help you learn as much and for as long as you choose. We can't and won't force you. We're not those kinds of people. You have to want help to get it.. okay?" She gestures again, offering the card to Quin.
- Sienna Quinlan (1088) has posed:
Sienna Quinlan takes a deep breath. Her hands move up to wipe her eyes as she looks at Zatanna and Nico. "This sort of thing hasn't been happening recently. Its been happening my whole life!" She snaps and sets off a small tremor.
Then it starts sinking in. She just caused the earth to shake. She caused the rain. She caused the down burst the blew her across the street. Her heart starts racing and her breathing becomes erratic. "I think," She pauses and struggles to stay up. "I Think I'm going to faint." She comments as she doubles over.