11666/The Vigilant and the Criminal

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The Vigilant and the Criminal
Date of Scene: 25 June 2020
Location: Abandoned Warehouse, West Side, Burnley
Synopsis: Routine surveillance on some smugglers reveals they are bad guys! Andre Jackson and Snake Eyes have a team up!
Cast of Characters: Snake Eyes, Andre Jackson

Snake Eyes has posed:
The night is dark. The abandoned warehouse in the Burnley section of Gotham is almost pitch black. Until the smugglers arrive with their two black panel vans. The vehicles' lights illuminate the inside of the warehouse as the crooks unload a duffle bag from the back of one of them, shining a flashlight so they can look into it to see what it holds. Drugs. Lots of drugs.

From the rafters Snake Eyes is watching this all going down. He's got a camera to transmit everything in high definition night vision back to his tactical operations center. The drugs aren't what he's looking for, though, so beneath his ninja mask he frowns.

Dial-Tone, his handler, alerts him through an ear piece, "Alright, Snake. Get the hell out of there. Police are being alerted. They'll grab a warrant and go in and bust some heads."

Snake touches a tablet mounted to his left forearm a few times to send back a text reply, 'Roger. Exfiltration time.' Something keeps him just a moment longer, however, perhaps a feeling at the edge of his senses...

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Dre was out tonight, he had seen an upsurge of drug dealers around the neighborhoods near the Hugo Building. The kids have been coming back telling him and the staff this. He was grateful for this, because with all the work the Rec Center has been doing with the kids, and letting them know they are there to help. Dre didn't like hearing how some of the Juniors and some Senior High School kids were jumped and pushed to push some weight to other neighborhoods.

    Dre had to move carefully and soon he was able to take down some of those drug dealers, but he needed to find out where this shit was coming from. Having gotten word about some weight was coming in tonight. He found the warehouse, he was going in on this alone. He didn't know many heroes, he hadn't seen Caitlin in forever, he sighed and figures that he isn't worth it. Hell he's not been succesful in trying to find Batman, so guess what here he is on his own. Cammy and Chun-Li had already left Gotham and New York.

    Dre is dressed in all black, he has on a bullet proof vest and some fighting gloves and a mask over his face. H ecouldn't afford for these assholes to see his face. He is able to get inside through oen of the back doors, he doesnt look up and he moves through the darkend areas for now until he is able to see the black vans.

Snake Eyes has posed:
Before he manages to depart Snake Eyes picks up someone else entering the warehouse and freezes to avoid notice. He slowly turns his head so that he can see the newcomer and studies them. Vest. Mask. Gloves. Vigilante of some kind or rival criminal? He scans the area again, realizing this guy is by himself. This is something worth studying further.

The criminals on the floor pull out cell phones and start messing with them. Probably sending out word to their contacts as to where they can pick up their drugs. Then they begin chatting with each other, "You think this stuff will move as fast as it did last time?" The other replies, "Even faster. I got buyers lined up around the block." He lifts his phone as if they could somehow tell he accurately reporting based on a look at the device. Another dude says, "My guys should be here in ten, maybe less." All in all it's possible to determine that there's an even half dozen guys.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Dre has his phone out and he is recording what's going on, he wants to make sure that he has this al on camera. If there are license plates, he will record that as well. His phones ringer is off and anything. He's been doing this for a bit, but if Snake Eyes see him, he's not doing a good job. Still Dre moves in closer, making sure he gets the faces of the people.

    After a few moments, he puts his phone away. He checks around to see how many people are here. Dre is getting ready to make his move, he stretches his hands and rolls his wrist, it's about time to take on these guys.

Snake Eyes has posed:
The ninja in the shadows cast by the ceiling continues his surveillance. He taps quietly on his tablet, 'Still in position. Possible vigilante. Gonna help him.'

On his earpiece Dial-Tone says, "Aren't you already in trouble for shooting that anti-mutant guy that pulled a gun on you? Now you're going to help Batman?"

'Not Batman,' Snake types back. 'Don't know who. Looks unarmed. I'll try to leave crooks alive for cops.'

It's clear that the bad guys aren't expecting trouble, based on how they communicate with one another. "Yeah, I tell you what, once we move this crap we'll head to the club, hit the VIP table, spend some of our profits and maybe meet some women. It'll be a good night."

Another replies, "Yeah. Good idea. Lets flaunt the fact we just a hundred grand worth of drugs in a town where the crime lords are psychos with armies in matching get ups."

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Dre hears the men talking about the drugs and he how much money they are worth. With that, Dre moves fast, his steps make noise as he rushes towards the first guy he encounters and he slides along the ground and he kicks out the mans legs dropping him to the ground, he spins and throws a punch into the mans face knocking him out and kicking his weapon away.

    He quickly moves on towards the next person, trying to captalize on his skills and in catching the drug dealers off guard, "Sorry, you ain't selling this shit on my streets, and no I'm not fucking Batman!" he calls out as he lunges forward leaping in towards the one man who was last speaking, throwing a knee into his soloplexus, knocking the wind out of the man but he drops down and rolls as one of the enforcers fires a gun at him, missing Dre.

Snake Eyes has posed:
Once Dre makes his move and the guns come out Snake Eyes decides to enter the fray himself. The vigilante seems to want the drugs off the street and that's as good a reason as any to make sure he keeps breathing. Out of the darkness the ninja launches his attack, dropping from the heights to land on one of the villains before springing off of them to leap at another, delivering a flying knee to the face. The dark clad soldier is almost a blur as he works, capitalizing on the element of surprise and the distraction provided by the mysterious vigilante.

The baddies, the couple that remain standing, have their guns out now and are trying to take aim, their flashlights' beams moving rapidly around the warehouse to try to catch their attackers in the light so that they can line up a shot.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Dre didn't see the mysterious figure until some of the other baddies start dropping. He's not attacking Dre so it was all good. Dre sees one of the baddies with his back to him, that's the only opening he needed. Rushing towards the man, who suddenly turns around and fires at Dre hitting him twice in the chest sending Dre stumbling backwards and landing hard. This is why you wear a bullet proof vest. This shit hurts like hell and he didn't like it. He's breathing and isn't able to get up. Luckily this is a police issued vest, but the bad guys don't know it.

Snake Eyes has posed:
One of the two remaining enforcers catches Snake Eyes in his flashlight beam for a moment and snaps off a shot that strikes something in the darkness and ricochets around. He doesn't get the chance to pop off another before his enemy seemingly materializes out of the darkness to deliver a palm strike to the chin that rocks dude's head back and lays him out.

When the other gun goes off Snake Eyes spins around rapidly to assess the situation. Vigilante's down, bad guy's still up. Not for long. As the shooter tries to take out the ninja Snake Eyes moves, letting the man waste ammo trying to keep up with him. Ending up on the other side of the van the commando places his hands on the vehicle's roof and flips his body upwards, rolling across the top of the automobile, sliding down the windshield and striking out with a kick to the head that drops the drug smuggler.

Checking briefly to make sure the opposing force isn't moving, Snake makes a bee line for the vigilante, looking closely to see if he's okay.