11738/Back in Black

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Back in Black
Date of Scene: 11 September 2017
Location: New York City, Manhattan
Synopsis: Black Cat crosses paths with Snake Eyes and picks up a side job for her trouble (OOC Note: Working on cleaning this up. Had a code issue.)
Cast of Characters: Black Cat, Snake Eyes

nake Eyes There's a lot to do in Manhattan, even late at night. Catch a show. Grab some grub. Visit Times Square. Snake Eyes is doing none of these things. He's on a stakeout, watching a penthouse apartment whose owner is suspected of smuggling all manner of items into the city. Weapons, drugs, electronics, gems and valuable antiques have been traced back to him but nothing has been able to stick. The penthouse is pretty fancy with lots of windows all around it, the latest in high tech security, super nice furniture and a bunch of armed guards. There's even a balcony with a heated infinity pool on it.

Equipped with a laser microphone, spotting scope and various other surveillance equipment Snake is prepared to wait for hours for signs that his target is doing something illegal at his residence or storing some of his wares there. The dark clad man is nearly invisible in the night, knowing how to remain undetected is one of Snake's greatest skill. Despite being alone he's not without assistance. His partner, Dial-Tone, is in a van not far away. She communicates with him via an ear piece, "Alright, Snake. I can't hack into his security cameras because they're on a closed network. Being monitored from inside the apartment. The security alarm is hooked to a landline with a cellular backup." Black Cat It's been a while since Felicia Hardy was in New York, having embarked upon a little tour of Europe. And Asia. A girl's gotta tend to her collection of priceless art and rare antiquities, right? It's been a similarly long while since any burglaries turned up with the Black Cat's signature daring.

Coincidence? Sure it is.

So tonight, Felicia is celebrating her return, and it's no coincidence that the Black Cat is doing the same. It IS a coincidence that while Snake is watching a certain penthouse apartment, there is activity along the same line of sight just a single building over. And while he watches, the black-clad blonde burglar casually climbs up through a skylight and flips out onto the roof. Snake Eyes Well, that's an unexpected development. Having expected a nice, quiet night Snake Eyes is surprised to see a world class cat burglar suddenly appear. "Snake, who the hell is that?" Dial-Tone asks him over their comms. "I've got the mic and a camera recording the penthouse if you want to have a chat with her. Ask her to search for guns and drugs if she's going to hit our guy's place and show them to camera so we can call in a team to bust him."

Tapping on the little tablet mounted to his forearm, the ninja sends one word: 'Roger'. Then he starts to move. Against the darkness the black clad commando is difficult to see, but he's not trying particularly hard to avoid the notice of the cat burglar. Moving swiftly towards her he nimbly bypasses or leaps over any rooftop obstacles, trying to meet up with her. Black Cat In the time it takes for Snake and Dial-Tone to have their exchange, Black Cat gets her bearings and starts towards the edge of the roof she's on. And that's when she spots the ninja in black working parkour over the intervening obstacles to approach her.

Most thieves would flee under such circumstances, but Black Cat isn't like most thieves.

She smiles, planting hands on hips and taking a jaunty stance. Her black suit is significantly more risque than his, but that may have as much to do with the contents as the wrapper.

"You're a new one on the hero-front." she offers, once he's close enough. Snake Eyes As Black Cat greets him Snake Eyes takes a bow, seeming friendly enough. Despite bristling in weaponry he's not putting his hands near any of it, preferring instead to reach over and touch his forearm tablet. Eventually it speaks in a robotic voice, "I am Snake. I come in peace. Hopefully you are going to rob that penthouse." He points before typing again, fingers flying over the touch screen to make the robot speak again, "If not, it's okay. Dangerous place. So many scary, illegally imported emeralds possibly inside walk in safe. Along with other stuff I need to ascertain is present." Black Cat Black Cat's stance doesn't shift, but her gaze does. "Snake?" At least he's not another form of Spider. "I'm Black Cat, while we're comparing spirit animals." she replies. Then he makes his pitch and the double-diamond mask shifts as she lifts a brow. Full lips curl into a wry smile, then. "And Snake, that is probably the -worst- pitch I've heard in a long time..." she begins. And if he's even halfway good at reading people he knows that he's got her hooked already.

The blonde takes a couple steps in the direction of the penthouse in question. "Supposing I -am- in the mood to take a little look inside? You looking for anything specific?" Snake Eyes The ninja inclines his head towards the burglar when she gives him her handle. Underneath his mask he's probably smiling as well, but it's quite difficult to tell. His hand darts to his tablet again until it reads off, "Illegal guns. Explosives. Drugs work, too. I would go in, but got to play by rules. Need more evidence of bad guy stuff." That little remark gets him to chuckle silently. Then he turns his tablet to face her, making it show what his camera shows, things like the locations of the guards and their movement. He points out one of the rooms and then mimics entering the combination on safe with his free hand. Black Cat "And while we're at it, for a guy who comes in peace you're carrying enough weapons to arm a small country." Black Cat laughs, then. "I knew it! I didn't think that you really *needed* me to break in. You're one of those people with a burdensome moral code." She makes it sound like an accusation, even. "Sure, I'll take a look around for you." She steps up closer to look at the table, the guards, and the images.

Then she takes a couple steps off of the roof and out into space, lingering just long enough to let fly a grappling hook on her way to the penthouse. Snake Eyes When the weapons are brought up Snake does his silent laughter thing again, then shrugs his shoulders. And on the subject of a moral code? Yeah, he nods his head in the affirmative. Can't be helped. As she heads for the penthouse he hustles to return to his position watching the apartment. "Tell me you got her number, Snake Eyes," Dial-Tone says to her partner over the radio. "Because I'm going to be so disappointed in you if you didn't hit on that lady."