11773/Masked Mystery Men

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Masked Mystery Men
Date of Scene: 14 July 2020
Location: Midtown, Manhattan
Synopsis: Spider-Man pursues some strange men. Snake Eyes joins in to help out.
Cast of Characters: Spider-Man, Snake Eyes

Spider-Man has posed:
    The sound of rushed footsteps across rooftops at this time of night tend to echo. Against the cement walls, against the gravel roofs, against the metal superstructure of the buildings in the middle of the city. Usually there is the reverberation, that doppler effect as people run at speed, trying to evade capture, trying to avoid whatever might be after them.
    But for some reason, in the depths of this night, the footfalls of the dark silhouettes rushing away make very little sound. There is at the most a scuff of a boot, a subtle grunt, and furtively delivered hurried instructions...
    But that is the sound of the pursued. Not of the pursuer.
    "Say, do you guys know Kane Kosugi?"
    Their flight arrested by the yawn of a great abyss between buildings, the three figures turn as one to face the figure that had disrupted their efforts. On the edge of Hell's Kitchen they had been silently breaking into one of the buildings on their list of objectives for the night. Only to have this... this imbecilic arachnid accost them and set them to flight. Yet now here he was, perched upon the lip of an industrial air conditioner.
    << Toshiro, ready the grapple line, we shall secure you the time you need to deploy it! >> The words are given sharply in Japanese, but then no further sound comes from those two save the faint /shing/ of silver blades being drawn from their sheaths.

Snake Eyes has posed:
The sighting of people being pursued by a certain superhero through Manhattan triggered some police alerts. In turn, Action Force picked up on it. They were less concerned with the chaser than the chasees. If the reports were correct it might be something that their top recon soldier, Snake Eyes, would be interested in. So Snake's made his way to the rooftops, searching for the group of people. Luckily, a certain spider themed hero is bright red, sticking out enough for the ninja commandos keen eyes to pick up.

He's hopping from roof to roof as well, though he's likely a lot quieter than the other guys. When he closes in he moves to help prevent the escape of the villains, touching the tablet mounted to his left forearm. There's a robotic sounding voice that emanates from it, "Please surrender peacefully."

Spider-Man has posed:
    One of the three had been prepping a long length of twin with a tri-hook upon the end, while the other two had their blades drawn and ready. At the robotic voice suddenly all of their attentions are drawn over toward it...
    And the dark silhouette from whence it comes.
    Hurried commands are whispered, short and sharp in a staccato fire rhythm that has that grapple line abandoned for now. Since in this coming battle they would need all three of their blades. Another /shing/ and the third joins the first and second weapon in readiness. The lead ninja gestures to himself and the other nearest him and motion toward Snake Eyes, then the third is pointed toward Spider-Man.
    No further hesitation, no further pause at all. Suddenly they are moving. Dashing across the distance the two ninja split to either side, rushing for Snake-Eyes with their blades ready to try and flank him and deal with with powerful slashes.
    The third leaps toward Spider-Man, slashing a hand around in a smooth arc sending a myriad of small blades slicing across the distance.
    In real time, the costumed hero seems to just leap, spinning to the right with an effortless grace. The blades slashing and planting into the roof behind the wall-crawler. In the way he perceives time he is slowly twisting in the air, weaving through those blades as they slash so close to him, then he lands on three limbs and murmurs, "So wait, you're sending two guys to fight him and just one for me? I'm... I'm almost insulted."

Snake Eyes has posed:
Poor Spidey isn't getting the attention he deserves. Snake Eyes, on the other hand, is getting plenty. His own sword is drawn to parry the first blow before doing a backflip to get distance from the other attacker, trying to keep both of them in front of them. The commando is quite good at what he does, ready to try to disarm one of the other swordsmen with an attempt to lop off his hand.

Of course, he's also doing his best to make sure that he's not actually going to get flanked so he might not land the blow he intends to.

Spider-Man has posed:
    There's the slash of blades, the ring of them coming together. Snake Eyes makes the needed perfect deflections, his own blade slashing clean in expert form. His opponent is no slouch yet he recognizes his limitations, knowing that he is far from the superior swordsman on this rooftop, which is why he brought the younger blade to hand.
    The other assassin moves to try and flank, only to find with the slash of one of Snake Eyes' counter strokes clears him as the blow causes the leader of those ninja to retreat a step, two. For the span of three seconds, two controlled movements, the Action Force hero is able to bring that younger ninja to face him, their blades meet, the cut is made...
    At the least his opponent has enough control to not scream when his sword and hand is stolen from him. He does stagger back, clenching the maimed arm to his chest and trying to buy some time. Some room.
    The leader leaps back into the fray, sword slashing wildly at the silent ninja soldier.
    The other rushes to close the distance with Spider-Man, a loud kiyai uttered as his weapon cuts through the air. But only air as the nimble hero plants a hand upon the ninja's head and leaps over in a smooth cartwheel-like motion, landing light on his feet upon the edge of a water tower, one hand snapping up to send a splay of webbing to catch the ankles as that one ninja whirls. And that whirl becomes a gyre of broken balance as he hits the ground, sword skittering from his grip. He /reaches/ for that fallen blade, only for his hands to be webbed to the ground as well in the next instant.

Snake Eyes has posed:
With one of the assailants no longer remaining quite as threatening as he was before, Snake Eyes is able to devote a little more attention to the leader. While his sword comes up to protect him, Snake also steps aside from the mighty blow.

Feinting with a one handed sword stroke towards his opponent's head, Snake brings down his other hand in an attempt to chop at the guy's wrist, trying to get the sword out of his hand. Even as he strikes out he listens out for the other fighters on the rooftop, ready to react to another attack.

Spider-Man has posed:
    Trying to stifle the flow of blood, the wounded ninja turns to /rush/ away from Snake-Eyes. His good hand reaches into his pocket as he grasps a small black sphere that he grasps and makes ready to throw toward the ground...
    Only for his hand to be webbed to the side of the wall with a /thwip/ heard from the wall-crawler as he lands nearby. "No idea what that thing is, buddy. But chances are it's bad news." But then the visors on his mask narrow with a faint metallic whir as a second wad of webbing is fired to staunch the flow of blood. "Whoa, hold on man, don't worry, ambulance will be here soon."
    Yet as the hero is tending to that one wounded ninja. Snake-Eyes still faces off with their leader. Their blades slash, ring as they come together several more times, then the master warrior steps in and snaps his bladed hand down into the wrist of his attacker. The sword goes flying, ringing as it strikes the ground and skitters away, and with the next follow up strike the man in black renders the last ninja unconscious, leaving the rooftop secure and with prisoners no less. A good haul.

Snake Eyes has posed:
When the three villains are taken out of the fight, Snake pulls a cloth from one of his pouches to clean off his blade before sheathing it. Looking towards the web crawler the ninja lifts his chin in a greeting of sorts. After hitting a couple of buttons on his tablet, Snake heads towards the guy whose hand he sliced off, looking down to make sure that the flow of blood is staunched before giving a thumbs up to the hero. Fingers fly across the tablet's screen again, "Thanks. Know anything about these guys?" More typing, "News says you're menace. Is accurate?"

Spider-Man has posed:
    A small data display might be visible if only for a sliver of a moment as Spider-Man touches a fingertip to the inside of his wrist, casually sending out the alert for authorities to come by and take custody. As proof of the speed of his efforts they both might well hear the distant whine of a siren keying up, the red and blue lights visible off in the distance flashing against the sides of several tall buildings.
    Turning away from those that have been captured, the wall-crawler looks levelly at Snake-Eyes, though again those eyelets whir with a faint mechanical sound.
    "Hey, I just saw them trying to break into the Brickskeller down the way, I showed up. And they beat feet. So..."
    A beat, "I chased them. No idea why they flipped out."
    But it's the menace question that makes him crinkle his nose behind the mask. With a light thip-thap he hops upward to perch back on the round side of the rooftop water tower. "Seriously? Man, I've been doing this for years and still get the menace thing. I need a PR agent. For reals." Not exactly an answer, but a kind of one.

Snake Eyes has posed:
"Ninjas flip out," the mechanical voice comes from the tablet on Snake Eyes' arm. Then he seems to chuckle silently at the bad joke. He gets more serious, possibly, going back to tapping the touchscreen, "I'm Snake. Good to meet you. Thank you for helping catch these guys. Going to find out what they know, ninjas are rare, usually." His hand then reaches up to touch where his mask covers an ear. Then he nods his head, giving the brightly colored vigilante another thumbs up. Some more typing, "You want kept in loop on bad guys? Don't know if you're proactive in addition to reactive."

Spider-Man has posed:
    Not exactly one to trust on a first meeting, Spider-Man crawls a little further up the water tower and perches there just on the bottoms of his feet, crouched there like some red and blue gargoyle. "I sort of have my own thing." He lightly gestures to the side of his head, then looks at the scattered blades, and the poor guy's hand. He tilts his head back.
    "You um, might want to get that on ice for the guy. I mean, he might be more talkative if he had both hands."
    That said he straightens up, "You got this covered? Since I'm going to mosey before the cops show up."

Snake Eyes has posed:
When asked if he's got it, Snake nods his head, then glances at the severed hand for a moment. The ninja commando then turns back to Spider-Man, does some typing on his tablet to cause it to say, "Will have EMS bring cooler. Partner in contact now." Then he rather seriously nods towards the hero and waves at him. His head tilts to listen to how close the sirens appear to be before he goes to the one handed guy and pulls a first aid kit from the small of his back. He'll do what he can in the short term.