11811/Arms Deal Interrupted

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Arms Deal Interrupted
Date of Scene: 21 July 2020
Location: Abandoned Warehouse, Lower East Side
Synopsis: Snake Eyes witnesses the Punisher in action. Promptly tries to recruit him for GI Joe.
Cast of Characters: Snake Eyes, Punisher

Snake Eyes has posed:
It's a good night to sell guns, at least that's what Sammy the Shank thinks. He's got himself and a bunch of goons in the abandoned warehouse. They're all carrying pistols, submachine guns and shotguns. More importantly, they've got guns just like those for sale in the crates in the back of the vans that are parked next to them. Right now they're waiting on a murderous crew of hired guns to bring a bunch of cash in exchange for their wares.

Sammy's got a couple of his guys at the doors to the warehouse. Two guys at the main doors, one by the side loading bays, which are closed, and one by the entrance to the second floor where the offices are. They appear fairly alert, you never know when a friendly neighborhood superhero is liable to appear.

On the roof of the warehouse, looking in through a skylight, is Snake Eyes. The ninja commando has a camera setup overlooking the interior of the building, waiting to see if the buyers are who Action Force expects they are. He's alone for this mission, much sneakier this way, but his partner is a few blocks away in an unmarked van. She's keeping an eye on things for him.

Punisher has posed:
It had taken most of the day to manage it, but the plan was set.

Just down the street, a non-descript black van was parked only half a block away from the meeting. In the drivers seat with the man who was known to the underworld as Microchip, watching the whole thing through a thermal camera aimed at the warehouse. The filters were set to only see the humans, with a special tag on the Punisher being the only thing that the AI IFF considered friendly, made the rest of the people stand out like sore thumbs.

Above, a few blocks away from one another were two milspec stealth recon drones; the Punisher was waiting on the arrival of the other crew to this meeting.

He knew all about what was going down: Microchip has seen to it that they vetted the attendees for innocents. There were none. Which meant they were free and clear for some shock and awe tactics.

"The machine guns are all loaded, Frank. We're ready to spring when you give the go." Microchip said over the commlink.

There was only a grunt of acknowledgment from the Punisher on the other end.

Snake Eyes has posed:
The hired guns make their way from down the street, two SUVs. They ride smoothly and slowly, trying not to draw the attention of any cops that might be passing. They're all armed, of course, but their interest today is in obtaining more firepower.

The two vehicles approach the warehouse where Shank's two thugs are waiting out front. One approaches the driver's side window to see who's arriving, then turns to his partner and gives him a thumbs up. The partner pulls a walky talky out of his pocket and says to the folks inside, "This is them." Almost immediately the guys inside open up the main doors to allow their buyers entrance to the building.

On the roof, Snake keeps his camera moving to make sure he records everyone's face. Then he focuses it on the SUVs as they pull in, waiting to get confirmation of the buyers' identities.

Punisher has posed:
Below, the Punisher gets to work.

If this was going to be effective, everything had to happen at once, or else the crossfire might be too much. In the shadows, the Punisher dashes silently out of his hiding place and just against each van in order to place each charge one at a time quickly, silently, before he dashes for the secondary nest he built for just this moment.

"Blocks set. Give it ten seconds to see if they go in or not before you trigger. I'll be at the nest in five." Punisher barks quietly to Microchip.

Snake Eyes has posed:
The SUVs pull into the warehouse and the people inside of them disembark. One of them, the one wearing a suit, carries a gym bag with him. He hands it over to one of the thugs who'd been waiting. That's when all hell breaks loose. The explosives set by Castle will go off to great effect, sending those outside of the vehicles targeted flying through the air to land in heaps, holding their heads and whimpering. Those guys who hadn't yet disembarked? There's not a great deal left of them.

The glass on the roof that Snake's on was blown out by the explosions. The ninja brushes himself off to remove as many shards as he can as he looks down into the building to see exactly what seems to be happening.

Punisher has posed:
In the nest on the building above, Punisher brings up the scope on the prepared M24. As he starts observing, he trips the next trigger on his gear web.... and a secondary set of explosions blasts inward, towards the center of the warehouse.

These explosions are designed not to destroy the warehouse... but rather vaporize those within, or at least severely injure them.

The Punisher is only taking one prisoner tonight, and it shows.

Breath in. "One Batch. Two Batch." Breath out, "Penny and Dime..." The Punisher brings up the barrel. Taking aim, he begins to rain silenced lead into the arms and legs of those who survive.

Frank Castle is one of the most decorated Scout Snipers of the marine corps in the world. He doesn't miss.

Snake Eyes has posed:
The 7.62mm rounds from the sniper rifle cripple the three criminals who survived the explosions. They end up on the floor, writhing in pain and screaming amidst the smoke and flames.

Up on the roof, Snake Eyes brings his submachine gun to his shoulder and tries to determine where the shooter is currently at. In his earpiece his handler is talking to him, so the ninja has to tap the tablet on his left forearm a few times to send back a message saying he's still in the fight.

Punisher has posed:
Once everyone is dealt with, Frank takes the M24, slings it, and uses the prepared rope to drop down to the ground.

By this time, Snake Eyes can easily see the Punisher as he moves across to the warehouse. He's not trying to hide at all, and he's wearing his trenchcoat and skull vest outfit, making it obvious who it is.

Doing a quick survey of the carnage with a casual glance, the Punisher finds the one most likely to survive his wounds, and heads over. With a focused look, the Punisher takes out a Glock 17, looks over to the other two who survived, and unceremoniously puts a bullet in each of their foreheads.

Keeping the neutral look, the glock is placed back in it's holster, before the Punisher goes to one knee, looking over the survivor, seeing if he needs medical attention.

Snake Eyes has posed:
As the Punisher shows up and takes out all but one of the goons, Snake Eyes frowns beneath his ninja mask. Preferring to avoid getting himself shot, he taps quickly on the tablet on his forearm. After a moment it speaks rather loudly, "Friendly coming in."

After giving the alert that he's here, Snake pauses for the Marine to get a look at him, giving a nod. With that out of the way he starts to make his way down into the warehouse proper, utilizing the rafters near the ceiling to bounce to the catwalk. More typing on his device, "You messed up my operation."

Punisher has posed:
Watching Snake Eyes like a hawk, the Punisher takes a medkit from his gear web and begins to work on keeping the thug alive. He basically ignores the screams of pain, only watching the man briefly to be sure he's still awake and watch he's doing.

After he's made sure the man will live, the Punisher leans in to whisper into his ear. "Tell everyone you meet what happened here tonight. Any arms dealers who sell to rapists and thugs like you were just about to do answer to me." He taps the mans forehead, "You only live because you're the messenger. Next time, you may not be so lucky."

Then, he stands up... and looks to Snake Eyes. "Bill me." The Punisher shoots back, his grate making it clear he didn't care. "I have rules to maintain. This asshole broke them." He states simply, before he starts to head for the exit.

Snake Eyes has posed:
Snake Eyes makes his way down to the floor and looks over the injured criminal, then over at Castle. Some more tapping on his forearm to make his device speak, "I'll put the survivor to use." Lifting his chin he has his machine ask, "Want to get a beer and discuss employment opportunity after I finish with him? Get to stomp terrorists and criminals on the government's dime."

Punisher has posed:
As he nears the exit, Snake Eyes' comment gets the Punisher to stop and glance over his shoulder. Punisher regards Snake Eyes for a moment, appraising the man... before he turns fully. "I need that man alive and going to the hospital. He's my messenger to the rest of the dealers around here." Punisher looks to the man, "after he tells his story, you can do what you like with him."

His eyes go back to Snake Eyes, then. "Employment?"

Snake Eyes has posed:
"He'll live," Snake replies via his machine. "We just need him to talk. Should be easy now." Then he types for a while longer, "Yeah. Special operations unit. Protect people, hunt bad guys. Worldwide. Best training, best kit, best operators. You already have a code name, might need a new one. May see about hiring you as a contractor instead of full time, but I don't make decisions like that. Just do recon and break things, mostly."

Punisher has posed:
"Being hired implies oversight. I have all the resources I need and I have no interest at all in anyone telling me who I can or can't hunt. Gimme a team to direct and I might consider it... but never again will I obey someones orders." Punishers replies, "I put in my time with the Corps, and look where it got me. My family dead and the justice system actively trying to kill me."

He turns back to the exit, "My partner will contact you later. I can use allies. I have no use for suits telling me how to conduct my war."