11498/Invasive Species
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Invasive Species | |
Date of Scene: | 17 May 2020 |
Location: | South Channel Island, Nantwich |
Synopsis: | Flex wanders onto a strange island and helps an unlikely 'innocent.' |
Cast of Characters: | Poison Ivy, Flex
- Poison Ivy has posed:
It's a clear, warm morning on the island, and island that was once o rerun with all sorts of runners, hikers, picnickers...Even hunters...Argh, hunters are the worst, they dint care about her precious plants, they just want to kill their game, even if her poor precious trees are damaged. in the process.
These days, most people know to stay away from this beautiful yet deadly overgrown Amazonian wilderness. But there are those who are new to Gotham, who are drawn to the lush green landscape rife with wild animals and juicy berries.
This truly is a paradise..A deadly one at that.
- Flex has posed:
Flex was trying Kayaking, but not quite the way most people would do it, he was trying turning his legs into something resembling a small boat and his hands into paddles. He was having trouble with forming such a complex shape and keeping the edges fused though. He stopped at this island to dry out. He frowns at the salt stains on his costume, hopefully he will get the one Johnny promised him made of Unstable Molecules soon. The one stretches pretty well, but does not really transform with him.
- Poison Ivy has posed:
Flex's presence doesn't not go unknown. Every living thing in the is,and is her soy, though no one would know just looking at it. This place is very green, very alive though, and as he steps ashore, the very grass rustles softly at his feet, a gentle breeze ruffling through the trees.
Somewhere, a chorus of birds erupt into colorful song and there's movement in the brush, the flash of a white tailed deer rushing past. But there is no human life, and well cut paths are sparse.
It's like he just stepped into the Amazon.
- Flex has posed:
Adrian looks around, he pulls off a backpack and pulls out an area map and a cell phone. He tries to use the phone to GPS where he is.
- Poison Ivy has posed:
GPS and wifi doesn't work terribly well on this island with all the underbrush and the closest phone tower is probably not for several miles away, off the island. But after some time he may discover he is on South Channel Island. It used to have some minimal businesses and offices but is since overgrown in wilderness in a short amount of time.
Google maps may have brought up old, outdated maps of said offices, and now everything looks more like south channel park on a larger scale..
A sudden whisper on the wind seems to summon him, the voice feminine, sultry, silky smooth..~Come closer, dear, over here...~ it beckons in a particular direction, leading him further into the forest should he follow.
- Flex has posed:
Not being in any hurry that he knows of, he will investigate the beconing call. The lack of paths is something of a problem. Not much of one though, the trees here are healthy, he can stretch an arm...flexing the area between wrist and shoulder into a metal "blade", and grab a branch up to thirty feet away, then flex back and pull himself to it. With his powers, there are a lot of options, even though a lot of limits too.
- Poison Ivy has posed:
As Flex wanders further in, he may notice the greenery rapidly paling, the brush becoming more yellowed and sparse, the trees thinning out, heck even the bark is looking quite sickly and chewed away. Something is ravaging these trees and it shows.
The voice continues to beckon him onward, her voice gentle, cooing, silky soft, and maybe even a bit tired. ~Almost there..Just a little further..~ it won't take him long to find her, a beautiful, exotic woman with pale green skin, bright red curly hair, dressed in some sort of leafy green leotard. And she looks tired, unwell even, laying in the branches of a low tree.
Intense green we yes follow him warily, tiredly. Whatever disease is infecting these trees seems to have extended to her as well. Perhaps it's the only reason she didn't chase him away.
- Flex has posed:
Flex looks around himself with a frown. Something is not right with this place. When he comes across the woman, he says, "Good day madame, are you ill. This place seems wrong, was the island abandoned because of toxic waste dumping? That would explain a few things..."
- Poison Ivy has posed:
Poison Ivy smirks a bit, shaking her head, "Haven't you heard, sweet child? This is Ivy Island. No one comes here any more because I do not permit it.." eyes narrow in him, "Unless I wish it. And I need your help.." which would explain why she didn't throw him out or outright attack him. Yet.
"My plants are dying and it is affecting me too..Just need..Some milkweed to ease the symptoms for a little while.." she frowns, "But it is guarded by hideous creature...Dont know how it got here.."
- Flex has posed:
Flex is mildly surprised, "I would think Milkweed fairly common in these parts, though I admit that horticulture is not my forte. Shall I see if I can convince this creature to move elsewhere?" Could the creature be causing the plant deaths? Hmmm, why would the plants dying effect her? For some reason that though vanishes soon after he thinks it...
- Poison Ivy has posed:
Poison Ivy shakes her head, "This is a very rare, tropical milkweed that is hard to find, Red leaves, tiny white flowers, grows in low bushes. I think someone may be targeting me, perhaps set this while thing up.." she frowns, "Could only find a small bunch next to a large pond about a half mile south from here.
But every time I get close, a mutated...Creature tries to attack me. In my current state, I cannot defeat it.." she smiles sweetly, tilting her head towards him. "Will you help me, young man?"
- Flex has posed:
Flex inquires, "Do you need the whole plant or just a specific part? Assuming I can not get the creature to leave, I may need to get the plant or part for you and I need to know I have the right thing."
Being a mutant himself, he is unlikely to judge any other being because they are mutated. He would prefer not having to kill anything thouh.
- Poison Ivy has posed:
Poison Ivy nods, "The stems and leaves contain the milkweed. The flowers are not important. A few handfuls should do it." she sighs, "Please hurry! My plants are getting sicker.." the way she talks, it's as if they were her family or something.
- Flex has posed:
Flex heads south as quickly as possible...which given his unusual means of travel can be pretty quick. Half a mile should not take that long...though possibly the trees will not be able to support him if near the pond is the source of the blight. In that case he will resort to stretching his legs...literally. He can even make his feet different in shape if needed.
- Poison Ivy has posed:
The ponders and milkweed are nit hard to find. The weeds are actually growing in the pond so it's a bit tricky reaching them, although Flex seems to have no trouble at all with such a unique ability. There are not a lot of Milkweeds here but it's the only place on the island they can be found apparently.
However, the moment he reaches out to grab them, a low growl escapes from the shade of a nearby tree. The next moment, a massive dog ugly and deformed with a large jaw full of huge jagged teeth and a thick coat of grey brown fur bounds out towards him, attempting to barrel him over!
- Flex has posed:
Jumping on people and knocking them down is a favorite dog trick...whether they are hostile or friendly. If they are friendly, they will try to lick you, if they are hostile, they are more likely to bite you. It is a tough call, so he decides to try starting with the obvious, "Down Boy. Good dog."
If the animal is friendly, it will hopefully stop and he can feed it some beef jerky from his pack. If it is hostile, he will turn whatever part it is attacking into a metal blade (hopefully before it sinks its teeth in). If he is not fast enough, he may find out if transforming heals him...something he has wondered about.
- Poison Ivy has posed:
This dog is built like a wolf..On steroids. And doesn't look like a friendly one I. the least. It snarls, urging at him again, trying to rip his arm off..And it's a good thing that Flex is able turn his arm to bladed metal, because that's nit very tasty, and it's pretty painful too!
The dog shrieks and darts back, rolling then leaping at his face this time with those ridiculously powerful jowls, body massive and full of hard and deadly muscle.
- Flex has posed:
Flex prefers not to flex his head, and flexed his arm into a diamond-shaped metal shield to block the attack. While the dog's mouth is occupued with tha he flexes his right arm into a blade and stabs at the creature's chest. It appears he will have to destroy it.
- Poison Ivy has posed:
The creature snarls as he misses biting off his head and chomps onto more metal. With a snarl it pulls back but utters a pained shriek as Flex stabs it in the chest. Blood sputters out but it's nit quite enough to kill it! This beast is quite tough and tenacious!
It lands lightly, gracefully on its feet, snarling and circling the young man some more before jumping at him again, attempting to bowl him over.
- Flex has posed:
Likely the dog is learning by experience, it has tried this tactiv before and only been hurt, so this attack should be a bluff, an attact that will change targets at the last moment. Fortunately Flex has a bit of a bag of tricks, he extends the front and back of his feet as blades into the ground, anchoring his feet, the transfoms his legs into long stilts, lacing anything flesh out of reach and making him very hard to bowl over.
- Poison Ivy has posed:
The dog snarls and yips as he stands on stilts and crouches, gathering his powerful hind legs beneath him...Looks like he may just ne able to leap that high regardless, and it may become clear by now that this us no ordinary dog..
But just as he's about to leap, some vines sprout from the ground, wrapping around his hind legs and he snarls, kicking out at them. The thorny vines dig deeper into his legs, cutting through flesh but doing little more than scratching him..
A soft breeze rustles in the winds..~Hurry!~ she whispers..
- Flex has posed:
Flex is not very happy about it, but he points his arm-blade att the dog and forcefully shortens his legs, adding his morphin force and gravity to thee strength of his blow. It will do enough damage to drive a blade through reinfoeced concrete, or even steel...
- Poison Ivy has posed:
The dog snarls and attempts to dodge the next attack, but the vines hold it tightly in place. It lets out a startled shriek as the blade drives home, and while it's hide is tough, it's not quite tough enough to protect it. It lets out a few pained shrieks before flopping down dead.
Only when it's no longer a threat do the vines loosen and release the body..
- Flex has posed:
Flex mourns the need, and wonders if the beast is related to the damage to the local flora. If it is highly radioactive, he may have trouble later. However, he has a milkweed to harvest. He will attempt to do so with minimum damage. If he can dig up the whole thing and bring it intact he will.
- Poison Ivy has posed:
The little milkweeds seem to bow and rustle in the wind as if giving him their thanks fir not so o,y uprooting then. They're sensitive little guys and gals Afterall. And Ivy will undoubtedly be grateful for his kindness to her 'baddies.' Still the rustling in the trees grows more urgent and Ivy needs that antidote, no matter how temporary.
- Flex has posed:
Forming his hands carefuly, he carries the milkweed back to ivy as quickly as he can within the bounds of safety, he would not want to harm the precious cargo. Hurrying too much is the surest cause of mistakes.
- Poison Ivy has posed:
Poison Ivy is waiting, still resting in the branches of the large tree, and she watches him thoughtfully, expression softening at how gently he cares for her precious babies. "You did it! Bring it to me, but careful.."she extends a hand and more vines reach out to gently receive the milkweed, if he will let her take it.
- Flex has posed:
Flex complies, and says, "I sorrow that I had to kill the dog, but I saw no other way. I hope the body is not hazardous."
- Poison Ivy has posed:
Poison Ivy arches a brow, "Do not worry yourself with that, it was necessary..That creature was nit natural, but I doubt it was the only one..I must find out who sent it and if there are more. But for now.."
She grabs the milkweed and gently squeezes the stem, releasing the bitter, milky juice in side, which is undoubtedly poisonous to humans, but then she is hardly human..Ivy gently squeezes it in her mouth and seems a bit stronger.
"You have done well..What is your name?"
- Flex has posed:
Flex responds, "When I am in this costume, they call me Flex." Not revealing your identity is more reflex than thought, something drummed in by Department H since his powers first manifest, though it is strange because he shows his face in his costume. Likely they have ways of making sure his face does not appear in the news.
- Poison Ivy has posed:
Poison Ivy nods, "Thank you, Flex. Please, would you replant my precious Milkweed.." she hands it to her vine which brings it back to flex. "I should be able to use that to make a salve to temporarily heal the burns to my children, until my...Assistant can acquire much needed ingredients.."
- Flex has posed:
Flex returns the Milkweed as closely as possible to its original location and takes one of the bridges off the island...they may not be passable for most but he has ways. It was an interesting day...