11537/Day at the park

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Day at the park
Date of Scene: 23 May 2020
Location: Columbus Park - Chinatown
Synopsis: Duncan met up with Voodoo after she had a bad day at work. The two just sat and visited for a time.
Cast of Characters: Duncan MacLeod, Voodoo

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     There are a lot of people in the park and they are doing different things. There are some people doing Tai Chi just inside the entryway. Duncan is training with them, seeming to take to the form pretty well, but clearly a student and not the teacher fro this one.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss is here, hands in her pockets as she strolls the park. Work was if anyything, a pain in the butt, she got treated like a slab of meat dancing and she was ready to fight folks. It didn't come to that, but cheap beer and horny guys...yeah. Not a good mix, but Priss is here to clear her head.

"Modern art, tai chihi" she mutters to herself. Thankfuly her work clothes have been thrown in her hotel room, ahd she took a cab down here to get away from it all.

So, Priss is not a happy bunny, and she's quietly wanting to just find a quiet spot, sit, and think. And join in the class, but....she likes not being locked up thanks.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     Moving through the slow techniques, Duncan is caught up in what he is doing. However, others don't have 400+ years of practice ignoring all around you when needed. Eventually it becomes obvious that others around him are looking somewhere so what can he do?

     It's hard to miss Priss is beautiful, but he doesn't quite leer like the others in the area might. Still, he marks her presence and offers a wave. A motion to join in if she likes, Tai Chi practitioners are always up for new students it seems.

Voodoo has posed:
To join or not to join....good question. Stepping over Priss watches for a moment and picks a spot to sit and just observe things. She stretches her legs out and watches the class, following along from sitting as she looks pleased and thoughtful for a moment.

"I wonder" she says, "I wonder if that'd help me at work"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     There is a shrug and Duncan goes back to the practice once the teacher and other students wipe their chins and start working again. It's not that he doesn't find her pretty, he's just considerably more restrained. The movements follow one into another and finally it draws to a close.

     Everyone moves into an attention stance and and then they break up from that to go about their day. Most of them leave, but a few stick around to go through it again. Duncan, for his part, decides he's had enough for one day. He reaches for a towel on the ground and dries his face a little. Ahh yes, the pretty one. He considers walking on, but for some reason he thinks better of it and approaches,"You were welcome to join us."

Voodoo has posed:
Priss smiles, actually smiles. "Nah, I'm good. I do similiar things at work and had a rough shift soo, I figured I'd watch" she says with her voice not having any particular accent, though the sultry mezzosoprano voice is aimed to Duncan.

"You were doing good in that class. Not seen you around thee city before" she adds, coiling her legs under her in case Duncan wants to come join her.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     He considers you and your words and smiles a hint,"A dancer then." There is no accusation nor does he say anything other than dancer. Maybe he just assumes dancer on a wide spectrum. He notes you move your lege, maybe caught by surprised by your voice.

     Another time he might have passed the opportunity to sit and talk, but today he decides to take a seat,"I have had a lot of practice in a great many different styles of Tai Chi." he admits,"This one is new, but the basic fundamentals are the same or at least similar." The comment about the city gets a shake of his head,"I am just in town for a few weeks. I'm from Vancouver. I'm here to look at some antiques for buying and selling a few."

Voodoo has posed:
"Indeed, a dancer. There's a lot of overlap with things like that class and dancing or martial arts" Priss nods. "All about how you move your body" she adds shifting over a bit to get comfortable and give him space to sit. Okay. Antiques huh?

"You buy and sell antiques?" she drawls looking amused. "Okay, you got anything interesting?"

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     "I buy and sell antiques yes." he replies, amused at your amusement it seems. Once he settles down to talk he admits,"I have a few interesting things, but nothing with me. I left them at my hotel room in a safe." he explains. Probably the hotel isn'r too far away.

     He considers you for a time and nods,"Dancing and martial are are intertwined for sure. I have never had the time to study it, but I have watched Cappowara (sp) displays. I'm afraid that might be a little bit much for me." He does, of course, have that Scottish accent that never goes away when he speaks.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss quirks a brow. Given what she is, Priss has seen some amazing things. Nodding she smiles listening.

"Yeah there's a lot of overlap, you're right" she nods. "So, hm....you're Scottish by your accent?" she asks, looking pleased.

"I can handle myself in a fight" Priss says. Well...yeah given she's been trained by the Coda assassins...true.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     There is a smile, an actual smile this time and he nods,"I was born in Scotland yes. It has been a long time since I was there." He shrugs and adds,"Certain parts of home follow you wherever you go."

     Considering you a moment before he speaks again he adds,"It's a good thing. Being able to handle yourself in a fight is a plus in this day and age,"Certain dancers are better served to be able to as well." he adds with a wink.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss nods, "Yeah dancing and fighting go hand in hand. You ever want to go back home?" Priss adds after a moment's pause...yeah like she can't go home, what with her problems with the law and so forth. Looking over the park then back to Duncan, Priss cracks a smile. "I'm just picturing you like...who was that guy. William Wallace" she giggles and looks entirely too entertained by that idea

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     Shaking his head he replies,"Scotland will always be home, but eventually you move on from home. I have been there since my departure, but I have no real draw back to there right now."

     There is a half grin that touches his features again and he replies,"William Wallace was...quite the character." The strange thing about it is he almost sounds like he knows what he speaks in regards to Wallace's character, though the stories are all glorious and Scottish children are probably raised on them,"I can't say I've ever flipped a kilt at an enemy and provide them...well you get the idea."

Voodoo has posed:
Priss looks amused as she gets up to leave, her phone buzzing. "I'm Priss, so are you something McHaggis Kilttartan?" she smiles, oh she's teasing, but....given her boss needs her to go pick up another dancer, she's got places to be.

Duncan MacLeod has posed:
     "Duncan MacLeod." he replies when you introduce yourself. He rises when you get up to leave,"It was nice to meet you. Come back sometime and join us." he offers, indicating where the class had been.