11550/A Meetup of Minds

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A Meetup of Minds
Date of Scene: 25 May 2020
Location: East Harlem, Manhattan
Synopsis: One less 'problem'
Cast of Characters: Zeitgeist (Julius), Voodoo

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
An alleyway in East Harlem is sadly the last thing seen by some, and a fellow is currently hanging out in one of them. Zeitgeist is currently standing above the alleyway, he doesn't need to peer down at the fellow. The man below radiates his thoughts well enough. He gets an image of a woman begging for her life... a bit of telepathic static that brought him here. The man below is the last thing seen in this vision of a past event in this alleyway. Time to clean this place of such a fellow.

Voodoo has posed:
Making her way down the alley, below Zeitgeist is Voodoo. She's in costume (it's a long story, something something laundromat something something ate her jeans and spat out her phone then ground to a halt with the subway cash in her pocket). Point is. She's in costume and looking for trouble. She helps the oft forgotten bits of society. Like here. East Harlem. It's not her usual turf, that'd be New Utrecht, because....she lives there. But she picks up on the thoughts and mentally nudges the guy's mind. Oh this is going to suck for any telepaths in the area....or city. Or nearby states depending on how loud Voodoo is psychically. She's digging at thoughts and twining them togehter, and also not really caring about if she leaves the guy needing to relearn how to drool or use a fork and not shove it up his nose...

Priss has litle time for those who hurt others. They are just a source of info and a pest Priss likes to make go splat.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist was at the moment watching the playback of the incident that occurred in this alleyway last night before he was rudely hit in the head with a mallet called 'Voodoo'. The lady's probing causes a vicious feedback loop. He steadies his head, apparently someone else whose abilities includes reading thoughts has entered the frey. He slips down the nearby staircase which will lead him to the alleyway eventually. Hopefully, whoever gave him this migraine isn't his enemy and perhaps has the same goals as him.. the make sure the fellow in the alleyway doesn't hurt anyone 'ever' again.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss is...thankfully, done probing. Admittedly she just needs to be a walking aspirin dispenser too it seems. On the other hand, she didn't even try to blast anyone with her psionic powers. Which is a plus for her...even though Priss isn't in the best of moods herself. She looks up. Really, who does that in this city....and groans. Great. Somebody else was watching. Okay okay, add one more to the aspirin count.

She looks back to the guy radiating his thoughts in the alley. She could deal with him now, or...nah. She'll invite the guy up there to come interrrogate him.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist picks up on everything, advantange of a walking reader and disadvantage when someone like Voodoo is around. Zeitgeist gets into the alleyway without much fanfare. o O (Hello) a thought is inserted into the man's head in the alleyway, a voice speaking to him from the opposite door way that Zeitgeist enteres from. "What?" the man says to the empty doorway.

    Zeitgeist is already behind the man, "Hello John, I know what you did."

Voodoo has posed:
Voodoo picks up on the empathy and narrows her gaze watching both of them, bothh in her crossshairs so to speak. Oh she knows what this John guy did. But this other guy?

Priss could mess with his mind. Insteadn no...

"Who the hell are you?" she asks. Priss is keyed up on John's fear that's gone to pant-crapping terror. Admittedly, at this point, leaving him needing therapy is too good for him.....so Priss shakes her head. She could say more but...when she's a powerful telepath, use what she's got.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
John is overloaded as he backs into a corner and fearfully goes almost into a ball, "I had to do it. I..." he indeed does piss his pants as he goes nearly comatose from the overloading of his brain by the telepath.

    Zeitgeist looks over to Voodoo, the man's abilities are easily blocked by whatever shielding Voodoo might have, if she's indeed got any mental defenses at all. Zeitgeist has little in the way defenses, but he leaks the thoughts of the city mixed with some thoughts of his own. "Apparently, someone similar to you and not. I'm what the city makes me. In this case, I was avenging a slain woman's last thought."

A glance to John and then back to Voodoo, "But I think you know that..."

Voodoo has posed:
Voodoo nods looking at where John was, the smell of pissed pants...ew.

"Is he the one behind the slain woman?" Voodoo asks. "If not, we need to find who is responsible. If he's responsible...then he needs dealing with" Voodoo says. Behind her mask, Voodoo's got her lips set, arms folded as she waits, listening.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
"He is." he states, he approaches the man in the corner, who attempts to cram himself further in a corner, Zeitgeist reaches down and grabs the fellow by the collar and lifts him up, sliding him up the wall as if he was lifting a child, Latent mental residues of other victims roll up his arm. The visions of the last images of a half a dozen woman fill his mind... and his vision goes red, "You sick little bastard.." he loses any pretense now, his mind being overridden by the fear and trapped feelings of the other man's victims.

    He looks to the woman in the alleyway, "You want first crack at him first, or did you want me to." He one-hand tosses the man onto the ground between the two. The rapist-murderer had met the wrong two people, if he only had bumped into Batman or Spiderman, he might have lived to see the end of this night.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss smiles. "You can, but let me do something first..." she says. Her voice is brutally cold. Oh. She's got a treat in mind for this sick fuck. Oh, yes...

Concentrating, Priss locks her eyes on John. Mental illusions are a bitch. Especially when itt's of people coming to help finish John off. Well. People...no, no. Try his victims turning the tables. Of course, it's all illusions but...Voodoo feels like killing him would be too easy. She wants him to suffer....

"I'm making him see things that aren't there" Priss explains casually. "It's just us and poor, poor John should hopefully be seeing things now..."

Oh indeed. If Voodoo's mental illusions are working how she wants, that is...

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist cross his arms, the lady radiates similar disgust for the guy as he does, when his victims start to appear out of the dark corners of the alleyway, "You killed me." says each of the six 'ghosts'.

    Each one of them leering at the man approaching him, they begin to surround the man, John. They may be illusions but they certainly are real to him.
    Zeitgeist watches the scene through the man's eyes... the illusions give him a little smirk within the mask, whoever this lady is.. she certain puts up a good performance.

Voodoo has posed:
Oh, the show's not done yet. Admittedly her costume kind of means she can't do the whole fangs and claws thing. Nah. She just goes claws on both her hands, or, yeah, fingers and thumbs. Watching John, Voodoo advances on him too, a slow, measured gait and a hiss as her claws slash through the air. Oh she's going for theatrics. Only fitting for a dancer. She's....yes, dancing her way over, a deadly claws out dance.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist allows the woman room to work, he steels himself for the feedback from the pain that is about to be inflicted, the problem with being a wide open telepathic conduit to the city is that even those he wants to hurt will cause him a bit of pain as well. The visions of his victims however indeed easily make the decision to stand there watch the option he prefers over any other.

Voodoo has posed:
Claws don't actually rend flesh. More the stone and brickwork...though one set of claws clamps to the top of John's head. The other? That slashes quickly over his shoulders. It's not a case of plunge claws in. More a light gash and then she steps back and surveys the damage. Ah, he'll live. "Have at him" Voodoo says, her claws shifting back to fingers then looking to Zeitgiest

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist approachs John... he debates torturing the fellow but....he'll resolve this quickly as he unsheathes a sword from his back and plunges it into his chest, pinning him to the ground briefly before withdrawing the blade... a cursory glance at the woman as the man bleeds out, "Nice meeting you... Perhaps we can meet again under different circumstances." A glance back to the dying man, "Good night John."