11556/Boom Baby, Boom, Boom, Boom!

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Boom Baby, Boom, Boom, Boom!
Date of Scene: 26 May 2020
Location: JFK International Airport
Synopsis: Voodoo fights a magic rock monster. Blackout helps. And gets her sword back.
Cast of Characters: Voodoo, Blackout

Voodoo has posed:
Great. There goes her peaceful night. Voodoo's in jeans and a half shirt. She does though have her sword and blaster, because no, don't think the mixed race woman is easy or eager thanks, here, get blasted with two tons of force. Enjoy a free slap in the face and a blast into the nearby building...and that's if Priss doesn't much want to scar their brains for life. Still, Priss is sneaking her way up to get herself a good vantage point. All she needs is a great vantage point and, hey,..that's what she's heading towards. See. Tonight started with her all but punching out of work early at six, because...reasons, and now...

Now she's up to her neck in what the actual hell just blew up over there?

So, she gets wings for gliding. Alright, fine. She'll glide five miles or so/ Thanks, Demonite heritage. Thanks. Bout time her wings came in handy

Blackout has posed:
    In the distance, on a small muddy, swampy island just southwest of JFK, there is a vortex of swirling red and green magic. Like flames, but not visible to the normal human eyes. It gives off a radiant light that only users of magic can observe. It seems to be quickly diminishing and will be down to nothing in a matter of moments. Airplanes continue to take off and land from that area. Undisturbed - for now.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss is heading right /there/ and shakes her head. Sword? yes. Blaster? Yes. Oh, she's so ready to teach this vortex thing a lesson for ruining her night. Fine. Swampy, muddy island, fine, you got it coming!

Priss shakes her head and groans as she glides nearer and nearer. Just what is that thing? And more to the point...yeah, she's got a bad feeling on this.

Blackout has posed:
    Crossing William's Bay, she draws closer to the cause of the disturbance. Even though the magical light has faded, she'd able to see something on the marsh island. It looks like a reddish rock with large eyes flailing its arms above its head. Angry, disturbed, and annoyed. The creature uproots a tree. https://tinyurl.com/yakag3zj

Voodoo has posed:
Priss glances to that thing andd reaches for her sword. If it's got a brain, sure, why not blast it from a distance first. Then, huh, why not use her trickks then...sure, use her tricks then, though she's gliding...with her sword, blaster and mind tricks.

Blackout has posed:
    The creature stands just over 7 feet in height. It possesses very bulky, rocky hide for skin. The eyes are bulbous white and gaze outward. The mouth is devoid of teeth. However, it's pretty clear that it doesn't need teeth to crush whatever may slip inside the maw. The inside of the creature's mouth is also rockish. The creature roars. It spots Priss' approach, and throws the tree at her with amazingly incredible force.

Voodoo has posed:
Oh come on. Does that thing have a brain or is it more brain dead than Grifter first thing on a Monday? Priss ducks and starts trying to probe if that thing even has a brain. If not, she's got her blaster. Else, fine, she'll go all Kherubim sword on it. It can slice through things. The blaster though...that's a good idea too. Thinkiing on it. Why didn't Voodoo bring a geologist with her?

Blackout has posed:
    There may be a brain in that giant bulbous head. Or, maybe it's nothing more than a rock monster. It doesn't think for thinking sake. It just acts. There may be a glimmer of thought. But if that thought is a real thought, it's confusion, anger, hunger. It rips another tree out of the bog.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss isn't happy with this. There's a lot of Creole insults hurled at it, as she focuses her psionic blast, and....decides okay, fine. Fine. Priss is absolutely determined now to murder this thing, if only to protect herself from flying trees...mostly because getting trees hurled at her is a bad idea. It ruins her looks. Sheesh. Mean rock monster...

So Priss gathers up her psionic energy and aims it in a blast, that's lice acid over a brain. If that thing has a brain, as Priss lands on the island with a splat. Thanks, swampy mud...

Blackout has posed:
    It has rocks in its head. The attack fails for all intents and purposes. It throws another tree at Priss.

    Appearing a few yards to her right is a man dressed in all black. He stares at her through an opaque mask. He says, "Hey Lady, what's going on here? What are you doing?" His posture is casual. But then all of a sudden the tree is flung past him. He didn't even see the tree a moment ago. He steps back and lets out a "Whoa!"

Voodoo has posed:
Okay, plan B...slash away at the thing with the sword. Kherubim swords can cut through things, really...as Priss glances to the man. "Deaaling with that pile of stones" she says looking unimpressed by the rock monster thing...as she draws her Kherubim sword and narrows her gaze on that...thing

Blackout has posed:
    The man in black looks in the general direction she indicates, "Pile of stones?!?" he calls out, curious. Then states, "There's nothing there." - As he cannot see magic nor this particular magical being.

    The rock monster creature thingy begins charging toward Priss. Quickly closing the distance between the two of them and will reach down to grab at her, intent on grabbing her around the waist with its massive left hand.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss is going on instinct bringing the sword up to defend herself and pick a fight with the magic....thing, pile of stones as she does her best to dance away, watching. She's got her blaster that can give two tons of force, sure, but Priss wants to sort this out and kill this thing....sooner the better

Blackout has posed:
    The sword will pierce the rock of the rock monster's hand. But it only serves to get caught in the creature's hand - what's worse, the creature doesn't seem phased by the attack and continues to reach. If Voodoo wishes to release the sword to get away, she can easily avoid the grab. If not, grabbing will be pretty easy. And only made worse when the handle of the sword is pushed into her side with the gripping.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss isn't exactly okay with the sword trying to kill her. Nope, nope. Just...no. Okay fine, let go of the sword and use her blaster, fine. Dance away, draw her blaster and shoot the thing...see. Shoot that thing and get her sword back. It's kinda needed...yeah that sword was given to her by the Coda. Which is not okay with her at all. Nope, just nope...

Blackout has posed:
    Blasting the creature with the blaster of blasting sends it stumbling backward.

    The man in black has remained motionless for the past few seconds watching the events unfold in front of him. He sees a woman fighting an invisible foe. But the sword is a dead giveaway of the creature's location. It flails around in the air as if it has a mind of its own.

     When she draws her blaster and blasts, the man in black causes a large portal to open behind where he thinks the creature is going to be.

    She will see the creature fall into a dark void.

    The man in black will see the sword fall into a darkforce portal.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss is....not happy about that. That's an understatement. "That sword is important to me. I'd like it back" she says. It's an annoyed voice, sure, but. But she's not a happy camper in the least. Coda sword. Who cares about the magic rock monster. The sword's way more important...it's not even in question as Priss watches the guy in black. "Okay who are you?" she asks.

Blackout has posed:
    "Oh damn." the man in black mutters as the portal lingers open. "You sure? I mean... it's in a monster, right? An invisible monster that I can't see." He queries as he starts to walk over to the angled portal where the creature was dropped through. "I guess I could coat the thing in darkforce to see it. If it's real."

Voodoo has posed:
"Yes. It's real. It's etherial, my sword is not. My sword is stuck in that thing, so just kill it around the sword?" she offers hopefully, suddenly glad of the assistance. Because, hey. Unexpected allies are good allies.